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FORUM PAEDAGOGIK Vol 5, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : AIN Padangsidimpuan

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AbstractTo enhance the learning of mathematics, teachers should be able to deliver lessons well so that students easily understand and full of enthusiasm in learning. A teacher must have the ability to create a learning activity towards achieving optimal learning outcomes. Therefore a teacher should be able to select and use teaching methods or approaches making it easier to achieve the learning objectives. One method or open ended approach. Approach one open ended approachto learning provides opportunities for the development of mathematical skills by giving students keluasaan active and creative thinking to solve a problem. Open ended approach is better known as an open approach to the problem. In general, the implementation of the approach to teaching mathematics that involves the use of open problems and routine problems that have more than one solution.
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 6, No 01 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v6i01.1249


In the process of mathematics learning a teacher must be able to create a meaningful learning process. A good learning process will be able to achieve the goal of learning to the fullest. Teacher learning process should be able to bring the creativity of students, skills, liveliness and can solve problems. Mathematics Learning formulated by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics or NCTM outlines that students must learn mathematics through understanding and actively build new knowledge from experience and knowledge that has been previously owned The standard in the process of learning mathematics are: 1) Understanding the concept of mathematics, 2) Mathematical reasoning, 3)     mathematical communication, 4) Mathematical connection, 5) Mathematical problem solving. The five standard processes should not be viewed as something separate from the standard contents in the mathematics curriculum. The five standard processes direct the method-methods or processes to do all of mathematics, therefore, they must be seen as integral components with learning and teaching. The process standard refers to the mathematical process through which the student acquires and uses mathematical knowledge to derive the learning objectives set at the school level.
Keterampilan Guru Dalam Bertanya Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Nasution, Mariam
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 7, No 01 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v7i01.1666


In learning mathematics the questioning skills are very much needed in order to carry out the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Skills to ask, for a teacher is a very important skill to master. The skill of asking is an integral part in order to improve the quality of learning processes and outcomes, which is also part of the success in instructional management and classroom management. Through the skill of asking the teacher is able to detect obstacles in the process of thinking among students and can improve and improve the learning process among students. The questions that are conveyed must pay attention to the components, the skill component to ask. Therefore the questioning skills can be divided into two groups, namely basic questioning skills and advanced questioning skills. Basic questioning skills are: (1) Clear and concise, (2) Provision of references, (3) Concentration, (4) Transfer of turn, (5) Distribution, (6) Giving time to think (7) Giving guidance. Advanced questioning is: (1) Changing cognitive level guidance (2) Setting the order of questions, (3). Tracking questions, and (4) Encouraging interaction.
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 3, No 02 (2015)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v3i02.1309


Formative assessment is the evaluation conducted at the end of the discussion of a subject/ topic, and is intended to determine the extent to which the learning process has been running as planed. In assessing the formative test a science teacher in the learning process must run in certain situations. Therefore in the learning process students should have early knowledge base or IPA as a condition for getting Knowledge to a higher level. With prior knowledge of the students in science teaching and learning process, the teacher can assess the results of their study. From the results of this evaluation will be obtained picture of anyone who has been successful and who is considered to have not managed to take further appropriate actions. Learning outcomes that occur because of changes in student behavior that can be observed and measured in terms of changers in knowledge, attitudes and skills. In learning science learning outcomes can be measured by the ability of the students themselves gain knowledge about the natural environment, develop skills, insight, and awareness of the technology in relation to their use for everyday life.
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 5, No 01 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v5i01.1261


