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Indonesian Journal of Educational Assessment Vol 2, No 2 (2019): IJEA
Publisher : Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.197 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/ijea.v2i2.30


Two Stay Two Stray  is a cooperative learning model which is majoring the cooperation of each member of group to finish the task given and give chance to its member to share information each other with another group member by following a certain pattern. The purpose of this research is  to investigate the difference of learning achievement between students who have been taught using cooperative learning model of Two Stay Two Stray  type with three intersection  pattern and students who have been taught using cooperative learning model of Two Stay Two Stray  type with the simple pattern. The participants of this research are two groups of 10th grader, the A class as the experiment group and the B class as the control group respectively.  The instruments used in this research is Two Stay Two Stray with three intersection pattern and simple pattern learning which is manifested in the syllabus, Teaching Implementation Plan (RPP), and the questions for pre test and post test. The results of the data analysis were: 1) There was a difference in achievement between students who have been taught using cooperative learning of Two Stay Two Stray  type with three intersection pattern and students who have taught using a model of cooperative learning by Two Stay Two Stray  type with simple pattern, 2) the learning achievements of students who have taught using cooperative learning model of Two Stay Two Stray  type with three intersection pattern were higher than students who have taught using cooperative learning model of Two Stay Two Stray  type with simple pattern.
Indonesian Journal of Educational Assessment Vol 2, No 2 (2019): IJEA
Publisher : Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.738 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/ijea.v2i2.31


This study aims to explore the attitudes and knowledge possessed by an academician in making an article in accordance to the ethical code of scientific research. There were 116 participants involved in this study. The research method was carried out through two stages, the first stage is test descriptive statistics psychological description of the attitude and knowledge of subjects about the use of Turnitin and citation techniques and the second stage is conducting exploration using an open questionnaire. The results showed: the subject frequency was still very low in using this media;  there was a linear correlation between the low intensity of use and the attitude they have in the writing process; and the use of Turnitin media and the citation techniques was important.
Best Practices Pendidikan Karakter Pada Sekolah Unggulan di Bandung Prakoso, Bagus Hary; Ramdani, Zulmi; Rahmah, Bilqisthi
Indonesian Journal of Educational Assessment Vol 3, No 1 (2020): IJEA
Publisher : Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (541.296 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/ijea.v3i1.61


Character education is an inseparable part of the program of strengthening and improving the quality of education in various aspects of life. Character education is manifested in a variety of activities and conditions that allow each school to be able to optimize the cognitive abilities of children in addition to strengthening their morals and character as a whole. Each school has advantages and good mechanisms that support the implementation of the character education program the study was conducted to explore and obtain a picture of best practices carried out by leading schools implementing the character education strengthening program (PPK). Qualitative research with a collective case study design is used in this study. There are 3 excellent schools that become research locus with 18 respondents who involved as research participants selected using purposive sampling. Exploration was implemented using the interview method, focus group discussion, and direct observation. The results showed that the implementation of character education conducted at the three schools was very effective because it was supported by various policies, concrete actions, and the consistency and seriousness of the school in supporting the program. The best practices that might be used as a model by other schools include praying together, conducting joint worship routines, rotating cults, conducting environmental love programs, literacy, and cultural love programs
Integritas Akademik: Prediktor Kesejahteraan Siswa di Sekolah Ramdani, Zulmi; Prakoso, Bagus Hary
Indonesian Journal of Educational Assessment Vol 2, No 1 (2019): IJEA
Publisher : Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.734 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/ijea.v2i1.14


