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Jurnal Academia Praja : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 7 No 2 (2024): Academia Praja : Jurnal Ilmu Politik, Pemerintahan, dan Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36859/jap.v7i2.1980


Deradikalisasi dari perspektif hukum Islam merupakan proses penting dalam mengatasi ekstremisme dan radikalisasi dalam masyarakat. Banyak masyarakat yang fanatik terhadap ajaran agama dengan menganggapnya sebagai pemahaman yang paling benar dan menegasikan pemahaman yang lainnya bahkan cenderung mengkafirkannya. Mengingat perilaku lahir karena dipe- ngaruhi oleh pandangan dunia (world-view) yang dianut seseorang, maka upaya deradikalisasi pemahaman ajaran Islam harus dimulai dengan merubah paradigma berfikir yang dianut. Maka itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman deradikalisasi dalam ajaran Islam yang harus masyarakat pelajari dalam menghindari pemikiran ekstremisme dan radikalisme berdasarkan perspektif Hukum Islam. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data berdasarkan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa deradikalisasi berdasarkan perspektif hukum Islam mengedepankan pendekatan yang holistik, inklusif, dan berbasis pada nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan keadilan. Hal ini melibatkan seluruh elemen masyarakat dalam upaya untuk meredakan ketegangan, memperkuat kerukunan antarumat beragama, dan menciptakan masyarakat yang aman, damai, dan adil bagi seluruh individu.
Hierarchy and Typology of Political Culture Nasution, Raihani Dewi; Indah, Fasrah; Astaman, Raden Bagus; Winaldi, Ahmad; Harahap, Elly Warnisyah
Indonesian Journal of Innovation Multidisipliner Research Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/ijim.v2i2.137


This article discusses political structure and culture with a focus on several key dimensions, namely the physical structure of politics, the social structure of politics, and various types of political culture. The physical structure of politics refers to the formal institutions and political mechanisms that influence the process of political action. The socio-political structure includes the distribution of power and social hierarchies that influence political dynamics in society. Furthermore, this article outlines the different types of political culture, including a political parochial culture that shows minimal involvement in national political affairs, a political subjective culture that reflects individuals' political attitudes and orientations towards power and political participation, and a political participatory culture that encourage active participation in the political process. Through an analysis of the physical and socio-political structures, as well as various political cultures, this article provides a more accurate understanding of the complexity of politics in modern societies. The implications of this understanding for public policy development and political system development are also discussed in depth.
Political Economy and MUI Fatwa No. 83 of 2023: Literature Review Prayogo, Agung; Syawal, Rakhmat; Pia, Adi; Zalukhu, Devrichan Syahputra; Harahap, Elly Warnisyah
Indonesian Journal of Innovation Multidisipliner Research Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/ijim.v2i2.138


This research is a literature review which aims to analyze the relationship between political economy and MUI Fatwa No. 83 of 2023. Through searching for the keywords "political economy" and "fatwa" using Google Scholar, various relevant journal articles and books were collected, mapped and analyzed. The research results show that MUI Fatwa No. 83 of 2023 has significant implications for economic policy in Indonesia, serving as an ethical and moral guide that influences regulations on sharia banking, halal investment, and other economic sectors. This fatwa emphasizes the importance of fair and sustainable economic practices in accordance with Islamic principles. The conclusions of this research confirm the crucial role of fatwas in shaping Indonesia's political-economic landscape and underscore the need for further research to explore their long-term impact.
Dalil-dalil Moderasi Beragama Azis, Abdul; Harahap, Elly Warnisyah
MODELING: Jurnal Program Studi PGMI Vol 11 No 1 (2024): Maret
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Nahdlatul Ulama Al Hikmah Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69896/modeling.v11i1.2236


Moderasi dalam praktik keagamaan mencakup pemahaman dan pelaksanaan ibadah yang seimbang tanpa ekstremisme atau kelebihan. Fokus artikel ini adalah untuk menelusuri apakah Al-Quran dan Hadis, sebagai kitab suci umat Islam, memiliki kemungkinan mendorong tindakan kekerasan dan teror terutama terhadap pemeluk agama lain. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode tafsir maudhu’i, yaitu memilih topik tertentu, menyoroti beberapa ayat Al-Quran dan Hadis yang berkaitan dengan moderasi keagamaan, serta mengaitkannya dengan konteks-konteks yang relevan terhadap permasalahan yang dibahas. Hasil penelitian menegaskan bahwa Al-Quran dan Hadis tidak mendorong umat Islam untuk bertindak secara kekerasan, ekstrem, atau melampaui batas dalam menjalankan agama. Al-Quran dan Hadis justru menekankan bahwa pemahaman dan praktik agama seharusnya melalui jalan tengah yang menampilkan sifat-sifat ramah, lembut, dan penuh kasih sayang. Keseimbangan dianggap sebagai aspek yang sangat penting, sejalan dengan harmoni kehidupan dalam hukum alam. Ketidakseimbangan di dalamnya bisa membawa kehancuran bagi dunia ini.
Analisis Perilaku Politik, Budaya Masyarakat dan Agama di Indonesia Safitri, Yuli; Efendi pane, Anwar; Harahap, Elly Warnisyah
Journal of Education Research Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Pengelola Jurnal PAUD Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37985/jer.v4i3.392


