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Jurisprudensi: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Perundang-undangan, Ekonomi Islam Vol 11 No 1 (2019): Jurisprudensi: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Perundang-undangan, Ekonomi Islam (Jurisprud
Publisher : State of Islamic Institute Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/jurisprudensi.v11i1.995


Cessie is the submission of accounts receivable in the name regulated in Article 613 of the Civil Code. Cessie in principle is the sale and purchase of receivables, but in its development the cessie can also be used as collateral for debt. In Islamic law, detailed discussion of cessie has not yet existed, but in general the issue of accounts payable has been discussed in the hawalah contract. In the DSN-MUI fatwas cessies are categorized as active subjective innovations or forms of subrogation accompanied by compensation. On the other hand, conceptually, cessie, subrogation and innovation are different. From this description, this research will discuss about cessie in Islamic law review with hawalah approach. The research method used is qualitative-descriptive-literature. The conclusion obtained from this study. (1) Cessie requirements according to the Civil Code have not fulfilled the entire requirements for the formation of the contract contained in hawalah. (2) Cessie in the sale and purchase of receivables is included in hawalah haqq. (3) Cessie as debt collateral is included in hawalah haqq based on kafalah (guarantee). In the case of retro cessie, Hanafi scholars allow while Shafi'i scholars do not allow
Muslim Heritage Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Muslim Heritage
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.9 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/muslimheritage.v4i1.1724


abstrak Secara umum banyak industri besar yang menghasilkan limbah dan mengganggu kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Amdal (Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup) sebagai sebuah peraturan perundangan-undangan yang mengatur tentang studi kelayakan suatu rencana usaha dan/atau kegiatan, wajib dimiliki oleh setiap usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang berdampak penting terhadap lingkungan. Amdal disusun oleh pemrakarsa pada tahap perencanaan suatu usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang dituangkan dalam dokumen Amdal. Penelitian ini berawal dari sebuah keprihatinan bahwa dalam kitab-kitab fiqh pembahasan tentang lingkungan hidup kurang mendapat sorotan. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menjajagi tingkat dukungan agama terhadap Amdal dengan menggunakan pendekatan mas}lah}ah. Pertama, tingkat dukungan nas}s}-nas}s} agama terhadap Amdal cenderung kepada mas}lah}ah mursalah. Amdal sebagai produk hukum dan undang-undang dengan perantara pemerintah merupakan salah satu sarana dari mas}lah}ah mursalah. Kedua, agama meletakkan peringkat kepentingan Amdal dalam mas}lah}ah d}aru>ri>yah. Amdal terkait dengan mas}lah}ah yang bersifat umum (mas}lah}ah ‘a>mmah), karena segala hal yang terjadi pada lingkungan hidup akan berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan manusia. Ketiga, agama meletakkan Amdal dalam al-kulliya>t al-khams sebagai fard}u kifa>yah, tidak termasuk dalam salah satu sektor di dalamnya dan juga tidak memasukkannya dalam sektor baru keenam untuk dibuka, karena dalam implementasinya Amdal merupakan kewajiban kolektif dalam penanganan problem lingkungan hidup yang hanya dapat dituntaskan secara bersama dengan melibatkan banyak stakeholders. abstractIn general, many large industries produce waste and interfere with environmental sustainability. EIA-Environmental Impact Assessment (in Indonesia usually called by Amdal) as a law that regulates the feasibility study of a business plan and/or activity, must be owned by every business and/or activity that has an important impact on the environment. The EIA is prepared by the initiator at the planning stage of a business and/or activity as outlined in the EIA documents. This thesis begins with a concern that in the books of fiqh the discussion of the environment is not under the spotlight. Therefore, this thesis will explore the level of religious support for EIA with the approach of mas}lah}ah. First, the support level of nas}s}-nas}s} religion against EIA tends to mas}lah}ah mursalah. EIA as a legal product and law with a government intermediary is one of the means of mas}lah}ah mursalah, because it contains a essential mas}lah}ah, in line with the intent and purpose of shara‘, does not clash with the existing shara‘ proposition, and is very necessary in the prevention of pollution and environmental destruction. Second, religion ranks EIA interest in mas}lah}ah d}aru>ri>yah. EIA is related to mas}lah}ah that are general in nature (mas}lah}ah ‘a>mmah), because everything that happens in the environment will affect human life, including di>n (religion), nafs (life), ‘aql (intellect), ‘ird}/nasl (dignity/offspring), and ma>l (wealth). The aspect of benefit in EIA is an effort to realize benefits (jalb al-mana>fi‘i) and avoid humans from damage and ugliness (dar‘ al-mafa>sidi). Third, religion puts EIA in al-kulliya>t al-khams as fard}u kifa>yah, not included in one of the sectors in it and also does not include it in the sixth new sector to be opened, because in its implementation EIA is a collective obligation in handling environmental problems that can only be resolved together by involving many stakeholders. 
PENERAPAN ASAS KEBEBASAN BERKONTRAK DAN ASAS KEADILAN DALAM TRANSAKSI BISNIS Shinta, May; Zannuba, Yeni; Irkham, Muhammad; Frastiawan , Devid; Abdul, Muhammad
IQTISHADUNA Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Desember, Jurnal Iqtishaduna: Economic Doctrine
Publisher : Lembaga Pengembangan Keilmuan, Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M), Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Al-Azhaar Lubuklinggau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53888/iqtishaduna.v4i2.481


