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Dewa Ruci: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni Vol 7, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2897.943 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/dewaruci.v7i1.969


The article is the result of the research entitled “The optimalization of tourism in Sukuh and Ceto areas, Kabupaten Karanganyar by increasing the potency of traditional art as a means of creative economic development”. The research aimed at making a model for developing an integrated tourism in Sukuh and Ceto areas which could be empowered as a an effort at increasing public economy and at strengthening local culture. A two-year research was carried out to attain the goal. The results of the first stage research are as follows: many kinds of art have been identified completely and comprehensively; a plan of developing art for tourism which can have an effect on economic development of the local society has been known; the model of art created is based on the approach of art for tourism with the following characteristics: an imitation of the original, compressedor short, the primary values are put aside, full of variation, attractive, and low in price. The conception of art for tourism is developed in accordance with the condition of the local society, culture, and the environment in order to create a specific art for tourism.  The conception of art for tourism has the following characteristics. First, the art for tourism has a specific characteristic. Second, the art is specially designed considering the character of the area. Third, the art should have a contextual feature, meaning it is created by considering the natural elements, belief, customs, and local wisdom and it should not destroy the nature. Fourth, the art should pay attention to visual elements. Key words: traditional art, creative economy, art for tourism, model formulation.
Tinjauan Tentang Perkembangan Pengaruh Local Genius Dalam Seni Bangunan Sakral (Keagamaan) Di Indonesia Joko Budiwiyanto
Ornamen Vol 2, No 1 (2005)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3418.095 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v2i1.807


Cultural value-system which is formed by local genius has major influence in the development of shrine in Indonesia. To analyze the improvement, we can observe the acculturation process between Indonesian original cultures with the foreign culture. This acculturation process will constructed a new culture without dispatching the original culture. The obvious example of this process could be found through shrine’s physical characters which reflected the Indonesian cultural heritage and also the growth of Indonesian local genius. This paper will explore the development of local genius’s influence to the architecture of Indonesian’s shrine in every historical periodicity. The periodicity discussed will begin from pre-historic, ancient, madya to modern era. This paper will also discussed the prominent holy places serve also as cultural creations - of every era such as menhir, punden berundak, temple, mosque, and church along with the influential value system.Key word: Local genius, acculturation 
Rumah Tradisional Jawa Dalam Sudut Pandang Religi Joko Budiwiyanto
Ornamen Vol 10, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1178.186 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v10i1.1047


This article is the result of research on traditional Javanesehouse in a religious viewpoint.The purpose of the study wouldlike to know the value of religious construction that is built intraditional Javanese house layout.To achieve the goal be takenthrough research with qualitative research methods, data sourcesused are literature, artifacts, and informants.The analysis modelis an interactive model of analysis.The results found that the Javanesecommunity in building his house, through some kind ofconsideration,such as site selection, building materials, home establishmenttime, ceremony to build a house, division of space,direction toward, until the determination of the type of ornamentsthat have a symbolic meaning.The process of ceremony is in-1 Joko Budiwiyanto, S.Sn.,M.A. Staf Pengajar Prodi Desain Interior Jurusan DesainFSRD ISI Surakarta
Kitchen Set Pola Penataan Dan Perawatannya Pada Rumah Tinggal Joko Budiwiyanto
Ornamen Vol 3, No 2 (2006)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (814.389 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v3i2.853


Human life style being practical completely, hygienic and efficient have an effect on to room as place have activity, especially kitchen room. Present day kitchen design raced by a technological progress have succeeded to make the kitchen form look like the clinic laboratory with the electric all supply, practical, organizational and healthy consecutively. This result kitchen design tend to the people mention it with the modern kitchen term. Especial principle which must be paid attention in arranging kitchen is arranging activity sequence which is often referred with the term “ trilateral activity pattern”. This trilateral activity pattern represent the distance which must be gone through by user between sinks, stove and refrigerator, representing critical shares in the plan kitchen. Arrange the sequence work to have an effect on to model of kitchen settlement. Desainers divide the kitchen model become 5 model, that is model U, Model L, parallel of wall model, the parallel model, and kitchen of the island model. Other factor which must be paid attention in arranging kitchen is treatment factor. Take care of the kitchen require to pay attention the followings, human factor being, factor of material and equipments factor. The factors have an effect on to durabel level of kitchen. In writing this article, writer try to analyse the problems which emerge in kitchen settlement and try to look for its resolving relied only by book study.Key word: Kitchen set, tata urutan kerja, sirkulasi, model dapur, perawatan
Gaya Arsitektur Yunani Kuno dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Seni Bangunan Di Indonesia Joko Budiwiyanto
Ornamen Vol 5, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1104.28 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v5i2.909


This article represent result of bibliography study to Ancient Greek architecture style and its influence to techtonics in Indonesia. Greek Architecture represent the architecture with the characteristic of pillar. Architecture of Greek pillar is basically consisted of three style, that is Doria, Ionia and Korinthia. Ancient Greek Architecture with the characteristic of its pillar style try traced its influence to techtonics in Indonesia.Keyword: Arsitektur Yunani Kuno, Gaya Doria, Ionia, Korinthia.
Pendhapa Vol 2, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7212.523 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/pendhapa.v2i1.1171


