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ADHKI: Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Vol. 2, No. 1, Juni 2020
Publisher : ADHKI Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37876/adhki.v2i1.36


The culture of the Marind tribe of Papua has been preserved for a long time to be preserved until today. like the traditional culture of Marind in the tradition of marriage and wedding parties. The Marind people believe in Islam as their religion. so there is an acculturation process in displaying the practice of the tradition. For this reason, this study will examine the tradition of marriage and walīmat al-‘urs, the Muslim community of the Marind Tribe of Papua in a review of cultural acculturation. Qualitative research is used during the research process. In-depth observations and interviews were applied during data collection. This research shows that the Muslim community of the Marind Tribe of Papua in its implementation still uses the traditions of the past because they respect the customs and minority Islam in the family, practice mixed traditions between the two cultures, and eliminate traditions. While the process of cultural acculturation experienced by the people of the Marind tribe of Papua to the tradition of marriage and marriage parties. So that emerged a new tradition of the Marind Muslim community. This research also results that the Muslim community of Marind tribe upholds the customs that prioritize the appreciation and practice with the content of customary values, but on the other hand also fulfills all matters relating to sharia in Islamic culture. The occurrence of cultural contact meetings between Marind and religious customs, according to this study does not indicate a process of rejection.
Jurnal Darussalam: Jurnal Pendidikan, Komunikasi dan Pemikiran Hukum Islam Vol 13 No 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : IAI Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30739/darussalam.v13i2.1399


Generally, people have differences of perception toward the underage marriage. Many people are pro or they think that underage marriage is a common thing. Conversely, the native Papuans in Jayapura who are majorly non-Muslim become the group against it. This study was aimed to find out the reality condition of underage marriage in Jayapura particulary for the society in Tobati tribe and to see how their perception so that they reject the underage marriage among children or early adolescent. A method is needed in doing a research. This research used qualitative method with some techniques of collecting data such as interview and documentation. The techniques used to analyses the data were editing, organizing, and analyzing. The results of the study show that: first, the case of underage marriage in Jayapura is still relatively low. The data recorded in civil registry confirms that there is no report of underage marriage. Second, Tobati People have a perception that underage marriage is experienced by school students or teenagers. Hence, they are strongly against it since in the teen ages, children should go to school to get proper education and help to support family’s economy. Children or teenagers do not have understanding to build a marriage life and there are influences of traditional factors so that they refuse underage marriage.
Dinamika Penelitian: Media Komunikasi Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 22 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/dinamika.2022.22.01.54-69


This study aims to explain the values of religious moderation applied in StateMadrasah Aliyah (MAN) Keerom Papua. State Madrasah AliyahKeerom is an islamic school located in the midst of the majority Christianpopulation of Papua Province. However, the existence of Madrasah AliyahKeerom has never been disturbed. In fact, the school welcomes non-Muslimswho join to study in this school. This research uses a qualitative approach.The data were collected through interview, field observations anddocumentation. The results show that there are islamic moderation values thatare applied at State Madrasah Aliyah Keerom, namely the attitude ofcooperation between religious adherents in the madrasah environment (al-musawah), fairness (tawazzun), tolerance (tassamuh) and openness(tathawwur wa ibtikar).
Homosexuality in Contemporary Islamic Legal Approaches: Study of Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo’s Thought Amri Amri; Athoillah Islamy
Al-'Adl Vol 15, No 2 (2022): Al-'Adl
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/aladl.v15i2.4063


This study intends to identify the epsitemology of Islamic law of Huzaimah Tahido Yanggo with the contemporary maqasid sharia approach formulated by Jasser Auda. This literature research uses a normative-philosophical approach.The main research data is Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo's scientific work entitled Sexual Deviance (LGBT) in the View of Islamic Law (2018). Secondary data in the form of books, journals, theses and dissertations that are relevant. The nature of this research approach is descriptive-analytic. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results showed that Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo's Islamic legal epistemology of homosexual behavior is a multidimesional approach to Islamic law, and has a preemptive-socialist orientation. Such a big conclusion is based on the epistemological foundation of Islamic law Huzaemah, as follows First, the foundation of the epsitemology of islamic law is comprehensive, not partial in accordance with the character of the features of the comprehensive Islamic legal approach. So, there is no tendency towards a dichotomous and partial approach to Islamic law. Second, the epistemological foundation of Islamic law that emphasizes meaning, which is to have a relationship with various Islamic legal orientations towards the monasticism of homosexual behavior, such as the value of maqasid in the form of the benefit of the soul (hifz al-nafs), and also the misfortune of regeneration of offspring (hifz al-nasl), even the expansion of the broader dimension of benefit, namely hifz waton (maintaining the safety of the state).The theoretical implication of this research shows that the paradigm of contemporary Islamic law that prohibits homosexual behavior is not based on a pragmatism and individualist approach to Islamic law, but a multidimensional approach to Islamic law, and has a preventive-socialist orientation.There are limitations to the study, namely that it has not identified the method of interpretation that Huzaemah used to the theological basis of homosexual law.
Pemberdayaan Komunitas Tukang Becak Bengawan Solo Kelurahan Bunulrejo Kota Malang Melalui Ekonomi Kreatif Amri Amri; Rasyik Adila
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat: Pemberdayaan, Inovasi dan Perubahan Vol 2, No 5 (2022): JPM: Pemberdayaan, Inovasi dan Perubahan
Publisher : Penerbit Widina, Widina Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59818/jpm.v2i5.265