According to the form of the agreement, it is divided into three stages, namely pre-contact, contract and post-contract. The pre-contract stage is a very important stage in a series of agreements, because at that stage there is an agreement process (negotiation) commonly referred to as offer and acceptance.) which leads to two possibilities, agree or disagree. This study aims to balance the principle of freedom of contract and the principle of fairness in the process of entering into a contract or agreement in a business transaction and the importance of applying the principle of fairness in business transactions. The research method used is Library Research. The available data or information is taken from the literature relevant to the title. The result of this study is that the principle of freedom of contact is one of the principles that play an important role in triggering contracts or agreements in business transactions, because based on the principle of freedom of contract, people may or may not enter into contracts or agreements. By applying the principle of fairness in business transactions, it will be able to generate profits for both parties, and so as not to hurt each other between the two. Until the two do each other, I’m not good at achieving success together. A good I'kad is very necessary in executing agreements, especially in business transactions, this is intended to avoid things that could cause injustice. Menurut bentuknya perjanjian terbagi menjadi tiga tahap yaitu pra kontak, kontrak dan pasca kontrak, Tahap pra kontrak menjadi tahapan yang sangat penting dalam rangkaian perjanjian, karena pada tahap itu terjadi proses pemufakatan (negosiasi) yang biasa disebut dengan penawaran (offer) dan penerimaan (acceptance) yang berujung pada dua kemungkinan, sepakat atau tidak sepakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyeimbangkan antara asas kebebasana berkontrak dan asas keadilan pada proses terjadinya suatu kontrak atau perjanjian dalam transaksi bisnis dan pentingnya penerapan asas keadilan dalam transaksi bisnis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni Library Research. Adapun data-data atau keterangan yang ada diambil dari literatur yang berkaitan dengan judul. Hasil penelitian ini adalah asas kebebasan berkontak merupakan salah satu asas yang berperan penting untuk memicu terjadinya suatu kontrak atau perjanjian dalam transaksi bisnis, karena dengan berdasarkan asas kebebasan berkontrak, maka orang-orang boleh membuat atau tidak membuat suatu kontrak atau perjanjian. Dengan menerapkan asas keadilan dalam suatu transaksi bisnis, akan dapat menghasilkan keuntungan kepada kedua belah pihak, dan agar tidak saling merugikan antara keduanya. Agar keduanya saling melakukan I’tidak baik untuk mencapai kesuksesan bersama. I’kad baik sangat di perlukan dalam melaksanakan suatu perjanjian khusunya dalam transaksi bisnis, hal ini bertujuan untuk menghindari hal-hal yang dapat mengarah pada ketidakadilan.
AL-QAWĀ‘ID AL-FIQHĪYAH: Tantangan Ilmiah Kemunculannya dan Aplikasinya dalam Bidang Ekonomi Sharī‘ah Frastiawan, Devid; Sup, Amir
AN-NUHA: Jurnal Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Budaya dan Sosial Vol 8 No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/annuha.v8i2.457


