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Analisis Usahatani Beberapa Varietas Unggul Padi Sawah Fachrizal, Riza; Monika, Nova Suryawati
AGRICOLA Vol 11 No 1 (2021): AGRICOLA
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/ag.v11i1.3269


This study aims to analyze the differences in rice farming production of Inpari 32, Ir 64 and Cigelis varieties in the study area, to analyze the differences in rice farming acceptance of Inpari 32, Ir 64 and Cigelis varieties in the study area, to analyze the differences in income of Inpari 32 rice field rice farming, Ir 64 and Cigelis in the study area, analyzed whether the rice cultivation of Inpari 32, Ir 64 and Cigelis varieties was feasible from the ratio of revenue and cost (R / C) in the study area. This research was conducted in Tanah Miring District, Merauke Regency. The location selection was done purposively. The population was 4,770 farmers and the sampling was done by using purposive method, 5% of the population was taken, in order to obtain a sample of 128 farmers. The analysis technique used in this research is to use cost, revenue, income, and feasibility analysis. The results show that there are differences in production, acceptance and income of Inpari 32, Ir 64 and Cigelis rice fields with an average land area of ​​1.5 ha. With the R / C of the Inpari 32 variety of 3.05 BEP, the production was 995 kg and the BEP was 2.463 / kg. The R / C of the Ir 64 variety was 2.59 with a BEP of production of 1.055 kg and a BEP of 2,930 / kg and the R / C of the Cigelis variety of 2.50 with a production BEP of 1,036 kg and a BEP of 3,312 / kg.
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Ayam Pedaging Mitra Ginting, Nina Maksimiliana; dawapa, merry; Fachrizal, Riza; Nurliah, Nurliah; Rizal, Abdul
AGRICOLA Vol 11 No 2 (2021): AGRICOLA
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/ag.v11i2.3277


This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the income of partner broilers in the study area. This research was conducted in Merauke District. The location selection was carried out purposively. The time of the research was conducted from May to November 2020. Sampling in this study used the census method. Respondents in this study were 13 partner broiler breeders. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression. The results show that the coefficient of determination (R2) obtained is 0.995, indicating that broiler income (Y) can be explained by the independent variable X. Partially or the t test shows that the cost of seeds, feed costs and labor affects income, while partially the cost of medicine - medicine does not affect income.
Analisis Usaha dan Saluran Pemasaran Sagu Fachrizal, Riza; Ginting, Nina Maksimiliana; Panga, Nurhaya J
AGRICOLA Vol 12 No 2 (2022): AGRICOLA
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/ag.v12i2.3982


This study was to determine the sago processing process, the income of the sago processing business, the sago marketing channel in Tambat Village. This research will be carried out in Tambat Village, Tanah Miring District, Merauke Regency. The location selection was done purposively with the consideration that Tambat Village is one of the villages that is still actively producing sago. Sources of data using primary data and secondary data. The population is 30 sago processors and the sample is taken by means of a census of 30 sago processors. The data analysis method is used descriptively and the concept of costs and income to the feasibility of the business. The income earned per month is Rp. 3,650,167 with an R/C of 2.2. There are 4 marketing channels used. The first marketing channel is from processors and is directly marketed to consumers, the second marketing channel from processors is directly distributed to collectors and to consumers. The third marketing channel from the processor is distributed to small traders and to consumers. The fourth marketing from the processors is directly distributed to collectors, small traders and directly to consumers.
Preferensi Masyarakat Terhadap Sagu Sebagai Sumber Pangan Masyarakat Suku Malind Yeinan Di Kampung Poo, Distrik Jagebob-Merauke Putri, Ika Wahyu Octaviani; Widiastuti, Maria Maghdalena Diana; Fachrizal, Riza
MuJAgri: Musamus Journal of Agribusiness Vol 1 No 1 (2018): MuJAgri: Musamus Journal of Agribusiness
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mujagri.v1i1.1300


