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Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 2 (2014): Jurnal Air Indonesia
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1262.804 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v7i2.2416


This paper describes some of the general condition of the oceanographic parameters in the Strait Matak, Anambas Archipelago. The data flow is obtained by direct measurement by using a current meter types RCM-7. Simulation models using Mike 21. Mike flow pattern is divided into two seasons, namely west season (January) and the east season (August) and flow patterns ahead of the tide when the season is generally moving west to wards the south, it demonstrates the role of strong tidal influence the movement of waterin the study area. Flow velocity in the strait just before the tide on the west season reaches 1m/s.  Flow patterns at high tide on the west season looks still moving toward sthe south. The maximum flow velocity in the strait when the tide reaches 0.32 m/s, while the average speed in the area of the model is 0.12 m/s. Low tide towards the current pattern is still moving towards the south, it reinforces the notion that in addition to tidal windsare also very significant role in moving the flow, in this case that the current is moving toward the south. Flow velocity just before low tide reaches 0.85 m/s. Flow patterns at low tide shows the differences in the three previous conditions, the current in the strait to move out to the north toward the South China Sea. In condition slow tide, the tida lmore dominantly than the wind, this proved to even though the wind toward the south, the currents inthestraitis moving toward snorth along the tidal flow leading to the South China Sea. Flow velocity is quite varied location of modeling; flow velocity at low tide reaches 0.5m/s, with the average 0.15 m/s. Keywords: current and direction, wind, tide, model.
KUALITAS LINGKUNGAN PERAIRAN DAN KONDISI OSEANOGRAFI DI KAWASAN INDUSTRI SEKUPANG KOTA BATAM = Water Environment Quality and Oceanographic Conditions in the Industrial Area Sekupang, Batam Riyadi, Agung; Santos, Matih
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 14 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v14i1.1435


This study is located in industrial area in Sekupang, Batam. Primary data collection includes water quality, aquatic biota, and the tidal current direction and speed measurement. Overall water quality conditions in the surrounding industrial area Sekupang is still good, it can be seen from the results of laboratory analysis is still below the quality standards specified . Flow pattern at high tide is moving south at a speed of 1 m / sec, while at low tide movement heading north flows with varying speeds ranging from 0.1 m / sec to 1 m / sec. Tidal patterns according to formulation Formzahl 0.48, which means there is a double mix of ups and downs in a day where there will be two times of ups and downs twice but different amplitudes, and riding pasutnya up to 2.93 m. Phytoplankton in the study area found 25 species such as Skeletonema sp., Chaetoceros sp, sp Lauderia which dominate the waters. There is also a kind of Dynophyceae with species such as Peridinium sp, whereas Cyanophyceae types are Trichodesmium sp. Results of analysis diversitasnya index of 1.54, which identifies those waters have poor quality. Evenness index/species uniformity of 0.43 indicates the quality of its waters being. While the dominance index was the quality of the water has a value of 0.41. Mike21 hydrodynamic modeling is used in assisting the analysis of the direction and speed of global flows in accordance with the pattern of tidal and bathymetric depth.Keyword: patterns of currents, tides, environmental quality, model Abstrak Penelitian ini berlokasi di kawasan industri Sekupang Kota Batam. Pengambilan data primer meliputi kualitas air, biota perairan, pasang surut dan pengukuran arah dan kecepatan arus. Secara keseluruhan kondisi kualitas perairan di sekitar kawasan industri Sekupang masih baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil analisa laboratorium masih di bawah baku mutu yang ditetapkan. Pola arus pada saat pasang bergerak ke arah selatan dengan kecepatan 1 m/detik, sedangkan pada saat surut pergerakan arus mengarah ke utara dengan kecepatan bervariasi berkisar 0,1 m/detik hingga 1m/detik. Pola pasang surut menurut formulasi Formzahl 0,48 yang artinya terdapat pasang surut campuran ganda dimana dalam satu hari akan terjadi dua kali pasang dan dua kali surut akan tetapi amplitudo berbeda-beda, dan tunggang pasutnya hingga 2,93 m. Fitoplankton di wilayah penelitian dijumpai 25 spesies seperti Skeletonema sp., Chaetoceros sp, Lauderia sp yang mendominasi perairan. Juga terdapat jenis Dynophyceae dengan spesies seperti Peridinium sp, sedangkan jenis Cyanophyceae terdapat Trichodesmium sp. Hasil analisa indeks diversitasnya 1,54 yang mengidentifikasikan perairan tersebut mempunyai kualitas buruk. Indeks kemerataan/keseragaman spesies 0,43 yang mengindikasikan kualitas perairannya sedang. Sedangkan indeks dominansi perairan mempunyai kualitas sedang dengan nilai 0,41. Pembuatan model hidrodinamika menggunaan Mike21 di dalam membantu analisis arah dan kecepatan arus secara global sesuai dengan pola pasang surut dan kedalaman batimetri. Kata kunci: pola arus, pasang surut, kualitas lingkungan, model
Jurnal Air Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 2 (2014): Jurnal Air Indonesia
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29122/jai.v7i2.2416


This paper describes some of the general condition of the oceanographic parameters in the Strait Matak, Anambas Archipelago. The data flow is obtained by direct measurement by using a current meter types RCM-7. Simulation models using Mike 21. Mike flow pattern is divided into two seasons, namely west season (January) and the east season (August) and flow patterns ahead of the tide when the season is generally moving west to wards the south, it demonstrates the role of strong tidal influence the movement of waterin the study area. Flow velocity in the strait just before the tide on the west season reaches 1m/s.  Flow patterns at high tide on the west season looks still moving toward sthe south. The maximum flow velocity in the strait when the tide reaches 0.32 m/s, while the average speed in the area of the model is 0.12 m/s. Low tide towards the current pattern is still moving towards the south, it reinforces the notion that in addition to tidal windsare also very significant role in moving the flow, in this case that the current is moving toward the south. Flow velocity just before low tide reaches 0.85 m/s. Flow patterns at low tide shows the differences in the three previous conditions, the current in the strait to move out to the north toward the South China Sea. In condition slow tide, the tida lmore dominantly than the wind, this proved to even though the wind toward the south, the currents inthestraitis moving toward snorth along the tidal flow leading to the South China Sea. Flow velocity is quite varied location of modeling; flow velocity at low tide reaches 0.5m/s, with the average 0.15 m/s. Keywords: current and direction, wind, tide, model.