This study aims to describe the background and scientific challenges of the birth of al-qawa>’id al-fiqhi<yah, the functions and benefits of al-qawa>’id al-fiqhi<yah, as well as the function, sound, meaning, intent, and application of the five basic rules (al-qawa>’id al-khams). The method used is qualitative-literature-descriptive. The results obtained are that there are three periods of compiling al-qawa>’id al-fiqhi<yah, namely the period of birth, growth-bookkeeping, and refinement. The scientific background and challenge of the birth of al-qawa>’id al-fiqhi<yah is to group fiqh problems so that they can quickly respond to the problems of legal cases that are increasingly emerging. Al-qawa>’id al-fiqhi<yah has several functions, namely as a principle and purpose of law, as a kind of source of law, and as a global summary of all the details of fiqh. While the benefits are that it is easy to learn, memorize, and apply by anyone to know the many furu>’iyyah laws, to know the differences and similarities between one issue and another without feeling any contradictions, to help in knowing the legal status of various contemporary problems being faced, knowing the fundamental objectives of Islamic shari’ah, and studying al-qawa>’id al-fiqhi<yah is the same as studying the building blocks of the formation of fiqh law. The five basic rules (al-qawa>’id al-khams), are functioned by all scholars to refer all fiqh issues to the five main rules. These rules include, everything depends on the intention, belief cannot be eliminated by doubt, difficulties bring to ease, harm must be removed, and customs can be made (consideration) law. Keywords: al-Qawa>‘id al-Fiqhi<yah; al-Qawa>‘id al-Khams; Shari<‘ah Economic
Penerapan Asas Itikad Baik dalam Perjanjian Waralaba Ditinjau dari Pasal 1338 KUH Perdata May Shinta Retnowati; Milenia Ayu Saraswati; Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup; Muhammad Irkham Firdaus; Muhammad Abdul Aziz
Al Ahkam Vol 17 No 1 (2021): Januari-Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37035/ajh.v17i1.4583


Pertumbuhan ekonomi dewasa ini semakin meningkat dan melahirkan model-model bisnis baru yang menjanjikan keuntungan besar, salah satunya franchise yang sudah banyak tersebar di pelosok Indonesia. Banyak pemilik modal yang akhirnya menjadikan bisnis ini ladang investasi namun dalam praktek perjanjian kontraknya, isi klausula hanya ditetapkan sepihak oleh pemberi waralaba. Untuk mencegah terjadinya ketidakseimbangan dalam perjanjian kontrak waralaba maka dilakukan asas bebas berkontrak terutama pada asas itikad baik. Pada penulisan penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode library research yang menggambarkan secara sistematis, normatif, serta akurat dengan peninjauan dari Pasal 1338 KUH Perdata. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa kesesuaian pada Pasal 1338 Ayat (3) menyebutkan bahwa setiap orang memiliki hak untuk bebas berkontrak, dan realitanya pada perjanjian kontrak waralaba atau franchise seringkali isi klausula memberatkan salah satu pihak. Adanya itikad baik dapat menjadi pembatasan sebab setiap pihak diwajibkan untuk memenuhi hak dan kewajibannya.
Konsep Sukuk Wakaf dalam Perspektif Fatwa DSN-MUI Selamet Hartanto; Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup
Muslim Heritage Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Muslim Heritage
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/muslimheritage.v6i1.2767


AbstractFor Muslims in Indonesia, the basic concept of waqf in Islam has been known for a long time, and more than that, in practice if it is explored further, there will be many waqf assets in Indonesia. However, there are still many waqf assets that have not been maximally managed which have the potential to be productive so that more benefits (maslahah) can be obtained. One way of developing these waqf assets is through waqf sukuk. In Indonesia, the provisions of the waqf sukuk are based on the Fatwa DSN-MUI. This study aims to describe the concept of sukuk waqf in the perspective of Fatwa DSN-MUI. This study used a qualitative-descriptive-literature method with the Fatwa DSN-MUI as the main subject of this study. The conclusion, the issuance of sukuk may only be based on the benefits of waqf assets and business activities on waqf assets, while waqf assets cannot be used as the basis for issuing sukuk. The schemes of ‘aqd used in the issuance of waqf sukuk are mudharabah, ijarah, wakalah bil al-istitsmar, musyarakah, or other ‘aqd in accordance with sharia principles. AbstrakBagi umat Muslim di Indonesia, konsep dasar wakaf di dalam Islam sudah sangat mendalam dipahami, dan lebih dari itu, dalam praktiknya jika ditelusuri lebih jauh maka akan banyak ditemukan aset-aset wakaf di Indonesia. Namun demikian, masih banyak aset wakaf yang belum maksimal pengelolaannya yang sebenarnya dapat lebih diproduktifkan lagi sehingga menghasilkan kemaslahatan yang lebih besar. Salah satu cara pengembangan aset wakaf tersebut adalah melalui sukuk wakaf. Di Indonesia ketentuan sukuk wakaf didasarkan kepada Fatwa DSN-MUI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep sukuk wakaf dalam perspektif Fatwa DSN-MUI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif-kepustakaan dengan Fatwa DSN-MUI sebagai bahan utama kajiannya. Kesimpulan yang didapat, penerbitan sukuk hanya boleh didasarkan kepada manfaat aset wakaf dan kegiatan usaha pada aset wakaf, sedangkan aset wakaf tidak boleh dijadikan dasar penerbitan sukuk. Skema akad yang digunakan dalam penerbitan sukuk wakaf adalah akad mudharabah, ijarah, wakalah bil al-istitsmar, musyarakah, atau akad lain yang sesuai dengan prinsip syariah. 
Relevansi Konsep Hutan Wakaf Dengan Konsep Wakaf Di Dalam Islam Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup
Islamic Economics Journal Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.587 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/iej.v7i1.6430


