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Parent-Adolescent Communication On Reproductive Health and Sexual Of Adolescent Febriana, Annisa; Mulyono, Sigit
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 10, No 2 (2019): Juli
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (25.559 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jk.v10i2.8063


ABSTRACTIntroduction: In adolescence, there are various changes, both physical, cognitive, and social, which cause adolescents vulnerable to reproductive health problems. The family as the closest part of adolescence is one of the main factors in improving adolescent reproductive health and has a very important role in providing sexual and reproductive health information to adolescents. Objective: to find out the communication between parents and teenagers about sexual and reproductive health. Method: The design used is a systematic review. Journal searches are conducted on online databases such as PubMed, Elsevier, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Journals, articles, and literature reviews were found using keywords parent-adolescent communication, sexual and reproductive health, adolescents. Results: A total of 7 journal articles selected from 28 articles showed that communication between parents and adolescents regarding reproductive and sexual health was very important to do. However, the implementation is still lacking due to various factors such as lack of parental knowledge, parents lacking in communication skills, the presence of shame, and cultural influences that consider reproductive and sexual health issues as taboo to be discussed with adolescents. Discussion: The communication of parents and adolescents regarding reproductive and sexual health has been widely investigated in various countries. Interventions are needed to improve the quality of communication between parents and adolescents through increasing the knowledge of parents of these adolescents. 
Karakteristik Remaja yang Memanfaatkan Layanan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Martapura 1 Annisa Febriana; Sigit Mulyono; Widyatuti Widyatuti
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 11, No 3 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf11309


Reproductive health is one of the problems that occur in adolescent life. Adolescents who have never been exposed to information about reproductive health from an early age are the main causes of these problems. Reproductive health service facilities for adolescents are available at the Puskesmas, but have not been properly utilized by adolescents. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of adolescent characteristics with the utilization of adolescent reproductive health services. The method used is descriptive. The sampling technique used was random sampling, as many as 370 teenagers who had used reproductive health services. Results. There is a relationship of age (p value 0.01), parental past education (p value 0.02), and parental income (p value 0.01) with the use of adolescent reproductive health services. Research recommendations are expected that community nurses can increase the scope of visits both at school and in families with adolescents so that adolescents are more exposed to information about reproductive health and are able to make use of available reproductive health services optimally. Keywords: characteristics; adolescents; reproductive health; utilization of reproductive services ABSTRAK Kesehatan reproduksi menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi dalam kehidupan remaja. Remaja yang tidak pernah terpapar informasi mengenai kesehatan reproduksi sejak dini menjadi penyebab utama timbulnya masalah tersebut. Fasilitas layanan kesehatan reproduksi untuk remaja telah tersedia di Puskesmas, namun belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh remaja. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik remaja dengan pemanfaatan layanan kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriftif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah random sampling, sebanyak 370 remaja yang pernah memanfaatkan layanan kesehatan reproduksi. Hasil. Terdapat hubungan usia (p value 0,01), pendidikan terakhir orangtua (p value 0,02), dan penghasilan orangtua (p value 0,01) dengan pemanfaatan layanan kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Rekomendasi penelitian diharapkan perawat komunitas mampu meningkatkan cakupan kunjungan baik di sekolah maupun di keluarga dengan anak remaja agar remaja lebih terpapar informasi mengenai kesehatan reproduksi serta mampu memanfaatkan layanan kesehatan reproduksi yang tersedia secara optimal. Kata kunci: karakteristik; remaja; kesehatan reproduksi; pemanfaatan layanan reproduksi
Pengaruh Parental Monitoring terhadap Perilaku Seksual Berisiko Remaja: A Systematic Review Annisa Febriana; Sigit Mulyono
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 10, No 3 (2019): Juli 2019
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf10301


