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Produced Water Treatment Planning Using Corrugated Plate Interceptor and Ultra Filtration for Water Recycling Novena Lany Pangestu; Nurulbaiti Listyendah Zahra; Ariyanti Sarwono; I Wayan Koko Suryawan
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 6, No 4 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v6i4.3473


Produced water generated by the oil and gas industry, when treated properly, will produce water that is ready to be reused, such as for watering plants. This planning is done by treating the produced water with Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI) and Ultra Filtration units. This research aims to analyze the design details needed in the recycling of produced water with CPI and Ultra Filtration units. After determining the design criteria used, the dimensions for each unit are obtained. Data was collected using secondary data directly from the study site and quantitative method was used for data analysis. The land area for one CPI unit requires 55 m2 with a volume of 110 m3. The Reynolds number and Froude number for CPI units meet the design criteria with 419.8 and 0.24, respectively. The ultra-filtration unit was selected with a Flux specification of 0.15 m3/m2.hour with an operational duration of 24 hours. The results of processing with the CPI unit can at least produce oil and fat effluent of 0.038 mg/L, with the threshold for water quality is 1 mg/L. Produced water treatment planning with CPI configuration and UF membrane with storage tank requires a total land area of 63.97 m2..
Pencegahan Dampak Lingkungan Pada Industri Pewarnaan Melalui Pendekatan Penilaian Siklus Daur Produk Reki Detiar; Nabila Ardiana; Novena Lany Pangestu; Ziyadatulkhair M.Faruqi; Ardhan Ardianto; Nurulbaiti Listyendah Zahra; I Wayan Koko Suryawan
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 6, No 3 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v6i3.3039


The home-scale coloring industry is currently starting to develop with various models and effects which result in the production of  various phases of solid, liquid, and gas emissions. The purpose of this study is to measure  the environmental impact and ensure that  life management minimizes  the impact of recycling industrialdye . This research was conducted by direct industry observation methods and a literature review  on the management of industrial waste. Environmental impact calculations were completed carried out using the 2018 Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) method on SimaPro 9.1.1 with an ecoinvent 3 database. The results of the environmental impact assessment should be managed according to the effects of water scarcity, acidification, and eutrophication. Pollution  prevention  can occur by  treating industrial wastewater dye . Wastewater treatment can be performed  by biological processes based on  the biodegradability index. The biodegradability index of 0.3 indicates that wastewater can be treated by the activated sludge process and by moving the bed biofilm reactor (MBBR).
PEMILAHAN DAN PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH DENGAN METODE TAKAKURA UNTUK ANAK-ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR MI YAHYA, KOTA BEKASI Azmi Zakiatunnia; Delfira Suecita; Denisa Ratna Safira; Muhammad Haikal Azmi; Fatimah Dinan Qonitan; Nurulbaiti Listyendah Zahra; I Wayan Koko Suryawan
INTEGRITAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JULI
Publisher : Relawan Jurnal Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36841/integritas.v5i1.872


Sampah adalah hal yang selalu kita temukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Keberadaannya yang kian bertambah seiring dengan perubahan zaman dan perkembangan pola konsumsi penduduk menjadikan sampah sebagai suatu masalah yang sangat rentan terjadi di masyarakat. Adanya sampah yang terus-menerus dihasilkan lama kelamaan akan menumpuk dan memberikan dampak buruk bagi lingkungan, apabila tidak dengan segera dilakukan pengolahan. Masyarakat, khususnya anak-anak perlu untuk mengetahui tentang pentingnya memiliki kepedulian terhadap memilah dan mengolah sampah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi anak-anak agar mulai terbiasa untuk memilah dan mengolah sampah sejak usia dini. Sasaran dalam pengabdian ini adalah anak-anak Sekolah Dasar MI Yahya di Kota Bekasi. Melalui pengabdian ini diharapkan anak-anak dapat mengolah sampahnya sendiri di kemudian hari. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah berupa persentasi materi tentang perbedaan sampah kering dan sampah basah, tata cara memilah dan mengelompokkan sampah sesuai jenisnya. Didemonstrasikan salah satu metode pengolahan sampah yang sederhana yang dapat mereka lakukan dengan sendirinya, yaitu metode Takakura. Hasil dari kegitan ini menunjukkan adanya rutinitas pengolahan sampah dengan metode Takakura yang dilakukan ke masyarakat sasar.
Identification Soybean Processed Waste Environmental Impact and Management Alternatives (Case Study City of Jakarta Selatan) Naomi Aurora Margareth Br. Simanjuntak; Alfiyah Najwa; Muhamad Hisyam Dhiya Ulhaq; Mutiara Octaviani; Deni Adnan; I Wayan Koko Suryawan; Nurulbaiti Listyendah Zahra
SEAS (Sustainable Environment Agricultural Science) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Warmadewa University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.421 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/seas.5.2.3716.122-129