Every educator and learner is always curious about the outcame of the learning process in the classroom. To find out the results of the learning process educators need to conduct assessment of learning outcomes  and learning fraud. Assessment of the results of mathematic learning emphasizes to obtain information about how the acquisition of learners of mathematics learning is a systematic process to obain information about the effectivenees of the learning process in helping learners in achieving optimal learning objectives. Please note  that in the process of assessment of learning outcomes of learners in learing mathematics required methods or techniquis and instruments that need to be considered and prepared, so that later learning objectives can be achieved. Techniquis and instruments used this will provide information to teachers on the circumstance and achievements achieved by learners. Teachers’ learning techniquis and assessment instruments the can be developed by teachers can include assessment of test types, non-tests, grade-based assessments, performance appraisals, as well as portfolio assessments. Therefor, techniquis, methods, and assessment instruments that can be done by the teacher in evaluating the students. As a teacher will be required not only able to make an instrument of assessment of learning outcomes of learners, but able to apply and use the assessment instrument
Pengaruh Penerapan Alat Peraga Melalui Model Pembelajaran Numbered Head Together (NHT) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung di Kelas IX SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan Pane, Intan Parwati; Nasution, Mariam
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 5, No 02 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v5i02.1544


The background of this research is the low mathematics learning outcomes of class IX students of SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan because the teacher's learning process is not able to create students 'attention, students' enthusiasm in attending classes is still low, so students have difficulty in answering mathematical problems / problems especially in wakefulness curved side space that causes student learning outcomes not to the maximum. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of teaching aids through the numbered heads together (NHT) learning model on student learning outcomes in the material to construct curved side spaces in class IX SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan.This study refers to Jerome S. Bruner's learning theory which says that learning mathematics will be more successful if the teaching process is directed at the concepts and structures made in the subject being taught, in addition to the related relationships between concepts and structures .This research is a quantitative research with an experimental method of classical experimental design. The population of this study was all students of class IX of SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan consisting of 12 classes as many as 297 students, and for the sample taken using cluster random sampling technique which is 48 students. The control class is 24 students and the experimental class is 24 students. The instrument used as a data collector is a test given twice, namely before the pretest and posttest. While for data processing and data analysis is done using the t-test formula.Based on the normality and homogeneity test both classes are normally distributed and homogeneous. The t-test is obtained from the results of hypothesis testing which shows tcount t table, namely 10.007 2.0129. So it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that there is a significant influence between the application of props through the numbered heads together learning model on student learning outcomes in the material to construct curved side spaces in class IX SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan.
Studi Multidisipliner: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.324 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/multidisipliner.v1i1.287


AbstrakSeorang guru matematika yang efektif adalah guru yang berhasil membawa peserta didiknya mencapai tujuan pembelajaran dan sesuai kaidah yang berlaku dalam pendidikan. Untuk mencapai tingkat efektifitas pembelajaran  matematika guru mempunyai fungsi sebagai narasumber, demonstrator, pengelola kelas, mediator, fasilitator, dan evaluator. Guru harus menguasai ber-bagai keterampilan dasar mengajar yang meliputi: keterampilan membuka dan menutup pelajaran, keterampilan menjelaskan, keterampilan bertanya, keteram-pilan menggunakan variasi mengajar, keterampilan memberi penguatan, keterampilan mengajar kelompok kecil, keterampilan mengelola kelas, dan keterampilan membimbing diskusi kecil. Dengan demikian seorang guru matematika harus mempunyai keterampilan dasar mengajar. Ini sangat penting sebagai syarat menjadi seorang guru. Seorang guru professional harus mengikuti beberapa pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan keterampilan dasar mengajar agar fungsi pengajaran tercapai dengan baik.AbstractAn effective mathematics teacher is a teacher who managed to bring learners to achieve the learning objectives according to the rules in force in education. To achieve the level of effectiveness of learning math, the teacher has the function as a resource, demonstrator, manager of the class, mediator, facilitator and the evaluator. The teacher must master the basic skills of teaching which include: opening and closing skills lesson, explaining skills, questioning skills, skills using a variation of teaching, provide reinforcement of skills, small group teaching skills, classroom management skills and skills to initiate discussion. Thus, a math teacher should have the basic skills in teaching. It is very important as a condition of becoming a teacher. A professional teacher should follow some training related to teaching basic skills in order to function properly accomplished teaching. 
Eksakta : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran MIPA Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Eksakta : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran MIPA
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan, UM-Tapsel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/eksakta.v7i1.39-53