Introduction: High parental monitoring is demonstrated in the form of good supervision by parents, accompanied by communication and parenting as an important and effective part, to prevent risky adolescent sexual behavior. The purpose of writing this article is to systematically review several recent studies using cross sectional, longitudinal and ethnographic designs to determine the effect of parental monitoring on adolescent sexual risk behaviors. Method: Searching library sources was conducted in several electronic databases such as scanned, biomed, pubmed and google scholar in the last 10 years, which were published in English. The search results obtained 8 articles that met the criteria. Conclusion: Parental monitoring is very influential to reduce the risk of adolescent risky sexual behavior. Parental monitoring is more effective with good parenting, good relationships and communication between parents and adolescents, high religiosity, and the application of discipline in the family. Further research is needed in the form of interventions, as well as examining parental monitoring in various other risk behaviors for adolescents. Keywords: parental monitoring, adolescent, risky sexual behavior, parent-adolescent communication ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Parental monitoring yang tinggi ditunjukkan dalam bentuk pengawasan yang baik oleh orangtua, disertai dengan komunikasi dan pola asuh sebagai bagian penting dan efektif, untuk mencegah perilaku seksual berisiko remaja. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk melakukan review secara sistematis terhadap beberapa penelitian terbaru yang menggunakan desain cross sectional, longitudinal dan etnografi untuk mengetahui pengaruh monitoring orangtua terhadap perilaku seksual berisiko remaja. Metode: Pencarian sumber pustaka dilakukan di beberapa database elektronik seperti sciencedirect, biomed, pubmed dan google scholar dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir, yang dipublikasikan dalam bahasa Inggris. Hasil pencarian berhasil memperoleh 8 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria. Kesimpulan: Parental monitoring sangat berpengaruh untuk menurunkan risiko terjadinya perilaku seksual berisiko remaja. Parental monitoring lebih efektif dilakukan dengan pola asuh yang baik, terjalinnya hubungan dan komunikasi yang baik antara orangtua dengan remaja, religiusitas yang tinggi, serta penerapan disiplin dalam keluarga. Perlu penelitian lebih lanjut dalam bentuk intervensi, serta mengkaji parental monitoring di berbagai perilaku berisiko remaja lainnya. Kata kunci: parental monitoring, remaja, perilaku seksual berisiko, komunikasi orangtua-remaja
Parent-Adolescent Communication On Reproductive Health and Sexual Of Adolescent Annisa Febriana; Sigit Mulyono
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Juli
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.524 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jk.v10i2.8063


ABSTRACTIntroduction: In adolescence, there are various changes, both physical, cognitive, and social, which cause adolescents vulnerable to reproductive health problems. The family as the closest part of adolescence is one of the main factors in improving adolescent reproductive health and has a very important role in providing sexual and reproductive health information to adolescents. Objective: to find out the communication between parents and teenagers about sexual and reproductive health. Method: The design used is a systematic review. Journal searches are conducted on online databases such as PubMed, Elsevier, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Journals, articles, and literature reviews were found using keywords parent-adolescent communication, sexual and reproductive health, adolescents. Results: A total of 7 journal articles selected from 28 articles showed that communication between parents and adolescents regarding reproductive and sexual health was very important to do. However, the implementation is still lacking due to various factors such as lack of parental knowledge, parents lacking in communication skills, the presence of shame, and cultural influences that consider reproductive and sexual health issues as taboo to be discussed with adolescents. Discussion: The communication of parents and adolescents regarding reproductive and sexual health has been widely investigated in various countries. Interventions are needed to improve the quality of communication between parents and adolescents through increasing the knowledge of parents of these adolescents. 
Audio Hypno-Analgesia Intervention Effect On Pain Levels During Wound Treatment At JR Care Nursing Practice Hanung Prasetya; Heryyanoor Heryyanoor; Annisa Febriana
(JKG) Jurnal Keperawatan Global (JKG) Jurnal Keperawatan Global Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkg.v0i0.283


