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Implementasi Sistem Monitoring Risiko Peningkatan Kadar Glukosa Darah Secara Non-Invasive Menggunakan Photodioda dan LED Sarah Savira; Insani Abdi Bangsa; Lela Nurpulaela
Electro Luceat Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Electro Luceat (JEC) - July 2021
Publisher : LPPM Poltek ST Paul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32531/jelekn.v7i1.343


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) can be characterized by increasing levels of glucose in the blood. There are two types of methods that are often used to measure blood glucose levels, namely the invasive method and the non-invasive method. The invasive method is a method that requires a blood sample by making a cut on the finger and then the blood will be dripped on the blood strip, this tool is called a glucometer. Whereas in the non-invasive method, measuring glucose levels in the blood does not require a blood sample. In this study, blood glucose levels will be measured using a non-invasive method, using a photodiode as a light receiver and a red LED as a light emitter, so that blood glucose levels can be read through the measurement with the fingertip. The sensor readings will be processed in the Arduino Uno and then displayed on the LCD.
Jurnal Elektro dan Telekomunikasi Terapan (e-Journal) Vol 7 No 2 (2020): JETT Desember 2020
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Telkom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/jett.v7i2.3255


Dengan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi salah satunya pada bidang pertanian, yaitu ditemukannya metode bercocok tanam dengan menggunakan media udara yaitu aeroponik. Metode bercocok tanam dengan aeroponik ini sangat efektif, karena pemberian nutrisi dilakukan dengan menyemprotkan langsung ke akar tanaman. Pada metode aeroponik ini harus selalu terpantau kadar air nutrisi sebelum disemprotkan ke akar tanaman agar kebutuhan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan tanaman tercukupi. Penelitian ini akan dirancang sistem instrumentasi dengan menggunakan arduino uno sebagai pusat kontroler dan empat buah modul sensor yang digunakan untuk mengukur parameter air nutrisi yang berada pada tabung. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pembacaan sensor dengan hasil pembacaan alat ukur. Hasil pengujian dari pembacaan sensor yang digunakan memiliki kriteria yang bagus dan akan tepat digunakan untuk mengukur kadar pada air nutrisi yang akan disemprotkan pada tanaman aeroponik.
JiTEKH (Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Harapan) Vol 7 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jitekh.v7i02.57


Pemanas induksi merupakan jenis pemanas yang menggunakan prinsip induksi. Pemanas induksi ini dinilai lebih aman dibandingkan dengan alat memasak konvensional karena tidak menggunakan sumber api eksternal. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui cara mengontrol frekuensi dari sistem pemanas dan pengaruhnya pada kinerja sistem pemanas. Dari hasil perhitungan dan pengukuran, diketahui bahwa pada frekuensi 100 Hz terjadi kenaikan temperatur tertinggi yaitu 6,8°C dalam waktu 600 detik. Dan nilai pemanasan rata-rata tertinggi terjadi pada frekuensi 1 kHz. Selain itu pemanas induksi ini memiliki konsumsi daya cukup rendah, yaitu dengan nilai konsumsi daya rata-rata sebesar 48,677 watt. Namun demikian, pemanas ini memiliki tingkat kesalahan pembacaan temperatur yang cukup tinggi, yaitu sebesar 9,83%.
Implementasi Sensor Suhu DS18B20 dan Sensor Tekanan MPX5700AP menggunakan Mikrokontroller Arduino Pada Alat Pendeteksi Tingkat Stress William Aritonang; Insani Abdi Bangsa; Reni Rahmadewi
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.654 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4541278


In a job in a steel smelting production company, there is a division which must prepare the mental and health of the workers who work in the company. Where the company needs a tool in the form of a foreign health check tool for each worker who mainly works in the production section of the steel smelting section. In that division the workers must be calm and healthy. To make it easier to check the health and raw body of workers, a tool is made in the form of detecting the level of human body tension or the stress level of workers. The whole tool is divided into several parts, namely the android mobile phone, the Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, the MPX5700AP Pressure Sensor, and the DS18B20 Temperature Sensor. As those who use the tool, it has been made easier, namely that the system is in the form of the Internet of Things (IoT) and can be applied to workers' androids. This tool has been tested and can be used as Stredec Android via a WiFi connection or internet network without having to manually check.
Implementasi Sensor Detak Jantung MAX30100 dan Sensor Konduktansi Kulit GSR menggunakan Mikrokontroller Arduino Pada Alat Pendeteksi Tingkat Stress Ridtya Anferditya Pratama; Insani Abdi Bangsa; Reni Rahmadewi
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.724 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4541288


