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Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research Vol. 5 No. 3 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : AGUSPATI Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7777/jiemar.v5i3.519


The success of an organization or company depends on the performance of the employees produced, whether the performance of the employees produced is good or bad, good or not. Because employees are the driving force for a company itself. Employees who produce good performance will have a direct impact on the progress obtained by the company. Performance is a problem that is often discussed. employee performance or usually in other words employee performance is the work performance or achievement that a person achieves in a genuine way. With high employee performance, it can be a competitive advantage of the organization or company. If the company competes using human resources, the results that will be obtained are two, namely competitive advantage and comparative advantage, because the existence of this advantage will certainly make it difficult for competitors to imitate what we produce (Tohardi, ). Employee performance is the result of quality and quantity work produced by employees or also called behavior that is displayed in accordance with the responsibilities given to the employee himself (Murty and Hudiwirnasih,). Performance is also the result of work produced or given by an employee that is directly related to the duties and responsibilities given by the company (Mangkunegara,). Therefore, with good employee performance, it is hoped that the company will continue to provide appropriate motivation so that other companies can judge that the company has quality performance. Employee performance is closely related to the motivation that the organization applies or already exists in the company. The motivation provided in an organization is expected to help or have a good impact on its employees, especially in creating high performance. Companies that can apply and provide motivation according to the needs of their employees will certainly affect their work performance and performance. As for motivation as one of the important things that must be given to employees, the lack of motivation provided can have an impact on their performance, such as increased absenteeism and decreased employee involvement in doing their duties. Low employee morale can help the company's achievement to meet its goals take longer and disrupt the company's profitability. Therefore, companies must pay attention to the motivation of employees. Motivation is one of the important roles for human behavior and performance, from the level of motivation in individuals and teamwork in a person can affect all aspects of organizational performance. The total success of organizational projects depends on the commitment of the team, which depends directly on their level of motivation In the Hawthrone Study conducted by Elton Mayo in the year and, the need for employees to get higher job performance has been found not only in giving intensive money, but also shows that employees are influenced by external elements as well and how they can organize themselves in informal groups. The right motivation can encourage employees to do as much as possible in doing their duties, with high motivation encouraging individuals to commit to their work. Motivation is closely related to the attitudes and behavior of each individual, motivation itself can also be interpreted as a condition in a person's personality so that the person is encouraged or wants to carry out the desired activities and activities Motivation can be influenced by several aspects such as employee loyalty, life demands, targets to be achieved and other factors. Sometimes work motivation also has a negative effect on employees because of the motivation to compete to be the best employee in a way that is not good, such as damaging the character of the employee's coworkers. Therefore, high motivation affects the performance of the organization itself and also improves one's own performance including ability, expertise and ethics.Based on the description above, the researcher sees the importance of the Human Resources (HR) factor in supporting the practice of Effective Organizational Change so that workers or employees are ready for the Company's future challenges which involve changes to achieve the goals to be achieved.
Analisis Demografi dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi dan Produktivitas Industri Perdagangan Berbasis Kknidalam Perencanaan SDM Supratikta, Hadi; S.S., Muhammad Arfani; Rachmawati, Ike Rachmawati; Hanrio, Tio Hanrio
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : LPPM STIE Bisnis Internasional Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56145/ekonomibisnis.v4i1.136


Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) dalam pendidikan tinggi. KKNI, sebagai kerangka pencapaian pembelajaran, menyatukan pengalaman kerja dan pendidikan formal, nonformal, atau informal. Pembahasan mengenai landasan teori, regulasi, ruang lingkup, dan konsep dasar KKNI, sejarah perkembangannya, serta hasil dan pembahasan terkait produktivitas tenaga kerja Indonesia di kawasan Asia. KKNI diharapkan dapat meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, mendapatkan pengakuan internasional, dan memperkuat daya saing nasional.
Strategi Pengelolaan Keuangan yang Disesuaikan dengan Era Modern pada UMKM Kemang Bogor Sutanto B, R. Adhi; Faizal Jambak, Muh; Rezkullah, Muh; Hizbatu W, Nasahi; Kadarwati, Suci; Supratikta, Hadi; Hamsinah, Hamsinah
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat : Kreasi Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat : Kreasi Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Unpam Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/kmm.v4i1.38439


Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan mengenai konsep keuangan sederhana yang modern kepada anggota koperasi (pelaku) UMKM Kemang Berdaya, Kecamatan Kemang di Kabupaten Bogor yang berdampak pada pengelolaan keuangan yang optimal dengan pemanfaatan teknologi. Metode yang digunakan melalui survei dan penyampaian materi secara langsung serta simulasi dan diskusi mengenai pengelolaan keuangan pada UMKM tersebut. Kesimpulan dari PKM ini bahwa sebelum pelaksanaan PKM, para pelaku UMKM masih kurang menguasai pengelolaan laporan keuangan secara sederhana dan optimal. Namun setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan para pelaku UMKM mulai memahami bahwa dalam manajemen keuangan, pengelolaan keuangan sederhana dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi di era modern dengan memisahkan keuangan usaha dan keuangan rumah tangga untuk mewujudkan pengelolaan keuangan yang modern pada UMKM Kemang Berdaya, Kecamatan Kemang, Kabupaten Bogor.
Abdi Laksana : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Abdi Laksana : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/al-jpkm.v2i2.10513


Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bekerjasama dengan yayasan pembangunan masyarakat sejahtera. Jl. Masjid Darussalam No. 40 Kel Kedaung Kec. Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan 15415. Dengan tujuan untuk Memberikan pengetahuan dalam hal kemandirian sebuah yayasan dan memberikan pengetahuan tentang wirausaha. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah ceramah, diskusi, dan pemberian materi mengenai Strategi Mewujudkan Kemandirian Yayasan Melalui Program Wirausaha yang harus dijalankan oleh Yayasan agar dapat menjadi yayasan yang mandiri. Kesimpulan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Yayasan Pembangunan Masyarakat Sejahtera adalah membutuhkan bantuan permodalan, dukungan/pendampingan atau biaya operasional yang cukup besar, solusi yang diberikan adalah memberikan pendampingan untuk memberikan penyuluhan materi yang berkaikan dengan kewirausahaan dan kemitraan.
Human resource planning strategy to improve employee performance in facing the industrial revolution 4.0 Prabowo, Satria Agung; Prasetiyo, Arditiya Bayu; Prasetya, Arief Budi; Supratikta, Hadi
ProBisnis : Jurnal Manajemen Vol. 14 No. 6 (2023): December: Management Science
Publisher : Lembaga Riset, Publikasi dan Konsultasi JONHARIONO

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62398/probis.v14i6.396


This study was prompted by a change in business policy that substituted human labor with machine labor, as a result of increasingly advanced technology breakthroughs. One option is to develop a Human Resources planning strategy for the period of Industrial Revolution 4.0, so that employees are not defeated by machines in the future. The problem formulation in this study is, "What is the Human Resources planning strategy in the Industrial Era 4.0?" The purpose of this study is to examine Human Resources planning methodologies in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research approach is literature, in which data is gathered through the use of references such as books, scientific journals, newspapers, periodicals, and documents. According to the findings of this study, HR planning tactics for improving employee performance include recruitment, career planning, and evaluation. The study's conclusion is that in order to improve employee performance, firms must understand their employees' personalities and place them in jobs that match their areas of expertise.
Peningkatan Kinerja dan Kerjasama Tim Peneliti Depdagri dan Daerah dalam Otonomi Daerah Supratikta, Hadi
Jurnal Bina Praja Vol 1 No 3 (2009)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21787/jbp.1.2009.233-244


The Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Home Affairs as a professional and academic institution, must be able to interact and cooperate with various parties, with government and non-government agencies, both at the center and in the regions. In this regard, this study attempts to reveal the strategic role of the Research and Development Agency which must improve the performance and cooperation of the Research Team of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Regions in regional autonomy. With a descriptive method of accessing data from several primary data sources, work experience, interviews, literature studies, handbooks, and others, this study uses the theory of Problem Solving and Decision Making (PMPK) and the theory of Integrated Work Patterns. Improving the performance and cooperation of the Central Research Team at the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Regions in strengthening regional autonomy can be successful effectively and efficiently, by understanding actual problems that are closely related to the main tasks and functions of the Research and Development Agency. The strategy must be able to identify the causes of problems. Including the main and specific problems, determining priority efforts to be carried out and programmed as an effort to solve existing problems. Allocating any costs needed to carry out competitive grant research, as well as complete details of work allocation. It must describe the network of work, who does what, who is responsible to whom, who works with whom and when to do what.
Strategic Human Resources Planning: a Comprehensive Review of the Literature and Analysis of a Framework for Organizational Motivation and Employee Retention Nugraha, Riad Endra; Rianto, Eko; Supratikta, Hadi
Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjas.v3i6.9095


Considered as the first and main practice of human resource management, human resource planning plays a big role. The theoretical basis of the practice of Human Resource planning has been investigated in detail in this article. The author has endeavored to cover and present comprehensive literature on this important practice of Human Resources. The importance of Human Resource planning, its strategic objectives and influencing factors are all covered in this literature study. Also, the study covers the frameworks and models of Human Resource planning and tells the process for retaining and motivating an organization's workforce.
Manejemen Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pembelajaran (Studi Diskriftif SMA Negeri 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan, Provinsi Banten) Supratikta, Hadi; Saefulloh, Imam; Saefulloh, Saefulloh; Ulinuha, Ibnu; Arsaf , Taufik; Astuti, Sri
Jurnal Manajemen & Pendidikan [JUMANDIK] Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen & Pendidikan [JUMANDIK]
Publisher : LAP4B

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58174/jmp.v2i1.42


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap, menemukan, mendeskripsikan, dan menganalisis faktor dominan yang mewarnai melalui manajemen Pendidikan. sarana dan prasarana dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran di SMA Kota Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Berdasarkan data Capaian Akreditasi SMA Kota Tangsel Tahun 2019, bahwa sarana dan prasarana memperoleh nilai sebesar 85,78% dan merupakan standar ketercapaian terendah sehingga perlu mendapat perhatian paling serius. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perencanaan mengacu pada Visi, Misi, Tujuan dan Strategi. proses penetapan/perencanaan standar pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan, mulai dari penetapan/perencanaan standar, penerapan standar, evaluasi/pemantauan penerapan standar, pengendalian internal/audit penerapan standar, dan penyempurnaan/pelaporan standar melalui perumusan koreksi, peningkatan kualitas dan penetapan standar baru. pelaksanaan evaluasi dan pemantauan dilakukan melalui proses penyusunan rencana dan jadwal pelaksanaan, penetapan rencana dan jadwal pelaksanaan, mengirimkan rencana dan jadwal pelaksanaan kepada seluruh unit kerja terkait. Tindakan pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana secara keseluruhan menunjukkan arah yang tepat karena sekolah yakin ada atau tidaknya program pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana yang harus diselesaikan untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran. kendala di antaranya pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan secara administratif, organisasional, dan psikologis. padahal solusinya sudah ditemukan oleh pihak sekolah.
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business Vol. 7 No. 4 (2024): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION: Economic, Accounting, Management, & Business
Publisher : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pustek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37481/sjr.v7i4.964


The role of financial technology is considered to be at the forefront of digital market developers through market places to increase the income of MSMEs in South Tangerang City. The objectives of this research are 1.) To test and analyze whether financial technology influences purchasing decisions 2). analyzing Online Customer Reviews on purchasing decisions 3). testing financial technology and Online Customer Reviews simultaneously influence purchasing decisions 4). To test and analyze whether purchasing decisions have an impact on consumer loyalty in South Tangerang City MSMEs. The method used in this research is a quantitative method. Primary data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to MSMEs using the market place. Population of all business actors in South Tangerang City. The sample uses questionnaires and interviews. The sampling technique used is a random sampling technique. The analysis tool in this research is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) processed through the AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) program. The research results can be concluded as follows: (1). There is a partial effect of financial technology on purchasing decisions using a value of 52.5% obtained from the determinant test. (2) Online Customer Reviews influence purchasing decisions (3). financial technology and Online Customer Reviews simultaneously influence purchasing decisions (4). Purchasing Decisions that impact Consumer Loyalty.