Indonesia adalah negara dengan memiliki berbagai macam etnis dan agama. Sebagai negara dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar, Indonesia memiliki ragam agama, budaya, dan perilaku politik yang berbeda-beda. Sistem politik di Indonesia tentunya tidak lepas dari pembenahan. Selain itu, Indonesia adalah negara yang mayoritasnya Bergama dan percaya akan nilai-nilai kemanusian, seperti kebebasan dan keadilan sosial. Bukan hanya perilaku politik, dan agama saja, Indonesia kaya akan budaya masyarakat yang humanisme. Maka dari itu, peneliti bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku politik, budaya masyarakat, dan agama di Indonesia untuk memberikan pengetahuan seputar keragaman Indonesia untuk para akademisi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka library research. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan perilaku politik di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari agama yang mengatur moral dan perilaku seseorang. Begitu juga dengan budaya masyarakat Indonesia juga mempengaruhi perilaku politik masyarakat Indonesia. Sebab, Dengan cakupan pengetahuan kepercayaan, kesenian, moral, hukum, adat istiadat dan lainnya yang ada pada budaya masing- masing seseorang dapat menentukan pilihan politiknya.
Pemaknaan Semboyan Balayar Satujuan Batambat Setangkahan dalam Mempersatukan Agama, Adat dan Budaya di Kecamatan Datuk Bandar Kota Tanjung Balai Ramadhan, Syahri; Harahap, Elly Warnisyah; Is, Fadillah
YASIN Vol 3 No 6 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/yasin.v3i6.1844


Indonesia has diversity, race, ethnicity, culture, customs, religion and several regions in this country have local beliefs. Many of the general public do not know that in every region there were beliefs held by people in ancient times. At this time there are still many who do not know very well about the contents of the values that exist in local beliefs and as a result there are still many who act intolerantly towards this original archipelago belief. The diversity of religions in Indonesia can be seen from the recognition of the five religions professed by the people in the country, namely Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Factors that influence the diversity of Indonesian society, both from within and outside the community itself. This diversity is a challenge that can pose a threat to the integrity of the Indonesian nation. However, the existence of a motto that is formed as a reference or as a symbol of one area is able to help and reduce divisions between religious communities in that region. After conducting research, this research focuses on, 1) Having a motto/motto in one area can encourage the growth of tolerance towards differences in race, ethnicity, ethnicity, and religion. 2) Can strengthen unity in a pluralistic society. 3) It has its own meaning and meaning for each region. This research method uses a type of qualitative research. Data Collection Techniques using Interview Methods or interviews, observation, and documentation. Miles and Huberman's qualitative data analysis technique.
Fenomena Perilaku LGBT di Kalangan Muslim dan Kristen: Studi Kasus Media Sosial Safitri, Dewi; Harahap, Elly Warnisyah; Paralihan, Hotmatua
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 3 (2023): JUNI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i3.1034


The Phenomenon of LGBT Behavior Among Muslims and Christians: A Case Study of Social Media. While the type of research used by the author is a library research. As for the data analysis using descriptive qualitative methods, content analysis comparative methods, and hermeneutic methods. Problems on social media related to LGBT come from pornographic sites where users can easily participate, share and create content in the virtual world which is immediately widespread, apart from that there are facts proving this deviation, also because this issue is a classic issue that then it is developing again at the present time, especially in the community and has a very negative impact because it can damage the morale of the nation's children and is very contrary to religious norms, values and Pancasila. This research approach takes the historical approach method. The results of this study indicate that the phenomenon of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) is a group that has a different sexual orientation than heterosexuals. In Indonesia, it began to be advertised openly in people's lives. Many people claim that they are LGBT. For Muslims and Christians in Indonesia about the Sodom people at the time of Prophet Lut who were punished by God for same-sex sexual behavior that deviated and left religious teachings. One of the developments of LGBT is the spread of social media where users can communicate, share and create content by spreading photos or videos. The issue of sexual deviance has become the object of debate where people still think that LGBT behavior is an act that is not appropriate. And some people think that everyone has the right to freedom of belief, express thoughts and attitudes according to their conscience.This finding is in accordance with Akhmad Said Asrori The Executive Board of Nadhlatul Ulama (PBNU) emphasized that he rejects the practice or actions of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) because it greatly deviates from the teachings of Islam. All Muslims are obliged to guide LGBT actors to the right path. Research, these findings disagree with the world leader Barrack Obama who legalized same-sex marriage and indicated that he supports LGBT people. Same-sex couples who wish to marry, can register their marriage at the US civil registry office.
Metamorfosis Kurban dalam Agama Islam dan Yahudi Rambe, Mahlaini; Harahap, Elly Warnisyah; Paralihan, Hotmatua
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 3 (2023): JUNI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i3.1178


