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Development of ECU (Electronic Control Unit) to Maintain Stability of Biogas Fuelled Generator Totok Soehartanto; Dwi Nur Fitriyanah; Putri Yeni Aisyah
IPTEK The Journal of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23378557.v6i3.a7264


Biogas fueled generator has a unique character because the converter kit on the generator has the characteristic of absorbing the biogas supply. Therefore, in this study, biogas is accommodated in a plastic container equipped with a valve that can adjust the amount of biogas supply pressure. Combustion in the Genset combustion chamber will occur if the ratio of air supply and supply of biogas (AFR = Air to Fuel Ratio) meets the stoichiometric number. So a ratio control is needed on air supply and biogas supply, which can follow changes in biogas conditions in plastic bags and generator loads. For this reason, this paper presents an ECU (Electronic Control Unit) that can regulate the ratio of air supply to biogas supply by using a servo motor valve, which is commanded by a control signal from the ECU. The resulting ECU prototype is equipped with a multi-input connector (to receive the signal output of CH4 methane gas sensor and the biogas supply pressure sensor), multi-output (control signal to the servo motor valve), and multi regulators to adjust the Set Point value for the methane gas content CH4, the value of the set point of the biogas supply pressure and to tune the value of the proportional gain control (KP). The results of the ECU performance test by trial and error by giving a dummy input signal (analogy to the signal output of methane gas sensor and the analog of the pressure sensor output signal in the form of an electric voltage generated from the signal generator) can drive the servo motor, valve air supply, and servo motor, valve supply biogas. Accordance with the gain control input from the regulator. 
Design of Bacterial Foraging Interval Fuzzy Logic Controller on Hybrid Solar Tracker-Ocean Wave Energy Converter Dwi Nur Fitriyanah; Imam Abadi
IPTEK The Journal of Engineering Vol 7, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23378557.v7i2.a9250


The location of Indonesia which, is crossed by the equator, makes it rich in sunlight. Photovoltaic (PV) can convert solar energy into electrical energy. The Solar Tracker system can maximize the absorption of solar energy that enters the PV. The condition of the Indonesian archipelago also has the potential for ocean wave energy. The Hydrostatic transmission-based Wave Energy Converter system can convert ocean wave energy into electrical energy. This research combines two energies, namely solar energy and ocean waves. The importance of combining these two renewable energies is due to the non-continuous nature of solar energy, therefore combined with the ocean wave energy to maximize the energy produced. A type-2 fuzzy logic control system based on Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) is applied to each converter, summing each converter that has been optimizing. Optimize error and delta error on the solar tracker system and fuzzy logic waveform-based sea-wave type-2 system. The fuzzy boundaries are then optimized using the BFO optimization method. Fuzzy type-2 based on BFO in solar tracking system can increase energy by 67.9% with the best performance at FOU ±0.1. BFO-based type-2 fuzzy control can stabilize the output of the ocean wave conversion system and produce average energy of 34.48 Wh. This research can increase the energy in the system after being optimized using BFO by 19.3%.
Design and building of a battery charging system using hybrid solar tracker and electric trip based on FPAO-FLC Imam Abadi; Ali Musyafa; Kevin Gica Erwandha; Dwi Nur Fitriyanah
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol 13, No 4: December 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v13.i4.pp2305-2312


