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Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan Vol 5, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan

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Abstrak Penelitian ini memiliki latar belakang bahwa proses pembelajaran yang sedang berlangsung guru masih sering menggunakan power point, papan tulis dibantu metode ceramah pada proses pembelajaran sehingga siswa kurang fokus, hal ini berkebalikan dengan penerapan Kurikulum 2013 dimana guru hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator agar dapat melatih siswa lebih aktif dan membangun pengetahuan siswa secara kreatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) kelayakan media Question Card pada materi spesifikasi dan karakteristik kayu (2) Kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran sebagai media pembelajaraan pada materi spsifikasi dan karakteristik kayu (3) keterlaksanaan media question card dengan model teams games tournament pada materi spesifikasi dan karakteristik kayu (4) hasil belajar siswa setelah pengembangan media question card dengan model teams games tournament pada materi spesifikasi dan karakteristik kayu (5) Respon Siswa terhadap penggunaan media pembelajaran question card dengan model teams games tournament pada materi spesifikasi dan karakteristik kayu. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pengembangan 4D. Subyek penelitian ini menggunakan 21siswa kelas X DPIB SMK Negeri 2 Bangkalan. Instrumen Penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi (1) media question card( (2) perangkat pembelajaran 3) keterlaksanaan pembelajaran (4) pretest-posttest (5) angket respon siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan analisis kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran, analisis kelayakan media question card, analisis keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, analisis hasil belajar dan analisis respon siswa. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) prosentase rata-rata hasil kelayakan media question card sebesar 84,54% dengan kategori sangat layak; (2) prosentase rata-rata hasil kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran meliputi silabus sebesar 83% dengan kategori sangat layak, RPP sebesar 77,4% dengan kategori sangat layak, materi sebesar 82% dengan kategori sangat layak ; (3) prosentase rata-rata hasil keterlaksanaan pembelajaran pada pertemuan 1 sebesar 82% dengan kategori baik, pada pertemuan 2 sebesar 91% dengan kategori sangat baik; (4) ) nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa yang didapat dari pre-test dan posttest, untuk pretest yang dilakukan pada kelas X DPIB masih sangat rendah dari batas KKM yang diberlakukan oleh sekolah yaitu 80. Hanya ada 2 siswa yang tuntas memperoleh nilai diatas nilai KKM 80. Ketuntasan klasikal yang diperoleh pada kelas X DPIB yakni hanya 10% masih kurang dari 80 % sebagai standar ketuntasan, Sedangkan post-test yang diperoleh pada kelas X DPIB yakni ketuntasannya mencapai 100%. Dimana minimal ketuntasannya lebih dari 80%. Jadi kenaikan ketuntasan klasikal dari hasil belajar setelah menggunakan media question Card pada kelas X DPIB yaitu sebesar 100% dengan kategori sangat baik; (5) prosentase rata-rata hasil respon siswa sebesar 73,8% dengan kategori sangat baik. Kata kunci : media question card, hasil belajar Abstract This study has a background that the ongoing learning process teachers still often use power point, the whiteboard is assisted by the lecture method in the learning process so that students kilack focus this is contrary to the application of the 2013 curriculum where the teacher only acts as a facilitator in order to train students more actively and build students knowledge creatively. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the feasibility of Question Card media on wood specifications and characteristics of material (2)the feasibility of learning devices as learning media on material spesifications and characteristics of wood (3) the implementation of media question cards with games tournament tournament models on material specifications and wood characteristics (4) student learning outcomes after the development of media question card with models games tournament teams on material specifications and wood characteristics(5)Student?s response to the use of question card learning media with the model of games tournament on material specifications and wood characteristics. This type of research uses 4D development. The subjects of this study used 21 students of class X DPIB SMK Negeri 2 Bangkalan. The research instrument used was a validation sheet (1) learning device (2) media question card (3) learning feasibility (4) pretest-posttest (5) student response questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used feasibility analysis of learning devices, feasibility analysis of media question cards, analysis of learning feasibility, analysis of learning outcomes, analysis of student responses. The results of this study are (1) the average percentage of the results of the feasibility of the question card media is 84.54% with a very feasible category; (2) the average percentage of the feasibilty of learning devices includes a syllabus of 83% with a very fesible category, RPP of 77,4 % with a very fesible category, material of 82% with a very fesible category (3) the average percentage of late learning outcomes at 1st meeting was 82% with good categories, at the second meeting 91% with very good categories; (4) the average value of student learning outcomes obtained from the pre-test and posttest, for the pretest conducted on class X DPIB is still very low from the KKM limit imposed by the school, which is 80. There are only 2 students who can obtain added value the value of KKM 80 was obtained. Classical completeness obtained in class X DPIB was only 10%, still less than 80% as the standard of completeness, while the post-test obtained in class X DPIB was 100% completeness. Where the minimum completeness is more than 80%. So the classical completeness rises from learning outcomes after using media question cards in class X DPIB which is equal to 100% with very good categories; (5) the average percentage of student responses is 73.8% with a very good category. . Keywords: media question card, learning outcomes