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PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN BAGI PARA PELAJAR DI KOTA KENDARI Nur Illiyyin Akib; Muh. Arba; Suryani ,; Henny Kasmawati; Yamin ,; Ruslin ,; Sunandar Ihsan
Gema Pendidikan Vol 26, No 1 (2019): Januari, Gema Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (601.168 KB) | DOI: 10.36709/gapend.v26i1.6720


Telah dilaksanakan kegiatan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat terintegrasi KKN-Tematik berupa pendidikan kesehatan bagi para pelajar di Kota Kendari. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang kesehatan bagi para pelajar. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di beberapa sekolah di Kota Kendari. Kegiatan dilaksanakan mulai Agustus hingga Oktober 2018. Pelaksanaan kegiatan terdiri atas penyuluhan keamanan pangan, obat, dan kosmetika oleh dosen terhadap pelajar SMAN 11 Kendari, SMA Muhammadiyah Kendari, SMKN 6 Kendari, dan SMK Satria Kendari; penyuluhan penggunaan obat bagi pelajar SMPN 05 Kendari; pengenalan profesi apoteker dan penyuluhan Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) bagi pelajar SDN 02 Baruga dan SDN 03 Poasia; serta penyebaran informasi melalui media cetak. Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, praktek, tanya jawab. Media cetak yang digunakan adalah leaflet. Kegiatan ini berhasil meningkatkan pemahaman tentang kesehatan bagi para pelajar di Kota Kendari. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Kesehatan, Pelajar, Penyuluhan, Obat, Kota Kendari.
Optimasi Formula Gel Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Buah Bligo (Benincasa hispida) dengan Metode Simplex Lattice Design (SLD): Antioxidants Gel Formula Optimation of Bligo Fruit Ethanolic Extract (Benincasa hispida) by Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) method Suryani Suryani; Andi Nafisah; Syahrir Mana'an
Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): (October 2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.217 KB) | DOI: 10.22487/j24428744.0.v0.i0.8815


Benincasa hispida has many benefits including as antioxidant. This study aims to evaluate the effect of Carbomer 940, HPMC and NaOH concentrations in antioxidant gel formula and to determine Carbomer 940, HPMC and NaOH concentrations that could produce the optimal antioxidant gel formula. Benincasa hispida was extracted by maceration method and antioxidant activity was tested by DPPH method. The antioxidant gels were formulated with variety combinations of Carbomer 940, HPMC and NaOH. The optimal gel formula was obtained by Design Expert 7.1.5 with Simplex Lattice Design method. The physical characteristic of optimal gel formula was retested and compared with the results of Simplex Lattice Design .The results showed that antioxidant activity of Benincasa hispida ethanolic extract has potent activity with the IC50 40,28 μg/mL. The increasing concentration of Carbomer 940, HPMC and NaOH possessed the high coefficients viscosity (cPs) with the value of 4366, 4133 and 3750 respectively. The increasing concentration of NaOH possessed pH and dispersive power of the gel with coefficients of 11,0 and 5,21 respectively. The desirability values suggested by Simplex Lattice Design were 1,000 with component variation of the optimal formula were Carbomer 940 1,5%, HPMC 0,5% and NaOH 0,4%. The significance test of the optimal formula compared to the results of laboratory experiments showed the significance of viscosity of 0,130, the dispersive power of 0,348 and pH of 0,184 that means there was no significant difference between the prediction values by using Simplex Lattice Design and results of laboratory experiments. It was indicated that significance values of each responses were over 0,05 (p>0.05).
Mikroenkapsulasi Asam Mefenamat Menggunakan Polimer Kitosan dan Natrium Alginat dengan Metode Gelasi Ionik: Microencapsulation of Mefenamic Acid Microcapsules With Chitosan and Sodium Alginate as Polymer Using Ionic Gelation Method Sandra Aulia Mardikasari; Suryani; Nur Illiyyin Akib; Rezki Indahyani
Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): (October 2020)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.765 KB) | DOI: 10.22487/j24428744.2020.v6.i2.14589


