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Jurnal Otoranpur Vol. 2 No. Oktober (2021): Jurnal Otoranpur
Publisher : Pustaka Poltekad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54317/oto.v2iOktober.193


Abstract: Airless tires are the best innovation for military tactical vehicles in carrying out the Army's main tasks for military tactical even peace support operations and war military operations. However, in its development there are still imperfections in the results, its fabrications in the adhesion between polyurethane and natural rubber. Therefore, the researchers aimed to develop the adhesion between polyurethane and natural rubber. In this research, a quantitative experimental method was used, namely by varying the hardness of natural rubber and polyurethane to determine the right hardness for airless tires for maximum adhesion. The problem that occurs is that the adhesive glue with the tire tread is problematic, resulting in a tire tread condition without air being released. In carrying out the research, a function test was carried out with a planned weight of 4,500 Kg. Based on the results of the tests that carried out, the correct result was obtained, namely the elongation at break of the most appropriate type of polyurethane L100, which was 9.287 MPa. In order to achieve the goal, namely the appropriate level of elasticity between polyurethane and natural rubber so as to be able to glue the spokes and tire treads, in the end the wheel rotation will rotate according to the desired elasticity.
The COMPOND COMPOSITION OF AIRLESS TIRE TREAD (AIRLES TYRE) Kurniawan, Hamzah; Saefullah, Lalu; Hidayat, Muhammad Iman
Jurnal Otoranpur Vol. 2 No. Oktober (2021): Jurnal Otoranpur
Publisher : Pustaka Poltekad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54317/oto.v2iOktober.196


The tire without air is a tire that has a very extraordinary influence on the units of vehicle users, both public vehicles and tactical vehicles in the military. In addition to being used in the field of duty, this airless tire can be used for other supporting vehicles of army so there are not many obstacles during operations. Therefore, it takes good materials and proper calculations in making this airless tire tread so that in the future there are no obstacles when using it. The research methods used are experimental methods and field studies. The study was conducted repeatedly and the data was taken directly in the field. After mechanical testing of the rubber material is done to find out the physical properties of the strength of the material. Furthermore, the entire printing and assembly process is carried out and tested on the vehicle, for the conclusion of static analysis of rubber sample material that has been done has determined the proper hardness for the material connected with polyurethane, the appropriate hardness for this rubber is 80 KN/mm. The process has been tested from each sample of rubber hardness variations and the results are determined, in addition to rheometer testing or maturation process takes 5 minutes and is given a temperature of 100 °C and is assisted by hydraulic so that air from volcanic rubber is lost with the help of hydraulic pressure.
The MPX5700AP Pressure Sensor Optimization for Blood Pressure Reading in The Design of Poltekad Electronic Detector Covid-19 (POLECTOR C-19) Using Oscillometer Method Hanafi, Mohamad Imron; Ansori, Mohammad; Saefullah, Lalu
Jurnal Elkasista Vol. 2 No. Oktober (2021): Jurnal Elkasista
Publisher : Pustaka Poltekad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54317/elka.v2iOktober.200


Abstract - At the beginning of 2020 the world was shocked by the presence of a virus that attacks the respiratory tract, a virus known as Coronavirus Disease-2019 (Covid-19). Based on this problem, how does the system detect Covid-19 suspects based on blood pressure. In this study, researchers used a survey method which directly took data in the hospital. Therefore, the optimization of the MPX5700AP pressure sensor has been successfully made. At this time the researchers conducted a study that used the oscillometer method to measure blood pressure supported by Arduino Uno, which in waves will produce systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Blood pressure monitoring is made capable of measuring blood pressure in the range of 40-240 mmHg and this system has a systolic pressure error of 4.024 mmHg, while the diastolic pressure error is -0.408 mmHg.
Jurnal Otoranpur Vol. 2 No. Mei (2021): Jurnal Otoranpur
Publisher : Pustaka Poltekad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54317/oto.v2iMei.154


