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Upaya Peningkatan Elektabilitas Calon Bupati Perempuan dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Kudus Tahun 2018 Qodarsasi, Umi; Dewi, Nevy Rusmarina
MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender Vol 11 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (626.835 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v11i2.2282


Since the Regional Head Election was openly held, the community had a great opportunity to elect the candidates directly. In addition, with the openness of the elections, the community can actively nominate themselves as deputy regional heads, both men and women. Women not only participate at the legislative level, but also become candidates for regent / deputy regent and governor / deputy governor. This study focuses on the nomination of awoman candidate in the Regional Election of Kudus in 2018 and how the efforts of woman candidates to increase their electability. The method and approach used in this qualitative-descriptive assessment with data collection is done through interviews and literature studies. Kudus Regency is seen as a prospective area for woman regional head candidates because of the large woman population. The ratio of the number of man and woman populations obtained by 96.99, which shows that for every 100 woman residents there are 97 man residents. The same thing happened in every sub-district in Kudus Regency which has a sex ratio ranging from 94.24 to 98.30. In winning the vote, the woman candidate, Sri Hartini, made the election as a place to get an opportunity to be able to lead Kudus. Various strategies to increase votes through political campaigns were carried out. The use of women's identity as an effort to increase electability in the elections. Sri Hartini focused on the issue of gender equality and women's empowerment, she presented this by representing herself as a woman who was independent and empowered and able to compete with men. He believes he is capable of working in Kudus because there are more women in Kudus than men.
DINAMIKA KEMANUSIAAN MUSLIM UYGHUR DI CINA Dewi, Nevy Rusmarina; Irsyad, Maulana; Mufarikhin, Mufarikhin; Feriansyah, Ahmad Maulana
IJTIMAIYA: Journal of Social Science Teaching Vol 4, No 1 (2020): IJTIMAIYA : Journal of Social Science Teaching
Publisher : Program Studi Tadris IPS Fakultas tarbiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (957.489 KB) | DOI: 10.21043/ji.v4i1.7452


Permasalahan kemanusiaan muslim Uighur di Cina menjadi salah satu bahasan dunia internasional, yang menjadi fokus  ialah pelanggaran hak asasi manusia oleh pemerintah Cina.  Dalam rangka  menerapkan ideology komunis di Cinabanyak strategi dipakai oleh pemerintah Cina dalam mendoktrin muslim Uighur diantaranya, menyiksa, mengurung, sampai  perkawinan paksa oleh suku Cina dan suku Uighur. Tujuan utamanya  agar suku Uighur dapat membaur dengan warga Cina yang lain dan tak ada lagi perbedaan di bawah Komunis. Hal  itu yang menjadikan alasan bahwa pelanggaran hak asasi terhadap suku Uighur ini terus berlanjut, dalam tulisan ini akan membahas dinamika muslim Uighur di bawah  ideologi Cina beserta dampak  permasalahan  kemanusiaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan  metode penelitian kualitatif  dengan menggunakan studi pustaka. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan banyak terjadi pelanggaran kemanusiaan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Komunis Cina terhadap muslim Uighur. Pelanggaran yang terjadi telah masuk pada kategori pelanggaran HAM, namun dunia internasional tidak dapat menjangkaunya karena bagi pemerintah Cina hal ini merupakan masalah dalam negerinya.Kata Kunci: Pelanggaran HAM, Muslim Uighur, Komunis The humanitarian problem of Uighur Muslims in China has become one of the international discussions, the focus being on human rights violations by the Chinese government. In order to implement communist ideology in China many strategies are used by the Chinese government in doctrining Uighur Muslims including, torturing, confining, to forced marriage by Chinese and Uighur tribes. The ultimate goal is for the Uighurs to blend in with other Chinese and there is no difference under the Communists. That is what makes the reason that human rights violations against the Uighurs continue, in this paper will discuss the dynamics of Uighur Muslims under Chinese ideology and the impact of humanitarian problems. This research uses qualitative research methods using literature study. The results showed that there were many humanitarian violations committed by the Chinese Communist government against Uighur Muslims. The violations that occur have been categorized as human rights violations, but the international community cannot reach them because for the Chinese government this is a problem in their country.Keywords: human rights violations, Uighur Muslims, Communists.
Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) dalam Menjawab Tantangan Multikultural di Indonesia : Studi Kasus Papua Dewi, Nevy Rusmarina; Sholahuddin, Ahmad
Politea Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Politea : Jurnal Pemikiran Politik Islam
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.045 KB) | DOI: 10.21043/politea.v3i1.7255


Partai kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB)  is one of the Islamic parties which has a fairly large mass in Indonesia. Its existence in Indonesia is very important to unite the multicultural nation of Indonesia. During Gus Dur's leadership, PKB opened many discourses on the issue of multiculturalism so that many people made PKB a role model in multicultural life. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method using literature study sources in the form of books, websites, articles and newspapers. One case that shows the attitude of PKB is multicultural is the Papua Conflict case. Recent cases have become very important issues for the sustainability of politics and governance in Indonesia. PKB gave a statement in overcoming this conflict, that the Indonesian government immediately resolve the issue. Multicultural open policy has become part of PKB in the political arena in Indonesia. In this article, we will discuss how PKB attitudes in political life in Indonesia, especially regarding attitudes in conflict in Papua.
JURNAL SOSIAL POLITIK Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.06 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v6i1.11208


