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Using PRAAT for Analysing Segmental Features of Speech Produced by the Students of English Study Program of Universitas Brawijaya Wulandari, Istiqomah; Rodliyah, Iis Nur; Fatimah, Fatimah
ELTICS : Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics Vol 3, No 1 (2016): ELTICS JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Making improvements of the speech feature is possible to do because pronunciation is teachable. Some experts in pronunciation teaching have suggested more comprehensive and contemporary teaching methods and techniques. In narrower context to English Study Program some seemingly cases are found in depicting the condition of how the last semester students who attend thesis seminar are tend to have difficulty in their Pronunciation. Many of them are still struggling in articulating the correct English pronunciation. The problematic speech features are targeted to the segmental part, such as the accuracy of vowel sounds production. For this particular research, the researchers want to investigate the similar problematic features of pronunciation of the second semester students of English Study Program of Universitas Brawijaya and later will try to implement some teaching pronunciation techniques to modify their pronunciation production. For this particular research employs a qualitative research design. The data were analysed into narrative description, interpretation and textual. The participants were asked to read aloud the given 14 minimal pair words list. The recorded data were saved as wave files (.wav) to analyze them by using PRAAT to visual display of the students’ First Formant (F1) and Second Formant (F2). Then, these visual displays were compared to those of native speakers in PRAAT window. The result of this research reveals that due to the lack of how to disambiguate the correct pronunciation of vowel sounds within the given words the participant tend to produce inaccurate pronunciation. Which are reflected by the result of the spectrum score range: F1 and F2. Some proposed techniques of teaching segmental were drilling, teaching minimal pairs, chanting with jazz chant and rhyming with tongue twisters, to modify learners segmental features. As the suggestion all targeted parties (students, Lectures and Authority) should be willing to do what are necessary to maintain the success of the teaching and learning pronunciation in Study program of English.Key words: student’ spoken feature, segment
Interactive White Board (IWB) in English Language Class Istiqomah Wulandari
EDUCAFL : Journal of Education of English as Foreign Language Vol 2, No 2 (2019): EDUCAFL
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (14.387 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.Educafl.2019.002.02.03


Interactive White Board (IWB) in English Language ClassIstiqomah Wulandari, M. Ed.Study Program of English of Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya Malang education sector has been affected by the growth of technology and has taken great advantages in connecting science and technology sides by side to reach the outmost result. One of the emerging technology devices used in teaching and learning in the classroom is the Interactive White Board (IWB) (Becta, 2004). Many researchers have been conducted to see how the implementation of IWB in the class room, such as the researches done by Cuthell in 2010 and by Kennewell (2006) shown that IWB adds some positive values in teaching and learning experiences. Based on that phenomenon, I decided to analyse and investigate the usage of IWB in the classroom and try to see their implications to TESOL particularly in area of technology use in language learning.Keywords: IWB, technology, English Class  
Perception of Plagiarism among Students of Higher Education in Indonesia Fatimah Fatimah; Istiqomah Wulandari
Alphabet: A Biannual Academic Journal on Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1008.239 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.alphabet.2018.01.01.04


Many definitions of plagiarism fall under the core concept of any activity in using, imitating or owning partially or completely of ideas, thoughts, works, and organizations from others without appropriate cita-tion and acknowledgement. Since this academic dishonesty has negative impacts, it needs to be overcome. The present researchers believe that student in Study Program of English, Brawijaya University are at risk of committing plagiarism. Therefore, this present research attempts to investigate the students’ perception of plagiarism in Study Program of English. The students’ perception investigated in this research deals with the students’ understanding on what actions that they categorize as plagiarism. This research employs descriptive quantitative approach since the data are obtained from the questionnaire, which is adapted from a questionnaire proposed by Marshall and Gary (2005).The participants of this study are 154 sixth semester students in Research Proposal Writing course. The results prove that they have basic concept of plagiarism and know how to put them accordingly to the academic regulation of how to cite other works in order not to commit plagiarism. However, the idea of self-plagiarism is not fully understood by the students.
An Analysis of Lexical Cohesion in Donald Trump's Speech to the UN General Assembly 2017 Isma Farikha Latifatun Nuzulia; Istiqomah Wulandari
IJOTL-TL: Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 3 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Center of Language and Cultural Studies [CLCS]