Processed soybeans such as tempeh and tofu are some of the foods that the people of Indonesia favour. The Tempe and Tofu processing factory produce tofu with the essential soybean ingredients as much as 17 kg every day. The tofu production process starts from soybean immersion, grinding, boiling, filtering, compaction, moulding, cutting, to frying tofu. Production activities from the tofu industry will certainly produce solid and wastewater. These wastes can have a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, the waste must be managed and treated correctly to create an environmentally friendly industry and improve environmental quality. Tofu industry waste management and treatment can be done by identifying the generation of waste that is a priority to be treated and choosing waste treatment technology. There are three alternatives for wastewater treatment from the tofu industry: the chlorine in wastewater, ponds by forming biofilms using biofilter media, and Trickling Filters.
Preliminary Analysis of Factors Affecting Communities in Management of Stool at Sources in the Jakarta Communal Wastewater Treatment Service Area Muhammad Ridho Marsono; Betanti Ridhosari; I Wayan Koko Suryawan; Evi Siti Sofiyah; Ariyanti Sawono; Nurulbaiti Listyendah Zahra
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 7, No 1 (2023): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.7.1.51-60


This study examines the public perception of several Jakarta communities served by communal WWTPs on in situ management or wastewater sources and the relationship between factors. This research used a questionnaire and random sampling technic. The questionnaire is based on study indicators. This study uses nine domestic wastewater indicators. The corrected Item-Total correlation indicates that the variable is invalid and does not need to be continued to the reliability test. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett's Test showed that factor analysis is appropriate. This study groups indicators into four dimensions. Factor 1 includes septic tank draining, sewage treatment, subscribing to sewage treatment, feces sludge management, and sewage sludge disposal. Second, septic tank performance and draining. Third, open defecation and septic tank owner are factors 2 and 4. Fourth, delete indicators with the same variable but different dimensions.
Perancangan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik pada Industri Pertambangan PT X Rhesa Valerio Soyan; Evi Siti Sofiyah; Nurulbaiti Listyendah Zahra
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Future Sustainable Development
Publisher : Fakultas Perencanaan Infrastruktur, Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61078/jsi.v1i1.3


Kegiatan industri pertambangan pada PT X menghasilkan air limbah domestik yang terdiri dari blackwater dan greywater. Fasilias di PT X yang menghasilkan air limbah domestik adalah hunian pekerja, kantor, kantin, dan binatu (laundry). Sumber greywater berasal hunian pekerja, kantin, dan binatu. Sedangkan blackwater berasal dari toilet hunian pekerja dan kantor. Efluen air limbah masih melebihi baku mutu. Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik (IPALD) dibutuhkan untuk mengolah air limbah domestik agar dapat memenuhi baku mutu. Pada perancangan ini diawali dengan perhitungan debit air limbah domestik dari setiap fasilitas pada PT X, kemudia dilakukan analisis karakteristik greywater dan blackwater. Data debit dan karakteristik air limbah tersebut dijadikan sebagai dasar acuan dalam perhitungan unit IPALD. Unit IPALD yang digunakan yaitu oil and grease trap, bak pengmpul, biofilter anaerob-aerob, bak pengendap, dan desinfeksi. Efisiensi untuk unit oil and grease trap adalah 95%, biofilter anaerob 85% untuk BOD dan COD, biofilter aerob 80% untuk BOD dan COD, bak pengendap 90% dan 75% untuk ammonia dan TSS, dan unit desinfeksi 95% untuk total koliform. Berdasarkan perancangan ini air limbah hasil pengolahan nilainya telah memenuhi baku mutu