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Usefulness of the 'Algoritma bersama Algo' for Learning Algorithm Topic in Asas Sains Komputer Subjects Shaharom, Anis Syuhada; Abdul Rahman, Mohd Hishamuddin
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 3 No 2: August 2021
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0302.261


Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunkan sebuah aplikasi mudah alih, Algoritma Bersama Algo untuk pelajar tingkatan 1 yang mengambil subjek Asas Sains Komputer bagi topik Algoritma. Pembangunan aplikasi ini berasaskan kepada permasalahan yang berlaku dalam kalangan guru mahupun pelajar yang sukar untuk mencari bahan rujukan. Pembangunan aplikasi ini dapat membantu para guru dan pelajar dengan menerapkan elemen-elemen multimedia dan teknologi maklumat. Seterusnya, kajian ini juga mengkaji persepsi pelajar dan guru terhadap penggunaan aplikasi dalam pembelajaran bab Algoritma. Metodologi kajian yang digunakan sebagai panduan dalam pembangunan aplikasi ini adalah ADDIE. Data kajian dikumpul dengan menggunakan soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada guru dan pelajar melalui Google Form. Hasil dapatan kajian memperlihatkan majoriti pelajar dapat menggunakan aplikasi dengan baik dan menarik minat pelajar untuk belajar. Cadangan pada masa akan datang adalah dalam menghasilkan sesuatu produk pembangun perlu kreatif dalam menerapkan elemen multimedia dalam menarik minat pengguna. Kesimpulan daripada kajian menunjukkan pembelajaran yang menarik mampu dijalankan walaupun diluar bilik darjah dengan menggunakan aplikasi mudah alih yang disediakan.. Usefulness of the 'Algoritma bersama Algo' for Learning Algorithm Topic in Asas Sains Komputer Subjects Abstract: This study aim to develop a mobile application, “Algoritma bersama Algo” for Form 1’s student taking “Asas Sains Komputer” in Algorithm topic. This application development based on problem that occurred within both teacher and student that having dificulity in searching reference materials. This application can help both teacher and student to applied multimedia and information technology elements. Next, this study also examines the perceptions of students and teachers to use this application in learning about algorithm. Methodology used as guide in development of this application is ADDIE model. Data collected using questionnaires which distributed to students through Google Forms. The result showed that majority students can use application properly and it attract students to learn. Suggestion for the future is to produce a creative product as developer needs to implement multimedia elements to interest users. As conclusion, the study showed interesting learning can be carried out even outside the classroom using mobile applications that were develop. Keywords: Learning Tool, Algorithm, Mobile Application.
Development of "Pocket Lingua Sign" Mobile Application for Sign Language Learning Md Rashid, Farah Izzati; Abdul Rahman, Mohd Hishamuddin
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 3 No 3: December 2021
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0303.292


Aplikasi Pocket Lingua Sign ini merupakan satu aplikasi yang dibangunkan untuk membantu masyarakat yang ingin mempelajari dan memahami Bahasa isyarat pada peringkat awal. Perkara ini juga memberi pendedahan kepada orang yang kurang mengetahui berkenaan Bahasa isyarat. Untuk projek ini, sistem ini menggunakan model ADDIE. Antara kelebihan menggunakan model ADDIE ini ialah dapat menyusun projek ini mengikut kerangka masa yang ditetapkan. Bedasarkan kaedah analisis yang dilaksanakan projek ini menumpukan kepada pembelajaran asas Bahasa isyarat. Pengujian telah dijalankan melalui pengedaran soal selidik di dalam bentuk Goofle Form. Kebanyakan pengguna bersetuju dengan aplikasi ini. Aplikasi Pocket Lingua Sign ini juga menggunakan media interaktif seperti video dan gambar. Hal ini kerana, penggunaan sebegini lebih mempercepatkan proses pemahaman pembelajaran terutama secara visual. Pada masa akan datang, diharapkan aplikasi ini mempunayi lebih banyak maklumat supaya pengguna lebih berpuas hati. Secara kesimpulannya, aplikasi ini dapat memudahkan pengguna untuk mencari bahan maklumat berkenaan Bahasa isyarat tangan. Development of "Pocket Lingua Sign" Mobile Application for Sign Language Learning Abstract: This Pocket Lingua Sign application is an application developed to help people who want to learn and understand sign language at an early stage. This also gives exposure to people who do not know much about sign language. For this project, the system uses the ADDIE model. Among the advantages of using this ADDIE model is to be able to organize this project according to a set time frame. Based on the analytical method implemented, this project focuses on the basic learning of sign language. Testing was conducted through the distribution of questionnaires in the form of Goofle Form. Most users agree with this application. The Pocket Lingua Sign application also uses interactive media such as videos and images. This is because, such use speeds up the process of understanding learning, especially visually. In the future, it is hoped that this application has more information so that users are more satisfied. In conclusion, this application can make it easier for users to find information materials regarding hand sign language. Keywords: Learning Tool, Mobile Application, Sign Language.
Development of 'Sifir Run' Mathematical Mobile Game for Learning Multiplication Topics in Primary School Students Mohd Ishak, Amira; Abdul Rahman, Mohd Hishamuddin
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 3 No 3: December 2021
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0303.317


