Herlisya, Destia;
Alfiawati, Riska;
Dodo, Irvan
JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) Vol 1 No 2 (2020): JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic)
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
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DOI: 10.2020/jeta.v1i2.592
This research reports on the effectiveness of Instagram’s pictures towards the students’ essay writing skill. Instagram becomes one of the famous social media in the world, in this research Instagram is used as a medium to improve the students’ essay writing skill. The aims of the research were to know and to describe student’s essay writing skill and to know and to describe whether there is influence of Instagram’s pictures towards student’s essay writing skill. The research was conducted by using a quasi-experimental design with pretest and post-test. The population of this research are the students at the sixth semester of English education major at STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung, that consisted of 76 students in 2 classes. The sample of this research were two classes, they were as control class and experimental class. Control class was taught by Individual writing while experimental class was taught by Instagram’s pictures. In getting the data, the writer used writing test. The result showed that based on the calculation, the writer got that = 5.92 and = 1.67 and 2.39. It means that . So, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.From the result above, the writer states that there is a positiveinfluence of Instagram’s pictures towards students’ essay writing skill.
Sutiyono, Akhmad;
Herlisya, Destia;
Agape, Elvira
JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) Volume 2, Number 1
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
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DOI: 10.52217/jeta.v2i1.942
Lots of students find the difficulties when they have to put their thoughts into writing. Moreover, when they need to do the proofreading and editing their own writing, this inevitably makes writing exceptionally tiring and distressing. In this study, researchers focused on a series of writing processes, especially editing and proofreading activities. The objective of this research was to find out the influence of Peer Editing online technique towards the students’ research proposal writing skill and to know and to describe whether the effectiveness of the students’ research proposal writing skill who learn through peer editing online is higher than those who learn through conventional technique. The research was conducted by using a quasi-experimental design with pretest and post-test. The population of this research are the students at the fifth semester of English education major at STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung that consisted of 63 students in 2 classes. The sample of this research were two classes, they were as control class and experimental class. Control class was taught by Individual writing while experimental class was taught by peer editing online technique. In getting the data, the researchers used writing test. The result showed that based on the calculation, the researchers got that = 5.41 and = 2.00 and 2.66. It means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. From the result above, the researchers state that there is an improvement and an significant influence of Peer editing online technique towards students’ research proposal writing skill.
An Effect of Using Group Investigation Method to Improving Critical Thinking Skill
Yohana Puspita Dewi;
Wiratno, Purna;
Herlisya, Destia
Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol. 17 No. 1 (2024): Lentera
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
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DOI: 10.52217/lentera.v17i1.1357
Student’s critical thinking ability can be improved through a good learning process. For that, the learning process should be packaged in such a way that students are actively involved in the classroom. The effort to obtain these results is to improve the quality of learning through the use of good teaching materials. Learning to teach is a process that not only get information from lecturers but many activities and actions that should be done, in achieving better learning outcomes for students. For example from the provision of tasks that stimulate students to think critically, provided with methods and learning models in learning. The learning process is essentially a teaching-learning process that emphasizes the importance of learning through experience processes to gain experience. This research purpose is to identify the process and results of the implementation of group investigation learning model in improve of critical thinking skill. Students' critical thinking is needed, because during the learning process students develop ideas about the problems contained in learning. Some students difficult to think creatively when they learn in English. They difficult to share their ideas, they lack of vocabulary, and they diffiult to create an idea to solve the problem when their teacher ask them to discuss topic in English. Such as education problem, the effect of technology for students and etc.
The Write Around as a Useful Strategy to Improve Students’ Writing Skill of Report Text
Herlisya, Destia;
Sutiyono, Akhmad
Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol. 17 No. 1 (2024): Lentera
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
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DOI: 10.52217/lentera.v17i1.1386
Since was in school, the high schoolers need to be mastered English writing skill, because in senior high school there are kind of texts that they need to learn. That is why the ability to write English texts is very important also for university students especially for those studying in the economics education. The Problems in writing that students faced is not only in generating ideas but also in arranging the sentences. The students have difficulty in distinguishing which are noun, adverb, adjective and verb. The students have low score because there are many mistakes in their writing. The objective of this research is to raise the students’ skill in writing report text through write around strategy. The write around strategy can increase students’ motivation in writing and allow them to be more enjoy in writing activity. Through write around strategy, it makes easier for the students to compose sentences and express their mind into the writing form. The subject of the research were the third semester students in economic education of STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung in the academic year 2023/2024. The questions in this research are, whether employing the write around strategy can improve students’ learning activity in writing and whether employing the write around strategy can improve students’ writing skill of report text. In this research, a second-cycle classroom action research design was adopted as the methodology. Keywords: Write Around Strategy, Classroom Action Research, English Writing
The Impact of Round Table Technique towards Students’ Writing Ability
Herlisya, Destia
International Journal Corner of Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 1: July 2022
Publisher : CV. Tripe Konsultan
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DOI: 10.54012/ijcer.v1i1.74
The objective of this research was to know whether there was influence using round table technique towards students’ writing ability. The writer used experimental method. In taking the sample of the research, the writer used cluster Random Sampling Technique. The writer took two classes as the sample, one class was experimental class who was taught by round table technique and the another class was control class who was taught by discussion technique. In collecting the data, the writer used the writing test. For analyzing the data, the writer used t_tes formula. Based on the calculation, there is significant influence of round table technique towards students’ writing ability at the tenth class of SMK Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung. The average score of students who learn through round table technique is higher than by using discussion technique. It can be shown from the result in experimental class (71.96) > control class (60.71). Based on the result of data analysis, It shown that t_test = 5,51 is higher than t_table. At the significant level 5% or 1%, it was found the significance 0.05 = 2.00 and significance 0.01 = 2.66. It means that t_test> t_table, therefore (H_0) is rejected and〖 (H〗_a) is accepted. It means that there is significant influence of Round Table Technique towards students’ writing ability at the tenth class of SMK Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung.
