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PLANTA TROPIKA: Jurnal Agrosains (Journal of Agro Science) Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/pt.2019.104.137-140


Deli Serdang District is one of the regions producing red guava fruit in Sumatra Utara. Cultivation of fruit trees is never separated from pest disorders, which can cause a decrease in the quality and quantity of fruit. Then proper control is needed so that it can maintain the balance of insect populations in the field. This study aims to determine the type of parasitoid and parasitoid parasitic levels in red guava crops. Identification morphology of parasitoid?s fruit flies rearing from red guava fruit that had been attacked by fruit flies was taken from several locations of red guava crops in Deli Serdang District. Two species of parasitoid Psytalia sp. the parasitic fruit fly in the red guava crop.  The parasitoids that have been found then identified at LIPI, Cibinong, Bogor morphologically has many similarities with Psytalia walker and Psytalia walkeri so that identification of species is only made close to the morphology of the species. Only in two locations were found parasitoid?s rearing from infected fruit, namely Parasitization rate of 6.9% in Sei Beras Sekata village, and Kolam village of 3.6%.
Keragaman Serangga di Pola Pertanaman Tumpang Sari Kedelai-Titonia Putri Mustika Sari; Adriansyah Yoesoep; Lisdayani Lisdayani
Agrosains : Jurnal Penelitian Agronomi Vol 23, No 1 (2021): Agrosains: Jurnal Penelitian Agronomi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/agsjpa.v23i1.47920


Plants that have a wide range of insect presence, decreased insect diversity and abundance were so few consequenced because the absence of one insect species can be replaced by the presence of another. The bad consequences that occur are the types of plants that have specific insect specificities because the absence of these insects will cause the failure of plant pollination and will directly cause a decrease in crop production. This study aimed to determine the diversity of insect species that come in the soybean-tithonia intercropping. The method was used direct observation in tithonia-soybean intercropping, took insects using a sweep net in the morning. The results showed that there were 15 types of insects identified, namely Epilachna sp.; Coccinella sexmaculata; Coccinella transveralis; Verania lineata; Ropalidia fasciata; Priocnemis sp.; Naupactus leucoloma; Piezodorus guildinii; Bemicia tabaci; Agromyza phaseoli; Spodoptera sp.; Nezara viridula; Paederus fusipes; Hylaeus sp.; and Trigona sp. The range of results of the calculation of the diversity index showed that the five treatments in intercropping plants had the same abundance. So it was needed to calculate the highest diversity index value or maximum H expressed in Ln S. The maximum H value in this study is 2.708, which is a measure of moderate species diversity (1<H’<3).
Jurnal Al Ulum LPPM Universitas Al Washliyah Medan Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Al Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1342.247 KB) | DOI: 10.47662/alulum.v8i1.202


Hama kepik hijau (N. viridula L.) merupakan hama utama tanaman kedelai (Glycine max) serta dapat menurunkan produksi kedelai. Pengendalian hama ini dapat memanfaatkan insektisida nabati sebagai repellent menggunakan tanaman Tagetes erecta dipadukan dengan urine sapi. Penggunaan repellent umumnya tidak langsung mematikan serangga, namun lebih berfungsi untuk menolak kehadiran serangga, terutama disebabkan oleh baunya yang menyengat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keanekaragaman serangga yang dapat berperan sebagai musuh alami dalam mengurangi serangan hama N.viridula pada tanaman kedelai. Penelitian ini menggunakan RAK Non Faktorial dengan lima ulangan. Perlakuan penelitian yaitu kombinasi pemberian serbuk Tagetes erecta dengan urine sapi dengan lima taraf yaitu kontrol (T0), Serbuk T.erecta 10 g+urine sapi 100 ml (T1), Serbuk T.erecta 15 g + urine sapi 100 ml (T2), serbuk T.erecta 20 g + urine sapi 100 ml (T4), serbuk T.erecta 25 g + urine sapi 100 ml (T5). Hasil penelitian mendapatkan lima spesies serangga yaitu E.admirabilis, Epilachna sp, M.sexmaculatus, V. linneata, I.sarcitorius yang digolongkan sebagai hama (1spesies), predator (3 spesies) dan parasitoid (1 spesies). Diharapkan dengan penelitian ini petani dapat memanfaatkan Tagetes erecta dan limbah urine sapi sebagai pestisida alami untuk pengendalian Hama Nezara viridula yang bersifat ramah lingkungan dan ekonomis.
Insecticide Activity Extract of Tinospra crispa Mixed With Cow Urine on Spodoptera litura in the Laboratory Putri Mustika Sari; Henny Wahyunita; Adriansyah Yoesoep; Lisdayani; Fitra S. Harahap
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik Vol. 6 No. 2 (2019): JURNAL PERTANIAN TROPIK
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (515.775 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jpt.v6i2.3153