Bidang permainan mudah alih pada era ini telah melonjakkan evolusi pendidikan dan juga membangunkan kemahiran kognitif, spatial dan kemahiran motor (skill) serta meningkatkan kemahiran ICT. Pembangunan ICT dan teknologi telah memberi banyak peluang dan ruang untuk diterokai dalam bidang permainan mudah alih. Sifir Run merupakan sebuah aplikasi permainan mudah alih yang bertemakan pembelajaran sifir. Pembangunan aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran menghafal sifir dalam kalangan murid sekolah rendah. Objektif projek ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti permasalahan murid dalam operasi darab, mereka bentuk dan membangunkan permainan mudah alih yang bertemakan sifir dan mengkaji kebolehgunaan aplikasi permainan mudah alih tersebut. Pembangunan aplikasi ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan model ADDIE. Terdapat seramai 20 orang responden dipilih oleh pengkaji bagI menjalani fasa penilaian untuk menguji kebolehgunaan aplikasi permainan mudah alih Sifir Run. Development of 'Sifir Run' Mathematical Mobile Game for Learning Multiplication Topics in Primary School Students Abstract: The field of mobile games in this era has accelerated the evolution of education and also developed cognitive, spatial and motor skills (skills) as well as improve ICT skills. The development of ICT and technology has provided many opportunities and spaces to be explored in the field of mobile gaming. Sifir Run is a mobile game application themed on learning ciphers. The development of this application aims to improve the skills of memorizing ciphers among primary school students. The objective of this project is to identify students' problems in multiplication operations, design and develop cipher -themed mobile games and study the usability of such mobile game applications. The development of this application was carried out using the ADDIE model. A total of 20 respondents were selected by the researcher to undergo the evaluation phase to test the usability of the Sifir Run mobile game application. Keywords: Educational Games, Mobile Computer Games, Multiplication.
UPSI Champ Website Prototype Development Muhamad Azhar, Puteri Nur Insyirah; Abdul Rahman, Mohd Hishamuddin
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 4 No 1: April 2022
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0401.350


Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk membangunkan dan menilai kebolehgunaan prototaip Laman Web CHAMP UPSI di kalangan pelajar UPSI. Comprehensive and Holistic Activities Mapping Protocol (CHAMP) merupakan satu sistem baharu dimana ia diwujudkan untuk mengukur tahap pencapaian dan kualiti penglibatan pelajar UPSI dalam aktiviti kokurikulum tidak berkredit yang diluluskan UPSI. Selain menyediakan garis panduan CHAMP yang jelas, Laman Web CHAMP UPSI akan bertindak sebagai platform yang khusus untuk memaparkan semua program yang dianjurkan di UPSI dengan lebih sistematik. Sistem CHAMP yang terdapat pada laman web ini pula membolehkan pelajar UPSI menyemak status CHAMP mereka dari masa ke masa. Reka bentuk bagi kajian ini adalah berdasarkan model ADDIE. Penilaian kebolehan laman web ini dijalankan bagi mengetahui persepsi pengguna dari aspek antara muka, kebolehfungsian dan kebolehgunaan prototaip. Responden kajian adalah terdiri daripada pelajar UPSI dan hasil kajian secara keseluruhan aspek menunjukkan skor min yang tinggi iaitu sebanyak 4.86. Daripada hasil kajian yang diperoleh, diharapkan prototaip laman web ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada semua pihak yang memerlukan terutamanya pelajar UPSI. UPSI Champ Website Prototype Development Abstract: This study aims to develop and evaluate the usefulness of CHAMP UPSI website prototype among UPSI students. Comprehensive and Holistic Activities Mapping Protocol (CHAMP) is a new sistem where it was created to measure the level of achievement and quality of UPSI students' involvement in non credited co-curricular activities approved by UPSI. Despite providing clear CHAMP guidelines, CHAMP UPSI website will act as a specific platform to display all programs organized at UPSI more systematically. Plus, The CHAMP system provided on this website allows UPSI students to check their CHAMP status from time to time. The design for this study was based on the ADDIE model. The evaluation of the capabilities of this website was conducted to find out the user's perception in terms of interface, functionality and usability of the prototype. Respondents of the study consisted of UPSI students and the results of the study as a whole showed a high mean score of 4.86. From the results obtained, it is hoped that the prototype of this website can benefit all parties in need, especially UPSI students. Keywords: CHAMP UPSI, Co-Curricular, Website.
Mathematical Subjects Computerized Games in the Basic Operations Topics Che Mohd Sukri, Nur Syazwi; Abdul Rahman, Mohd Hishamuddin
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 4 No 2: August 2022
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0402.378


