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Administraus Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): Administraus Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Manajemen
Publisher : STIA Bina Banua Banjarmasin

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This study aims to: 1) To know the governance of fixed assets in the form of land and buildings in the District Health Office Tanah Bumbu, 2) To know the constraints in the governance of fixed assets in the form of land and buildings in the District Health Office Tanah Bumbu. 3) To find alternative solutions needed to overcome obstacles in the governance of fixed assets in the form of land and buildings in the District Health Office Tanah Bumbu. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Informants in the study are employees in charge of managing assets in the District Health Office Tanah Bumbu. Data were collected through structured interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the research indicate that: 1) Governance of fixed assets in the form of land and buildings within the District Health Office of Tanah Bumbu has been implemented well because every stage of governance consisting of planning, organizing, implementation up to supervision has been implemented based on governance principles good, namely: Transparent, accountable, responsibel, independent and fair, 2) Constraints in governance of fixed assets District Health Office Tanah Bumbu, namely: a. The existence of an Asset that is borrowed but is recognized as a village asset, and b. The existence of Non-Conformity between Listing in KIB with reality, 3) Alternative solution to overcome obstacle in governance of fixed asset of District Health Office of Tanah Bumbu namely: a. The existence of Assets Hundred Treated but Recognized as a Village Asset can be overcome with the delivery of fixed assets to the Village through Grants, and b. The existence of Non-Conformity between Registration in KIB with reality can be overcome through reconciliation held periodically that is 3 (three) months. 1) Untuk mengetahui tata kelola aset tetap berupa tanah dan bangunan di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, 2) Untuk mengetahui kendala dalam tata kelola aset tetap berupa tanah dan bangunan di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu. 3) Untuk mencari alternatif solusi yang diperlukan guna mengatasi kendala dalam tata kelola aset tetap berupa tanah dan bangunan di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian adalah pegawai yang bertugas mengelola aset di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara terstruktur, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Tata kelola Aset tetap berupa tanah dan bangunan di lingkungan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu telah terlaksana dengan baik karena setiap tahapan tata kelola yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan sampai dengan pengawasan sudah dilaksanakan dengan berdasarkan pada prinsip tata kelola yang baik, yaitu : Transparan, akuntabel, responsibel, independen serta wajar, 2) Kendala dalam tata kelola aset tetap Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, yaitu : a. Adanya Aset Yang Berstatus Pinjam Pakai Namun Diakui Pula sebagai Aset Desa, dan b. Adanya Ketidaksesuaian antara Pencatatan di KIB dengan kenyataan, 3) Alternatif solusi guna mengatasi kendala dalam tata kelola aset tetap Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu yaitu : a. Adanya Aset Yang Berstatus Pinjam Pakai Namun Diakui Pula sebagai Aset Desa dapat diatasi dengan Penyerahan aset tetap kepada Desa melalui Hibah, dan b. Adanya Ketidaksesuaian antara Pencatatan di KIB dengan kenyataan dapat diatasi mealui rekonsiliasi yang diadakan secara berkala yaitu 3 (tiga) bulan sekali
JIANA ( Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara ) Vol 12, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.571 KB) | DOI: 10.46730/jiana.v12i2.2363


Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Program for the Operationof Society Welfare. This study aims to determine the implementation of Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) and its impact on the welfare of society. This research uses descriptivequalitative approach to generate data and information that reliable and valid. Techniques of datacollection using interviews, observation and discussion of data sources is key informants takenwith snowball sampling method of the enterprise, government and society. Data were analyzedusing the interactive method. The results showed that the Program Implementation of CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) is not implemented optimally. Still found problems in economicdevelopment, land acquisition and environment that led to the conflict between the company,government and society.Keywords: program implementation, social responsibility, community welfare, conflict.
Revitalization Of Agropolitan-Based Subdistrict Development In Kapuas Regency Apollonia Apollonia; Rudy Handoko; Iswiyati Rahayu
THE SPIRIT OF SOCIETY JOURNAL : International Journal of Society Development and Engagement Vol 6 No 2: March 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29138/scj.v6i2.2196


This study examines and analyzes the revitalization that is managed in the study of the alignment of Regional Government and Sectoral SKPD policies, and analyzes the Revitalization of Agropolitan Areas from the point of view of the Gap between Traditional Area Patterns and Agropolitan Patterns in Kapuas Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach that emphasizes facts and field phenomena to reveal issues related to the implementation of real estate policies. The results of the research design a policy implementation model theory from Edward III, and can be implemented in the KAFE (Kapuas Agropolitan Food Estate) project, namely the revitalization of agropolitan policies in developing superior commodity-based agropolitan areas in developing regional economies in superior local rice agropolitan areas, Dadahub District, Kapuas Regency is a policy on agropolity land of 20,000 ha in stages of 10,000 Ha and continue until 2022; and development of the economic development of agropolitan districts, which is the goal of realizing modern agricultural areas as drivers of the rural economy that are able to prosper the community. Formulation of the pattern and structure of the agropolitan area according to its function because it accelerates economic growth as a center of growth so that it becomes a center of superior local rice. Four characteristics of the pattern and structure of agropolitan areas as centers of growth, especially the existence of internal relations of various types of activities, multiplier elements, the presence of geographical concentration, and the nature of encouraging the growth of the area behind it.
AS-SIYASAH : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Vol 9, No 1 (2024): (Mei) As Siyasah - Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Publisher : UPT Publikasi Dan Pengelolaan Jurnal Universitas Islam Kalimantan MAB Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/as.v9i1.14923


Program “Barakat Cangkal Becari” adalah program rehabiitasi sosial gelandangan dan pengemis dengan menyentuh aspek rehabilitatif, aspek preventif, jaminan, perlindungan sosial, dan pemberdayaan. Program Barakat Cangkal Becari . memiliki unsur pembaharuan yang dimana akan diberikan kegiatan-kegiatan dalam menunjang keterampilan. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pemberdayaan gelandangan dan pengemis sebagai upaya rehabilitasi sosial melalui program Barakat Cangkal Becari studi pada Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Kotabaru. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan upaya pemberdayaan yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Kotabaru sebagai upaya rehabilitasi sosial yang dilakukan diantaranya 1) Penjangakauan dan Pemulangan Gelandangan dan Pengemis; 2) Bimbingan Fisik, Mental, dan Sosial; 3) Bimbingan Keterampilan; 4) Bantuan Stimulan UEP; 5) Jaminan Hidup; 6) Bantuan Stimulan; 7) Pengembalian Anak- Anak Gelandangan dan Pengemis ke Sekolah; 7) Advokasi Sosial dan Pengembangan Aksesibilitas. Selain itu tahap-tahap pemberdayaan masyarakat, yaitu: 1) Tahap penyadaran dan pembentukan perilaku; 2) Tahap transformasi; 3) Tahap peningkatan kemampuan inntelektual, kecakapan keterampilan.