Tamamy, Aries Jehan
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FUSION OF BAGGING BASED ENSEMBLE FRAMEWORK FOR EPILEPTIC SEIZURE CLASSIFICATION Alzami, Farrikh; Tamamy, Aries Jehan; Pramunendar, Ricardus Anggi; Arifin, Zaenal
Transmisi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Vol 22, No 3 Juli (2020): TRANSMISI
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/transmisi.22.3.102-106


The ensemble learning approach, especially in classification, has been widely carried out and is successful in many scopes, but unfortunately not many ensemble approaches are used for the detection and classification of epilepsy in biomedical terms. Compared to using a simple bagging ensemble framework, we propose a fusion bagging-based ensemble framework (FBEF) that uses 3 weak learners in each oracle, using fusion rules, a weak learner will give results as predictors of the oracle. All oracle predictors will be included in the trust factor to get a better prediction and classification. Compared to traditional Ensemble bagging and single learner type Ensemble bagging, our framework outperforms similar research in relation to the epileptic seizure classification as 98.11±0.68 and several real-world datasets
Room sterilization program using a remote-controlled disinfectant robot at Masjid Agung, Central Java Arifin, Zaenal; Heryanto, M. Ary; Tamamy, Aries Jehan; Pamungkas, Hery; Karampung, Felix Etena Orba; Hafaz, Mohamad; Gunawan, Wahyu Sahrul
Community Empowerment Vol 6 No 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (649.155 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.4909


One of the causes of people being exposed to the Covid-19 virus is the spread of the virus through the air. To prevent this, it is necessary to sterilize so that the virus in the air can be neutralized. One of the technologies that can be used to disinfect the air so that the air is free from the Covid-19 virus is Ultra Violet (UV) light. UV rays have radiation that is quite harsh, so when exposed to human skin continuously can cause damage to skin tissue. The service team developed a remote-control robot that can replace humans to carry out the disinfection process in a room by utilizing UV light. The area where congregational prayers were held at the Masjid Agung, Central Java (MAJT) visited by no less than 100 people every day. The robot was effectively able to operate well in the disinfectant process. This phase 1 prototype has a height of 48 cm and expected to be developed again so that it can reach higher places and can reduce the risk of spreading the Covid-19 virus.