Mata pelajaran Matematik sentiasa mengalami anjakan paradigma apabila unsur-unsur baru dimasukkan ke dalam sukatan pelajarannya bagi memenuhi kehendak dan cabaran masa hadapan setiap pelajar. Matlamat pendidikan matematik sekolah rendah ialah untuk membina kemahiran asas mengira. Justeru itu program Matematik sekolah rendah memberi tumpuan kepada kemahiran mengira iaitu tambah, tolak, darab, bahagi dan penyelesaian masalah harian secara berkesan. Aplikasi ini telah dibangunkan untuk memberi keseronokan kepada murid untuk bermain sambil belajar dalam topik Operasi Asas dalam subjek Matematik. Setelah aplikasi ini dibangunkan, borang soal selidik telah diedarkan untuk memastikan aplikasi ini dijalankan mengikut spesifikasi yang ditetapkan oleh permainan komputer. Dengan pembelajaran dan pengajaran topik ini menjadi lebih menarik. Permainan ini terdiri daripada 5 peringkat. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, para pengguna berpuas hati dengan permainan komputer ini yang menjadikannya lebih mudah dan lebih menarik dalam pembelajaran untuk murid. Mathematical Subjects Computerized Games in the Basic Operations Topics Abstract: New elements are included in Mathematics subject as a syllabus to meet the future needs and challenges of each student. The goal of primary school mathematics education is to build basic counting skills. Therefore, the primary school Mathematics program focuses on counting skills, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and effective daily problem solving. Application has been developed to give students fun to play while learning in the topic of Basic Operations in the subject of Mathematics. After the application was developed, a questionnaire was distributed to ensure that the application was carried out according to the specifications set by the computer game. By learning and teaching these topics become more attractive. The game consists of 5 levels. Based on the results of the study, users are satisfied with this computer game which makes it easier and more interesting in learning for students. Keywords: Basic Operation, Computer Game, Learning Tools.
Mobile Application for Learning of "Simpulan dan Ikatan Pengakap Muda" Jaffri, Mohd Iqmal; Abdul Rahman, Mohd Hishamuddin
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 5 No 2: August 2023
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0502.511


Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk membina aplikasi mudah alih My Scouting Skill bagi sukatan pembelajaran Simpulan dan Ikatan Pengakap Muda dengan menggunakan model ADDIE dan seterusnya mengenalpasti kesahan dan kebolehgunaan aplikasi ini. Tahap kesahan dan kebolehgunaan aplikasi ini dilihat dari aspek penggunaan dan aplikasi yang disediakan. Kajian dijalankan ke atas 30 orang responden yang terdiri daripada Pemimpin Pelatih Pengakap dan nilai min yang diperolehi adalah melebih 3.00 iaitu diantara 3.01 - 4.00. Data diperolehi melalui kaedah kuantitatif untuk mendapatkan maklumat. Instrument kajian yang digunakan adalah borang soal selidik. Hasil kajian menunjukkan aplikasi My Scouting Skill mempunyai kesahan dan kebolehgunaan yang memuaskan. Kesimpulannya, persediaan alat bantu mengajar yang sesuai dapat menarik perhatian murid dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP). Diharapkan dengan pembinaan aplikasi mudah alih ini membantu murid dan meningkatkan pemahaman murid dalam topik Simpulan dan Ikatan Pengakap Muda. Mobile Application for Learning of "Simpulan dan Ikatan Pengakap Muda" Abstract: This study was implemented to build the My Scouting Skill mobile application for the Young Scout Knot and Bond learning syllabus by using the ADDIE model and further identify the validity and usability of this application. The level of validity and usability of this application is seen from the aspect of use and the application provided. The study was conducted on 30 respondents consisting of Scout Trainee Leaders and the mean value obtained was more than 3.00 which is between 3.01-4.00. Data were obtained through quantitative methods to obtain information. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. The results show that the My Scouting Skill application has satisfactory validity and usability. In conclusion, the preparation of appropriate teaching aids can attract students in teaching and learning (PdP). It is hoped that with the construction of this mobile application it helps the students and enhances the students understanding in the topic of Knots and Young Scout Bonds. Keywords: ADDIE, Mobile Application, Teaching and Learning.
Computerized Game 'Delivery Dash' Based on the Basic Topic of Operation in Mathematics Subject Che Mohd Sukri, Nur Syazwi; Abdul Rahman, Mohd Hishamuddin; Manaf, Abdi
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 5 No 3: December 2023
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0503.598


