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Analisis Daya Dukung Pondasi Proyek Pendidikan SMK 1 Rangas Kabupaten Mamuju Sulawesi Barat Patah, Dahlia; Ridhayani, Irma; Manaf, Abdi; Mahmuda, Ali Fauzi
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 26 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.052022.04


Pondasi merupakan struktur bawah dari suatu bangunan yang berfungsi menopang strukur atasnya. Pondasi berfungsi menahan beban-beban dari atas, sehingga pondasi didisain dapat bertahan jika terjadi gempa ataupun kelebihan beban dan tidak boleh gagal terlebih dahulu. Beban dari struktur atas didistribusikan melalui kolom dengan nilai tegangan yang diijinkan sesuai dengan nilai daya dukung tanah. Ada dua jenis pondasi yaitu pondasi dangkal dan pondasi dalam. Pondasi dalam merupakan salah satu jenis pondasi yang digunakan untuk menyalurkan beban struktur ke lapisan tanah keras yang memiliki kapasitas daya dukung tinggi yang letaknya cukup dalam di dalam tanah. Studi analisa daya dukung tanah pondasi dalam yang menggunakan mini pile berukuran 25 x 25 cm dilaksanakan pada proyek pembangunan gedung sekolah SMK 1 Rangas Kabupaten Mamuju dengan menggunakan data sondir (CPT) sebanyak 2 titik dengan masing-masing kedalaman 15,8 m dan 5,0 m. Kedalaman perencanaan pondasi terlebih dahulu harus dihitung dan ditentukan kapasitas daya dukung rencana. Tujuan dari studi ini yaitu menghitung dan mengetahui nilai daya dukung ultimit aksial tiang pancang tunggal dalam kelompok tiang dengan metode analitis dan mengetahui besarnya daya dukung kelompok tiang. Desain pondasi meliputi kekuatan satu tiang pondasi, efesiensi kelompok tiang dan perhitungan distribusi beban pada tiang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapat pondasi mini pile mampu menahan beban yang bekerja diatasnya, sehingga pondasi dikategorikan aman. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh efesiensi kelompok tiang yaitu 83,08%, jumlah tiang 3 buah dengan daya dukung kelompok tiang 68,29 ton yang mampu menahan gaya aksial yaitu 59,54 ton.
Produksi Batu Bata Tanah Liat Yang Ramah Lingkungan Menggunakan Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) Dasar, Amry; Patah, Dahlia; Okviyani, Nur; Nurdin, Amalia; Apriansyah, Apriansyah; Yusman, Yusman; Manaf, Abdi; Mahmuda, Ali Fauzi
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 12, No 1 (2024): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v12i1.2101


Abu cangkang sawit/Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) digunakan untuk menggantikan tanah liat dalam jumlah yang berbeda yaitu 0%, 15%, 30% dan 45% terhadap berat semen dalam pembuatan batu bata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari sifat-sifat batu bata dan memperkenalkan inovasi pembuatan batu bata menggunakan POFA. Sifat-sifat batu bata menggunakan POFA dibandingkan dengan produk konvensional (batu bata kontrol/0%POFA) mengikuti standar minimum dari SNI 03-4164-1996 dan SNI-15-2094-2000. Penambahan jumlah limbah POFA 15-30% menggantikan tanah liat dapat menghasilkan batu bata yang memiliki penyerapan air, kerapatan semu dan kekuatan tekan yang memenuhi nilai-nilai yang ditetapkan oleh standar. Penggunaan POFA hingga 30% sebagai pengganti tanah liat pada pembuatan batu bata menurunkan mutu bata dari mutu 15 menjadi mutu 10. Lebih lanjut, penggunaan 15% POFA menunjukkan penyerapan air dan kerapatan semu yang lebih baik dari batu bata dengan 0%POFA (batu bata kontrol tanpa POFA).
Computerized Game 'Delivery Dash' Based on the Basic Topic of Operation in Mathematics Subject Che Mohd Sukri, Nur Syazwi; Abdul Rahman, Mohd Hishamuddin; Manaf, Abdi
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 5 No 3: December 2023
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0503.598


