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Implementasi Sistem Pakar Untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit Pada Perokok Aktif Dan Perokok Pasif Dengan Menggunakan Metode Anfis Safira, Laila; Misdram, Muhammad; Sani, Dian Ahkam
INTEGER: Journal of Information Technology Vol 6, No 1: Mei 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31284/j.integer.2021.v6i1.1202


Abstract. Cigarettes or cigars are cylinders of paper measuring between 70 and 120 mm long and about 10 mm in diameter containing chopped dried tobacco leaves. A person who inhales cigarette smoke is called a smoker. Smokers are divided into active smokers and passive smokers. An active smoker is someone who regularly consumes the smallest amount of cigarettes even though it's only 1 cigarette a day, and a passive smoker is someone who inhales cigarette smoke from an active smoker. Exposure to secondhand smoke can cause serious illness and death. The dangers of smoking on the health of the body have been researched and proven by many people. Lack of self-care, and lack of knowledge about the dangers of smoking make some people no longer think about their health in the future. Many rule out the bad effects caused by cigarette smoke. This is because these effects are not immediately visible when you first smoke. Many smokers are reluctant to get checked out for various reasons. Therefore, researchers made the implementation of an expert system to diagnose diseases in active smokers and passive smokers using the Anfis method. Anfis is an amalgamation of the system's fuzzy interface mechanism described in a neural network architecture. From the results of the implementation trial, the accuracy of the learning rate was 70% - 90% by including the same symptoms.Keywords: Expert System, Cigarettes, Anfis
Rancang Bangun Mobile Game Adventure Of Studies Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Ramadaniati, Setta; Sani, Dian Ahkam; Arif, Mochammad Firman
INTEGER: Journal of Information Technology Vol 6, No 1: Mei 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31284/j.integer.2021.v6i1.1200


Dalam   upaya   meningkatkan   efisiensi   penyediaan  aplikasi   yang   mengandung   unsur pendidikan  maka diperlukan  berbagai  alternatif  dan  inovasi  baru  dalam  hal  pemrograman untuk  bisa  diterapkan  sebagai  alat  untuk  mempermudah  proses  pembelajaran.  Dengan adanya  Rancang Bangun Mobile Game Adventure Of Studies sebagai Media Pembelajaran  ini  diharapkan  untuk  meningkatkan  kemampuan  berfikir  anak dalam  proses  belajar,  bahwa  game  ini  sangat  berguna  di  bidang  pendidikan. Penyusun    memilih    anak-anak   dan remaja sebagai    target    pemain, karena    kesulitan    proses pembelajaran secara teoritis yang di ajarkan pada anak-anak dan remaja, mengingat mereka lebih suka bermain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) yang menggunakan tahapan penelitian Analisis Kebutuhan, Desain dan Perancangan Game, Pengembangan Game, Implementasi atau Uji Kelayakan Game, Evaluasi Hasil. Pembuatan game dilakukan dengan menggunakan game engine Construct 2. Penerapan  game media pembelajaran   ini   diharapkan   dapat   mengatasi   masalah   tersebut.   Sehingga   di   saat   anak memainkan game ini secara tidak langsung dapat belajar, dengan harapan semangat anak untuk belajar akan lebih terpacu dan meningkatkan kualitas belajar anak.
Implementation of Virtual Reality in Game Platformer Suharyadi, Heri; Sani, Dian Ahkam; Sarwani, Mohammad Zoqi
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.882 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/inform.v5i1.2327


The realization of virtual reality is implemented on an application in the form of a game that will load the genre of platform games, where the genre of this game is highly respected by lovers of games on the Android platform. The hardware used to create virtual reality in this platformer game is an android device that has a gyroscope sensor, virtual reality cardboard, and computer devices. The software uses unity, blender, and Microsoft visual studio as a code editor. The making of this virtual reality game using the gyroscope sensor as full control of character movements that serve to minimize the device needed to play virtual reality games on Android to make it easier and more practical to play. The test results state that virtual reality can be implemented on Android games and the gyroscope sensor functions well as the main movement control in the game
Social Media Analysis Using Probabilistic Neural Network Algorithm to Know Personality Traits Sarwani, Mohammad Zoqi; Sani, Dian Ahkam
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.903 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/inform.v6i1.3307


The Internet creates a new space where people can interact and communicate efficiently. Social media is one type of media used to interact on the internet. Facebook and Twitter are one of the social media. Many people are not aware of bringing their personal life into the public. So that unconsciously provides information about his personality. Big Five personality is one type of personality assessment method and is used as a reference in this study. The data used is the social media status from both Facebook and Twitter. Status has been taken from 50 social media users. Each user is taken as a text status. The results of tests performed using the Probabilistic Neural Network algorithm obtained an average accuracy score of 86.99% during the training process and 83.66% at the time of testing with a total of 30 training data and 20 test data.
Knowing Personality Traits on Facebook Status Using the Naïve Bayes Classifier Sarwani, Mohammad Zoqi; Salafudin, Muhammad Shubkhan; Sani, Dian Ahkam
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (IJAIR) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): IJAIR : May
Publisher : Informatics Department-Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2169.831 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/ijair.v2i1.2636


With the development of social media trends among students by using Facebook social media, students can communicate and pour out everything that is felt in the form of status. Personality is the character or various characters of a person - therefore, how a person to adjust to the surrounding environment for the achievement of communication smoothly. In the personality category, many things classify a person's category in the psychologist theory. In this exercise, the Big Five, the psychologist theory, is described in five codes, namely Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeables, Neuroticism. Naive Bayes Classifier is used to determine the highest probability value with the aim to determine the highest value. The data used are two namely training data and testing data obtained from the Facebook status of students. From the data obtained can be tested in the system that the accuracy value is 88%.
An Implementation of MMS Steganography With The LSB Method Sani, Dian Ahkam; Sarwani, Mohammad Zoqi; Setiawan, Muhamad Agus
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (IJAIR) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): IJAIR : May
Publisher : Informatics Department-Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1378.483 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/ijair.v2i1.2653


Around the world, the internet (interconnection network) has developed into one of the most popular data communication media. With a variety of illegal information retrieval techniques that are developing, many people are trying to access information that is not their right. Various techniques to protect confidential information from unauthorized persons have been carried out to secure important data. Steganography is a science and art for writing hidden messages so that no other party knows the existence of the message. The three results of tests conducted by the LSB method can be used to hide messages into images. The first test was successful by writing a message that less than 31 characters stored in the picture, the second succeeded in writing a message equal to 31 characters stored in the picture, the third failed to write a message of more than 31 characters stored in the picture.
Switching Systems Designing Based on IoT Sani, Dian Ahkam; Fijriyah, Immilda Lailatul
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (IJAIR) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): IJAIR : November
Publisher : Informatics Department-Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2039.464 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/ijair.v2i2.3138


The development of technology has progressed very rapidly in a short period, as has technology that has recently been developed in various aspects of life, namely the Internet of Things. In the past, controlling household electrical appliances was usually done directly by pressing a button on the house's wall and was very ineffective when the house owner was out of town while the house was empty. With the Internet of Things technology, a system can be applied in everyday life, namely controlling household electrical appliances to turn off and remotely using internet communication via an android smartphone. In this system design, a control design using a series of microcontrollers and relays connected to a smartphone via the internet is used because the microcontroller already has a  Wireless Fidelity (WIFI) module. The results of controlled tests on household electrical appliances can run well. All components of the design of the device are well integrated with smartphones and the internet. Control can be done anywhere and anytime. System response during the day between 1-4 seconds and at night between 1-2 seconds.