Mata pelajaran Matematik sentiasa mengalami anjakan paradigma apabila unsur-unsur baru dimasukkan ke dalam sukatan pelajarannya bagi memenuhi kehendak dan cabaran masa hadapan setiap pelajar. Matlamat pendidikan matematik sekolah rendah ialah untuk membina kemahiran asas mengira. Justeru itu program Matematik sekolah rendah memberi tumpuan kepada kemahiran mengira iaitu tambah, tolak, darab, bahagi dan penyelesaian masalah harian secara berkesan. Projek “DELIVERY DASH” ini telah dibangunkan untuk memberi keseronokan kepada murid untuk bermain sambil belajar dalam topik Operasi Asas dalam subjek Matematik. Setelah projek ini dibangunkan, borang soal selidik telah diedarkan untuk memastikan projek ini dijalankan mengikut spesifikasi yang ditetapkan oleh permainan komputer. Dengan pembelajaran dan pengajaran topik ini menjadi lebih menarik. Permainan ini terdiri daripada 5 peringkat. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, para pengguna berpuas hati dengan permainan komputer ini yang menjadikannya lebih mudah dan lebih menarik dalam pembelajaran untuk murid. Computerized Game 'Delivery Dash' Based on the Basic Topic of Operation in Mathematics Subject Abstract: New elements are included in Mathematics subject as a syllabus to meet the future needs and challenges of each student. The goal of primary school mathematics education is to build basic counting skills. Therefore, the primary school Mathematics program focuses on counting skills, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and effective daily problem solving. This project "DELIVERY DASH" has been developed to give students fun to play while learning in the topic of Basic Operations in the subject of Mathematics. After the project was developed, a questionnaire was distributed to ensure that the project was carried out according to the specifications set by the computer game. By learning and teaching these topics become more attractive. The game consists of 5 levels. Based on the results of the study, users are satisfied with this computer game which makes it easier and more interesting in learning for students. Keywords: Basic Operation, Computer Game, Delivery Dash, Questionnaire Form.
Bayesian Network Approach in Educational Application Development: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Meta-Analysis Chanthiran, Maran; Ibrahim, Abu Bakar; Abdul Rahman, Mohd Hishamuddin; Mariappan , Punithavili
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Vol 9 No 1: June 2022
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijai-0901.348


Technological developments have brought about a paradigm shift in the world of education. The education system must be more open and flexible, where students can experience these opportunities according to their skill level. 21st-century education and the application of the elements of Revolution 4.0 Industry in education realize that initiative. The Bayesian Network approach is becoming one of the essential tools in the development of educational applications. Therefore, the persistence of this systematic review is to identify peer-reviewed literature on the Bayesian network approach in education. Scopus and Web of Science, and IEEE citation databases are used in the data-gathering phase. PRISMA approach and keyword search were obtained and analyzed. This bibliographic data of articles published in the journals over ten years were extracted. VOS viewer was used to analyzing the data contained in all journals and articles. This systematic review shows that the development in education can absorb the changes that occur in technology. The findings from 1160 articles extracted show that using the Bayesian approach in the development of educational applications improves the quality of use, especially from the point of students. The level of predictive accuracy generated through the Bayesian network approach improves the quality of educational application development. However, the study's findings indicate that there is scope for research related to the application and use of this approach in the development of educational applications.