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Pemanfaatan bahan makanan lokal kentang (Solanum tuberosum l), ikan lele (Clarias, sp) dan brokoli (Brassica oleracea l) dalam bentuk snack kroket untuk balita dengan status gizi kronis Niken Yunia Rifqi; Sugeng Iwan; Nurul Hakimah

Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Universitas Yudharta, Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/tp.v12i1.2546


The percentage of children under five in RW 2 with the characteristics of chronic nutritional status is 8 people or 73%. Chronic indicators describe the nutritional problems of children under five in the long term, due to low BW/U index, short BW/U, normal BW/TB. The purpose of this study was to determine the nutritional quality, protein quality of the formula. knowing the best treatment, organoleptic quality of the formula for the use of local food ingredients: potato (Solanum tuberosum L), catfish (Clarias Sp), and broccoli (Brassica oleracea L). This type of research is experimental with a completely randomized design (CRD). The level of treatment was the ratio of potato: catfish: broccoli, namely P1 (40:30:30), and P2 (30:45:25). The croquette snack formula at treatment levels 1 and 2 had nutritional values, namely energy of 156 Kcal and 125 Kcal. The value of P1 protein is 7.6 grams, P2 is 8.85 grams, P1 fat is 6.36 grams and P2 is 2.76 grams. Nutritional content in P1 is better than P2 seen from the calculation of nutritional value and protein quality. The digestibility quality of P1 was higher at 94.4. The level of treatment P1 (40:30:30) was the best treatment level in terms of the number of Nh, which was 0.53. Organoleptic quality at P1 was preferred by panelists for the attributes of color, taste, texture, and aroma of potato croquettes, which obtained an average value on a scale of 3. This study concluded that the addition of catfish increased the protein and phosphorus content in the croquette formula. The addition of broccoli increases the content of vitamin C and phosphorus. P1 nutritional quality (energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates). The best treatment is treatment 1 with a higher value than treatment 2 and the organoleptic quality of the P1 formula is preferred by the panelists than P2.
STUDY OF READINESS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED STUNTING REDUCTION INTERVENTIONS IN KLOJEN DISTRICT, MALANG CITY Fitria Dhenok Palupi; Indri Hapsari; Ibnu Fajar; Nurul Hakimah; Tapriadi Tapriadi; Juin Hadisuyitno; Siti Rahayu Nadhiroh
Media Gizi Indonesia Vol. 17 No. 1SP (2022): Media Gizi Indonesia (National Nutrition Journal) Special Issue: Internation
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mgi.v17i1SP.230-238


be implemented by all policymakers. One of the strategic issues in accelerating stunting reduction in Indonesia is strengthening and increasing institutional capacity in reducing stunting. It is necessary to maintain regulations to ensure the implementation of stunting prevention and control efforts in the regions, and increase knowledge, and community participation. Objective: This study aims to determine the readiness to implement an integrated stunting reduction intervention through the DESA EMAS program at the stunting locus in Klojen District. Research method: This study uses a descriptive study method which was carried out in September – October 2022. The target of the study is regional apparatus organizations at the sub-district level at three stunting in Klojen District. Data collecting in the form of interviews with guided questions related to commitment, supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and sub-district programs. Data analysis was done descriptively in the form of textual. Results: The readiness to implement an integrated stunting reduction intervention through Desa Emas Program can be seen from the commitment of the three loci to stunting handling, cross-sectoral collaboration, and the availability of human resources capable of making three program (DASHAT, Budikdamber and urban farming). Commitment to human resources through the involvement of sub-district officials, sub-district health workers, assistant staff for stunting activities, health development cadres, POSYANDU cadres, and PAUD teachers. Conclusion: The three sub-districts in Klojen District have made efforts to implement stunting management commitments through available resources and limited funding. Keywords: stunting, commitment, Klojen District, Malang City
The Dual Role of Early Childhood Teachers as Health Cadres in Reducing Stunting: - Nurul Hakimah; Indri Hapsari; Fitria Dhenok Palupi; Juin Hadisuyitno; Ibnu Fajar; Tapriadi; Nandia Firsty Dhorta; Siti Rahayu Nadhiroh
Media Gizi Indonesia Vol. 17 No. 1SP (2022): Media Gizi Indonesia (National Nutrition Journal) Special Issue: Internation
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mgi.v17i1SP.244-249


Background: The role of early childhood education teachers (PAUD) is getting bigger in areas related to child nutrition and become potential contributors in improving and reducing stunting cases in children under five. The purpose of this study is how to promote health through the right food for PAUD-aged children. The role of PAUD teachers as well as health cadres is to become best practice in efforts to reduce stunting in the Malang City, Indonesia. Methods: This research is an analytic observational cross sectional design, using 150 PAUD teachers as well as health cadres who carry out best practice efforts to reduce stunting through evidence-based in-depth interviews. Results: The best practices that have been implemented are : the number of PAUD-age children who receive PMT directly; the ease of delivery of health promotion to the community, especially parents or child caretakers; higher community compliance; and a significant increase in children's weight and height. The impact and output of the dual role of PAUD teachers as health cadres in reducing stunting is more effective. Conclusion: This dual role of early childhood teachers as health cadres needs to be appreciated, defined, and rewarded by national authorities, based on local needs, and programmed according to policy-based evidence, such as in the formation of the Team for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction (TPPS).
Pengaruh Pengaruh Media Poster pada Pengetahuan dan Praktik Personal Hygiene Penjamah Makanan di Katering Senjani Kitchen Malang : Poster Personal Hygiene: Media untuk Pengetahuan dan Praktik Penjamah Makanan Salsabila Fauziah Rahayu; Nurul Hakimah; Carissa Cerdasari
Amerta Nutrition Vol. 6 No. 1SP (2022): AMERTA NUTRITION SUPPLEMENTARY EDITION Special 2nd Amerta Nutrition Conferenc
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/amnt.v6i1SP.2022.200-205


Background: Catering is way to fulfill the need for food. Catering is an institutional food management because it produce large amounts of food. Large quantities of food handlers also required and increasing the potential of food contamination. Prevention can be done by applying personal hygiene according to Permenkes RI No. 1096/Menkes/PER/VI/2011. Enhancement of knowledge and practice are needed to improve the application of personal hygiene with poster installation. Senjani Kitchen Catering is a catering service located in Malang. The preliminary study indicate that the food handlers have not implemented personal hygiene properly. Objectives: This study aims to analyze poster’s effect on Senjani Kitchen Malang food handlers’ personal hygiene knowledge and practices. Methods: This research is a descriptive study with quantitative approach used pre-experimental research with one group pretest posttest design. Posters were installed in the work area with sample of 5 food handlers. Results: The average scores of food handlers’ personal hygiene knowledge before the intervention was 70.7 (enough). After the intervention, it increased to 82.7 (good). The average scores of food handlers’ personal hygiene practice before the intervention was 55.7 (less). After the intervention, it increased to 73.0 (enough). Conclusions: There is an increased value of food handlers’ personal hygiene knowledge and practices after placing posters in the work area.