Mata pelajaran Matematik sentiasa mengalami anjakan paradigma apabila unsur-unsur baru dimasukkan ke dalam sukatan pelajarannya bagi memenuhi kehendak dan cabaran masa hadapan setiap pelajar. Matlamat pendidikan matematik sekolah rendah ialah untuk membina kemahiran asas mengira. Justeru itu program Matematik sekolah rendah memberi tumpuan kepada kemahiran mengira iaitu tambah, tolak, darab, bahagi dan penyelesaian masalah harian secara berkesan. Projek “DELIVERY DASH” ini telah dibangunkan untuk memberi keseronokan kepada murid untuk bermain sambil belajar dalam topik Operasi Asas dalam subjek Matematik. Setelah projek ini dibangunkan, borang soal selidik telah diedarkan untuk memastikan projek ini dijalankan mengikut spesifikasi yang ditetapkan oleh permainan komputer. Dengan pembelajaran dan pengajaran topik ini menjadi lebih menarik. Permainan ini terdiri daripada 5 peringkat. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, para pengguna berpuas hati dengan permainan komputer ini yang menjadikannya lebih mudah dan lebih menarik dalam pembelajaran untuk murid. Computerized Game 'Delivery Dash' Based on the Basic Topic of Operation in Mathematics Subject Abstract: New elements are included in Mathematics subject as a syllabus to meet the future needs and challenges of each student. The goal of primary school mathematics education is to build basic counting skills. Therefore, the primary school Mathematics program focuses on counting skills, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and effective daily problem solving. This project "DELIVERY DASH" has been developed to give students fun to play while learning in the topic of Basic Operations in the subject of Mathematics. After the project was developed, a questionnaire was distributed to ensure that the project was carried out according to the specifications set by the computer game. By learning and teaching these topics become more attractive. The game consists of 5 levels. Based on the results of the study, users are satisfied with this computer game which makes it easier and more interesting in learning for students. Keywords: Basic Operation, Computer Game, Delivery Dash, Questionnaire Form.
Tele Alert System Based on ECG Signal Using Virtual Instruments Environment Saif Al-din, Saif, M. N.; Mahmood, Sawsan. D; Abdulbaqi, Azmi Shawkat; Panessai, Ismail Yusuf; Yani, Achmad; Manaf, Abdi; Iksan, Nur
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Vol 9 No 2: December 2022
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijai-0902.464


This manuscript addresses the design and implementation of a portable PC-based ECG device. Three electrodes are often employed for ECG recording, with two of them being connected to the patient's chest via the ECG amplifiers' differential inputs. Therefore, every stage of the design takes into account factors like low cost, low power consumption, portability, and simplicity of usage. In this system, the ATMEL Company's ATMEGA 328 low-power microcontroller is investigated for signal processing and delivering digital format to a PC through a serial connection, where it is then displayed utilizing LabVIEWTM SP1 software ( The released version in Feb. 2022). A portable tool that can capture, amplify, filter, and analyze biological signals is this one ECG. The intended device's target beneficiary was the intensive care unit.
Expert System for Diagnosis Coronavirus Disease Elmie Dansy, Sholestica; Yani, Achmad; Manaf, Abdi; Abdulbaqi, Azmi Shawkat; Iksan, Nur
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Vol 10 No 1: June 2023
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijai-01001.537


The latest issue of the disease called COVID-19 has become famous all over the world. Hence, through this problem, it found that this disease have the same symptom with other diseases such as Influenza and also normal flu. Detecting diseases at early stage can enable to overcome and treat them appropriately. This is because many of peoples does not know and does not aware of the symptom of this various diseases. In an effort to address those problems, an Expert System for Corona Earlier Detection has been proposed to help the doctors to detect those various diseases in human body. Through this research, the researcher will held an interview with the doctors to collect data and information about those diseases’ symptoms and also search for the related articles to make sure this research going successfully. The method that will be used in this research is Certainty Factor. To conclude, this system will be useful to the healthcare department as it will give earlier detection when the patient are positively exposed to the disease that is known by Corona.
Development of Mobile Application for Accounting Subject Hakim Azammullah, Muhammad Akmal; Ahmad Zaki, Nadia Akma; Manaf, Abdi
International Journal of Education, Science, Technology, and Engineering (IJESTE) Vol 7 No 1: June 2024
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijeste-0701.546


This study aims to develop a mobile application called "On-Lejar" to assist Form 4 students in learning the Ledger (Lejar) topic in accounting. The application addresses the limited availability of online study aids for accounting, which has led to difficulties in mastering the Ledger topic. Traditional teaching methods, which often rely solely on direct instruction from teachers, can hinder student engagement and interest in accounting. By incorporating multimedia and information technology elements, the On-Lejar application seeks to enhance the learning experience for both students and educators. The Agile Model guided the application’s development, and functionality tests conducted with 10 respondents through questionnaires indicated high satisfaction with the app's overall performance, encouraging further learning and use. Additionally, the study highlights the role of Open Distance Learning (ODL) in ensuring continuity in education, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educational applications, including the On-Lejar app, have become vital in facilitating home teaching and learning activities, promoting student engagement and flexible access to resources. Future recommendations include continuous innovation in educational applications to maintain user interest. Overall, the research underscores that engaging learning experiences can be achieved beyond the traditional classroom setting through well-developed mobile applications.