Bangsa, Insani Abdi
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Implementasi Quadcopter Pembawa Arm Robot Pembersih Kaca Jendela Gedung Bertingkat Haniffullah, Al; Bangsa, Insani Abdi; Stefanie, Arnisa
Edu Elektrika Journal Vol 9 No 2 (2020): Edu Elektrika Journal
Publisher : Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i2.42746


The quadcopter is a multirotor drone that uses four drivester-controlled motors using flight controllers. The quadcopter is widely used in needs, such as inresearch, exploration, image retrieval, as well as observation. The study has been followed by a quadcopter implementation capable of steady flight and ofmaintaining altitude and position. The quadcopter's entire process of control and stability is controlled by a pid controller and is processed by the apm 2.8device as flight controller, which is equipped with a gyroscope sensor, an accelerometer and a GPS module. The results of implementation and research are:1. The quadcopter of 550mm x with a weight of 1.5 kg (5 lb) and uses 4 kilos on a brushless 980kv bike; 2. The quadcopter can maintain its altitude of altitudeusing a KP = 1.5 with a rise of time 0.5 seconds and a steady state average of 0.06 meters; 3. For a pitch and roll pitch system using KP value = 0.25, ki =0.15 and kd = 0.04Keywords— Quadcopter,Flight controller,Ardupilot Mega, PID System control.
Sistem Keamanan Sepeda Motor Berbasis RFID Starter System Dengan Implementasi GPS Tracking Menggunakan Arduino Hermawan, Haris; Rahmadewi, Reni; Bangsa, Insani Abdi
JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics) Vol 9 No 1 (2021): JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/jrec.v9i1.2510


Kemajuan teknologi saat ini mampu membuat sistem keamanan dapat terhubung dengan jaringan internet, dengan adanya sistem keamanan yang dapat terhubung oleh jaringan internet maka dapat mencegah terjadinya tindak pencurian dikarenakan dapat melacak keberadaan motor yang di curi oleh orang lain. Penelitian ini berhasil membuktikan, “Perancangan Sistem Keamanan Sepeda Motor Berbasis RFID Starter Sistem Dengan Implemantasi GPS Tracking Menggunakan Arduino”. Perancangan sistem keamanan sepeda motor pada penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan sensor RFID yaitu dengan cara menyalakan motor dengan E-KTP. Ketika motor tersebut itu hilang maka kita bisa melacaknya melalui sensor GPS Ublox Neo di motor tersebut lalu kita bisa melacak titik koordinat posisi motor dengan google maps.
Implementasi Quadcopter Pembawa Arm Robot Pembersih Kaca Jendela Gedung Bertingkat Haniffullah, Al; Bangsa, Insani Abdi; Stefanie, Arnisa
Edu Elektrika Journal Vol 9 No 2 (2020): Edu Elektrika Journal
Publisher : Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i2.42746


The quadcopter is a multirotor drone that uses four drivester-controlled motors using flight controllers. The quadcopter is widely used in needs, such as inresearch, exploration, image retrieval, as well as observation. The study has been followed by a quadcopter implementation capable of steady flight and ofmaintaining altitude and position. The quadcopter's entire process of control and stability is controlled by a pid controller and is processed by the apm 2.8device as flight controller, which is equipped with a gyroscope sensor, an accelerometer and a GPS module. The results of implementation and research are:1. The quadcopter of 550mm x with a weight of 1.5 kg (5 lb) and uses 4 kilos on a brushless 980kv bike; 2. The quadcopter can maintain its altitude of altitudeusing a KP = 1.5 with a rise of time 0.5 seconds and a steady state average of 0.06 meters; 3. For a pitch and roll pitch system using KP value = 0.25, ki =0.15 and kd = 0.04Keywords— Quadcopter,Flight controller,Ardupilot Mega, PID System control.