In a job in a steel smelting production company, there is a division which must prepare the mental and health of the workers who work in the company. Where the company needs a tool in the form of a foreign health check tool for each worker who mainly works in the production section of the steel smelting section. In that division the workers must be calm and healthy. To make it easier to check the health and raw body of workers, a tool is made in the form of detecting the level of human body tension or the stress level of workers. The whole tool is divided into several parts, namely the android mobile phone, the Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, the MPX5700AP Pressure Sensor, and the DS18B20 Temperature Sensor. As those who use the tool, it has been made easier, namely that the system is in the form of the Internet of Things (IoT) and can be applied to workers' androids. This tool has been tested and can be used as Stredec Android via a WiFi connection or internet network without having to manually check
Implementasi Internet Of Thing Sebagai Interface menggunakan Mikrokontroller Arduino Pada Alat Pendeteksi Tingkat Stress Raja Gabe Lumban Siantar; Insani Abdi Bangsa; Reni Rahmadewi
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.564 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4543259


The more andvanced civilization, humanity pay more attention to various factors that can affect productivity level nad the quality of an operation. Not only caringto work safety but also the influence from working set-up, level of welfare, work shift’s, and work targets can affect productivity level of worker. In fact, it is not easy to determine the conditions each worker accurately, apart from the possibility of enforcing conditions but also because the distance between field workers and guarantor. In order for this to realized, tools that can simplifies process of cheking process even in the conditions that not allow face to face. As a developing technology, Internet of Things (IoT) system can facilitate access to electronic devices via internet, which in this case can allow data retrieval when conditions of limited time and long distances. With using Blynk as the fundamental for system of Stress Level Detector (Stredec), by using NodeMCU ESP8266 platform is integrated with Arduino Uno R3 and four sensors to take the stress level determining variabels, that is GSR sensor, temperature sensor, heart rate sensor, and blood pressure sensor and connected to Wi-Fi and get displayed to smartphone and LCD on device.
Application of the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module in the Internet of Things (IoT) Based Home Fire Detection System Raka Randika Marcelino; Insani Abdi Bangsa; Rahmat Hidayat
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.004 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4670048


Fire is a type of non-natural disaster that has a significant impact on humans. Fires occur due to non-natural processes or events such as short circuits, system failure, human error and other causes. One of the measures to prevent fire is to install fire detection and extinguishing systems. The system is made in a device that can detect fire automatically. This research focuses on the application of the wi-fi module ESP8266 in an Internet of Things (IoT) based home fire detection system to assist users in monitoring the condition of their abandoned homes. The method used is descriptive and product development tools. The results of this study indicate that the design of the application of the wi-fi module ESP8266 in the home fire detection system based on internet of things (IoT) uses the Arduino Mega2560 as a microcontroller, the ESP8266 module as a Wi-Fi module or as a link for data exchange between Arduino Mega2560 and Blynk and Blynk application as monitoring or output. From the results of testing the average speed of internet data, packet losses, delay (time difference) and the distance tested in 1 minute obtained a minimum value of 309bps and a maximum of 21kbps, 0% of packets are lost, the average minimum delay is 0.153s and maximum 2.147s and the distance value obtained with a minimum of 0 meters and a maximum of 145 meters.
Implementasi Instrumentasi pada Sistem Deteksi Kebakaran Rumah Berbasis IoT Ridwan Taufik; Insani Abdi Bangsa; Ulinnuha Latifa
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.467 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4659949


Unpredictable and often uncontrollable catastrophic fires have been growing. The occurrence of fires is very disturbing, damaging, and detrimental to humans both in material and non-material terms. The mistake that often occurs so far is the absence of an early fire extinguisher in the house. As an effort to solve this problem, it is necessary to implement an IoT Based Home Fire Detection System (SIDER) as a fire detector in the house equipped with an automatic extinguishing pump. This research shows the implementation of the DHT22 temperature sensor as a temperature detector, the MQ-135 gas sensor as a smoke detector, and a 5-channel KY-026 fire sensor as a fire detector. The final result of this research is that each sensor has different characteristics. The DHT22 temperature sensor has a sensitivity of 3.1988, and a repetition of 99.51%, the ratio of the temperature value between the sensor and the standard HTC-2 type device which has an error of 0.57%. The MQ-135 gas sensor has a sensitivity value that is generated when there is no smoke, which is 0.01 and a smoke condition is 0.01. The repetability value when it was not there as soon as possible was 79.2% and the current condition was 79.7%. The 5-channel KY-026 fire sensor has a range of 10-60 cm for a candle flame, and a range of 10-10,000 cm for a wood block fire.
Aisyah Journal Of Informatics and Electrical Engineering Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Aisyah Journal Of Informatics and Electrical Engineering
Publisher : Aisyah Journal Of Informatics and Electrical Engineering (A.J.I.E.E)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30604/jti.v4i2.123


