Amalina Ratih Puspa
Department Of Nutrition Study, Faculty Of Science And Technology, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Komplek Masjid Agung Al Azhar Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

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Socioeconomic Characteristics, Nutritional Status, Health Status, and Quality of Life among Tea Plantation Workers in Pangalengan, West Java, Indonesia: English Amalina Ratih Puspa; Faisal Anwar; Ali Khomsan
Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan Vol. 15 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Food and Nutrition Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.718 KB) | DOI: 10.25182/jgp.2020.15.2.91-100


This cross-sectional study aimed to analyze the association between socioeconomic characteristics, nutritional status, anemia status and health status with the quality of life of tea pickers in Pangalengan, West Java, Indonesia. Subjects were 116 women of childbearing age (15–49) years. Anemia status data (hemoglobin levels) were taken using HemoCue Hb 201+, while nutritional status data were collected through anthropometric measurements (weight and height). Quality of life data was collected using the Short Form-36 (SF-36) questionnaire consisting of the Physical Component Summary (PCS) score and Mental Component Summary (MCS) score. PCS consists of physical function, physical role, pain, and general health dimensions. MCS consists of vitality, social functions, the role of emotions, and mental health. Data were analyzed using a Spearman correlation test, Pearson correlation test, and logistic regression test. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between anemia status and nutritional status with quality of life (p>0.05). However, non-anemic subjects tend to have higher PCS and MCS scores than anemic subjects. There was a positive relationship between Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) with MCS in terms of social function dimensions, and joint pain with MCS in the emotional role dimension (p<0.05). The variables related to the quality of life were the number of family members and expenditures. Subjects with large family size (≥4 people) had a 3.5 times risk for experiencing lower quality of life compared with subjects with smaller family (<4 people) (OR=3.52; 95% CI:1.23–10.05). Subjects with monthly expense of >Rp. 343,646 had lower risk of experiencing low quality of life 59.7% compared to subjects who had household an expense of <Rp. 343,646 (OR=0.403; 95% CI:0.17–0.96).
Status Anemia dan Skor Diet Quality Index (DQI) pada Remaja Putri di SMP Ibnu Aqil, Bogor Elma Alfiah; Andi Mukramin Yusuf; Amalina Ratih Puspa
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v6i1.467


Anemia is a global health problem, which occurs in both developed and developing countries. The Indonesian Basic Health Research showed that the prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls aged 15-24 years was 48.9% in 2018. This study aimed to analyze the anemia status and diet quality index (DQI) of adolescent girls. The study was a cross-sectional conducted at Ibnu Aqil Junior High School, Ciomas District, Bogor from March to September 2019. The number of students involved as respondents in this study was 84 students. The results show that the prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls was 16.7%, with the mean Diet Quality Index (DQI) score indicating a low diet quality category (55.9 out of 100). There was no significant relationship between hemoglobin levels and DQI scores, but several indicators such as variations in protein source groups, fiber adequacy, iron adequacy, calcium adequacy, total fat moderation, and saturated fat moderation on adolescent girls who suffered anemia showed lower values than with those who didn’t suffer from anemia. The high prevalence of anemia could be caused by poor diet quality aspects, thus diet-based intervention should be the strategic solution to solve this problem. The high prevalence of anemia could be caused by poor diet quality aspects, thus diet-based intervention should be the strategic solution to solve this problem.Keyword - Adolescence, Anemia, Diet quality, DQI, Supplementation
Praktik Pemberian Makan dan Perawatan Kesehatan Anak di Kelompok Bermain Al Azhar 1 Amalina Ratih Puspa; Lusi Anindia Rahmawati
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v5i3.376


