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Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan Vol 2, No 2/JKPTB/18 (2018): Wisuda ke-92 Periode 2 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan

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Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh mata kuliah Merencana Konstruksi Beton sebagai salah satu mata kuliah wajib, yang harus diprogram pada kurikulum S-1 pendidikan konstruksi bangunan. Pada mata kuliah ini mahasiswa harus dapat merencanakan bangunan konstruksi beton 3 lantai. Faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar pada mata kuliah Merencana Konstruksi Beton adalah (1) hasil belajar mata kuliah Struktur beton, (2) Mekanika Rekayasa, (3) Teknik Gempa dan (4) Rekayasa Pondasi yang sangat berperan dalam penyelesaian tugas Merencana Konstruksi Beton, oleh karena itu peneliti ini akan mencari seberapa pengaruh dari mata kuliah Struktur Beton, Mekanika Rekayasa, Teknik Gempa dan Rekayasa Pondasi terhadap Mata Kuliah Merencana Konstruksi Beton. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bersifat assosiatif, yaitu penelitian dengan pendekatan data berbentuk angka. Analisis yang sesuai dengan penelitian ini adalah analisis regersi linier berganda, untuk mencari besarnya pengaruh hasil belajar mata kuliah Mekanika Rekayasa I, Mekanika Rekayasa II, Mekanika Rekayasa III, Struktur Beton I, Struktur Beton II, Teknik Gempa dan Rekayasa Pondasi terhadap Mata Kuliah Merencana Konstruksi Beton S1 PTB 2014 Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Unesa. Penelitian ini didapatkan berdasarkan tes Uji Normalitas Variabel dengan Uji One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov- Z diperoleh nilai 1.202 dan Asymp Sig (2- tailed) sebesar 0.111 lebih besar dari 0.05 maka dapat disimpulkan data berdistribusi normal. Berdasarkan dari hasil uji linieritas dapat disimpulkan mata kuliah yang diteliti tergolong linear dikarenakan semua hasil variabel independen signifikansinya lebih besar dari 0.05. Dari hasil uji regresi korelasi sederhana menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang sangat rendah antara mata kuliah yang diteliti terhadap Merencana Konstruksi Beton. Persentase sumbangan pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen sebesar 37.2% sedangkan 62.8% ditentukan oleh variabel lainnya. Mata kuliah penunjang yang mempunyai pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar Merencana Konstruksi Beton berturut-turut mulai yang paling besar adalah Struktur Beton I sebesar -0.672, Mekanika Rekayasa III sebesar 0.562, Mekanika Rekayasa II sebesar 0.210, Rekayasa Pondasi Sebesar -0.210, Struktur Beton II sebesar -0.116, Teknik Gempa Sebesar -0.009 dan Mekanika Rekayasa I sebesar 0,004. Dari uji F yang dilakukan diperoleh F hitung = 2.626 > F tabel = 2.32, artinya ada pengaruh hasil belajar mata kuliah Mekanika Rekayasa I, Mekanika Rekayasa II, Mekanika Rekayasa III, Struktur Beton I, Struktur Beton II, Teknik Gempa dan Rekayasa Pondasi terhadap Merencana Beton mahasiswa S1 PTB 2014 Jurusan Teknik Sipil Unesa. Kata Kunci: Pengaruh Hasil Belajar, Merencana Konstruksi Beton. Abstract The research is in background by the Concrete Construction Planning course as one of the compulsory subjects, which must be programmed into the S-1 curriculum of building construction education. In this course students should be able to plan a complete 3-storey concrete construction building. Factors affecting the learning outcomes in the course Concrete Construction Planning is (1) the learning result of the concrete of Structure, (2) Mechanics Engineering, (3) Earthquake Engineering and (4) The foundation engineering that is very instrumental in the completion of the task of Concrete Construction Planning, by therefore this researcher will find out how the influence of the subject of Concrete of Structure, Mechanics Engineering, Earthquake Engineering and Foundation Engineering Against Planning Concrete Construction Course. The research used is quantitative research which is associative, that is research with approach of data in the form of number. The analysis according to this research is multiple linear regression analysis, to find out the effect of the learning result of the subjects of Mechanical Engineering I, Mechanical Engineering II, Mechanics Engineering III, Concrete of Structure I, Concrete of Structure II, Earthquake Engineering and Foundation Engineering on Construction Planning Course Beton S1 PTB 2014 Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Unesa. This research was obtained based on the test of Variable Normality Test with One Sample Test Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Z obtained the value of 1.202 and Asymp Sig (2- tailed) of 0.111 greater than 0.05, it can be concluded that the data is normally distributed. Based on the results of the linearity test it can be concluded that the subjects studied were classified as linear because all the results of the significance of the independent variables were greater than 0.05. From the results of the simple correlation regression test shows a very low relationship between the subjects studied on Concrete Construction Planning. The percentage of the contribution of the influence of the independent variable to the dependent variable is 37.2% while 62.8% is determined by other variables. Supporting courses that have an influence on learning outcomes Planning consecutive Concrete Construction starts the largest is Concrete of Structure I of -0.672, Engineering Mechanics III of 0.562, Engineering Mechanics II of 0.210, Engineering Foundation of -0.210, Concrete of Structure II of - 0.116, Earthquake Technique of -0.009 and Engineering Mechanics I of 0.004. From the F test conducted, it was obtained that Fcount = 2.626 > Ftable = 2.32, meaning that there was an effect of the learning outcomes of the, Engineering Mechanics I, Engineering Mechanics II, Engineering Mechanics III, Concrete of Structure I, Concrete of Structure II, Earthquake Engineering and Foundation Engineering for Concrete Planning for S1 PTB 2014 students in the Department of Civil Engineering Unesa. Keywords: Effect of Learning Outcomes, Concrete Construction Planning.