The Metamorphosis of Sacrifice in Islam and Judaism. This change will be seen from the point of view of the implementation of the sacrifice from the time of the Prophet Adam, the prophet Abraham to the time of the prophet Muhammad as the bearer of the last treatise. This study of the metamorphosis of sacrifice is the background of this research problem. The author will look at related issues, namely: how is the metamorphosis of sacrificial worship in Islam and Judaism. This discussion also examines the similarities and differences in sacrifice in Islam and Judaism. In this way, it will be known how sacrifices are made in Islam and Judaism so that there will be differences between the two. This type of research approach used by the author is Library Research. The data analysis uses the comparative (comparative) method of Islam and Judaism, with a theological approach. The result of this research is that the sacrifice is prescribed, it is introduced to humans in the form of offerings to God according to what they have. In the period between Prophet Adam and Prophet Abraham, the sacrificial service was changed to a ritual offering of offerings to idols, which were worshiped by the prophets of Noah, the prophets of Hud and the people of the prophet Salih. At the time of the prophet Abraham, the transformation of the sacrifice was changed to an offering by slaughtering a good lamb. The transformation of sacrificial worship after the time of the prophet Abraham was by leading the fire as a sign of acceptance of the sacrifice. Furthermore, during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the sacrificial service was carried out by slaughtering sacrificial animals in the form of Bahimah Al An'am (livestock), which was carried out after carrying out the Eid al-Adha prayer. Whereas in Judaism, the first Sacrifice order was carried out by Abraham to Isaac's son but was replaced with a lamb. The command to sacrifice changed from human to animal.
Interaksi Sosial antara Remaja Muslim dan Kristiani di Kelurahan Sei Sikambing B Medan Syahbandi, Maulana; Harahap, Elly Warnisyah; Ekowati, Endang
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 5 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i5.1742


Christians in the Village of Sei Sikambing B Medan. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. Social interaction during adolescence is very important, because there are many developmental prerequisites that must be met during this period, namely physical development, psychological development, and especially social development. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The phenomenological approach is related to the understanding of everyday life and the intersubjective world (life world) of participants. Phenomenological research tries to explain or reveal the meaning of concepts or phenomena based on the awareness of experiences that occur in several individuals. In this research the instruments used are observation, interviews and documentation. Then the data were analyzed with qualitative research analysis. The results of the study show that the form of social interaction between Muslim and Christian adolescents leads to an associative process characterized by positive forms of social interaction that lead to a state of harmony and social unity.
Hierarki Iblis dalam Pandangan Kristen Analisis Buku the Complete Book of Demonolatry Karya S. Connolly Hutajulu, Muhammad Irgi Septiana; Harahap, Elly Warnisyah; Paralihan, Hotmatua
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 5 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i5.1743


The purpose of this study is to find out how the Christian view of the Devil's Hierarchy, and how the Devil's Hierarchy forms according to the book The Complete Book Oof Demonolatry, and how the Qur'an views the Devil's Hierarchy. This type of research uses library research through a normative theological approach. This thesis explores data from two sources, namely primary and secondary sources, the primary source is The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly and secondary sources, namely articles, websites, books, literature, documents and the Bible. The research results show that Satan regulates the hierarchy evil spirits who inhabit the air and who help him to rule the kingdom of darkness. the term "Devil's Hierarchy" is not specifically mentioned in the Bible. However, several verses give views of the existence of different levels or roles among the demons, which can sometimes be interpreted as hierarchies. The forms of the Hierarchy of Demons are very diverse, there are many different classifications of each Occultist or Bishop. But in the Qur'an there are no verses that tell about the existence of a ruler or leader of Satan. This means that according to the Islamic Religion, this Devil's Hierarchy is not something that must be studied or understood more deeply.