Background: Wound care often causes complaints of side effects, pain, and discomfort for patients, which need to be minimized. Efforts to minimize pain and discomfort include the provision of hypnoanalgesia complementary therapy interventions with additional hypnosis audio hypnoanalgesia methods that cause a feeling of relaxation in patients during wound care. This study analyzed the effect of audio hypnoanalgesia on pain levels in wound care. Methods: Quasi-experimental research using a random control trial was conducted at the JR Care Independent Nursing Practice, Banjarbaru from January to December 2020. The population was 120 patients with total randomization of 60 subjects from the treatment group and 60 subjects from the control group receiving standard care. The independent variable is audio hypnoanalgesia, while the dependent variable is the level of pain. Hypnoanalgesia was performed using hypnosis recordings/audio while pain level was measured using a numerical pain scale of 0 to 10. Data analysis used an independent t-test. The effect of the treatment was seen from the difference in the level of pain before and after being given treatment. Result: Subjects experienced a significant decrease in mean pain in the treatment group from a mean of 4.95, SD = 0.67 before treatment to a mean of 0.13, SD = 0.34 after treatment, effect size 0.97 using Cohen's formula and statistically significant (p = 0.000) which means the administration of audiohypnoanalgesia has a positive effect on reducing pain levels. Conclusion: Hypnoanalgesia audio therapy can be used to minimize patient pain during wound care.
Optimalisasi pencegahan dan penanggulangan stunting di Desa Sungai Tuan Ilir Any Zahrotul Widniah; Taufik Hidayat; Annisa Febriana
INDRA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/indra.v3i1.160


Stunting is one of the chronic nutritional problems which is still an important problem in Indonesia. Lack of nutritional intake in the first 1000 days of life or lack of nutritional intake for a long time is the main cause of stunting. Indonesia is one of the developing countries with more than half the number of children experiencing stunting. The prevalence of stunting is in position 115 out of 151 countries in the world. Banjar Regency is ranks third out of 13 regencies/cities in South Kalimantan which is children experiencing stunting at 48.2%. Through community service activities by conducting stunting prevention and control programs is hoped that there will be an increase in community knowledge and attitudes in the family environment. The focus targets of this community service activity are families who have children under five and or couples of childbearing age in Sungai Tuan Ilir Village. The program is carried out in three stages, namely providing health education, interpersonal communication (KAP), and stunting prevention campaigns. The activities were carried out well according to the program planning that was made as evidenced by the increase in community knowledge and attitudes both during the mass counseling process and during KAP activities and stunting prevention campaigns in the family sphere.
Super ring modern circumcision training with free needle injection anesthesia in improving the skills of health workers Andri Suwarno; Lutfi Aulia Rahman; Nanang Saputro Agung Widodo; Heryyanoor Heryyanoor; Annisa Febriana; Ida Yuliana
Community Empowerment Vol 7 No 6 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.822 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.7167


The development of circumcision techniques in the world, including Indonesia, is very rapid. One of them is super ring modern circumcision with free needle injection anesthesia. Efforts to improve the skills of health workers such as doctors and nurses through training are carried out in collaboration with LKP Sunat Modern Indonesia. The methods used are question and answer lectures, demonstrations, FGDs, and the practice of performing circumcision on patients directly with the assistance and supervision of the instructor. The result of this activity is an increase in understanding and skills in performing super ring modern circumcision with free needle injection anesthesia, and producing entrepreneurs in this field.
Dukungan Informasional dan Emosional Keluarga dalam Perilaku Pemanfaatan Layanan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Annisa Febriana; Sigit Mulyono
SEHATMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/sehatmas.v1i3.676


The adolescent age group as a population at risk of experiencing reproductive health problems requires support and attention from the family. Information support and emotional support for adolescents are the main focus of families in overcoming adolescent reproductive health problems. This study aims to determine the relationship of family informational and emotional support to the behavior of using reproductive health services by adolescents. This study uses a descriptive correlational research design with a cross sectional approach with a sample size of 370 with random sampling method. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between informational and emotional support from the family and the behavior of using reproductive health services (p-value 0.000). Behavior improvement in the use of health services needs to be improved with the support of knowledge and attention from parents of adolescents, as well as the active role of health workers in efforts to introduce adolescent reproductive health services.
Foot soak therapy with warm ginger for families with elderly hypertension Taufik Hidayat; Any Zahrotul Widniah; Annisa Febriana
Community Empowerment Vol 7 No 12 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31603/ce.8396