Saudi Arabia is one of the Moslem countries in the Middle East which limits women?s rights. These women have limited access to economy, education, as well as politics. 2009 was the milestone for women?s public participation in Saudi Arabia. This research aims to analyze the development of gender equality issue in Saudi Arabia which encourages policy changes in the era of King Salman. Gender is a character owned by someone in accordance with his/her social role based on his/her sex. Gender equality focuses on the equality of social role which is obtained by both men and women. In Koran surah Al- Baqarah article 288, there are two perspectives about women?s position which included normative and contextual aspects. Gender equality in Islamic?s perspective has been recognized in OKI?s Charter article 6. This research uses qualitative method with literature study approach. The result shows that the dynamic of policy changes in Saudi Arabia is influenced by the condition of Saudi?s women socio-cultural itself, the debate of the Ulama about gender equality which proposes Wassatiya?s perspective and Vision 2030 by Mohammad bin Salman as the hope of the implementation of the policy which gives a bigger opportunity for women?s role in public.
Dinamika Kemanusiaan Muslim Uyghur di Cina Dewi, Nevy Rusmarina; Irsyad, Maulana; Mufarikhin, Mufarikhin; Feriansyah, Ahmad Maulana
IJTIMAIYA: Journal of Social Science Teaching Vol 4, No 1 (2020): IJTIMAIYA : Journal of Social Science Teaching
Publisher : Program Studi Tadris IPS Fakultas tarbiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/ji.v4i1.7452


Permasalahan kemanusiaan muslim Uighur di Cina menjadi salah satu bahasan dunia internasional, yang menjadi fokus  ialah pelanggaran hak asasi manusia oleh pemerintah Cina.  Dalam rangka  menerapkan ideology komunis di Cinabanyak strategi dipakai oleh pemerintah Cina dalam mendoktrin muslim Uighur diantaranya, menyiksa, mengurung, sampai  perkawinan paksa oleh suku Cina dan suku Uighur. Tujuan utamanya  agar suku Uighur dapat membaur dengan warga Cina yang lain dan tak ada lagi perbedaan di bawah Komunis. Hal  itu yang menjadikan alasan bahwa pelanggaran hak asasi terhadap suku Uighur ini terus berlanjut, dalam tulisan ini akan membahas dinamika muslim Uighur di bawah  ideologi Cina beserta dampak  permasalahan  kemanusiaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan  metode penelitian kualitatif  dengan menggunakan studi pustaka. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan banyak terjadi pelanggaran kemanusiaan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Komunis Cina terhadap muslim Uighur. Pelanggaran yang terjadi telah masuk pada kategori pelanggaran HAM, namun dunia internasional tidak dapat menjangkaunya karena bagi pemerintah Cina hal ini merupakan masalah dalam negerinya.Kata Kunci: Pelanggaran HAM, Muslim Uighur, Komunis The humanitarian problem of Uighur Muslims in China has become one of the international discussions, the focus being on human rights violations by the Chinese government. In order to implement communist ideology in China many strategies are used by the Chinese government in doctrining Uighur Muslims including, torturing, confining, to forced marriage by Chinese and Uighur tribes. The ultimate goal is for the Uighurs to blend in with other Chinese and there is no difference under the Communists. That is what makes the reason that human rights violations against the Uighurs continue, in this paper will discuss the dynamics of Uighur Muslims under Chinese ideology and the impact of humanitarian problems. This research uses qualitative research methods using literature study. The results showed that there were many humanitarian violations committed by the Chinese Communist government against Uighur Muslims. The violations that occur have been categorized as human rights violations, but the international community cannot reach them because for the Chinese government this is a problem in their country.Keywords: human rights violations, Uighur Muslims, Communists.
Perilaku Partisipasi Pemilih pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Kudus Tahun 2018 Mas'udi, Mas'udi; Qodarsasi, Umi; Dewi, Nevy Rusmarina
JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UIN Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/jsw.2018.2.2.3038


The high voter's participation in the Regional Head Election of Kudus Regency in 2018 had importance to observe. Applying qualitative approach this research try to reveal the supporting factors underlying the participative behavior in the election. It was found in the research that: Firstly, the sociological factors, such as discussion, family opinion, organizational relations, friendship interaction, working sphere, religion, and gender of the candidates; Secondly, psychological factors, which refer more to identify the candidate identities as well as the party supporters; and thirdly, rational factors, in which voters understand the vision, mission, and the program of the candidates
Strategi Pengembangan Cageran Edupark Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Islam Dusun Cageran Tamanmartani Kalasan Sleman Yogyakarta Dewi, Nevy Rusmarina
Community Development: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Community Development: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/cdjpmi.v6i1.16328


Kabupaten Sleman merupakan daerah yang memiliki potensi alam yang menarik karena letaknya berada di kaki Gunung Merapi. Potensi alam tersebut kemudian banyak yang dimanfaatkan sebagai potensi wisata khususnya melalui pengembangan desa wisata. Dusun Cageran merupakan salah satu dusun yang juga melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mengangkat potensi alam desa dengan nama “Cageran Edupark”. Tujuan pengembangan dan pemberdayaan potensi desa agar masyarakat terwujud kemandirian sehingga tercapailah peneingkatan taraf hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini bagaimana warga dusun dalam merancang strategi dalam rangka peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif menggunakan teknik wawancara