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Journal of Peasants’ Rights Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Peasant Movement and Food Sovereignty
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.03 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jpr.v1i1.8265


The study is about the Resistance movement against the state social case study PTPN Damak Maliho in ancient 2008-2009. The main discussion is between peasants’ groups with PTPN IV at deli Serdang district, Damak Maliho, and the role of peasants’ groups in reversion land rights. The conclusion is that the root of the problem is a scramble for the land of 198 ha state of the community with PTPN IV in Damak Maliho, Bangun Purba's District, Deli Serdang is a state of each other claims of land between the village community with PTPN IV of 198 acres of land. Second, the strategy is taken by leaders the base states peasants’ village Damak Maliho to demand land rights by occupying the land. Third, analysis Karl Marx saw the result of this research concluded that countries' indecisiveness in seeing the conflicts causes losses to peasants.
Manifestation of Resistance between PTPN II Plantation Corporation and Persil IV Farmers in Tadukan Raga Village, Deli Serdang Regency. Malik, Rahman; Dewi, Citra Saputri; Saladin, Tengku Ilham; Parawansa, Khofifah Indar; Junita, Rina; Hidir, Achmad
Journal of Peasants’ Rights Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Peasants, livelihood, and Mobilization
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jpr.v3i1.16091


Abstrak Meningkatnya pemberitaan mengenai konflik agraria dan protes petani di Indonesia menunjukkan Pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan merupakan wilayah yang rawan konflik lahan antara petani dan perusahaan perkebunan, khususnya perkebunan kelapa sawit . Petani Persil IV merupakan sebuah komunitas Petani yang ada di Tanjung Morawa tepatnya di Kecamatan Sinembah Tanjung Muda Hilir Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Petani Persil IV merupakan wujud persatuan petani yang mengalami konflik agraria dengan PTPN II yang ada di Deli Serdang. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan budaya rimbo dan buruh borong sebagai bentuk perlawanan Petani di perkebunan di Desa Tadukan Raga, Kecamatan Sinembah Tanjung Muda Hilir terhadap perusahaan perkebunan PTPN II. Metode penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Kasus konflik yang dialami Petani Persil IV dan Perusahaan PTPN ini dianalisis menggunakan teori konflik dahrendorf. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kasus petani Persil IV ini tidak terjadi konsensus antara petani persil IV dengan PTPN II karena masih adanya campur tangan pemerintah sebagai pemantik konflik tersebut. Dampak negatif yang diakibatkan dari konflik tersebut adalah masyarakat Persil IV menjadi lebih tertutup dari masyarakat luar. Hal ini terlihat dari salah satu bentuk budaya masyarakat perkebunan Petani Persil IV yakni memilih buruh borongan dari daerah mereka saja, dan seolah-olah ada ketakutan dari masyarakat tersebut terhadap masyarakat luar. Kata Kunci: Budaya Rimbo, Buruh Borong ,Konflik, Petani Persil IV, PTPN
Bertahan sampai kapan? Becak motor versus moda transportasi online di Medan Malik, Rahman; Daulay, Harmona; Saladin, Tengku Ilham
Dimensia: Jurnal Kajian Sosiologi Vol 13, No 2 (2024): Dimensia: Jurnal Kajian Sosiologi Volume 13, Edisi 2
Publisher : Departemen Pendidikan Sosiologi FISHIPOL UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/dimensia.v13i2.68392


