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ScreeningEffectiveness of The Extract of Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), Serai (Cymbopogon citrates) and Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) as Dengue AntiviralIn Vitro Sarah Luthfiani; Ratih Dewi Yudhani; Leli Saptawati
Nexus Biomedika Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Nexus Biomedika
Publisher : Nexus Biomedika

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Introduction: Dengue virus infection isone of the emergency infectious diseases in the world. Morbidity and mortality of dengue fever in Indonesia is relatively high.There is no specific therapy for dengue infection. The main treatment principle of dengue infection is supportive therapy such as replacement of body fluids. Indonesia has natural product which can be potential as an antiviral for dengue therapy, such as sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), serai (Cymbopogon citrates) and meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.). The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the extract of sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), serai (Cymbopogon citrates) and meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) as dengue antiviral in vitro. Methods:This study was a laboratory experimental research using dengue virus serotype 2 strain New guinea C (DENV2 NGC) which was infected into Huh-7 cell line as the subject of the research. This researchwas conducted in 2 parts. First ,inhibition test of the extract against DENV2 was assessed by the percentage of infectivity with Focus Forming Unit assay method . Second ,toxicity test of the extracts in HuH - 7 cells was assessed by the percentage of viability by MTT assay method. Effective herbs extract as a dengue antiviral was an extract that had average percentage of infectivity20% and average percentage of viability > 50%. Results: The extracts of sambiloto, serai, and meniranhad average percentage of infectivity: 53.8%; 114.4%; and 51.9%respectively. While the average percentage of viability were: 105.9%; 95.7%; and 98.6%respectively. Conclusion: The extracts of sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), serai (Cymbopogon citrates), and meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) were not effective as dengue antiviral in vitro. Keywords: Andrographis paniculata, Cymbopogon citrates, Phyllanthus niruri L., DENV2 NGC,HuH-7.
Effect of Meniran Extract (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) on Histological Structure Damage in Mice (Mus musculus Linn.) Induced by Paracetamol Denalia Aurika; Ratih Dewi Yudhani; Muthmainah Muthmainah
Nexus Biomedika Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Nexus Biomedika
Publisher : Nexus Biomedika

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Introduction: Drug Induced Liver Injury (DILI) is a liver injury caused by drug toxicity. About 41 out of 100.000 people suffer liver damage due to DILI. Most of this injury caused by excessive use of paracetamol. Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) contains antioxidants that can protect liver from damage. The aim of this research was to investigate the hepatoprotective effect of meniran extract on histological damage in liver cells induced by paracetamol. Methods: This was laboratory experimental research with post test only controlled group design. This research was conducted in Histology Laboratory FK UNS. Samples were 30 mice obtained by purposive sampling which characteristics were Swiss webster type, male, 2-3 months old, 20 gr of each weight. Samples divided randomly into 5 groups, each group has six mice. The normal group (KN) was given distilled water only. The negative control group (KK (-)) was given paracetamol toxic dose only. The positive control group (KK (+)) was given Curcuma and paracetamol toxic dose. A gradual dose (2.8 mg and 5.6 mg) of meniran extract was given daily to the first treatment group (KP 1) and second treatment group (KP 2) for 14 days respectively and added with paracetamol toxic dose (5 mg) on day 8th to 14th orally. On day 15th, mice were sacrificed and liver were taken for preparation with HE staining. Liver cells damage was identified by counting nucleus with pyknosis, karryorhexis, and karyolysis from 100 liver cells. Data was analyzed using One-Way ANOVA and Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons-LSD (? = 0.05). Results: One-Way ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference between 5 groups (p < 0.05). Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons-LSD showed that there were significant differences (p < 0.05) between KN-KK (-), KN-KK (+), KN-KP 1, KN-KP 2, KK (-)-KK (+). KK (-)-KP 1, KK (-)-KP 2, KK (+)-KP 1, KP 1-KP 2, but there was not significant difference between KK (+)-KP 2 (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Meniran extract has hepatoprotective effect on histological structure damage of mices liver cells induced by paracetamol in a dose dependent manner. Keywords: Phyllanthus niruri, paracetamol, liver cells histologic damage
Antiviral Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Red Ginger Rhizome (Zingiber officinale Linn var. rubrum) Against Dengue Virus In Vitro Natasha Ninda Pramalista; Afiono Agung Prasetyo; Ratih Dewi Yudhani
Nexus Biomedika Vol 6, No 1 (2017): Nexus Biomedika
Publisher : Nexus Biomedika