One of the primary factors that most affects the development of cardiovascular disease is hypertension. According to the Framingham Heart Study, hypertension is now more common than it was in the past. There are 757 patients with hypertension in the Astambul Health Center's service area in the Banjar Regency as of 2021. The aim of the community service conducted in Astambul District families with geriatric hypertension is to reduce blood pressure by giving the patients' foot soak therapy with warm ginger. The community service method is carried out by carrying out the preliminary stages, the implementation—which includes counseling, blood pressure measurements, demonstrations and evaluation. The family and the elderly enthusiastically participating in soaking feet in warm red ginger water is proof that the activities were carried out well in accordance with the program design that had been created. Additionally, following the intervention, the systolic blood pressure dropped by 0.4 mmHg. The participants reported experiencing at ease and relaxed after soaking their feet in warm red ginger water, which reduced tension in their body muscles.
Journal Health & Science : Gorontalo Journal Health and Science Community Vol 7, No 1 (2023): JANUARI: JOURNAL HEALTH AND SCIENCE : GORONTALO JOURNAL HEALTH AND SCIENCE COMMU
Publisher : Gorontalo State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35971/gojhes.v7i1.17423


Abstrak Masalah Stunting terjadi secara global dan disebabkan berbagai faktor seperti pengetahuan serta kesadaran yang kurang mengenai pemberian gizi yang tepat selama kehamilan hingga anak berusia balita. Peningkatan pengetahuan keluarga di perlukan dengan memberikan edukasi mengenai cara pencegahan stunting melalui komunikasi antar personal (KAP) dengan pendekatan keluarga. Intervensi KAP yang diberikan kepada keluarga menggunakan media lembar balik / flipchart. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini karena meneliti tentang pencegahan terjadinya masalah stunting di keluarga melalui pendekatan komunikasi antar personal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektifitas dari komunikasi antar personal di lingkup keluarga dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap keluarga dalam mencegah stunting. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimental one design group. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 120 keluarga yang tinggal di Desa Sungai Tuan Ilir, yang termasuk wilayah kerja Puskesmas Astambul. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap keluarga setelah diberikan komunikasi antar personal (P Value 0,001). Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, maka strategi intervensi komunikasi antar personal dengan pendekatan keluarga efektif dilakukan. Kesimpulan bahwa upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan keluarga dalam mencegah terjadinya stunting yang di lakukan dengan metode komunikasi antar personal terbukti efektif.Kata kunci: Stunting; Komunikasi antar personal; Keluarga; Balita. AbstractThe problem of stunting occurs globally and is caused by various factors, such as insufficient knowledge and awareness about proper nutrition during pregnancy for children under five. Increasing family knowledge is needed by providing education on preventing stunting through the interpersonal communication (KAP) with a family approach. KAP interventions were provided to families using flipchart media. The novelty of this study is that it examines the prevention of stunting problems in the family through an interpersonal communication approach. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of interpersonal communication in the family sphere in improving family knowledge and attitudes in preventing stunting. The design of this study is a quasi-experimental one-design group. The sample in this study was 120 families living in Sungai Tuan Ilir Village, which belongs to the working area of the Astambul Health Center. The results showed increased family knowledge and attitudes after being given interpersonal communication (P Value 0.001). Based on the results obtained, an interpersonal communication intervention strategy with a practical family approach is carried out. The conclusion is that efforts to increase family knowledge in preventing stunting carried out by interpersonal communication methods have proven effective.Keywords: Stunting; Interpersonal communication; Family; Toddler.