Seiring perkembangan di dalam dunia industri manufaktur terutama dalam bidang pengelasan, perubahan teknologi dalam sistem manual ke sistem otomatis perlu dilakukan untuk menambah efisiensi pada proses pelaksanaanya dan peningkatan kualitas hasil di dalamnya. Ditinjau dari alat dan teknologi saat ini digunakan, masih banyak alat mempunyai mobilitas yang rendah sehingga jangkauan kerja pada alat menjadi terbatas. Dalam pembuatan sebuah alat las otomatis perlu adanya suatu alat yang dapat meningkatkan mobilitas, jangkauan kerja alat serta menambah kualitas hasil pada prosesnya yang bersifat otomasi Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sebuah alat untuk membantu alat las secara portable dalam mendukung otomasisasi pada proses pengelasan. Mobilitas serta jangkauan kerja alat didukung dengan sebuah track dari bahan yang ringan dan kuat serta dirancang dengan dimensi yang relatif kecil dan dilengkapi dengan sistem kontrol magnet yang berguna menambah jangkauan kerja alat dalam setiap kebutuhan pada proses pengelasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dan simulasi, serta perhitungan secara empiris untuk mengetahui hasil yang relevan dengan proses simulasi. Data yang didapat setelah dilakukan perhitungan dengan pembebanan pada track 68 N, tegangan tekan yang terjadi pada track adalah 1,730 Pa, lebih kecil dari pada Modulus of Elasticity bahan PVC, sehingga bahan yang digunakan dikatakan mampu dan aman sehingga Portable Track dapat digunakan dalam Automatic Welding Carrier Machine.
Jurnal Otoranpur Vol. 2 No. Oktober (2021): Jurnal Otoranpur
Publisher : Pustaka Poltekad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54317/oto.v2iOktober.195


Abstract: In the military world, battle technology has experienced very rapid development, both close-range combat and long-range combat. In long-distance combat the technology that is often used is rocket technology where this rocket technology can paralyze the enemy in large numbers. Black powder is a mixture of potassium nitrate (KNO3), carbon powder (C) and sulfur (S). (Evie Lestariana, LAPAN). The black powder itself functions as an igniter filling material for the propellant combustion process. This research is to design a tool to support the manufacture of black powder in the igniter filling to help the combustion of rockets, especially those owned by the Indonesian Army. This study uses an experimental method using empirical calculations to get a tool with the desired specifications. Before carrying out the calculations, the author collects research data to carry out calculations, the data collected are as follows: 1. Roller shaft rotation: 246 rpm, 2. Roller shaft torque: 4.0697 Nm, 3. Roller shaft diameter: 25 mm, 4. Pulley shaft diameter top: 100mm. The results obtained after carrying out the calculations are the diameter of the driving pulley 98 mm, the belt contact angle against the pulley 174.6º, and the length of the V-belt 453.14 mm, moment of inertia on the gearbox output shaft 1884,8 mm4.
Otomotif Kendaraan Tempur POTENSI DARI STRUKTUR DAN MORFOLOGI NANOKOMPOSIT Fe3O4 DOPING Mn DAN rGO SEBAGAI COATING ANTI RADAR: Teknologi Haeder Sazli Hardiawan; Lalu Saefullah; Vito Hanif Addinuri
Jurnal Otoranpur Vol. 3 No. Mei (2022): Jurnal Otoranpur
Publisher : Pustaka Poltekad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54317/oto.v3iMei.238


Penelitian Radar Absorbing Materials (RAM) dalam beberapa tahun terakhir pada bidang militer dilakukan secara intensif. Pemilihan material pembuatan RAM memiliki peran sangat penting untuk menghasilkan kinerja yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh komposisi Mn terhadap sturktur kristal, morfologi komposit nano Fe3O4 / rGO Doping Mn, dan potensinya sebagai coating Nanokomposit Fe3O4 / rGO Doping Mn berhasil disintesis dengan metode kopresipitasi. Sampel dikarakterisasi XRD, FTIR dan SEM-EDX untuk mengetahui struktur dan fase, morfologi dari nanokomposit setelah dilakukan doping. Hasil karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan memiliki struktur kristal berbentuk kubik dengan ukuran kristal 11.5 nm dan tidak adanya puncak baru, yang mengidintefikasikan Mn berhasil disubtitusi ke dalam Fe. Pada hasil SEM terlihat bahwa nanokomposit tersusun dari partikel Fe3O4 dan Mn yang berbentuk bulatan yang teraglomerasi dan bentuk bongkahan untuk r-GO, serta memiliki ukuran butir sekitar 15 - 20 nm.
The development of household-scale biogas technology from organic waste in Lasah Village, Karangploso District Lalu Saefullah; Ardiyanto Darmanto; Dedy Pradigdo; Farit Hendro Wibowo; Akhmad Ali Imron
Khidmatuna (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 2 No 2 (2023): June-November
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58330/khidmatuna.v2i2.379


Climate change and limited conventional energy resources have pushed to utilize renewable energy. One of them is the development of household-scale biogas technology from organic waste. This Community Service Study (PKM) aims to document and analyze the socialization process of household-scale biogas applications in Lasah Village, Karangploso District, Kab. Poor. The activities carried out are, socialization about the benefits of biogas, the production process, and the operation of the system. Community involvement from the planning stage to implementation. The impact of socialization is assessed through surveys, interviews and observations of community participation and understanding. The study results show an increase in public understanding of the benefits of using biogas and a positive response to socialization and public interest in adopting this technology. It can be concluded that the socialization of the use of biogas technology on a household scale has been well received. Collaboration between researchers and the community can overcome communication barriers and provide practical guidance on the implementation of biogas technology. Although there is still a way forward in terms of system maintenance and management, this initial step provides a strong foundation for further development. It is hoped that this study will provide valuable insights for similar efforts in other areas, as well as encourage the implementation of sustainable technology for a brighter future.
PkM Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran dan Keterampilan Perawatan Sepeda Motor Untuk Masyarakat Desa Sekarputih Kota Batu Melalui Sosialisasi Perbengkelan Lalu Saefullah; Anggoro Nur Setiawan; Dedy Pradigdo; Farit Hendro Wibowo; Andi Dwi Setiawan; Chandra Surya Dikara
Jurnal Pengabdian Ahmad Yani Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Industri (STTI) Bontang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53620/pay.v3i1.106


Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk menyadarkan dan meningkatkan keterampilan tentang perawatan sepeda motor di desa Sekarputih, Kec. Junrejo, Kota Batu Tahun 2021 dengan adanya kegiatan sosialisasi perbengkelan sepeda motor. Perawatan pada sepeda motor yang baik akan memastikan keamanan dan kenyamanan saat berkendara di jalan sehingga akan berkurangnya resiko insiden yang tidak diinginkan. Namun, di banyak daerah pedesaan, pemahaman tentang perawatan sepeda motor masih rendah, dan akses ke bengkel yang berkualitas terbatas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan melalui serangkaian kegiatan sosialisasi yang melibatkan masyarakat Desa Sekarputih. Kegiatan ini mencakup penyuluhan tentang pentingnya perawatan sepeda motor, teknik-teknik dasar perawatan, dan cara mengidentifikasi masalah umum yang sering muncul pada sepeda motor. Selain itu, warga desa Sekarputih ini disosialisasikan pelatihan praktis di bengkel, warga sangat antusias untuk belajar perawatan sepeda motor. Hasil dari PKM ini membuktikkan warga sekarputih setelah kegiatan sosialisasi yang diberikan meningkatkan kesadaran warga tentang bergunanya perawatan sepeda motor. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga memberikan manfaat ekonomi bagi bengkel lokal karena meningkatnya permintaan perawatan sepeda motor. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap meningkatkan kesadaran dan keterampilan perawatan sepeda motor di Desa Sekarputih pada tahun 2021. Dengan peningkatan ini, diharapkan dapat mengurangi kecelakaan sepeda motor dan meningkatkan keselamatan berkendara di daerah tersebut. Selain itu, kegiatan sosialisasi perbengkelan ini dapat menjadi model bagi daerah-daerah pedesaan lainnya yang menghadapi masalah serupa dalam hal perawatan sepeda motor. Kata kunci: Pelatihan, Bengkel, Sepeda Motor
Publisher : PPM Sdirjianbang Akademi Militer

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The principle of objects that can move or forces arising from the movement between an object and air is studied in the science of aerodynamics. Great pressure and speed are gaining the science of aerodynamics. In this study, the analysis of aerodynamic characteristics is carried out by testing the object in the form of a model of an aircraft wing or airfoil of similar shape with 3 types of different thicknesses in small scale sizes. The three models were tested using wind tunnel and smoke tunnel to see the resulting air flow and the resulting lift force comparison.In this final project that will be discussed further is the influence of aerodynamics in the world of aviation we are familiar with the coefficient of lift, the coefficient of drag force and also the distribution of the resulting pressure.The method used is simulation analysis method. Simulation is done by making a model of a similar-shaped aircraft wing with a thickness of 15%, 20% and 30%, then tested using a Wind Tunnel and Smoke Tunnel.The purpose of this study was to determine the results of the study variations in the maximum thickness of the symmetrical airfoil using a fixed speed of 20 m/s and an angle of attack of-9o, -6o,-2o 0o, 5o, 10o, 15o against the coefficient of lift, drag coefficient and the maximum pressure distribution.