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Pengaruh Nilai Tukar Rupiah dan Bath terhadap Dolar serta Suku Bunga Indonesia terhadap Nilai Ekspor Indonesia ke Thailand Periode 2000-2019 Sugiartiningsih, Sugiartiningsih
WELFARE Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 2, No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.047 KB) | DOI: 10.37058/wlfr.v2i2.3629


This study aims to determine the effect of the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar, bath against the US dollar and Indonesian interest rates on Indonesian exports to Thailand for the period 2000-2019. The research methodology uses a multiple regression model of the relationship between the two Indonesian exchange rates and interest rates with the value of Indonesia's exports to Thailand. The use of data starting in 2000 with the reason that post-reform is the dynamics of Indonesia in responding to economic globalization. The 2019 limit is to provide a real picture of the Indonesian economy before it was hit by the Covid-19 outbreak. Based on the calculation results, it was found that there was a positive relationship between the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar and the value of Indonesia's exports to Thailand due to the high purchasing power of Thailand as a result of the decline in the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar. On the other hand, the bath exchange rate which tends to appreciate against the US dollar actually increases the value of Indonesia's exports to Thailand. Likewise, a decrease in Indonesia's interest rates has the potential to increase economic productivity in the real sector and in turn increase the value of Indonesia's exports to Thailand. However, the amount of investment during the period studied was not optimal due to lack of trust in Indonesia that caused the results of the test conducted were not significant.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh nilai tukar rupiah dan bath terhadap dolar AS serta suku bunga Indonesia terhadap ekspor Indonesia ke Thailand periode 2000-2019. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan model regresi berganda hubungan  kedua nilai tukar dan suku bunga Indonesia  dengan nilai ekspor Indonesia ke Thailand. Penggunaan data mulai tahun 2000 dengan alasan pasca reformasi merupakan dinamisasi Indonesia merespon globalisasi ekonomi. Batasan tahun 2019 untuk memberikan gambaran riil perekonomian Indonesia mengalami pandemi Covid-19. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh hubungan positif nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS dengan nilai ekspor Indonesia ke Thailand karena tingginya daya beli Thailand sebagai dampak penurunan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS. Sebaliknya nilai tukar bath yang cenderung apresiasi terhadap dolar AS justru meningkatkan nilai ekspor Indonesia ke Thailand. Demikian halnya dengan penurunan sukubunga Indonesia berpotensi meningkatkan produktivitas ekonomi di sektor riil dan pada gilirannya meningkatkan nilai ekspor Indonesia ke Thailand. Namun demikian, besarnya penanaman modal selama periode yang diteliti belum optimal karena kurangnya kepercayaan terhadap Indonesia sehingga berdampak hasil uji yang tidak signifikan.
Determination Analysis of Leading Commodity in the Melonguane National Border Strategic Area (NBSA) Hanim, Wasifah; Prasca, Hafni Adinda; Pertiwi, Widhi Netraning; Yudawisastra, Helin Garlinia; Sugiartiningsih, Sugiartiningsih
Jurnal Economia Vol 19, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Institute for

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/economia.v19i1.51388


Border areas are the gateway for a country;generally, it is an underdeveloped area. This study aims to develop the economy based on only commodities in the National Strategic Activity Center (NSA) Melongguane, Kepulauan Talaud Regency, North Sulawesi Province. This study uses qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach is based on the policy formulation of the North Sulawesi Provincial government and the Kepulauan Talaud Regency, namely the Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) document. While the quantitative method with the Location Quotient  (LQ) analysis. Based on the North Sulawesi Provincial Spatial Planning (RTRW) document shows that the leading commodities at the Melongguane National Strategic Activity Center (NSA) are Nutmeg, Coconut, Clove, and Tuna-Skipjack-cob. The Location Quotient  (LQ) analysis shows that the sub-districts with potential nutmeg commodities are Kabaruan and Damau sub-districts. At the same time, the potential locations for developing Tuna-Skipjack-cob are Nanusa and Miangas Districts.
Assistance with Business License Number Registration for Potential Village SME to Upgrade Sugiartiningsih, Sugiartiningsih; Dwi Larasati, Rizky; Suparjiman, Suparjiman; Yunan, Arief; Adnan, Saepul; Suarsa, Abin; Erfiansyah, Erfan; Kusumawati, Eni; Supriatna, Reren; Arum Kanti, Khaerani; Anandari Ladysta, Hilmiah
Altifani Journal: International Journal of Community Engagement Vol 4, No 2 (2024): Altifani Journal: International Journal of Community Engagement
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/altifani.v4i2.8251