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Introduction: Dengue virus is a type of virus that causes various reactions, from asymptomatic infection to harmful manifestations, such as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Currently, the treatments of DHF cases have been limited to symptomatic and supportive therapies only. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new strategies in facing these cases. One of them is by using natural ingredients with antiviral potential. The aim of this study is to understand the antiviral effects of the ethanol extract of red ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Linn var. rubrum) against dengue virus in vitro. Methods : The subject of this research was Dengue virus serotype 2 strain New guinea C (DENV-2 NGC) which was infected into Huh-7 cell line. The research was divided into 2 parts. The first was inhibition test of the extract against DENV-2 which was assessed by average of infectivity percentage with Focus Forming Unit assay method. The second was toxicity test of the extract in Huh 7 cells which was assessed by average of viability percentage by MTT assay method. The herb extract effective as a Dengue antivirus was defined by average infectivity percentage of ? 20% and average viability percentage of > 50%. Results: Ethanolic extract of Red Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Linn var. Rubrum) with concentration 80, 40, 20, 10, 5, 2.5 g/ml had average percentage of infectivity respectively: 9.2% ; 25.3% ; 32.3% ;47.5% ; 66.6% ; 73.4%. While the average percentage of viability were: 92.2% ; 94.3% ; 96.7 % ; 99.6% ; 102.7% ; 105.9%. Conclusions: Ethanolic extract of rhizome Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale Linn var. Rubrum) is not effective in inhibiting the replication of dengue virus serotype DENV-2 in vitro because it has the average infectivity percentage ? 20 and has no toxic effects on cells Huh-7 because it has the average viability percentage > 50. Key Words: Zingiber officinale Linn var. rubrum, Dengue virus, DENV-2, Huh-7 cell line.
Comparison of Hematology Analyzer Cyanmethemoglobin Method and Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) Electrode-Based Biosensor Method in Measurement of Hemoglobin LISANA SHIDQI; RATNA KUSUMAWATI; RATIH DEWI YUDHANI
Nexus Biomedika Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Nexus Biomedika
Publisher : Nexus Biomedika

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Introduction: Measurement of hemoglobin concentration can be done by hematology analyzer (HA) cyanmethemoglobin method (gold standard) and point-of-care testing (POCT) electrode-based biosensor method. POCT electrode-based biosensor method is one of the hemoglobin POCT and has not been studied before in Indonesia. This study examined the difference and correlation hemoglobin concentration by HA cyanmethemoglobin method and POCT electrode-based biosensor method. Methods: This was a cross sectional study in 4 senior high schools of Sukoharjo in Indonesia on Desember, 2016. Senior high schools were selected using a simple random sampling and senior high schools grade selected using a stratified random sampling. Among 173 grade 10 and 11 senior high school girls in this study the capillary and venous blood samples were collected. Capillary blood sample collected was immediately processed to measure the hemoglobin concentration using POCT electrode-based biosensor method and venous blood sample was collected to measure the hemoglobin concentration using HA cyanmethemoglobin method. Statistical analyses used were Mann-Whitney and Spearmans correlation coefficient (?=0.05). Results: Hemoglobin concentration determined by the POCT electrode-based biosensor method compared to HA cyanmethemoglobin method was significantly different (p=0.000 ) and there was positive moderate correlation (r=0.438; p=0.000). Conclusions: Hemoglobin concentration assessment by POCT electrode-based biosensor method has shown significantly different and positive correlation with HA cyanmethemoglobin method. Keywords: hemoglobin concentration, HA cyanmethemoglobin method, POCT electrode-based biosensor method
Perbedaan Kualitas Tidur Pasien Asma Terkontrol Sebagian Pada Kategori Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Khalisah Atma Aulia; Reviono -; Ratih Dewi Yudhani
Smart Medical Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Smart Medical Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (586.62 KB) | DOI: 10.13057/smj.v2i1.27284