Mefenamic acid belongs to a class of the Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs that work as an analgesic. But mefenamic acid can cause gastrointestinal disorders, has unpleasant odors and tastes and sensitive to the influence of light and temperature. Microencapsulation technology is a technique where the active substance is coated by a thin layer so that the active substance is protected from environmental influences. The aim of this research was to formulate and characterize mefenamic acid in the form of microencapsulation using ionic gelation methods. Preparation was done by comparing 3 variations of concentrations of sodium alginate polymers. Success parameters include the entrapment efficiency, particle shape, particle size distribution, and dissolution test. The results showed that the entrapment efficiency respectively 98,69%, 96,38% and 93,98%, with spherical shape, and particle size that fulfilled the microencapsulation size range of 1,268 μm, 1,343 μm and 1.386 μm and the release of the active ingredients in an acidic medium of pH 1.2 was 8.811 mg/L, 6.751 mg/L and 5.965 mg/L, also on a base medium of pH 7.4 was 79.908 mg/L, 63.394 mg/L and 40,312 mg/L. So that microencapsulation of mefenamic acid can be prepared with polymer chitosan and sodium alginate using the ionic gelation method.
FORMULATION OF CREAM BODY SCRUB FROM ETHANOL EXTRACT OF CASSAVA LEAVES (Manihot esculenta) AS ANTIOXIDANT Fadhliyah Malik; Suryani Suryani; Sunandar Ihsan; Elvianti Meilany; Rini Hamsidi
Journal of Vocational Health Studies Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): July 2020 | JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL HEALTH STUDIES
Publisher : Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jvhs.V4.I1.2020.21-28


Background : Plant cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta) are known flavonoid is efficacious as antioxidant. Antioxidant can prevent damage to the skin by reducing free radical activity. Purpose : The purpose of this study to determine the concentration of ethanol extract of leaves of cassava can be formulated into dosage cream body scrub which have antioxidant activity. Method : Cassava leaf extract obtained by maceration using 97% ethanol. Determination of antioxidant activity by the method of reduction of free radical DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl). Result : The ethanol extract of cassava leaves are formulated into dosage cream body scrub with concentration variations 0,0085 mg/mL  (formula 1), 0,017 mg/mL  (formula 2), and 0,0255 mg/mL  (formula 3). Stability test preparation cream body scrub using cycling tests performed for 6 cycles. Preparation cream body scrub to formula I has a moderate antioxidant activity with IC50 158,16 µg/mL, formula 2 has an active antioxidant activity with IC50 66,59 µg/mL, and formula 3 has a stronger antioxidant activity with IC50 38,80 µg/mL. Conclusion : cream body scrub and cassava ethanol extract does not irritate so it is safe to use. Preparations cream body scrub well have the most activity at a concentration of 0,0255 mg/mL with IC50 38,80 µg/mL.
Formulasi Self-Nanoemulsifiying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) Asam Mefenamat menggunakan VCO dengan Kombinasi Surfaktan Tween dan Span Muhamad Handoyo Sahumena; Suryani Suryani; Neni Rahmadani
Journal Syifa Sciences and Clinical Research Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Volume 1 Edisi 2 2019
Publisher : State University of Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.66 KB) | DOI: 10.37311/jsscr.v1i2.2660


Mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Mefenamic acid works by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis as an inflammatory mediator. Mefenamic acid has low drug solubility and a long process of dissolution in the body which greatly affects the speed of absorption and bioavailability of the drug. In this study, mefenamic acid nanoemulsion formulation was carried out through a Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) delivery system. SNEDDS is a drug delivery method through isotropic oil extraction, surfactants, cosurfactans and drug that form oil in water (m/a) emulsions which when in contact with the water phase in the digestive tract wiil from a nanoemulsion that occurs spontaneously so that the drug dissolves with a particle size small so as to increase the effective surface area for absorption. The purpose of the study was to determine the ratio of surfactant and cosurfactant composition to the optimum formula of SNEDDS of mefenamic acid with VCO as an oil phase. The SNEDDS formula was obtained by mixing the surfactants tween 80 and span 80, cosurfactant PEG 400 and VCO as the oil phase using the characterization of determining the optimum formula, namely emulsion formation, transmittance and emulsification time. The composition of the optimum formula of SNEDDS of mefenamic acid is 1 mL VCO; 1 mL PEG 400; 6 mL tween 80; 1 mL span 80. Optimum formula showed clear emulsion results, with transmittance values of 89,04% and emulsification time under 1 minute. In this study produced the optimum formula SNEDDS the met the criteria based on droplet size parameters of 153,5 nm, potential zeta value of 8,2 mV and showed good stability.
Majalah Farmasi dan Farmakologi Vol. 23 No. 3 (2019): MFF
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.34 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/mff.v23i3.9395


Asam mefenamat bersifat rentan terhadap cahaya maupun terhadap udara dan kelembaban. Selain itu asam mefenamat memiliki waktu paruh yang sempit, dapat menyebabkan peningkatan resiko gangguan gastrointestinal termasuk iritasi lambung pada penggunaan jangka panjang. Teknologi Mikroenkapsulasi merupakan proses penyalutan bahan aktif berupa cairan ataupun padatan dengan lapisan yang relatif tipis dengan ukuran partikel yang sangat kecil antara 0,2-5000 μm. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melakukan preparasi mikroenkapsulasi terhadap asam mefenamat menggunakan polimer Hidroksi Propil Metil Selulosa (HPMC) dan Natrium alginat dengan metode gelasi ionik lalu mengkarakterisasi hasil mikrokapsul yang diperoleh. Preparasi mikroenkapsulasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan konsentrasi polimer yang digunakan, dibuat dalam 3 formula. Parameter  karakterisasi meliputi penetapan efisiensi penjerapan, distribusi ukuran partikel, bentuk partikel dan pengujian disolusi. Hasil karakterisasi menujukan mikroenkapsulasi Asam Mefenamat yang dihasilkan memiliki bentuk partikel yang spheris, dengan nilai efisiensi penjerapan terbesar yaitu 67,53% untuk perbandingan HPMC dan  natrium alginat masing-masing 4 : 1, sedangkan distribusi ukuran partikel bervariasi dengan ukuran terkecil yakni 1.105 , untuk hasil pengujian disolusi pada medium asam  diperoleh konsentrasi pelepasan obat  terbesar adalah 10,39 mg/L dan medium basa sebesar 74,456mg/mL. Penelitian Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa asam mefenamat dapat dipreparasi dengan teknik mikroenkapsulasi sehingga dapat mengatasi beberapa kekurangan asam mefenamat.
EDUKASI DAN PEMBUATAN TAMAN OBAT KELUARGA UNTUK PENCEGAHAN DAN PEMELIHARAAN KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT Suryani Suryani; Henny Kasmawati; La Ode Muh. Fitrawan; Nurull Hikmah; Nurramadhani A Sida; Ruslin Ruslin; Aswani Aswani
Jurnal Pengabdian NUSANTARA Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jpnus.v2i2.28430


Indonesian people have used herbal ingredients for health. However, there are differences in natural resources and knowledge of plant processing techniques in medicine which differ from region to region. This community service aims to increase public knowledge about the types of plants that can be cultivated in  Family Medicine Garden and their health benefits. Educational activities and the establishment of a Family Medicine Garden (TOGA) were held at the UHO Faculty of Pharmacy drug park. The method of educational activities is in the form of lectures and question-and-answer interactions, followed by manufacturing and planting medicinal plants at  Family Medicine Garden. Education is carried out by introducing the efficacy of 21 plants, the parts used and the benefits of  Family Medicine Garden. The activity went well, and the community was enthusiastic about getting new knowledge about types of plants and how to make  Family Medicine Garden.