Micro businesses, which are the backbone of the Indonesian economy, must be legalized so that they move up a class in improving the economic welfare of the people. To make this happen, government leadership through the empowerment function by creating PIRT for Micro Enterprises. As an initial stage, Micro Businesses must register their Business Identification Number (NIB) to increase consumer confidence and facilitate business transactions. The aim of PkM is to increase the legality of Micro Businesses in Rancatungku village in the culinary, grocery and service sectors through assistance with NIB registration. The PkM implementation method is a lecture to refresh partners about the benefits of NIB in capital, legal strength, increased production and marketing. Meanwhile, for assistance with NIB registration via Online Single Submissions (OSS), a question and answer method is used which is guided by the head of the UMBandung IPR Study Center and accompanied by the PkM head, students and village government representatives through good collaboration by dividing tasks and providing supporting infrastructure for laptops, cellphones and printers. The results of the assistance have resulted in the successful issuance of four NIB certificates for Micro Business actors in the culinary and grocery sectors. It is hoped that having an NIB certificate will motivate them to move up to a higher level in the trade and entrepreneurship sectors. The ease of implementing OSS in licensing services has encouraged other sectors such as BUMDES and student businesses to be registered with NIB.
Proceeding National Conference Business, Management, and Accounting (NCBMA) 7th National Conference Business, Management, and Accounting
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Perdagangan bilateral Indonesia dengan India melejit sejajar dengan negara maju China, Jepang  dan Amerika. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui seberapa besar depresiasi rupiah terhadap U$ dan pengaruhnya terhadap Neraca Perdagangan Internsional Indonsia India (NPIII) pasca reformasi. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan model persamaan simultan nilai tukar US$ Rupiah dan NPIII selama periode 2000-2022. Pemilihan tahun 2000 karena kebangkitan pemerintah setelah krisis ekonomi dan dinamisasi pasca reformasi. Batasan tahun 2022 merupakan tahun paling stabil menjelang persiapan pemilu di Indonesia. Hasil penghitungan didapat adanya hubungan positif dan signifikan pendapatan nasional Indonesia (GNI) dengan nilai tukar US$ Rupiah (ERUS$) karena tingginya daya beli terhadap bahan baku dan modal impor untuk proses produksi dan konsumsi. Nilai ekspor total Indonesia (XTI) berhubungan negatif dan signifikan terhadap ERUS$ karena meningkatnya penawaran US$ di pasar internasional. GNI berhubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap NPIII karena tingginya permodalan untuk memproduksi komoditas yang berorientasi ekspor barang tambang dan produk jadi lamination playwood. Indeks Harga Konsumen Indonesia (IHKI) berhubungan negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap NPIII karena permintaan impor Indonesia dari India terhadap komoditas pertanian dan industri inelastis. ERUS$ berhubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap NPIII karena keunggulan daya saing, kebijakan pemerintah dan inovasi serta kreasi dari eksportir Indonesia ke India. Solusi umtuk menjadi negara maju adalah peningkatan kolaborasi, diversifikasi dan transportasi kedua negara. Temuan penelitian pentingnya kontribusi SDM Indonesia untuk memproduksi barang industri sekunder dan tersier yang memiliki nilai tambah ekonomi tinggi yang sarat inovasi dan berkualitas seesuai selera konsumen.