 Student’s school well-being is one of the factors that determine the extent to which the quality of education can be felt effectively by all individuals in it. The concept of wellbeing arises because of the overall collaboration and mutual support among the elements of education in schools. One of the factors that contribute to the student’s school wellbeing is academic integrity. Academic integrity refers to the tendency of students to behave as the values of truth that they believe in and in accordance with the demands of the environment. This study aims to examine the influence and contribution of academic integrity to the well-being of students at school. The quantitative research design by testing of regression assumptions was carried out in this study. The subjects involved in this study amounted to 186 participants by being selected based on the random sampling method. The results of the study indicate that academic integrity moderately influences the well-being of students at school. This assumes that personal factors such as academic integrity are needed to support the quality of effective learning, because learning outcomes depend on how the mental and psychological conditions of the students themselves.Abstrak Kesejahteraan siswa di sekolah menjadi salah satu faktor yang menentukan sejauhmana kualitas pendidikan itu bisa dirasakan efektif oleh seluruh individu yang ada di dalamnya. Kesejahteraan muncul karena adanya kolaborasi yang menyeluruh dan saling mendukung di antara elemen pendidikan di sekolah. Salah satu faktor yang ikut berperan terhadap kesejahteraan siswa di sekolah adalah integritas akademik. Integritas akademik mengacu kepada kecenderungan siswa untuk bersikap dan bertingkah laku sebagaimana nilai kebenaran yang mereka yakini dan sesuai dengan tuntutan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh dan kontribusi integritas akademik terhadap kesejahteraan siswa di sekolah. Desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan pengujian asumsi regresi dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Subjek yang terlibat dalam penelitian berjumlah 186 partisipan dengan dipilih berdasarkan metode random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa integritas akademik secara moderat mempengaruhi kesejahteraan siswa di sekolah. Hal ini mengasumsikan bahwa faktor personal seperti integritas akademik dibutuhkan dalam menunjang kualitas pembelajaran yang efektif, karena hasil belajar itu tergantung pada bagaimana kondisi mental dan psikologis siswa itu sendiri
Portfolio Assessment at Featured Schools in Yogyakarta Rahdiani, Dian; Ramadhan, Aditya; Prakoso, Bagus Hary
Indonesian Journal of Educational Assessment Vol 3, No 2 (2020): IJEA
Publisher : Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/ijea.v3i2.92


Assessment is part of the learning cycle, so that assessment cannot be separated from a learning activity. The Minister of Education and Culture said that the implementation of the 2020 National-Based School Examination will be carried out with exams held by schools. The exam is conducted to assess student competence and can be done in the form of a written test or a comprehensive assessment such as portfolios and assignments. This portfolio can later be done through group assignments, paper work, and so on. Researchers want to know the extent of school readiness, teachers' perceptions and knowledge of portfolio assessments, types / forms of portfolio assessments that have been carried out in schools, and constraints in implementing portfolio assessments. The research was carried out in superior junior high junior high schools in the the Special Region of Yogyakarta, namely SMPN 1 Bantul and SMPN 4 Pakem. The implementation of the portfolio assessment carried out at SMPN 1 Bantul and SMPN 4 Pakem went very well and was effective because it was supported by school members (school principals, educators, education staff, students, parents, and the community) through various policies and concrete actions carried out consistently and the seriousness of the school in supporting the program.
Teacher’s Perception on Merdeka Belajar Policy Prakoso, Bagus Hary; Ramdani, Zulmi; Rahmah, Bilqisthi
Indonesian Journal of Educational Assessment Vol 3, No 2 (2020): IJEA
Publisher : Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/ijea.v3i2.84


The urgency of Merdeka Belajar policy is certainly a challenge for teachers to carry out the learning process in schools. This policy makes teachers have to independently find methods and ways of learning that suit the situation in school. This study aims to explore teachers' perceptions regarding Merdeka Belajar policy that will be applied today. A mixed research design was used in this study by involving thematic content analysis to get an overview of teachers' perceptions about the implementation of Merdeka Belajar policy at schools. Then the researcher tested the extent of the teacher's readiness to use a portfolio instrument which was an implementation of Merdeka Belajar. This study involved 30 teachers who received a set of open-ended questionnaires, conducted the FGD process, and filled out a portfolio assessment questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of teachers considered Merdeka Belajar policy to be an effective alternative in providing instruction to students in accordance with the resources owned by the school. However, technically, teachers feel the need to be given structured socialization, clear guidance, and freedom based on the abilities and personalities of teachers in schools. In addition, the percentage of portfolio instruments usage seems to have been widely practiced in learning activities.