About Point Strategy And Its Influence Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension
Septia, Winda Ayu;
Zulianti, Hajjah;
Herlisya, Destia
International Journal Corner of Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 2: November 2022
Publisher : CV. Tripe Konsultan
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DOI: 10.54012/ijcer.v1i2.89
This research aimed to know the influence of about point strategy towards students' reading comprehension. The writer used quantitative method and categorized the research as quasi experimental method. The writer used 2 classes for experiment class and control class. Cluster Random Sampling Technique was used in taking the sample. The experiment class consisted of 32 students and control class consisted of 34 students. In collecting the data, the writer used reading comprehension test. To know the influence, the writer used t-test formula. It was found that rcount (3, 73) > rtable (1, 98) in level 5% and rcount (3, 73) > rtable (2, 65) in level 1%. It can be concluded that there was positive influence of About-Point strategy towards students’ reading comprehension.
Improving Students' Writing Skills through Group Work
Ramauli, Fitri;
Subari, Imam;
Herlisya, Destia
International Journal Corner of Educational Research Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): November 2023
Publisher : CV. Tripe Konsultan
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DOI: 10.54012/ijcer.v2i2.206
This research was aimed to improve students' writing skills through group work. The subject of the research were the 11th IPA 7 of SMA Negeri 1 Natar that consisted of 36 students. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was consisted of two cycles. Collection data technique was used test and non-test. Writing test used to know students’ writing skill. Menwhile, observation sheet and interview for non-test. Data analyzing was used quantitative and qualitative method. Refers to the result of the test, the mean score of students’ learning activities cycle 1 was 6.65 with the criteria was less active. Meanwhile in cycle 2 was 7.57 with the criteria was active. The improvement was 0.92. In the other hand, mean score of writing test in cycle 1 was 60 or 8 students who got score ≥70 with the percentage 22%. Meanwhile, mean of writing test in cycle 2 was 75.57 or 20 students who got score ≥70 with the percentage 55%. The improvement was 33% or 15.57. Based on the result of the research, Group Work can improve students’ writing skill in the 11th IPA 7 of SMA Negeri 1 Natar.
Herlisya, Destia
Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol. 12 No. 1 (2019): Lentera
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
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The research reports on the Influence of Collaborative Writing Towards Student’s Descriptive Writing Ability. Collaborative writing technique was applied in this research to improve the student’s descriptive writing ability. The aims of the research were to know and to describe student’s descriptive writing ability and to know and to describe whether there is influence of Collaborative writing towards students’ descriptive writing ability. The research was conducted by using a quasi-experimental design with pre test and post test. The population of this research are the students at the first semester of the tenth class at SMA Adiguna Bandar Lampung that consisted of 49 students in 2 classes. The sample of this research were two classes, they were as control class and experimental class. Control class was taught by Individual writing while experimental class was taught by Collaborative writing. In getting the data, the writer used writing test. The result showed that based on the calculation, the writer got that = 5.54 and = 1.68 and 2.42. It means that . So, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. From the result above, the writer states that there is significance influence of collaborative writing towards students’ descriptive writing ability of the tenth class of the first semester at SMA Adiguna Bandar Lampung
Supplemental Teaching: A Learning Model to Teach English for Professionals in Economic Education
Subari, Imam;
Herlisya, Destia;
Marcela, Eny Dwi;
Sutiyono, Akhmad
Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol. 15 No. 1 (2022): Lentera
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
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The purpose of this study was to improve the English language skills of fourth semester students majoring in economic education for the 2021/2022 academic year at STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung. The problem raised in this study is whether the use of the supplemental teaching method can improve English language skills and student motivation. The method in this study used a classroom action research design which was carried out in three cycles. The results of the study can be concluded as follows: first, the increase can be seen from the average score of 58.93 in the first cycle, to 67.6 in the second cycle, and increased to 86.70 in the third cycle. The increase in the average value that occurred was 19.2%. Second, increasing students' ability in English is also followed by changes in student learning behaviour in a positive direction. Students become happier, more active, and give a positive response to learning English.
Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using Herringbone Technique
Kautsara, Faza;
Jaya, Wayan Satria;
Herlisya, Destia
Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol. 15 No. 2 (2022): Lentera
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
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DOI: 10.52217/lentera.v15i2.872
This research aimed to improve students’ reading comprehension by using Herringbone Technique. The subject of this research was the 10th IPS 1 of SMA YP Unila Bandar Lampung. It consisted of 34 students. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was consisted of 2 cycles. In collecting the data, the writer used test and non-test. The tests used in this research were formative and summative test. Meanwhile in non-test, the writer used observation sheet and field note. In analyzing the data, the writer used quantitative and qualitative method. Refers to the result of the test, it showed that there were 23 students who got score ≥70 with the percentage 64.67% in the first cycle. Meanwhile, there were 28 students who got score ≥70 with the percentage 82.35% in the second cycle. In the other hand, the mean score of the students’ learning activity in the first cycle was 6.84 and in the second cycle was 7.51. It showed that there was an increase in the students’ learning activity. Based on the result of the research, the Herringbone Technique can improve students’ reading comprehension in the tenth grade of SMA YP Unila.