The research on "The lnteriorDesign Transformation of a Javanese Traditional house into basichousing in Surakarta ” is a qualitative»descn'ptive research. The research was focused on interpretingthe interior design transformation of a house and their influencing factors. The location for theresearch was Surakarta and its surroundings. The source ofinformation covers written and verbalsources, artifacts, and recordings. The triangulation method of sources and review informantwere used to ï¬nd out the accuracy and reliability of the data. The data was analyzed using atechnique based on an interactive model.The research results show that a Javanese traditional house consists of the rnain house and theadditional house. The main house consists of pendapa (open pavilion-like veranda) pringgitan(section of a traditional-style house), kuncung, tratag, dalem ageng, sentong kiwa (small innerroom on the left), senthong tengen (small inner room on the right), and senthong tengah (smallinner room in the middle). The additional house consists of gandhok (wing of a house), Gadri,Pawon (kitchen) and Pekiwan (lavatory). The interior design of basic housing consists of onebedroom, one versatile room, and one bathroom. The interiordesign of Javanese traditional houseis divided based on social strata and custom while that of Basic Housing is divided based onpractical and pragmatic functions. The transformation can be traced back to the transformation ofform, function, meaning and the interior design. The interior design transformation of traditionalJavanese house into basic housing is caused by some factors such as the cultural factor comingfrom the outside (external), social condition of the society (internal practical function and theowners ï¬nancial condition.Key words: transformation, interior design, Javanese house, basic housing
PERANCANGAN FESTIVAL SENI KAMPUNG “KARANGASEM KLECO KUNCARA” Satriana Didiek Isnanta; Taufik Murtono; Joko Budiwiyanto
Abdi Seni Vol 11, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/abdiseni.v11i2.3463


Pemkot Suakarta membuat even budaya berbasis kampung (festival kampung) yang diselenggarakan di tiap-tiap Kalurahan. Ada 54 Kalurahan yang setiap bergiliran membuat festival budaya selama setahun. Tujuan even tersebut adalah pengembangan potensi seni budaya lokal yang ada di tiap kalurahan sebagai penunjang pariwisata kota Surakarta.  Diharapkan festival kampung yang diselenggarakan oleh kalurahan-kalurahan di kota Surakarta selain sebagai penunjang pariwisata, meneguhkan kota Solo sebagai kota budaya. Maka perlu kiranya untuk membuat Festival yang mampu merepresentasikan atau memunculkan kembali budaya lokal yang diharapkan dapat membangkitkan jati diri Kota Solo dalam  bentuk kemasan festival, termasuk Kalurahan Karanagsem.Mengingat hal tersebut, maka pelaksana PKM melakukan pendampingan terhadap festival kampung di Kalurahan Karangasem dengan tajuk’” Karangasem Kleco Kuncara”. Metode yang digunakan adalah Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) yang menekankan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam keseluruhan kegiatan mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi program kegiatan dan Model Community development yaitu pendekatan yang melibatkan masyarakat secara langsung sebagai subyek dan obyek pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Luaran PKM ini adalah branding festival dan KI.
Acintya Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indoensia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4738.045 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/acy.v1i1.31


This article is a part of research result about Architecture Profile of Prince’s fashion: “The Artistic Value of Interior of Dalem Wuryaningratan of Kasunanan Palace Surakarta”. The research objective is to reveal the artistic value of interior of Dalem Wuryaningratan. The research result shows that in the matter of the artistic of its interior design, dalem pangeran always oriented toward symbolic classification based on two, four, and eight. The view of classification two always manifested with kiwa-tengen, atas-bawah, or loroning-atunggal is always combined with something bigger and absolute. The view is not contrast; it is a relationship between two different things but it is harmonious. The balance controller is a point in the middle (the third point) which is absolute or God. Symmetric conception in interior element design shows the meaning of harmony. The conception is a manifestation from the meaning of balance with a purpose to reach the harmony of live, which means living harmoniously each other, living harmoniously with nature, and living harmoniously with God. The dualism conception is reflected in the room structure, door, window and colonnade/saka arrangement, and even in the structuring of furniture.
PANGGUNG Vol 33, No 2 (2023): Ideologi, Identitas, dan Kontekstualitas Seni Budaya Media
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v33i2.2432


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya rumah Jawa yang dibongkar dan digunakan kembali menjadi bangunan restoran. Rumah Jawa sebagai rumah tempat tinggal masyarakat Jawa yang penuh makna filosofis dan simbolis diubah menjadi tempat makan dan minum yang bersifat publik. Penggunaan rumah Jawa menjadi restoran banyak mengabaikan fungsi, makna, dan penataan interiornya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perubahan estetika interior rumah Jawa dalam alih fungsi menjadi restoran yang disebabkan karena adanya perubahan budaya masyarakat pendukungnya. Untuk mencapai tujuan digunakan penelitian kualitatif interpretatif dengan pendekatan estetika. Hasil penelitian adalah alih fungsi rumah Jawa baik berbentuk joglo maupun limasan lebih didasarkan pada pemenuhan selera penggunanya, baik selera pengunjung maupun selera pemilik yang dimaksudkan sebagai daya pikat bagi pengunjung. Etika budaya dan tradisi sudah mulai dihilangkan. Orang hanya melihat bentuk rupa yang indah sebagai daya tarik saja. Selera estetis hanya didasarkan pada permukaan benda, tanpa melihat nilai filosofis dan maknanya dibalik benda indah itu sendiri. Perubahan ini akan menyebabkan adanya perubahan estetika, yaitu dari estetika Jawa menjadi estetika selera.