Armyworms (Spodoptera litura) become important pests in Indoensia that eat leaves compared to other pests because they are polyfag. S. litura can reduce productivity even crop failure. Therefore, it is necessary to do research on how to control S. litura effectively and environmentally friendly. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of brotowali extract (Tinospra crispa) as a botanical insecticide and obtain the right concentration of fruit extract, young leaves, and old Brotowali leaves to control the armyworm (litura Spodopter). This study used a Non Factorial Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 6 treatments of various doses of brotowali extract mixed with cow urine and 4 replications. The results of the study showed that the administration of Brotowali + Urine Cattle extract with high doses (30 ml / jar) was able to increase the speed of death of the armyworm.
Growth Response of Soybean (Glycine max L Merrill) to NPK Fertilizer Dosage and Distance Planting in the Field Lisdayani; Putri Mustika Sari; Syahman margolang
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): JURNAL PERTANIAN TROPIK
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.264 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jpt.v8i2.6375


In The effort to increase soybean production, various treatments can be applied, one of which is cultivation in which spacing between the plants is adjusted to obtain ideal production. Spacing is determined depending on seed growth, soil fertility, season, and the variety of plants. Apart from spacing, the use of compound fertilizer is also very important in the growth and production of soybean plants. One way to reduce production costs and improve the soil and crop yield quality is applying a compound fertilizer such as NPK Mutiara (16:16:16). NPK (16:16:16) fertilizer has a balanced composition of nutrients and dissolves slowly until the end of the growth process. The purpose of this study is to discover the effect of plant spacing and dosage of NPK Mutiara (16:16:16) fertilizer, and the best interaction between spacing and NPK Mutiara (16:16:16) fertilizer dosage, on the growth and yield of soybean plants (Glycine max (L) Merrill). The research was conducted in a farmer’s experimental garden, in Jalan Eka Suka 11, Pangkalan Mansur Village, Medan Johor District, at a height of ± 15 meters above sea level. The method used is a factorial randomized block design (RBD) with the first factor being plant spacing, and the second -factor being NPK fertilizer dosage. The results of the research show that NPK fertilizer dosage and plant spacing both have a significant effect on plant height and the number of branches. The highest plant height, 75.50 cm, was obtained using the treatment J3 (40 cm x 40 cm spacing), compared with the other two treatments. The lowest plant height, 61.08 cm, was obtained using the treatment J1 (30 cm x 30 cm spacing). The highest number of branches was seen in the treatment K3, with 7.00 stalks, while the lowest number of branches was found in the treatment K0, with 6.03 stalks.
Produksi Kedelai pada Tumpang Sari dengan Tithonia diversifolia Putri Mustika Sari; Adriansyah Yoesoep; Lisdayani Lisdayani
Agrotechnology Research Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Agrotechnology Research Journal
Publisher : Perkumpulan Agroteknologi/Agroekoteknologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (299.298 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/agrotechresj.v4i2.44114


Considering that soybeans are a food ingredient, it is necessary to control insect pests that are appropriate and environmentally friendly to increase soybean production, for example, through an intercropping pattern using flowering plants that can attract beneficial insects. This study aimed to increase soybean production by increasing the number of natural enemies planted through an intercropping soybean pattern with Titonia (Tithonia diversifolia). This research was conducted from April - August 2020 at Aras Kabu Village Deli Serdang District; the method used was direct observation to the experimental field of soybean – Titonia intercropping made with 5 Mapping spacing treatments. Harvesting insects using sweep net and for production is counted from soybean pods. The results showed that the soybean-Titonia intercropping had an effect on soybean production, the highest number of seeds was in the treatment of 50 cm spacing between plants (T4) of 57.33, and the highest weight of 100 seeds was in the treatment of 50 cm spacing between plants (T4) treatment of 15.22. The insect orders found in the area of Titonia-soybean intercropping plantations are Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, where many predatory insects, parasitoids, and pollinators are found. Judging from the content of secondary metabolites of Titonia, namely alkaloids, tannins, and flavonoids, the results of Titonia plants, including flower, stems, and leaves, can be used to extract pesticides in controlling insect pests.