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30957/ijoltl.v5i3.635


The aim of this research is to define a linguistic framework based on Donald Trump's manuscript at the 2017 General Assembly since Trump is an influential person in the world and it was essential to note how the impact of his speech could have a strong effect on audiences. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to analyze and describe the types of lexical cohesion of HallidayHasan (1976) and Renkema's Theory (2004). In regard, the researchers analyze the most frequently known types of lexical cohesion following the analysis of the data and drawing conclusions based on the results. The findings showed that 80 data were found and 36 data included repetitions, 10 synonyms, 2 general terms, 3 superordinates, 10 collocations, 5 hyponymies, 6 antonyms, 27 anaphoras, and no cataphora and metonymy found in this analysis. After analyzing the results, the most dominant type found was repetition, which meant emphasizing their speech to show how powerful the American and show profound admiration for others.
Mini Magazine as an Elicitor to Enhance Students’ Creativity in Writing Yuni Astuti; Istiqomah Wulandari
Alphabet: A Biannual Academic Journal on Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.alphabet.2020.03.01.02


Expressing ideas in the form of written expression is usually challenging for many students in ESL/EFL classes. Along with the acquisition of the second language (L2), to write in L2 students might experience some social and cognitive challenges. For instance, Students may have little confidence to write in L2 compared to that of their first language. Moreover, language proficiency in L2 adds on to the quality of good writing. Some quandaries may contribute for this situation, in writing; students may face common issues such as: grappling with grammar aspects, choosing the appropriate vocabularies, copping with punctuation and mechanics, making coherence and cohesion, and generating ideas (Al Badi, 2015; Younes & Albalawi, 2015). Thus, the researchers are going to stimulate thdents' creativity in writing via mini magazines to help students in generating their ideas and sharpen their writing skills. By assigning the students to make mini-magazines, the researchers believe that it will have a positive impact on the students' writing skills and language proficiency.
Using PRAAT for Analysing Segmental Features of Speech Produced by the Students of English Study Program of Universitas Brawijaya Istiqomah Wulandari; Iis Nur Rodliyah; Fatimah Fatimah
Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Journal of English Language Teaching and English Linguistics
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (706.931 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/eltics.v3i1.12


Making improvements of the speech feature is possible to do because pronunciation is teachable. Some experts in pronunciation teaching have suggested more comprehensive and contemporary teaching methods and techniques. In narrower context to English Study Program some seemingly cases are found in depicting the condition of how the last semester students who attend thesis seminar are tend to have difficulty in their Pronunciation. Many of them are still struggling in articulating the correct English pronunciation. The problematic speech features are targeted to the segmental part, such as the accuracy of vowel sounds production. For this particular research, the researchers want to investigate the similar problematic features of pronunciation of the second semester students of English Study Program of Universitas Brawijaya and later will try to implement some teaching pronunciation techniques to modify their pronunciation production. For this particular research employs a qualitative research design. The data were analysed into narrative description, interpretation and textual. The participants were asked to read aloud the given 14 minimal pair words list. The recorded data were saved as wave files (.wav) to analyze them by using PRAAT to visual display of the students’ First Formant (F1) and Second Formant (F2). Then, these visual displays were compared to those of native speakers in PRAAT window. The result of this research reveals that due to the lack of how to disambiguate the correct pronunciation of vowel sounds within the given words the participant tend to produce inaccurate pronunciation. Which are reflected by the result of the spectrum score range: F1 and F2. Some proposed techniques of teaching segmental were drilling, teaching minimal pairs, chanting with jazz chant and rhyming with tongue twisters, to modify learners segmental features. As the suggestion all targeted parties (students, Lectures and Authority) should be willing to do what are necessary to maintain the success of the teaching and learning pronunciation in Study program of English. Key words: student’ spoken feature, segment
Jurnal Pengabdian Pendidikan Masyarakat (JPPM) Vol 5 No 1 (2024): JPPM Vol 5 No 1 (2024)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52060/jppm.v5i1.1805


Digital humanities adalah sebuah disiplin ilmu interdisipliner yang menggabungkan antara teknologi digital dan humaniora. Digital humanities dapat berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan pembelajaran dan pengajaran di bidang pendidikan melalui penggunaan teknologi digital yang relevan dengan konteks budaya dan lingkungan belajar. Implementasi pendekatan digital humanities dalam konteks pendidikan juga dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai bentuk salah satunya dengan penggunaan humor, terutama untuk meningkatkan  atensi  dan partisipasi pembelajar dalam proses belajar. Tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari Program Studi S-1 Sastra Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya, membawa topik ini dalam bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dengan melibatkan kerja sama dengan mitra Prodi yakni Institut Humor Indonesia Kini 3 (IHIK3), sebuah pusat kegiatan humor di Indonesia yang mengelola humor secara ilmiah dan profesional berbasis pengalaman, ilmu pengetahuan dan riset yang komprehensif. Bentuk pengabdian berupa pelatihan metode humor yang efektif digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas serta bagaimana strategi-strategi yang akan digunakan. Mitra sasaran partisipan untuk kegiatan ini adalah para pengajar di berbagai perguruan tinggi di Malang Raya yang tergabung dalam Linguistics and Literature Association (LITA) . Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini diharapkan akan memberi kontribusi terhadap peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi.