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Studi Petrografi dan Alterasi Batuan Andesit, Dasit Sebagai Wall-Rock pada Daerah Makili Desa Makili, Kabupaten Atauro, Timor-Leste Gomes, Nazario; Christopher, James; Purwanto, Heru Sigit; Sutanto, Sutanto; Sutarto, Sutarto; Soesilo, Joko
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v8i1.13591


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami karakteristik petrografi dan alterasi batuan andesit dan dasit sebagai batuan samping (wall-rock) di daerah Makili, Kabupaten Atauro, Timor-Leste. Metode penelitian yang digunakan mencakup pemetaan geologi permukaan, pengambilan sampel batuan samping yang telah mengalami alterasi, serta analisis laboratorium menggunakan mikroskop polarisasi untuk pengamatan petrografi detail. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa Pulau Atauro termasuk dalam Old Volcanic Product dengan litologi berupa lava andesit, breksi, dan tuf pasiran berbatuapung. Umur Old Volcanic Product diperkirakan sekitar 2,99±0,90 juta tahun lalu atau Pliosen-Plistosen. Analisis mineral mengidentifikasi keberadaan mineral utama seperti Quartz (Qz), Plagioklase (Plg), Mineral opak (Oq), Massa gelas (Mg), Mineral Oksida (Ox), Clay mineral (C), Piroksen (PX), K-Feldspar (K-F), Alunite (Al), Pirofilit (Pyr), Diaspor (Dp), dan Serisit (Ser). Selain itu, penelitian ini mengamati kelurusan yang mencerminkan tren struktur dan kedudukan batuan di daerah Atauro, dengan arah kelurusan UBL-STG, BL-TG, BBL-TTG, dan TL-BD. Mineral alterasi yang ditemukan menunjukkan bahwa daerah penelitian termasuk dalam zona alterasi utama, yaitu zona filik dan zona argilik. Studi ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang karakteristik petrografi, alterasi, dan struktur batuan samping di daerah Makili, Kabupaten Atauro, Timor-Leste, yang dapat memberikan wawasan tentang geologi regional dan potensi mineralisasi di wilayah tersebut.
The Content Of Heavy Metal In Turmeric (Curcuma Domestica Val.) In The Volcanic Rocks Oligocene-Miocene Volcano, Biting Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia Yudiantoro, Dwi Fitri; Soesilo, Joko; Basuki Rahmad; Haty, Intan Paramita; Radityo Prakoso; Muhammad Nurcholis; Mirzam Abdurrachman; Wikaningrum, Temmy
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology Vol. 9 No. 3 (2024): JGEET Vol 09 No 03 : September (2024)
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2024.9.3.14896


The Biting Wonogiri area is an area composed of Oligocene-Miocene volcanic deposits and volcanic deposits from Lawu Volcano. The rocks in this area consist of pyroclastic rocks, volcanic breccia, and dacite intrusions. Residents in this area more commonly grow herbal plants such as turmeric. Turmeric plants are mostly planted on old volcanic rocks, namely the Oligocene-Miocene age. By studying the planting patterns of residents, an analysis was carried out regarding the heavy metal chemical elements contained in turmeric. The research methodology was carried out using geological mapping to determine the distribution of the rocks that make up the research area and AAS analysis (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy). This AAS method is used to determine heavy metal content. The heavy metal elements analyzed in turmeric were Hg, Pb, As, Fe, Al, and Mn. From the analysis results it was found that the heavy metal elements Hg, Pb, and As had very low levels, namely around 0.005-0.400 mg/Kg. Meanwhile, the elements Al, Fe, and Mg have high contents. Turmeric grown on dacite and volcanic breccia has higher Al (622.3-1362.76 mg/Kg) and Fe (271.32-806.27 mg/Kg) content compared to turmeric planted on sedimentary rock. Meanwhile, the metal element Mn varies around 6.85-122.01 mg/Kg. By knowing the content of these Western metal elements, it is hoped that turmeric, which contains heavy metal elements, can be used as a superior herbal herbal medicine. These metal elements, which are very important nutrients, come from old volcanic rocks.
Morfotektonik pada Gunung Parang Melalui Pendekatan Geomorfologi Tektonik Digital, Daerah Karangsambung Ghufrani, Poppy; Soesilo, Joko
OPHIOLITE: Jurnal Geologi Terapan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024): APRIL 2024
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56099/ophi.v6i1.p19-28


Mount Parang is a sill intrusion formed as partial melting due to tectonic activity namely subduction in Miocene which then broke through the Karangsambung formation and revealed to the surface as Mount Parang. Apart from the Mount Parang intrusion, the result of tectonic activity at that time is hills morphology with landforms in the form of anticline and syncline fold structures that stretch from east to west of the Karangsambung area. The geomorphological approach aims to determine the level of tectonic activity based on morphotectonic analysis around the Mount Parang intrusion. Morphotectonic analysis is conducted through a quantitative approach, by measuring and calculating geomorphic index variables using mathematical formulas. The index variables analysed include hypsometric integral (Hi), basin watershed asymmetry (AF), stream gradient-length index (SL), ratio of valley floor width to valley height (Vf), and mountain front sinuosity (Smf). Based on calculation Hi has a value of 1.0 with SL covering three classes. The AF index has a value of >50 with Vf values is between 0.26 and 0.87 and Smf values between 1.3 and 2.7. Based on these values, it indicates that the area around the Mount Parang intrusion has high tectonic activity.