Abstrak - Kekurangan zat gizi pada saat usia balita dapat menghambat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang bersifat irreversible dan berdampak pada rendahnya kualitas sumberdaya manusia. Penelitian cross sectional ini bertujuan menilai praktik pemberian makan dan perawatan kesehatan anak di Kelompok Bermain Al Azhar 1. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret-November 2019 di Kelompok Bermain Al Azhar 1, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. Data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Pengukuran berat badan menggunakan timbangan digital, sedangkan pengukuran tinggi badan menggunakan microtoise. Subjek penelitian dipilih secara purposive sampling terdiri atas 26 ibu dan balita usia 13-59 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir sebagian besar subjek memiliki status gizi yang normal berdasarkan indeks  berat badan menurut umur (BB/U), tinggi badan menurut umur (TB/U), dan berat badan menurut tinggi badan (BB/TB) berturut-turut sebesar 88%, 92%, dan 84%. Namun demikian, masih ditemukan subjek yang tergolong memiliki status gizi kurang (4%), gizi lebih (8%), pendek (4%), kurus (4%), dan gemuk (12%). Lebih dari separuh orangtua subjek tergolong memiliki praktik pemberian makan dan perawatan kesehatan yang baik yaitu berturut-turut sebesar 60% dan 84%. Peran ibu dan anggota keluarga lain yang sehari-hari bersama balita masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam memberikan contoh praktik pemberian makan dan perawatan kesehatan yang baik pada anak. Abstract – Nutritional deficiencies at the age of under five can inhibit irreversible growth and development and have an impact on the poor quality of human resources. This cross-sectional study aims to assess the practice of child feeding and health care in the Al Azhar 1 Play Group. The study was conducted in March-November 2019 in the Al Azhar 1 Play Group, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Primary data obtained through interviews using a questionnaire. Bodyweight measurements using digital scales, while height measurements using a microtome. The research subjects were selected by purposive sampling consisting of 26 mothers and toddlers aged 13-59 months. The results showed that most of the subjects had normal nutritional status based on body weight index according to age (BB/U), height by age (TB / U), and weight by height (BB/TB) respectively by 88%, 92%, and 84%. However, still found subjects classified as having poor nutritional status (4%), overnutrition (8%), short (4%), thin (4%), and fat (12%). More than half of the parents of subjects classified as having good feeding and health care practices are 60% and 84%, respectively. The role of mothers and other family members still needs to be improved in providing examples of good feeding practices and health care for children.Keywords - Toddlers, Feeding practices, Health care, Nutritional status
Analisis Pengetahuan Gizi, Status Gizi, dan Pola Konsumsi Pangan Siswa SD Islam 1 Al Azhar Zakia Umami; Andi Muh Asrul; Amalina Ratih Puspa
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v6i1.500


School-age children are a population who are at risk of health. According to the Riskesdas 2018, data for school-age children (5-12 years), the prevalence of underweight was 6,8%, obese 9,2%, and stunting was 16,9%. The purpose of this study was to analyze nutritional knowledge, nutritional status, and consumption patterns of students in SD Islam Al Azhar 1. The design of this study was a cross-sectional study conducted at Al Azhar 1 Islamic Elementary School, Jakarta from March to September 2019. Some students who were involved as respondents in this study were 55 people purposive sampling technique. The results showed that children with obesity were 43.3%, normal was 32.7%, overweight was 20%, and underweight was 3.6%. The number of children with good nutrition knowledge was 33 people (60%), adequate nutrition knowledge was 20 people (36,4%), and poor nutrition knowledge was 2 people (3,6%). Average vegetable consumption was 34.57 grams and is classified as less. While the average fruit consumption was 91.88 grams and is classified as adequate. Chi-Square test results showed no correlation between nutritional status with nutritional knowledge and no correlation between nutritional status with consumption of vegetable and fruit.Keyword – Child, Nutritional Knowledge, Consumption Pattern, Nutritional status
Persepsi Mahasiswa Program Studi Gizi Terhadap Program Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka di Lingkungan Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia Amalina Ratih Puspa; Elma Alfiah
JURNAL Al-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Juli 2022 (Edisi Khusus MBKM)
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v7i2.1007


Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) is the Right to Study for Three Semesters Outside the Study Program. The MBKM policy is expected to be able to answer challenges and opportunities for the development of innovation, creativity, capacity, personality, and student needs, as well as develop independence in seeking and finding knowledge through realities and field dynamics. The purpose of this population survey is to determine the impact of MBKM in the Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Al Azhar University Indonesia, and provide policy recommendations from the study program level related to the implementation of MBKM at Al Azhar University Indonesia. The perception of most students of the Nutrition Studies Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Al Azhar Indonesia towards the MBKM was the program is important, and it can provide additional competencies (problem-solving, problem analysis, and work ethics) and train students' soft skills. However, on the other hand, there are obstacles to its implementation, considering that the Nutrition Study Program is one of the Health Study Programs. In addition, the socialization of the MBKM program related to health study programs is still minimal so the Nutrition Study Program has not been able to fully implement and feel the benefits. It is necessary to have a university policy that accommodates the MBKM program for health study programs.Keywords - Benefit, MBKM, Nutrition Study Program, Recommendation, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia
Snack bar formulation with beetroot (Beta vulgaris. L) flour as iron sources for adolescent girls Zakia Umami; Lusi Anindia Rahmawati; Amalina Ratih Puspa
Jurnal Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics) VOLUME 9 ISSUE 3, 2021
Publisher : Alma Ata University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21927/ijnd.2021.9(3).111-117


ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Prevalensi anemia di Indonesia pada remaja putri meningkat dari 37.1% menurut Riskesdas 2013 menjadi 48.9% pada tahun 2018. Snackbar merupakan cemilan yang digemari oleh remaja. Penambahan tepung umbi bit pada snackbar sebagai sumber zat besi diharapkan menjadi alternatif cemilan sehat bagi remaja putri.Tujuan:  Untuk mengembangkan formula snack bar.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental. Formulasi terdiri atas dua tahap yaitu tahap pertama menentukan formula terbaik tanpa penambahan tepung umbi bit. Tahap kedua yaitu formulasi dengan penambahan tepung umbi bit dengan tiga taraf yang berbeda yang terdiri atas F1 40 gram, F2 50 gram, F3 60 gram. Analisis kandungan zat gizi dilakukan melalui uji proksimat dan spektrofotometri.Hasil: Formula terbaik adalah F1 dengan penambahan tepung umbi bit sebanyak 40 gram. F1 mengandung 11,99% protein; 10,62% lemak; 53,04% karbohidrat; 4,76 mg zat besi (32% memenuhi AKG remaja putri dan 21,6% ALG kelompok umum), dengan total energi sebesar 355,75 kkal/100g.Kesimpulan: Tepung umbi bit dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kandungan zat gizi snack bar, dimana dapat membantu memenuhi kebutuhan zat gizi remaja putri khususnya kebutuhan zat besi. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, dapat ditambahkan pangan sumber protein hewani agar dapat meningkatkan penyerapan zat besi.KATA KUNCI: remaja; snackbar; tepung; umbi bit; zat besi ABSTRACTBackground: In Indonesia, the prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls increased from 37.1% (Riskesdas 2013) to 48.9% (Riskesdas 2018). A snack bar is one of the snacks favored by adolescents. The addition of beetroot flour as a source of iron to snack bars is expected to be an alternative healthy snack for adolescent girls. Objectives: The objective of this study was to develop a snack bar formulationMethods:  This study used an experimental design. The snack bar was made in two stages. The first stage was to determine the best formula without adding beetroot flour, and the second stage was adding beetroot flour in the following amounts: 40 g (F1), 50 g (F2), and 60 g (F3). Analysis of nutrient content was carried out through the proximate test and spectrophotometry.Results:  The best formula was (F1), i.e., administering 40 g of beetroot flour. F1 contained 11.99% of protein, 10.62% of fat, 53.04% of carbohydrates, and 4.76 mg of iron (32% fulfilling Fe needed by adolescent girls based on the Dietary Reference Intake and 21.6% of the Reference Intake for the general category), with a total energy of 355.75 kcal/100 g.Conclusions: Beetroot flour could be used to improve nutrient profiles of snack bars, which could be used to fulfill the nutrient needs of adolescents, especially for iron. For the next research, a new formulation is needed by adding animal protein sources to increase iron absorption.KEYWORDS: adolescent; beetroot; flour; iron; snack bar
Pemanfaatan Animasi Digital sebagai Media Edukasi Gizi Seimbang sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Gizi Anak Usia Dini di TK Islam Qolbus Salim Lusi Anindia Rahmawati; Amalina Ratih Puspa; Elma Alfiah; Zakia Umami; Siti Muslimah Sulaeman; Diamarella Rizkiyah
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/jpm.v5i1.1769


Usia prasekolah merupakan periode vital dalam perkembangan perilaku seseorang. Kebiasaan dan preferensi makan anak akan terbentuk pada usia prasekolah. Kebiasaan makan pada anak juga dapat dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan gizi yang mereka miliki. TK Islam Qolbus Salim merupakan salah satu sekolah yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan formal untuk anak-anak usia 3-6 tahun. . TK Islam Qolbus Salim selama ini memiliki program Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) yang dilaksanakan sebulan sekali. Banyak permasalahan dialami selama program ini berjalan, salah satunya anak-anak yang cenderung picky eater pada saat PMT. Kebiasaan makan pada anak, salah satunya picky eater ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan gizi yang mereka miliki. Oleh karena itu, salah satu solusi yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalah tersebut adalah berupa edukasi gizi pada anak dengan media animasi digital untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi anak. Total peserta yang bergabung dalam kegiatan edukasi gizi berjumlah 20 anak. Edukasi gizi dengan media animasi digital yang dilakukan mampu meningkatkan skor rata-rata pengetahuan gizi anak sebesar 13.2%. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik Wilcoxon, diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada skor pengetahuan gizi sebelum dan sesudah edukasi gizi (p<0.05). Edukasi gizi yang telah diberikan ini diharapkan tidak hanya sekedar meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi anak, namun juga dapat mengubah perilaku makan anak yang sebelumnya memiliki kebiasaan picky eater menjadi lebih baik dengan adanya dukungan dari berbagai pihak.Kata Kunci: Animasi Digital, Pendidikan Gizi, Pra-Sekolah
Hubungan Pengetahuan tentang Pangan Halal dan Thoyyib dengan Kebiasaan Makan Mahasiswa Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia Amalina Ratih Puspa; Zakia Umami; Hanny Nurlatifah
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v8i3.1559