The research aims to analyze the preferences of the local Papuan people of Yeinan towardssago consumption and analyze any preferences that are more dominant in the selection of sagocommodities as local food. The study was conducted in Poo Village, Jagebob District, MeraukeRegency, for two (2) months, namely from May to June 2018. The population in this study wasthe entire community of Poo village. The technique of determining samples is done randomly( Random Sampling ), data analysis is done by qualitative and quantitative analysis methodsusing multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the regression analysis showed thatpeople's preference for sago consumption (Y): at the 5% level based on taste (X 1 ) with asignificant value of 0.107 did not significantly influence the amount of sago consumption,processing variable (X 2 ) with a significant value of 0.440 no significantly affect the amount ofconsumption of sago, and the variable resistance (X 3) deng an significant values of 0, 5 58 didnot significantly affect the amount of consumption of sago. So from the results of this studythat people's preference for sago consumption is not influenced by the variables of taste,processing, and endurance. Where the R value of 0.212 is obtained, which is low and the Rsquare value is 0.045 or 4,5 %.Keywords: preference, sago, yeinan tribe
Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Pengering Gabah Mekanis UD Jasa Tani Distrik Tanah Miring Kabupaten Merauke Fachrizal, Riza; Mekiuw, yosehi
MuJAgri: Musamus Journal of Agribusiness Vol 1 No 1 (2018): MuJAgri: Musamus Journal of Agribusiness
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mujagri.v1i1.1302


Padi (Oryza Sativa L) adalah tanaman penghasil beras yang salah satu upaya peningkatan produksinya melalui penanganan pasca panen. Aspek penting dalam penanganan pasca panen adalah pengeringan gabah baik metode tradisional maupun secara mekanis. Analisis data usaha pengering gabah mekanis menggunakan analisis biaya, manfaat dan jangka waktu. Teknis pengeringan gabah menggunakan mesin pengering model vertical circulation dengan tungku sekam. Besarnya dana investasi Rp. 345.000.000. NPV sebesar Rp. 535.136.462. Net B/C sebesar 2,55. IRR sebesar 53,42%. Hasil analisa finansial dengan ongkos pengeringan sebesar Rp. 200/Kg Gabah Kering Panen (GKP) menunjukan bahwa usaha pengering gabah mekanis UD Jasa Tani di Distrik Tanah Miring Kabupaten Merauke layak diusahakan.Kata kunci : kelayakan, pengering gabah mekanis
Nilai Tambah Usaha Keripik Ubi Kayu (Studi Kasus: Usaha Keripik Alami di Wenda Asri Distrik Jagebob Kabupaten Merauke) Apriliani, Asthika Dwi; Fachrizal, Riza; Situmorang, Ferdinand C
MuJAgri: Musamus Journal of Agribusiness Vol 6 No 1 (2023): MuJAgri: Musamus Journal of Agribusiness
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mujagri.v6i1.5279


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pengolahan ubi kayu menjadi keripik ubi kayu, besarnya penerimaan, keuntungan, kelayakan usaha, dan nilai tambah pada usaha Keripik Alami. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, metode kuantitatif berupa biaya, pendapatan, penyusutan, keuntungan, analisis kelayakan, break event point, dan nilai tambah. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan Purposive sampling dengan 1 sampel. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah pengolahan ubi kayu menjadi keripik dimulai dengan pengadaan bahan baku, pengupasan, pencucian, penirisan 1, penyekapan, penggorengan, penirisan II, pemberian bumbu, pendinginan, dan pengemasan. Keuntungan yang dihasilkan dalam setiap Kg ubi kayu dalam satu kali produksi sebesar Rp 760.085,96, revenue cost ratio 1,63, BEP harga sebesar Rp 4.285,41, BEP produk sebanyak 171 bungkus, dan nilai tambah sebesar Rp 10.057,1 atau 51,31%.
Analysis of the Average Difference Test of Production and Income of Several Sweet Potato Varieties Farming in Merauke Ginting, Nina Maksimiliana; Fachrizal, Riza; Panga, Nurhaya; Redu, Silas Tanggu
International Journal of Agriculture System VOLUME 11 ISSUE 2, DECEMBER 2023
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/ijas.v11i2.4318


This study aims to calculate the production and income derived from farming several sweet potato varieties. The research was conducted in Bersehati Village, Tanah Miring District, Merauke Regency. The Research location was chosen purposively with the consideration that Kampung Bersehati is the largest sweet potato producing area in Merauke Regency. In total there are 157 sweet potato farmer populations, the number of samples taken was 20% of the population or 31 farmers.  Data analysis was conducted using the concept of cost, revenue, farm income, feasibility and analysis of the average difference test. The results showed that the yield per growing season of the Cakar variety (1,603 kg) was higher than the Local variety (1,599 kg). However, farming the Local variety yielded a higher income (IDR 4,672,140.96) than the Cakar variety (IDR 4,475,777.98) at a selling price of IDR 6,000 per kg. The feasibility analysis showed that both the Local variety (R/C Ratio 1.95) and the Cakar variety (1.87) are worth trying. The difference test analysis revealed significant differences in production and income between the two varieties.