The demand for analytical, synthesis and evaluation skills applies to all students, especially in the Tadris/Mathematics Education study program, FTIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan. Students are educated to become prospective mathematics teachers so that high cognitive abilities are needed. The Tadris/Mathematics Education study program has implemented the 2015 KKNI curriculum. For the Discrete Mathematics course, it has not yet developed learning tools using the KKNI curriculum.The purpose of the study was to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of cognitive and affective assessment tools based on the IQF curriculum for the Discrete Mathematics course. The research was carried out in the tadris/Mathematics education study program in semester 4 T.A. 2019/2020 which consists of 2 classes, namely TMM-1 and TMM-2, each of which amounts to 24 people and 33 people. The development model used in this study is a 4-D model, namely defining, designing, developing and disseminating.The results of the research and discussion showed that the cognitive and affective assessment tools based on the KKNI curriculum for the Discrete Mathematics course developed were categorized as very valid at 3.91 or 97.9% for cognitive assessments and 3.71 or 92.85% for affective assessments. Cognitive and affective assessment tools based on the IQF curriculum in the Discrete Mathematics course for students of the tadris/Mathematics education study program developed were categorized as very practical with the final score percentages of 81.56% and 89.93%, respectively. Practicality can be seen from students using cognitive and affective assessment tools.
Data Analysis Techniques for Problem-Based Learning Model Development and Rewarding Elementary Linear Algebra Mariam Nasution
Logaritma : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 10, No 01 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/logaritma.v10i01.5676


The problem in this research is how the data analysis techniques are used in developing problem-based learning models and giving elementary linear algebra rewards. The purpose of this study was to describe the results of data analysis in the research conducted. The type of research used is the type of RD research with qualitative and quantitative methods. The stages of data collection carried out are: Preliminary Phase, Prototyping Phase and Assessment Phase. The Preliminary stage is processed descriptively, by clearly describing the results of the preliminary analysis in the form of needs analysis, curriculum analysis, concept analysis, and student characteristics analysis, each resulting analysis is equipped with conclusions. The prototyping stage uses instrument data that has been given to experts or validators to see the errors and accuracy of the instruments presented in the form of numbers. For the Assessment Phase, validity tests were carried out on the validity of the RPS and SAP instruments, model books, lecturer books, LKM, students' mathematical ability tests, attitude questionnaires and student learning interests. Product reliability tests were carried out on RPS and SAP instruments, model books, lecturer books, LKM, students' mathematical ability tests, attitude questionnaires and student learning interests. The product effectiveness test was obtained from the student's mathematical ability test data, attitude questionnaire and student learning interest questionnaire. Based on the analysis of the data used, it can be concluded that the product validity test results obtained high validity criteria. The results of the practicality test obtained high validity. The results of the effectiveness test are that the problem-based learning model and the provision of rewards can improve students' mathematical abilities and can encourage increased understanding of a concept and solve problems that are legitimate, efficient, and effective.
FORUM PAEDAGOGIK Vol 13, No 1 (2022): 10 Articles, Pages 1-155
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/paedagogik.v13i1.5339


This study aims to improve student learning outcomes through the application of the Quantum Teaching model in ecosystem subject matter in class V SD Negeri 033 Hutabaringin. This research was carried out through the provision of actions with stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. Subjects of this study were 28 students at SD Negeri 033 Hutabaringin Mandailing Natal. The research data was collected through multiple-choice item test instruments. Observation sheets and documentation were used to collect data on student and teacher activities. Data from the research results of the first cycle 1st meeting obtained students completed, 13 students (46.42%) and incomplete 15 students (53.58%) with an average (68.92). Furthermore, in the first cycle of the second meeting, 18 students were declared complete (64.29%), and 10 students were incomplete (35.71%) with an average (of 70.71). In the second cycle of the 1st meeting, 22 students completed (78.58%) and 6 students (21.42%) incomplete and average (75), while the second cycle of the 2nd meeting completed 24 students. Students (85.71%) and incomplete 4 students (14.29%) with average (80). It is concluded that the use of the Quantum Teaching model can improve student learning outcomes in SD Negeri 033 Hutabaringin Mandailing NatalÂ