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Optimalisasi Pengawasan pada Penerimaan Pendaftaran Merek dalam Rangka Perlindungan Merek Hediati, Febri Noor
Jurnal Suara Hukum Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jsh.v2n2.p234-257


The writing of this law examines the supervision of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in the process of receiving trademark registration which is still weak. So that until now there are still identical or counterfeit brands that have passed trademark registration in Indonesia. This paper uses a normative juridical research method that is descriptive-analytical. The result of this research is that there are still gaps that can be exploited by individuals in the process of trademark registration, especially in the process of announcing the official brand news. This paper concludes the need for tighter supervision by utilizing information technology, therefore creating a smartphone application is useful for the trademark registration process and as a medium of communication. The application can also provide notifications when brands validity period ends.
Perlindungan Data Nasabah Kredit dengan Sistem Online di Era Perkembangan Finansial Teknologi: Protection of Credit Customer Data with Online Systems in the Era of Financial Technology Development Hediati, Febri Noor
Seminar Nasional Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi Hukum: Berintegritas dan Berbasis Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/snhunnes.v7i2.743


This legal writing examines information technology regarding the development of online credit systems. This writing uses a normative juridical approach. The results of this study are the emergence of a trend of online credit applications that promise a very fast credit and disbursement process without collateral. In fact, it can stimulate economic development in Indonesia. Because it increases purchasing power, the funding process is for business capital even for the consumptive needs of its users. However, when bad credit occurs, it has the potential to spread confidential data to our cellphone or email contacts, which are usually carried out by illegal online credit providers with the aim of reminding us to pay installments. The government through the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan must impose strict sanctions for online credit applications that are not in accordance with the authority of the OJK in Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning the Financial Services Authority and Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 77/POJK.01/2016 concerning Money-Based Lending-Lending Services. information technology, PP No. 71 of 2019 regarding the operation of electronic systems and transactions. Law Number 19 of 2016 (UU ITE). To prevent this violation, it is hoped that customers will be more careful in choosing an implementing agency that has been registered and licensed by the OJK and is a challenge for the government through the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan and in collaboration with AFPI to better educate this financial technology lending. As well as the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan's obligation to supervise online credit providers under its auspices and bring order to illegal institutions to reduce public unrest.
Implementation Of Legal Protection On Royalty Management Of Government Regulation Number 56 Of 2021 Hediati, Febri Noor
Journal of Private and Commercial Law Vol 5, No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpcl.v5i2.31796


Abstracts This article examines Government Regulation Number 56 of 2021 concerning the management of royalties on song/music copyrights. This writing uses a normative juridical approach. This normative juridical approach is employed based on the statutes of black letter law and the conceptual method. The result of the study found that royalty management is carried out by LMKN depend on integrated data in the data/song center. Every public at large can enjoy songs/music commercially to public services by applying for a license agreement to the copyright holder or related rights through LMKN intermediaries.The Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights is obliged to disseminate this regulation and build a data center to control the database of the song/music and ownership of copyright. Therefore, it requires cooperation between the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights, LMKN, creators/owners of related rights, and the general public who enjoy commercial songs/music. After the socialization, a strict penalty will be imposed on those who violate or deny paying the stipulated royalty in Government Regulation Number 56 of 2021. Keywords: Copyright;Legal Protection; Royalty Management; Music/Song
Legal Position On Credit Financing For Creative Economy Actors With Guaranteed Trademark Rights Certificates Hediati, Febri Noor; Kuspraningrum, Emilda; Utomo, Setiyo
Jurnal Independent Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Independent
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/ji.v12i1.280


Abstract Indonesia is one of the developing countries, one of which is in the field of trade or business. In the field of trade or business such as intellectual property rights. Many creative economy business actors in the UMKM industry in Indonesia, the UMKM industry is an economic sector that directly involves the creative economy community so that it is used as a support for the country's economy. For this reason, the government passed a regulation regarding the ease of obtaining financing in the development of an intellectual property-based creative economy for business actors in the world of trade. So that in this paper examines the legal position of credit financing for creative economic actors with trademark property rights as credit collateral. So that in the future the creative economy business actors can maximise the potential by producing quality products and have economic value. This writing uses a research method with a normative juridical approach conducted by examining library materials with a doctrinal approach. The results of this study are the first to formulate the legal position on the provision of credit financing for creative economic actors with trademark property rights as credit guarantees. This is because there is economic value in almost all intellectual property rights, especially in trademark rights, and as a legal subject, creative economy owners register with the Directorate General of IPR to obtain legal protection from the government with the issuance of IPR certificates. Later the intellectual property rights certificate can be used as a form of collateral from the credit financing process in banks or non-banks. The second effort made by the government to support the development of creative economy businesses by issuing PP no. 24 of 2022 which regulates credit financing based on intellectual property rights with the guarantee of IPR certificates.
The Position of Bills Of Lading in The Carriage of Goods at Sea Andrew, Febren; Purwanto; Hediati, Febri Noor
Jurnal Independent Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Independent
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/ji.v12i1.284


ABSTRACT Legal rules for the transport of goods on an international scale are contained in three international conventions, namely The,Hague-Visby,Rules,1968, The Hamburg Rules 1978, and The,Rotterdam,Rules 2008. Meanwhile, on a national scale, they are regulated in the Criminal Code. In the activity of transporting documents used is a bill of lading or bill of lading. The bill of lading document used as the basis of this research is the bill of lading owned by PT. SPIL. The purpose of this study is of course to analyze documents for transporting goods such as bills of lading and explain the implications of issuing bills of lading belonging to PT. SPIL and the position of the bill of lading in agreements for the carriage of goods at sea in relation to the legal relations governing them. In addition to the location of the bill of lading which differs from each regulation, this also affects the legal consequences of issuing a bill of lading owned by PT. SPIL when viewed from legal regulations such as the Criminal Code, Criminal Code and the three international conventions and settlement of disputes that occur in the activity of transporting goods at sea. In carrying out the issuance of bills of lading, caution, accuracy and thoroughness are required. If you are not careful in issuing a bill of lading, it can lead to confusion.