The large muslim population in Indonesia makes the need for halal food and thoyyib increases. This need has not been matched by public awareness in choosing, buying and consuming halal products, especially among students. This cross sectional study aims to analyze the relationship between knowledge of halal food  and thoyyib with the eating habits of Al-Azhar Indonesia University students. The research was conducted from March  to October 2020. The research subjects were 110 active students of Al-Azhar Indonesia University who were  selected by proportional random sampling. Data was collected online using google forms. The results showed that most of the subjects (63.6%) had moderate knowledge of halal and thoyyib food, with a score of 60-80. The results also showed that most of the study subjects (76.4%) had relatively good eating habits (score ≥ 92). There was a significant relationship between knowledge of halal food and thoyyib with the frequency of meals per day (r = 0.834, p <0.05).Keywords - Halal, Thoyyib, Knowledge, Eating Habits, Students.
Ramadan Fasting Did Not Lessen Vegetable and Fruit Consumption, Sleep Duration, and Physical Activity on Adolescents in Al-Azhar Indonesia University Afradina Septiasari; Elma Alfiah; Andi Mukramin Yusuf; Amalina Ratih Puspa
Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition (IJPHN) Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7454/ijphn.v4i1.6877


AbstractMuslims do Ramadan fasting for around 12 hours (between dawn and sunset). Apart from changing meal times, Ramadan fasting also has the potential to change sleep duration due to sahoor (before the dawn) activities that must be done. The ideal amount and frequency of vegetables and fruit consumption in the national guideline were illustrated by the three main meals a day. The different conditions occurred when doing Ramadan fasting, which was predicted to have less vegetable and fruit consumption than the normal days, especially Muslim adolescents. This research analyzed the difference between the consumption of vegetables and fruit, sleep duration, and physical activity during and after Ramadan fasting among adolescents in Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia. The research used a quasi-experimental study without a control group, with thirty-five samples. The data collection used a structured 2 x 24-hour recall questionnaire and the Wilcoxon Test to identify the differences. Results showed there were no significant differences between vegetable and fruit consumption, sleep duration, and physical activity during and after Ramadan fasting. Based on the results, the conclusion is that Ramadan fasting had no impact on reducing vegetable and fruit consumption, sleep duration, and physical activity among adolescents in Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia. Keywords: Adolescent, Ramadan fasting, food consumption. AbstrakUmat muslim melaksanakan puasa Ramadan selama kurang lebih 12 jam (dari matahari terbit hingga tenggelam). Aktivitas puasa Ramadan selain mengubah jam makan, juga berpotensi mengubah pola tidur karena aktivitas sahur yang harus dijalani. Dalam pedoman gizi seimbang, frekuensi konsumsi sayur dan buah digambarkan melalui 3 kali waktu makan utama dalam sehari. Kondisi yang berbeda terjadi saat menjalankan ibadah puasa yang berpotensi dapat mengurangi asupan sayur dan buah dibandingkan hari biasa khususnya pada remaja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis perbedaan antara konsumsi sayur dan buah, durasi tidur, serta aktivitas fisik, saat dan setelah puasa Ramadan pada remaja di Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen semu tanpa kelompok kontrol, dengan melibatkan 35 mahasiswa/i di Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara menggunakan kuesioner recall 2 x 24 jam dan menggunakan uji beda Wilcoxon untuk menganalisis perbedaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara konsumsi sayur dan buah, durasi tidur, serta aktivitas fisik, saat dan setelah puasa Ramadan.Puasa Ramadan tidak berdampak terhadap penurunan konsumsi sayur dan buah, durasi tidur, serta aktivitas fisik pada remaja di Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia.   Kata Kunci: Remaja, puasa Ramadan, konsumsi makanan