Pendahuluan: Asma merupakan suatu penyakit saluran pernapasan yang disebabkan karena adanya proses inflamasi kronik. Asma menyebabkan terjadinya gejala pernapasan seperti wheezing (mengi), sesak napas, dada sesak dan batuk yang terjadi terutama pada malam hari atau menjelang pagi hari. Jumlah kasus asma di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2013 sebesar 113.028 kasus dan kasus paling banyak terdapat di Kota Surakarta yaitu 10.393 kasus. Gejala asma lebih sering muncul pada malam hari atau menjelang pagi hari. Gangguan pernapasan yang muncul dapat mengganggu aktivitas tidur sehingga menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas tidur seseorang. Selain itu, gangguan pernapasan saat tidur akan semakin berat apabila seorang penderita asma memiliki Indeks Massa Tubuh yang tinggi seperti pada obesitas serta pada IMT yang terlalu rendah (kurus). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas tidur pasien asma terkontrol sebagian pada kategori indeks massa tubuh (IMT).Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat (BBKPM) Surakarta pada bulan Oktober – Desember 2018 dengan melibatkan 75 sampel. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terpimpin dan pengukuran IMT pada pasien asma terkontrol sebagian. Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan uji Fisher’s Exact Test.Hasil: Pada pasien asma terkontrol sebagian dengan IMT normal, kualitas tidur baik lebih banyak terjadi dibandingkan kualitas tidur buruk yaitu sebesar 57,14%, sedangkan pasien dengan IMT kurus dan gemuk memiliki kualitas tidur buruk lebih dominan dengan persentase berturut-turut sebesar 100% dan 75%. Hasil uji Fisher’s Exact Test kualitas tidur pasien asma terkontrol sebagian pada kelompok IMT kurus dan normal adalah signifikan secara statistik (p=0,004), kelompok IMT normal dan gemuk signifikan secara statistik (p=0,013), serta kelompok IMT kurus dan gemuk tidak signifikan secara statistik (p=0,173).Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan kualitas tidur pasien asma terkontrol sebagian pada kategori Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT). Kata Kunci: Asma, Kualitas Tidur, IMT
Upaya preventif Kanker Cervix dan Kanker Payudara di Masa Pandemi melalui Seminar Daring bagi Masyarakat Kota Solo dan Sekitarnya Brian Wasita; Nanang Wiyono; suyatmi suyatmi; Ratih Dewi Yudhani; Rachmi Fauziah Rahayu; Kristanto Yuli Yarso; Riza Novierta Pesik
PLACENTUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Aplikasinya Vol 9, No 1 (2021): February
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/placentum.v9i1.45483


Latar belakang dan tujuan : Kanker merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi setelah penyakit kardiovaskuler (jantung dan stroke). Penyakit kanker banyak memakan korban meninggal karena kebanyakan baru terdeteksi saat sudah memasuki stadium lanjut sehingga sulit disembuhkan.. Pada wanita kanker yang terbanyak adalah kanker payudara dan kanker leher rahim. Oleh karena itu perlu usaha pencegahan dan deteksi dini pada kanker payudara dan kanker leher rahim apalagi pada masa pandemic dimana akses ke fasilitas kesehatan terbatas.Metode Pelaksanaan : Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa seminar daring untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang kanker payudara dan kanker leher rahim meliputi gejala-gejala awal, cara deteksi dini, pencegahan dan tatalaksana apabila sudah didapatkan kanker. Peserta yang terdaftar sejumlah 164 orang dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat dan berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Pada hari H seminar peserta yang hadir mencapai 121 orang, peserta antusias mengikuti presentasi dan diskusi hingga akhir acara.  Hasil dan Pembahasan : Setelah acara dilakukan survey tentang sikap dan pemahaman mengenai kanker payudara dan kanker leher rahim. Sebanyak 89,6 persen khawatir kalau-kalau menderita kanker dan sebanyak 96,9 % responden berusaha mencari informasi tentang kanker, dengan demikian seminar daring ini dapat menjebatani masyarakat untuk mencari informasi yang tepat tentang kanker. Dari hasil survey pemahaman tentang kanker payudara dan kanker leher rahim diperoleh nilai rata-rata 90,73 namun ada beberapa hal penting seperti penyebab kanker leher rahim, penyeberan dan factor yang berpengaruh pada kanker payudara masih belum paham (yang menjawab benar 11 s/d 20 % responden). Peserta webinar  mendapatkan sertifikat dan juga doorprize berupa masker.  Setelah acara seminar peserta memberikan respon positif untuk ditindaklanjuti dengan acara berikutnya,Kata kunci : penyuluhan, kanker payudara, kanker leher rahim, deteksi dini