This assistance aims to how the mentoring process carried out can achieve the target of the wishes of the rickshaw community by maximizing the Assets and Bases they have through the creative economy. The mentoring method used in the community empowerment process is to use the ABCD Method, which is a method that is carried out by maximizing the potentials of the community to be accompanied. The results of this assistance resulted in a positive impact, namely the First several Bengawan Solo Rickshaw Maker Communities in Malang City had dared to make additional work by making handicrafts. The second is that one of the rickshaw-making communities dares to open a small coffee shop to encourage the family's economy by increasing work activities through selling coffee and fried foods. The third goal of community empowerment in this case the becak community in Bunulrejo Village, Malang City is successful to do which is evidenced through the willingness of rickshaw drivers to increase family income through the creative economy can be done, not only as a rickshaw driver whose income is low
Disfungsi Nilai Maqhasid Syariah Terhadap Perceraian Karena Alasan Ekonomi Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Amri Amri
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/tasamuh.v14i2.686


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketidakfungsian (Disfungsi) nilai Maqhasid Syariah dalam fenomena perceraian di masa pandemi karena alas an Ekonomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka dan melalui pendekatan normative teologis. Selanjutnya penelitian ini akan dianalisis menggunakan teori Maqhasid Syariah yang dikonsepkan oleh Jasser Auda. Hasil penelitian menunujukan adanya factor sehingga pemenuhan keluarga saat pandemi tidak mencukupi diantaranya kurangnya pendapatan suami dalam bekerja serta Kurangnya kerjasama antara suami istri dalam pemenuhan ekonomi keluarga. Temuan penelitian selanjunya menunjukan bahwa Nilai Maqhasid Syariah tidak berfungsi dengan baik dalam melihat problematika perceraian di Masa Pandemi dengan Alasan Ekonomi. Pertama minimnya pengetahuan ajaran Islam sebagai Implementasi nilai hifz din dan implementasi sikap tawakal serta Keimanan sebagai Perwujudan Nilai Hifz ‘aql. Kedua kurangnya rasa kasih sayang antar suami istri sebagai perwujudan nilai Hifz Nafs. Ketiga ketidakbermanfaatan Jasmani raga untuk bekerja sebagai perwujudan nilai hifz nasl. Keempat Ketidakpahaman Dalam Pengelolaan harta sebagai nilai Hifz maal. Kata Kunci: Disfungsi, Maqhasid Syari’ah, Perceraian, Pandemi Covid-19 Abstrack This study aims to determine the malfunction (dysfunction) of the Value of Maqhasid Syariah in the phenomenon of divorce during a pandemic due to economic foundations. This research uses literature studies and through a theological normative approach. Furthermore, this research will be analyzed using the Maqhasid Sharia theory conceptualized by Jasser Auda. The results of the study suggest that there are factors so that family fulfillment during a pandemic is insufficient, including the lack of income for husbands at work and the lack of cooperation between husbands and wives in fulfilling the family economy. First, the lack of knowledge of Islamic teachings as the implementation of the hifz din value and the implementation of the tawakal attitude and faith as the Embodiment of the Hifz 'aql Value. Secondly the lack of affection between husbands and wives as an embodiment of the value of Hifz Nafs. Thirdly the physical uselessness of the body to work as the embodiment of the value of hifz nasl. Fourth The management of property as a hifz maal value. Keywords: Dysfunction, Maqhasid Shari'ah, Divorce, Covid-19 Pandemic
JAYAPURA CITY KUA STRATEGY IN IMPLEMENTING PMA. No. 34 of 2016. Concerning Duties and Functions Amri - Amri; Dyah Margo Mukti
Dusturiyah: Jurnal Hukum Islam, Perundang-undangan dan Pranata Sosial Vol 12, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/dusturiyah.v12i2.12766


