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At- Tarbawi Vol 12 No 1 (2020): Vol. 12 No. 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (969.341 KB) | DOI: 10.32505/tarbawi.v12i1.1200


Understanding the concept is a benchmark students can proceed to the next stage in the learning process and the stage of thinking Van Hiele is a good solution to direct students to the actual concept of geometry. Stages of thinking Van Hiele specializes in teaching geometry. There are three main elements in teaching geometry, namely time, teaching material, and the teaching methods applied. If the three elements are arranged in an integrated manner, they will be able to improve students' thinking abilities to the higher stages of thinking. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an increase in understanding of the geometrical concepts of eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 8 Langsa through the Van Hiele thinking stage. This research was classified into quasi-experimental research. This study uses a One Group Pretest-Posttest Desaign research design. The population in this study were all eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 8 Langsa. Samples were taken using simple random sampling technique and students of class VIII I were selected as sample classes. The instrument of this study is the ability to understand concept tests. This test was arranged in the form of a description consisting of 6 questions. From the results of the calculation of the percentage understanding of students' geometrical concepts showed an increase of 48%. The results of data analysis obtained that count> t table is 12.59> 2.08, this means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that there is an increase in understanding of students' geometry concepts through the stages of van hiele thinking at SMP Negeri 8 Langsa.   Keywords: Stages of thinking Van Hiele, Ability to understand concepts and Geometry.
Al-Khawarizmi Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Al Khawarizmi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jppm.v4i1.6311


This study aims to find out how the students' synthesis ability in learning mathematics through the AIR (Auditory, Intellectually, Repetition) learning model in SMA Negeri 3 Kejuruan Muda. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. The population in this study were all students of class X MIA. Using a simple random sampling technique, class X MIA 1 was selected as a sample. Data collection techniques using test and interview instruments. Data analysis techniques using percentages. The results showed that the average value of the pretest was 33.16, and the average value of the percentage of students' synthesis abilities was 10.67%. While the average posttest score was 60.16, and the average value of the percentage of students' synthesis abilities was 61.33%. So it can be concluded that the synthesis ability of students in class X MIA 1 of SMA Negeri 3 Vocational Youth before using the AIR learning model is in the low category but after using the AIR learning model there is an increase.
Fistula Kista Duktus Tiroglosus Ernawati, Ernawati; Murtala, Bachtiar; Kaelan, Isdiana; Muliati, Sri
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 13, No 3 (2021): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.v13i3.33771


Abstrack: Thyroglossal duct cyst fistula or fistula ductus thyroglossal cyst is a fistula formed from congenital masses that are most commonly found in the midline of the neck. These cysts are formed as a result of failure of involution of the thyroglossal duct. We reported a case of a 19 year old patient with a history of abscess in the neck since the patient was 3 years old. The most common incidence of thyroglossal duct cysts is in children, with the highest age being between the ages of 0-20 years, namely 52%. The occurrence of a thyroglossal duct cyst then becomes infected if it is associated since the patient was 3 years old, where the repeated throat infection process will stimulate the epithelial cells of the tract resulting in cystic degeneration, it can also be caused by clogging of the thyroglossal duct which results in a buildup of secretes to form cysts. Furthermore, if the therapy is not received properly, the repeated infection process causes cysts to form and ends up becoming fistulas. The fistulogram examination results presence of the fistula estuary from the fistula that reaches the oral cavity. After the fistelectomy operation, a visible specimen was seen to be approximately +/- 2 digits long and +/- ½ little finger wide. Furthermore, the specimen was not subjected to histopathological examination on the grounds that the cystic lesions tended to be benign, supported by a physical examination without suspicion of malignancy. The patient is discharged in good health and fully recovered because until now there have been no complaints of recurrence in the form of infection and hematomaKeywords: thyroglossal duct fistula, thyroglossal cyst. Abstrak : Thyroglossal duct cyst fistula atau fistula kista ductus tiroglosus adalah fistel yang terbentuk dari massa kongenital yang tersering ditemukan pada midline leher. Kista ini terbentuk akibat kegagalan involusi dari duktus tiroglossus.Kami melaporkan kasus pasien berusia 19 tahun riwayat absses pada leher telah dikeluhkan sejak pasien berumur 3 tahun. Insiden kista duktus tiroglosus tersering pada anak-anak, umur terbanyak antara usia 0-20 tahun yaitu 52%. Terjadinya kista duktus tiroglosus kemudian menjadi infeksi jika dikaitkan sejak pasien berumur 3 tahun, dimana proses infeksi tenggorokan yang berulang akan merangsang sel epitel traktus sehingga mengakibatkan degenerasi kistik, dapat pula diakibatkan oleh sumbatan duktus tiroglosus yang mengakibatkan terjadinya penumpukan secret sehingga membentuk kista. Selanjutnya apabila tidak mendapat terapi dengan baik,proses infeksi yang berulang menyebabkan terbentuknya kista dan berakhir menjadi fistel. Pemeriksaan fistulogram memberikan hasil adanya muara fistel dari fistel yang mencapai rongga mulut. Setelah dilakukan operasi fistelektomi, nampak specimen yang terlihat kira-kira dengan panjang +/- 2 ruas jari dengan lebar +/- ½ jari kelingking. Selanjutnya specimen tersebut tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan histopatologi dengan alasan bahwa lesi kista cenderung mengarah ke jinak, ditunjang degan pemeriksaan fisis yang tidak ada kecurigaan pada keganasan. Pasien dipulangkan dengan keadaan sehat dan sembuh sempurna karena sampai saat ini tidak ada keluhan kekambuhan berupa infeksi dan hematomKata kunci : fistula duktus tiroglosus, kista tiroglosus