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the electrical system applied to the operating room at the TZU CHI HOSPITAL hospital was in accordance with the applicable health ministerial regulations. with the qualitative method, data collection is done by means of observation, documentation, and field measurements where the results of the data will be analyzed whether or not it is in accordance with the regulations of the minister of health. The operating room is a vital unit in the hospital, therefore its construction must be in accordance with the design that has been stipulated in the regulation of the minister of health. As in the operating room electrical system, many of the equipment used in the operating room requires electricity and most of the equipment is in direct contact with patients and people around the electrical equipment. So the regulation of the minister of health has stipulated an electrical system that must be applied to every operating room. The results of the research on the electrical system installed in the operating room at TZU CHI HOSPITAL are in accordance with the regulations of the minister of health, where the electrical system already uses an isolator transformer which functions as a safety, so that people in the operating room are not electrocuted when there is a surge. and the main electrical system already uses UPS which functions as backup electricity so that when a power blackout, the electricity in the operating room will remain on. Keywords: UPS; Operating Theater; Electricity System; Minister of Health Regulation ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui sesuai atau tidaknya sistem kelistrikan yang diterapkan pada ruang operasi di rumah sakit TZU CHI HOSPITAL dengan peraturan menteri kesehatan yang berlaku. dengan metode kualitatif, pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi, dan pengukuran dilapangan yang mana hasil data akan di analisa sesuai atau tidaknya dengan peraturan menteri kesehatan. Ruang operasi merupakan unit vital yanga ada pada rumah sakit, oleh karena itu pembangunannya harus sesuai dengan desain yang sudah ditetapkan pada peraturan menteri kesehatan. Seperti pada sistem kelistrikan ruang operasi, banyak peralatan yang digunakan pada ruang operasi sebagian besar membutuhkan listrik dan sebagian besar peralatan tersebut berhubungan langsung dengan pasien dan orang disekitar peralatan listrik. Sehingga peraturan menteri kesehatan sudah menetapkan sistem kelistrikan yang harus diterapkan pada setiap ruang operasi. Hasil penelitian sistem kelistrikan yang terpasang pada ruang operasi di TZU CHI HOSPITAL sudah sesuai dengan peraturan menteri kesehatan, dimana pada sistem kelistrikan sudah menggunakan trafo isolator yang berfungsi sebagai pengaman, agar orang yang berada diruang operasi tidak tersengat listrik ketika terjadi lonjakan arus. dan pada sistem kelistrikan utama sudah menggunakan ups yang berfungsi sebagai listrik cadangan sehingga ketika terjadi pemadaman listrik, maka listrik pada ruang operasi akan tetap menyala. Kata Kunci: UPS; Ruang Operasi; Sistem Kelistrikan; dan Permenkes
A Prototype Sistem Final Crosscheck Pada Industri Makanan Berbasis Iot Thingspeak FIDA AGUSTINA AATIKAH; Alfirdaus Zaharda; Insani Abdi Bangsa
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 16 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8240273


Upaya strategis guna meningkatkan sektor industri pangan salah satunya dengan bidang teknologi. Bidang teknologi ini dijadikan inovasi untuk meningkatkan mutu, kuantitas dan produktivitas industri pangan.Sistem final crosschcek home industri terbilang sedikit inovasi teknologi. Dibutuhkan inovasi teknologi untuk menambah produksi industri makanan tersebut. Dibuat prototype dengan sistem final crossceck dengan beberapa tahapan, berbasis IoT Thingspeak.Tahapan ini menggunakan beberapa variabel sensor seperti : DHT 11, Sensor Load cell, Sensor Proximity, Sensor TCS3200, Sensor MQ2. Peneliti mengggunakan metode: pengumpulan dan analisa data, penataan program, evaluasi Sistem yang sudah berakhir dibentuk, perancangan sistem komponen dan software. Digunakan 5 sensor yang berbeda mulai dari sensor Load Cell, sensor suhu DHT11, sensor proximity, sensor gas MQ2, dan sensor warna TCS3200.Pada bagian kontrol digunakan mikrokontroller jenis NodeMCU ESP8266 yang akan memproses dari data input.Output pada rancangan ini terdapat pemantauan berbasis web Thingspeak.Dari hasil pengujian semua sensor dapat terdeteksi dan bekerja sesuai fungsinya masing-masing.Pada pengujian terdapat jeda waktu 4 sekon dari sensor load cell terhadap sensor lainnya. Berdasarkan prototype yang telah dibuat oleh penulis disimpulkan bahwa penerapan sistem pemantauan final crosscheck home industry makanan tepat digunakan, cara kerja pemantauan dari perancangan sangat mudah.Uji coba yang sederhana sehingga memungkinkan adanya error pada saat pemakaian.