Minister of Religion Regulation Number 34 of 2016 concerning the organization and governance of the Sub-District KUA, it is seen that the duties and functions of the Jayapura City KUA must be as much as possible to implement these regulations. Therefore, this study aims to see what obstacles are faced and what strategies are carried out by the Jayapura City KUA in implementing the Perma. This research is a qualitative research that is through interviews, observations and documentation that has been processed and analyzed. The results of the study show the obstacles faced in implementing Perma No. 34 of 2016 is the limitation of existing Human Resources (Employees) and Collaboration with work partners has not been going well. Then the strategy taken in implementing the regulation is the first, increasing the number of employees within the Ministry of Religion of Jayapura City through the acceptance of Civil Servants every year since 2019. Second, coordinating and collaborating with Islamic religious instructors in Jayapura City to be able to help maximize the duties and functions of KUA in the field of outreach to the community.
Familia: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam, Fakultas Syariah, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Datokarama Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24239/familia.v3i1.61


Long distance marriage (LDM) is a long distance relationship between husband and wife who do not live together, can be in different cities or different countries. In Jayapura City - Papua, there are many cases of Long Distance Marriage, many husbands leave their wives for work or service in Jayapura. because Jayapura is one of the areas where it is easy to find a job. The dynamics of a husband who is willing to leave his wife by not living at home can have an impact on causing family disharmony. Therefore, this study aims to determine the husband's factor in establishing an LDM relationship in Jayapura City and how the effort of a husband who is willing to leave his wife for his work to maintain family harmony. The research used is field studies or qualitative research, then the data collection techniques are through interviews, documentation and observations. The results of the study show that the first factor in the occurrence of LDM relationships for husbands who work in Jayapura City is because the family's economy is lacking, then they decide to work leaving their wives in the village. Secondly, this study shows that the efforts made by husbands who undergo LDM relationships in Jayapura City so that their families remain harmonious are by communicating continuously through electronic media, obeying all requests from the wife, and fulfilling all the needs of the wife.
Tinjauan Hukum Waris Islam Dalam Penundaan Pembagian Harta Warisan: (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Koya Timur, Distrik Muara Tami, Kota Jayapura) Bambang Edi Tilarsono; Husnul Yaqin; Amri Amri
ISTIDLAL Vol 1 No 1 (2022): AL-AQWAL : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Fattahul Muluk Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.065 KB) | DOI: 10.53491/alaqwal.v1i1.278


The provisions regarding inheritance in Islam are one of the provisions that have been described clearly and in detail, even Allah SWT ordered them to immediately implement them. This research aims to find out aspects of the trigger for inheritance not being distributed immediately and the views of Islamic law regarding the behavior of the East Koya people who do not immediately give inheritance to those who are entitled to receive it. This field research is sociological research of Islamic law. Information was collected using interview, observation, and documentation methods. After the information is collected, it is analyzed using data collection methods, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions, and analyzed using Islamic Law analysis. The results of this research are: First, the factors that delay the distribution of inheritance are: (a) the lack of deliberation between the heirs, (b) one of the parents is still alive, (c) the child is considered unable to carry out the inheritance, (d) the inheritance managed together, and (e) the lack of knowledge about the jurisprudence of the Mawaris. Second, the law delaying the distribution of inheritance by the Koya Timur community after fulfilling the rights of the deceased is unlawful or not justified by Islamic Shari'ah. This is because the instructions are clear both in the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet SAW and in Article 175 of the Compilation of Islamic Law to immediately give inheritance to anyone who is entitled to receive it. In the rules of ushul fiqh it is also explained that the origin of the command is obligatory, so when someone does not carry out the obligatory command, it will be a sin.
Doktrin Keagamaan Nahdlatul Ulama Sebagai Role Model Toleransi Umat ST Sariroh; Moh Ali; Amri Amri; Abd Syakur
POROS ONIM: Jurnal Sosial Keagamaan Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Kaum Agamis, Doktrin Keagamaan, dan Kerukunan Umat Beragama
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Fattahul Muluk Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53491/porosonim.v3i2.358


The crisis of tolerance between religious communities in various parts of the world is increasing, including in Indonesia. So it needs to be reaffirmed, with the existence of religious community organizations such as Nahdlattul Ulama which has a high flow of tolerance between religious communities, it must be used as a mecca/role model for tolerance. This study uses the literature search method combined with the latest information on religious tolerance. The results of the study stated that inter-religious tolerance can be achieved by implementing hablum minallah hablum minannas hablum mina nas and hablum minal alam as religious teachings in community empowerment, opening up business fields, trying to maintain the nation and state together, and maintaining relationships among people. In Indonesia, it seems that there will be no difficulties if all parties are aware of the religious values being taught, especially within the Nahdlatul Ulama environment which can be taken out and become a mecca for tolerance in various matters and various fields of life.