Penggunaan becak bermotor sangat penting bagi masyarakat perkotaan di Indonesia karena minimnya layanan transportasi umum. Namun, maraknya layanan transportasi digital telah meminggirkan keberadaan mereka tanpa dukungan dari pemerintah dan pihak terkait. Sebuah studi lapangan di Medan, Sumatera Utara, yang melibatkan pengemudi becak bermotor mengungkap pengalaman dan upaya mereka untuk terus menyediakan layanan transportasi alternatif. Studi ini menyoroti kurangnya pilihan pekerjaan lain bagi para pengemudi ini dan alasan sosial budaya untuk tetap bertahan pada profesi mereka meskipun semakin tersedianya layanan transportasi digital. Selain itu, mereka berupaya meningkatkan layanan mereka dengan mengorganisasi diri dan berinvestasi dalam bisnis mereka.The use of motorized pedicabs is vital in urban communities in Indonesia due to insufficient public transportation services. However, the rise of digital transportation services has marginalized their existence without support from the government and related parties. A field study in Medan, North Sumatra, involving motorized pedicab drivers revealed their experiences and efforts to continue providing alternative transportation services. This study highlighted the lack of other job options for these drivers and the socio-cultural reasons for sticking to their profession despite the increasing availability of digital transportation services. Additionally, they are making efforts to improve their services by organizing themselves and investing in their businesses.
Use of Social Media as a Learning Media in 21st Century Learning Hidir, Ahmad; Malik, Rahman; Bekata, Halena Muna; Waruwu, Yaredi; Syarofa, Najwa
Al-Hijr: Journal of Adulearn World Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/alhijr.v2i4.547


Today's rapidly growing use of social media has both positive and negative impacts on people's social lives. Moreover, based on UNESCO data, Indonesian people are very active in using social media. This research aims to The use of social media as a learning medium aims to increase students' interest in learning, improve students' ability to use technology and increase students' awareness in using social media in the context of education. The method used in this research is a quantitative method using a survey model and in-depth interviews with one teacher and students. The results of this study show that social media can be used for learning tools or media. However, in reality, currently there is no maximum use of social networking media. The results of researchers' observations by looking at the growing phenomenon, that the use of social networking media is currently mostly only used by students to be limited to sending messages with friends, playing games (games), and buying goods online. The use of social networking media is currently still not utilized as a learning medium by students. The conclusion of this research is that media in the learning process is an inseparable part of the teaching and learning process in order to achieve an educational goal in general and learning objectives. Strategies to be able to find learning media. The right and appropriate in the learning process can be done by making considerations in the selection of social media. Therefore, the limitation of this study is that researchers only conducted research on the role of the Discovery Learning strategy in Islamic cultural history lessons, researchers hope that future researchers can conduct research on the Discovery Learning strategy by developing this strategy in other subjects.
The Exploitation of Women's Body and Sensuality: The Attraction of Newspaper Movie Advertisements in Local Daily Newspapers Hati, Lila Pelita; Ginting , Lestari Dara Cinta Utami; Malik, Rahman
International Journal Linguistics of Sumatra and Malay Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Journal Linguistics of Sumatra and Malay (IJLSM)
Publisher : TALENTA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/ijlsm.v1i1.10571


Newspaper advertising experienced a significant increase in the 1970s. During that period, three local daily newspapers were established in Medan, namely: Waspada, Sinar Indonesia Baru, and dan Analisa. These newspapers displayed various advertisements in their publications; one of which was the advertisement to promote the film that would be shown in theaters at that time. In promoting films through these advertisements, many producers women as a means of promotion. Women seemed to have their magnet to attract the audience's interest. This journal explains how the women’s representation in the local daily newspaper advertisements in Medan in the 1970s, and how the exploitation of women’s bodies and sexual attractiveness in the advertisements for the promotion of the film was related to global discourse, especially in terms of women's appearance. The four stages of historical methods are applied to conduct the research, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The results of the research show that advertising producers often showcased pictures of beautiful and sexy women and even displayed vulgar words to attract the audience's interest which didn’t represent the storyline of the film itself.
The Dual Role of Women in Employment in the Sinah Kasih Village Oil Palm Plantation Putri, Widisyah; Malik, Rahman; Hidir, Achmad
Langgas: Jurnal Studi Pembangunan Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/ljsp.v3i2.16364


Indonesia is the countries with the largest palm oil producer in the world. Oil palm plants are one of the plantation crops that produce vegetable oil, which has become Indonesia's main and superior agricultural commodity. In the division of labor on plantations, there is still an imbalance between men and women. Women spend a lot of time in the garden and have to divide their time into housework. The dual roles experienced by women are very influential in the division of labor. This study presents the division of labor according to Harvard's division of labor. Women also work like men in oil palm plantations and women also play the role of housewives who take care of their husbands, children, and home. Meanwhile, men only work in industry, do not want to contribute to taking care of children and other household work, women do not get the same salary as men.