This study aims to find the relevance of the concept of waqf forest with the concept of waqf in Islam. The method used is qualitative-literature-descriptive. The conclusion obtained, waqf is holding ownership of one's property so that the benefits can be distributed for the benefit of the people, both in terms of social, economic, scientific, and so on including the environment. Waqf forest is a form of productive waqf in rebuilding a land to be used as a forest. The benefits of waqf forests can be used for social benefits, namely as a source of oxygen, springs, and life for many creatures. In the economic field, waqf forests can produce economic goods, waqf forests can also be used by local residents (provided they are not allowed to damage the forest), and there are many other benefits of waqf forests. Based on the meaning, pillars, conditions, and objectives of waqf, the waqf forest has relevance to the concept of waqf in Islam. In addition, waqf forests are also in accordance with the provisions in waqf regulations in Indonesia as stated by BWI.
Faktor Penentu Harga dalam Tinjauan Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam Nurizal Ismail; Siti Aisyah; Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup
Islamic Economics Journal Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.326 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/iej.v6i2.4880


Price is one of the vital factors in economic studies, either at a micro or macro level. In general term, the concept of price can be found in primary (Al Qur’an and Sunnah) and secondary such as tafsir, fiqh, kalam, philosophy and history. Therefore, this study aims to find out the concept of price determinants developed by earlier Islamic economics scholars and compare it with the price theory in modern economics, which refers to Western economic thought. This study using a qualitative methodology using library research and content analysis. The results are the price determinant in the Islamic economy are according to the agreement of Islamic scholar based on demand and supply then shapes the price and volume of transactions. The other factors influencing the price mechanism are inventory, geography or places, consumption time, quality of goods, quantity and cost. The differences with the western economic view lie in the worldview aspect or the world view in understanding the price concept.
Waqf in the Perspective of Waqf Rules in Indonesia Selamet Hartanto; May Shinta Retnowati; Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Al-Iktisab: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
Publisher : University of Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v5i1.6203


For Muslims in Indonesia, the basic concept of waqf in Islam is very well understood, and more than that, if examined further, there will be many waqf assets in Indonesia. In the perspective of a country, it is necessary to implement regulations, including Waqf Law (Law), Government Regulation (PP) on Waqf, Regulation of the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI), and Regulation of the Minister of Religion (PMA). This study aims to explain waqf from the perspective of waqf rules in Indonesia. This research uses qualitative-descriptive-literature methods. The conclusion is that the existing waqf rules that apply in Indonesia aim to maintain the existence of waqf to always be in accordance with the basic concept of waqf in Islam. In addition, this rule also serves as the basis for the legal protection of legality of waqf in Indonesia.
Sharia Economic Views on Tabzir Behavior Daud Sukoco; May Shinta Retnowati; Azidni Rofiqa; Muhammad Irkham Firdaus; Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup
AL- IKTISAB Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Al-Iktisab: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
Publisher : University of Darusssalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/al-iktisab.v5i2.7032


Tabzir behavior is a form of deviation in economic behavior, especially consumption. The purpose of this study is to describe the concept of tabzir in Islamic economic studies and to provide an ideal behavioral offer for consumer behavior. The research method used is qualitative-descriptive-library. Data were collected by documentation method, then processed by data editing and compilation method. Next, the analysis process was carried out by deduction method using the concept of tabzir in Islamic economic studies. Conclusions drawn from this study. First, tabzir behavior is a form of malpractice and deviation in economic behavior, especially in consumption. Second, the law of tabzir behavior for certain definitions is haram. Third, the wisdom avoid of  tabzir behavior is to build an awareness of collective solidarity, avoid debt, disorientation of  life  loss of critical power and economic education. The social concept about consumption based on sharia is a  social care which concern on tauhid  and love for fellow human beings, thus forming a just and civilized society.