The proposed system is a hybrid charging system between a solar tracker and an electric grid using two converter types. The photovoltaic (PV)-based solar tracker has powerful tools, but its weakness is when the absence of sunlight. With a combination of two resources, the weakness can overcome. The control so good is needed so that it can overcome those weaknesses too. This study uses the flower pollination algorithm optimization-fuzzy logic controller (FPAO-FLC). Results of control using FPAO-FLC has a value of a rising time of 0.0123 seconds, settling time of 2.1099 seconds, maximum overshoot of 6.08%, a peak time of 0.9246 seconds, and steady-state error of 3.43%. The efficiency of the ZETA converter using FPAO-FLC control in the tracking condition PV compared to the fixed condition has increased 43, 24%, and the state of charge (SOC) of the battery reaches 39.08%. The advantage of this hybrid system is that it has two modes of operation, which are automatic, including simultaneous and individual operating modes. The data collection results show that the energy obtained by the individual grid mode dan the individually solar tracker mode is 92.62 Wh and 310.38 Wh. The total energy obtained was 479.81 Wh.
Dissolved oxygen control system in polishing unit using logic solver Totok Soehartanto; I Putu Eka Widya Pratama; Safira Firdaus Mujiyanti; Dwi Nur Fitriyanah; Putri Yeni Aisyah; Rico Pardona Pardosi; Nabiilah Azizah Tjandra
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol 12, No 2: April 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/eei.v12i2.4445


The research consists of two parts, the first one is to design the dynamic plant model of polishing unit using artificial neural network (ANN) type backpropagation, and the second one is to design a simulation of a close loop control system on Simulink consisting of logic solver, control valve and ANN polishing unit. The ANN polishing unit was trained and obtained the best model structure 4-24-3 with four inputs chemical oxygen demand (COD) influent, oil in water (OIW) influent, urea, and triple superphosphate (TSP), twenty-four hidden layer nodes, and three outputs (OIW effluent, COD effluent and dissolved oxygen (DO)). The mean square error (MSE) and root mean square error (RMSE) from ANN trained were 0.00485 and 0.06964, obtained by the second iteration. From the simulation results on Simulink by giving several scenarios in the logic solver condition table, the action is brought in the form of urea and TSP nutrition issued by the control valve. The values are used to achieve the DO setpoint (2 mg/L), among others: when COD and OIW influent exceed the quality standard, COD exceeds the quality standard, and OIW does not exceed the quality standard, and the DO error is below zero.
Pembuatan Mesin Penggiling Kotoran Kambing untuk Kelompok Tani Karya Bakti II sebagai Upaya Mendukung Program SIGARPUN – Aksi Gerakan Pemupukan Organik di Kabupaten Lumajang Putri Yeni Aisyah; Dwi Nur Fitriyanah; Adhista Widya Nandasari; Tsurayya Alifia Zahrah; Yanuari Rizqii Waahidah; Leyli Lathifatul Azizah
Sewagati Vol 7 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5493.446 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j26139960.v7i1.128


Lumajang sebagai wilayah agraris dimana 80% penduduk bermata pencaharian sebagai petani. Data semester I tahun 2011, lahan pertanian sebagai sumber pangan menunjukkan kondisi yang hampir kritis, dengan kandungan bahan organik tanah berkisar 0,63 – 1,51% akibat penggunaan pupuk kimia. Salah satu strategi yang wajib ditempuh adalah melalui kegiatan meningkatkan kandungan bahan organik tanah dengan penggunaan pupuk organik dalam program SIGARPUN – Aksi Gerakan Pemupukan Organik. Kelompok Tani Karya Bakti II Desa Kenongo Kecamatan Gucialit adalah kelompok tani yang mendukung suksesnya program tersebut dengan potensi yang dimiliki yaitu melimpahnya bahan baku berupa kotoran kambing. Namun Unit Pengolahan Pupuk Organik yang dimiliki kelompok Tani tidak bisa memecah kotoran kambing dengan baik sehingga perlu proses dan waktu yang lama untuk menjadikan pupuk organik. Kotoran kambing adalah limbah yang tidak bermanfaat dan memiliki geometri kulit yang keras. Dari keluhan masyarakat terkait kesulitan pengolahan pupuk organik dari kotoran kambing, maka pada abdimas akan dibuat mesin penggiling kotoran kambing untuk menghancurkan geometri kulit yang keras sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai pupuk. Mesin penggiling kotoran kambing adalah sebuah mesin dengan sistem mekanik dengan penggerak motor bensin yang dilengkapi dengan dua buah roll pengiling, motor bensin sebagai penggerak utama, dan di transmisikan dengan dua buah pulley dan v-belt.