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Peran UKS dalam Meningkatkan Kesehatan Lingkungan Sekolah di SDN Cipondoh 06 Kota Tangerang Putra, Sabillal Irfan Mulyana; Fitri, Indah Zianira; Alfiyani, Devi; Alfiyanita, Nadilla; Rahmawati, Rima
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i5.3395


Quality human resources are those who are physically and mentally healthy. Efforts to develop quality and healthy human resources include implementing School Health Programs (UKS). Based on observations of the school environment and interviews with six respondents, including the principal of SDN Cipindoh 06 Kota Tangerang and five fourth and fifth-grade students, the results showed that most aspects of health and cleanliness in the school environment met the established standards. However, some aspects, such as the school library, prayer room, and bathrooms, did not meet the requirements, whereas other aspects were generally satisfactory. The UKS room met the standards, and the facilities and infrastructure were adequate, as was the UKS implementation team. However, the UKS at SDN Cipindoh 06 Kota Tangerang has not been operating optimally due to several factors: the UKS supervisor has been reassigned, resulting in no current supervisor, insufficient teacher participation in UKS training, lack of support and training from the health center, and limited exposure to information about UKS management. Interviews revealed that the six respondents indicated that health education and services, such as health counseling, cleanliness drives, and immunizations, were implemented at the school, but UKS management had not been maximized. In conclusion, while most aspects are met, some areas still require improvement.
Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian PPIC Production Planning Inventory Control PT. Ewindo Plant 2 Sumedang Rahmawati, Rima; Sasangka, Indra; Aghnia, Nadya Larasati
Jurnal Manajemen DIVERSIFIKASI Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/diversifikasi.v3i3.4481


This study aims to determine Work Motivation, Work Stress, Employee Performance and to determinehow much influence between Work Motivation and Work Stress on Employee Performance at PT.EWINDO Plant 2 Sumedang. This research method used is a quantitative method with the type ofdescriptive verification research with the subject of all employees of PT. EWINDO Plant 2 part of thePPIC Production Planning Inventory Control as many as 37 people to be respondents. From theresults of the study it can be concluded that work motivation simultaneously has a significant positiveeffect on employee performance with the results of the hypothesis test H0 being rejected and Ha beingaccepted. And the results of the research carried out can be seen from the calculation results oftcount> ttable, namely 2.092 > 0.68156. As for work stress simultaneously has a significant negativeeffect on employee performance with the results of the hypothesis test H0 being rejected and Ha beingaccepted. And the results of the research conducted can be seen from the calculation results tcount <ttable, namely -4.216 <0.68156.
Sindoro: Cendikia Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 6 (2024): Sindoro: Cendikia Pendidikan
Publisher : CV SWA Anugrah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9644/sindoro.v2i6.1665


Perang Korea yang terjadi di Semenanjung Korea dari 25 Juni 1950 sampai 27 Juli 1953, membawa implikasi mendasar bagi dinamika kekuatan global Pemisahan Korea menjadi dua negara Perubahan status quo di Semenanjung Korea menjadi arena persaingan ideologi dan pengaruh antara Amerika Serikat dan Blok Komunis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode study literatur untuk menganalisis latar belakang konflik Korea, peran Uni Soviet dan Cina mendukung Korea Utara, serta dukungan AS untuk Korea Selatan, dan peran jepang dalam perebutan pengaruh di Korea, yang semula hanya bersifat ekonomi dan kepentingan regional, meningkat seiring persaingan ideologi Perang Dingin. Dalam penelitian ini penulis membahas intervensi kekuatan-kekuatan global terkait perpecahan Korea serta motivasi dominasi awalnya bersifat ekonomi dunia kapitalis yang kemudian berkembang menjadi dominasi politik. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dominasi politik telah menggantikan dominasi ekonomi sebagai kepentingan utama kekuatan global di Korea. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan dukungan militer dan ekonomi yang terus-menerus dari kelompok komunis bagi Korea Utara dan blok Barat bagi Korea Selatan hingga kini, meski tidak ada lagi kepentingan ekonomi yang signifikan. Ideologi persingan tetap menjadi faktor pendorong interaksi kekuatan global dalam kasus Korea.
KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI INDONESIA PADA MASA REFORMASI Amir Dzaki, Muhammad; Rahmawati, Rima; Deedat Al-Haris, Ahmad
Sindoro: Cendikia Pendidikan Vol. 5 No. 5 (2024): Sindoro: Cendikia Pendidikan
Publisher : CV SWA Anugrah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9644/sindoro.v5i5.4128


Masa Reformasi di Indonesia, yang dimulai setelah jatuhnya rezim Orde Baru pada tahun 1998, membawa perubahan signifikan dalam kondisi sosial ekonomi negara. Penelitian ini mengkaji dinamika sosial ekonomi Indonesia selama periode Reformasi, dengan fokus pada perubahan kebijakan ekonomi, perkembangan demokrasi, dan dampaknya terhadap masyarakat. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa era Reformasi ditandai dengan liberalisasi ekonomi, desentralisasi kekuasaan, dan peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam politik. Meskipun terjadi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang relatif stabil, ketimpangan sosial dan ekonomi masih menjadi tantangan utama. Krisis ekonomi 1998 meninggalkan dampak jangka panjang, namun juga mendorong reformasi di berbagai sektor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dekriptif dengan mengumpulkan berbagai sumber yang tersedia melalui proses metodologi sejarah yaitu mengumpulkan sumber, verifikasi sumber, intrepertasi sumber, dan historiografi atau penulisan sejarah secara kronologis. Temuan utama menunjukkan bahwa meskipun terdapat kemajuan dalam hal kebebasan politik dan reformasi ekonomi, masih diperlukan upaya lebih lanjut untuk mengatasi kesenjangan sosial, korupsi, dan pembangunan infrastruktur guna mencapai pembangunan yang lebih merata dan berkelanjutan.
Analysis of One Data Indonesia Portal User Satisfaction Using the Pieces Framework Mulyana, Ade; Rahmawati, Rima
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Kesatuan Vol. 12 No. 4 (2024): JIMKES Edisi Juli 2024
Publisher : LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jimkes.v12i4.2696


One data Indonesia is a platform created by the Ministry of National Development Planning or the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/BAPPENAS) to facilitate access to information for all levels of society regarding development in Indonesia. The One Data Indonesia Portal contains data and information from various government agencies, non-governmental organizations and other sources. Through the One Data Indonesia Portal, users can search for data and information related to topics such as the economy, education, health, social and environment. User satisfaction is a person's emotional feelings of pleasure or disappointment that occur when the performance (outcome) of a product is compared to the expected result (or results). The number of website users, the researcher wants to know the level of user satisfaction of One Data Indonesia Portal from the user's point of view by paying attention to user satisfaction indicators. The quantitative analysis used in the research is presented on the Satu Data Indonesia website ( ), the research findings are presented as accurate numerical data. the results of the research are in the form of satisfaction level values and validity and reliability tests. The conclusion from the analysis of user satisfaction on the Indonesian one-data website using the PIECES method was carried out on 100 Indonesian one-data website user respondents whose characteristics were obtained based on the age, gender and occupation of the respondents using the PIECES domain. Keywords: User Satisfaction, Quantitative Analysis, PIECES Method