Bernadeta, Lenny Setyowati
Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata

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Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18395.453 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.93-109


ABSTRACTNowadays, around us there are many teenagers who use social media as a means to actualize themselves, they are often referred to as Y Generation (Y Genes). Y Generation is the generation who was born in 1980 to 2000. The positive sides that they have a high self-confidence, strong in self-esteem, good in social networks, creative, multi-tasking, the generation who love the wireless world (Tulgan and Martin 2001, Beekman 2011). Through the technology, new media as a place for the generation of Y genes express themselves to gain recognition and self-existence they make use of social media, for example: their favorite is to take their picture by themselves (which famous as selfie in Indonesian) then upload them to social media, using social media such as instagram. The process of self-actualization by generation Y through social networking is done by displaying the profile photo, upload photos of their activities and write their status or feeling. The qualitative method was used in this research, self-presentation through dramaturgical theory. The techniques for collecting the data through: in-depth interviews with informants, observation, documentation and literature study. The researcher interviewed five person as the Y generation (3 female and 2 male), they were as students of Soegijapranata Catholic University in Semarang. Based on interviews the researcher concluded that the use of social media networking instagram for generation Y in actualize themselves was a positive activity, they displayed profile photos as attractive as possible, uploaded photos of individual activities as well as with the community, and wrote status as the fulfillment of the need for self-actualization and got a good impression on others. And this was appropriate with dramaturgy theory where people tend to show their positive side / front page to  others.Key words: Gen Y, Social Media, Self Actualization
Pemrosesan Informasi Pandemi Covid-19 dari Facebook Lenny Setyowati
Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol 1, No 1: November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24167/jkm.v1i1.2847


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pengalaman individu dalam memproses informasi tentang Covid-19 dari Facebook. Tipe penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu pemrosesan informasi dalam sistem kognitif individu dimulai sejak individu terterpa informasi yang berkaitan dengan Covid-19. Informasi tentang Covid-19, mendorong terjadinya involuntary attention individu, karena pada awalnya individu dihadapkan pada situasi unaware, yang menganggap bahwa informasi mengenai Covid-19 bukan sebagai informational goal sehari-hari. Pada perkembangannya, informasi tentang Covid-19 mulai ditempatkan sebagai informasi yang perlu diakses. Sejumlah informasi dapat menarik perhatian individu, sehingga mendorong motivasi mereka untuk mengikuti perkembangan informasi tersebut. Selain itu, kehadiran informasi-informasi tentang Covid-19 juga mendorong rasa penasaran dan menyebabkan cognitive dissonance pada individu. Informasi-informasi tentang Covid-19 yang disaring individu dalam sistem kognitif, mendorong pembentukan struktur kognitif dan sikap individu. Terdapat tiga pemaknaan mengenai hoaks tentang Covid-19 yang dipahami individu, yang secara dominan diperoleh melalui Facebook. Namun demikian, hoaks tentang Covid-19 juga ditransmisikan melalui (grup) WhatsApp, Twitter, word of mouth (WOM), bahkan portal berita online.
PELATIHAN PEMASARAN ONLINE SEBAGAI UPAYA PENGEMBANGAN BATIK GESEK GODHONG RW6 KELURAHAN TEGALSARI, SEMARANG Maria Yosephine Dwi Hayu Agustini; Agus Cahyo Nugroho; Lenny Setyowati; Bernard Febrianto Tjahjadi; Eko Putri Wahyu Puji Astuti
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Juli 2022
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v6i3.15165


Batik gesek godhong is a new technique developed by a resident of RT 5 RW 6 Kelurahan Tegalsari, Kecamatan Candisari Semarang. This local creation is expected to become an icon and unique gift of Semarang. Even though women in RW 6 had been taught the skill of making batik gesek godhong for this purpose, marketing the product has still been the problem. Online marketing is a media that relies on the technology of the internet and is considered effective in reaching broader areas and minimizing costs. Thus, this community service was dedicated to increasing the women's ability to do online marketing. The method applied for this community activity was training on marketing online through e-marketplace and art of selling online and mentoring the application of the training. Even though the number of women who have online shops has increased, they still encounter problems attracting consumers’ interest and building consumer loyalty or implementing the art of selling online. Thus, similar community service activity for them is still needed in the future. Generally, the evaluation of the participants in the training was satisfactory and highly satisfactory. --- Batik gesek godhong merupakan suatu teknik yang dikembangkan seorang warga RT 5 RW 6 Kelurahan Tegalsari, Kecamatan Candisari Semarang. Karya lokal ini diharapkan bisa menjadi icon kota Semarang dan menjadi oleh-oleh khas Semarang. Walaupun ketrampilan membuat batik gesek godhong sudah ditularkan kepada ibu-ibu di wilayah RW 6 untuk maksud tersebut, namun pemasaran masih menjadi kendala. Pemasaran online merupakan satu media dengan teknologi internet yang dinilai efektf untuk menjangkau area pemasaran yang lebih luas dengan biaya lebih murah. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan pemasaran online bagi ibu-ibu. Metode yang diterapkan adalah pelatihan pemasaran online melalui e-marketplace dan seni berjualan online dan pendampingan dalam penerapan hasil pelatihan. Pelatihan yang diikuti perwakilan tiap RT telah berhasil membuat peserta memiliki toko online di suatu e-marketplace. Walaupun jumlah ibu yang memiliki toko online sudah bertambah, namun permasalahan untuk menarik minat dan loyalitas konsumen atau menerapkan seni berjualan online masih dirasa menjadi kendala. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat serupa masih dibutuhkan dikemudian hari. Namun demikian, secara umum penilaian peserta terhadap program pengabdian ini adalah memuaskan dan sangat memuaskan.