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Journal : Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences

The Effect of Nutrition Education Using E-Module Media Toward Fiber Intake in Overweight Female Adolescent Hidayatusy Syukrina Puteri; Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi; Sri Mulyani
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 4 No 1 (2023): January-June 2023
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/picnhs.v4i1.1823


One of the factors causing excess nutritional status in female adolescent (FA) is due to the lack of fiber consumption. The West Sumatra Riskesdas 2019: 82.53% of adolescents in Padang consume less fiber and the prevalence of overweight among FA is higher than male adolescents of 16.45%. Some literature states that one of the interventions to increase the awareness and motivate the FA to consume fiber is nutrition education (NE) by using attractive media. E-module is one of the attractive media and frequently used in the learning process. The material presentation is not merely focus on the text, picture, and graphic, however it is also presenting audio, animation, and video. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of NE using e-module media toward the fiber intake in overweight FA. This is a mix (R&D and quasi-experiment) research methods of one group pretest and posttest with control designs. The research subjects were all female students at research target schools who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data instrument used the SQ-FFQ form. The data analysis is using a Mann Whitney test. The results of the study explained that the designed nutritional e-module obtained an average validation value namely 90.5% and the practical value of the overall was 92.83%. The results of the Man Whitney test showed that there was an effect of NE with the e-module and it was very effective toward the change of fiber intake for overweight FA in Padang p-value 0.017 (p<0.05).
Co-Authors Abduhan, Rohman Adi Ratriyanto Afifatul Arfiah Ahmad Yunus Ahmad Yunus Ajunda, Wima Pudya Amal Fadholah Anif Nur Artanti Ardia Putri Sabrina Arfiyah, Afifatul Ari Kusumawardani Ari Susilowati Ari Syahidul Shidiq Ashadi Ashadi Ashadi Ashadi Ashadi, Ashadi Asiyah, Siti Aulia Ageng Pangesti Badrun Niam Bambang Pujiasmanto Bayu Antrakusuma Desnylasari, Enggar Devi, Amalina Dewi, Agustin Kumala Dwi Ariani, Sri Retno Dyah Pujiastuti Edi Purwanto Eko Setyowati, Widiastuti Agustina Elfi Susanti V. H. Elfi Susanti VH Elfi Susanti VH Endang Susilowati Endang Susilowati Endang Yuniastuti Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Farida Hidayati Fitriana, Itanur Frenika Widyasari Hartono Hartono Haryono, Haryono Hastuti, Budi Herawati, Rosita Fitri Heri Setyoko Hidayatusy Syukrina Puteri Ida Rumia Manurung Ika Tristanti Jane Arantika Jati, Yoga Bririan Khusnul Lusi Nursyam Syanas Kris Siska Aristia Kristi Tamara Novitasari Kurniawan, Yunita Magdalena, Octaviany Maria Yuliana Panie Melani Krismonita Mita Fujiyanti Moh. Masyikuri Mohammad Fanani Mohammad Masykuri Muhammad Hizbul Wathon Mulyani, Bakti Nandariyah Nandariyah Noor, Zuleka Anggarani Nugraheni, Dian Nugroho, Seno Adhi Nurhayati, Nanik Dwi Nurma Yunita Indriyanti Nurma Yunita Indriyanti Nurma Yunita Indriyanti Nurrochma, Atika Pambudi, Teguh Paramasari Dirgahayu Permatasari, Ika Yudita Prakosa, Jatmiko Budhi Pramanawati, Refi Indah Pratiwi, Yesi Purnamasari, Ita Dwi Rachma Kharolinasari Rachma Kharolinasari Rahardiana, Galuh Redjeki, Tri Rezeki, Rina Dwi Rismawati, Korneti Rosyana, Wiad Samanhudi Samanhudi Saputro, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Sulistyo Sari, Dewi Kurnia Setiawan, Dwi Arief Sigit Prastowo Siti Zainatur Rahma Sri Hartati Sri Hartati Sri Retno Dwi Ariani Sri Retno Dwi Ariani Sri Retno Dwi Ariani Sri Yamtinah Stefanus Kristiyanto Sukardjo, J. S. Sulandjari Sulandjari Sulistyo Saputro Sulistyo Saputro Suryadi Budi Utomo Suryadi Budi Utomo Suryadi Budi Utomo Suryadi Budi Utomo Tri Maryani Utami, Budi Utami, Emy Fajar Venty Suryanti Vitria, Lativah Nurul Warih Puji Lestari Wulandari, Dyah Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Yulia Sari