Nurak, Maria Antonia
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Effectiveness of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) Aromatherapy on the Intensity of Dysmenorrhea in Student of Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang Nurak, Maria Antonia; Lerik, M. Dinah Charlota; Tibuludji, Paula; Muntasir, Muntasir; Refli, Refli
Journal of Maternal and Child Health Vol 5, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Maternal and Child Health

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Background: Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual cramp that in general occurs in adolescents. In In­do­nesia the figure of dysmenorrhea is es­timat­ed at 64.25%. Students who experience dys­me­nor­­rhea will greatly disrupt learning activities and ab­sen­ce on campus. Lavender and jasmine aro­ma­the­ra­py has benefits for reducing dys­me­nor­rhea be­cause it contains li­na­nool. One of the met­hods to de­c­rease the dys­menorrhea is namely la­vender aro­­ma­the­ra­py and jasmine aroma­the­ra­py.  The pur­­pose of this study was to deter­mi­ne dif­fe­ren­ces of the effectiveness of lavender aro­mat­he­ra­py and jas­mine­ arom­ath­erapy to­wards the in­ten­­sity of dys­menorrhea.Subjects and Method: This was a a qua­si-experiment without control group. The study was con­duct­ed at the Postgraduate Clinic of Univer­sitas Nusa Cendana, from Mar­ch to Ap­r­il 2020. The study population was the stu­dents of the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Nusa Cendana year 20­19. A sample of 40 stu­dents was selected by pur­posive samp­ling. The dep­­en­dent va­riable was dys­meno­­r­rhea. The independent va­­riables were la­vend­er and jasmine aroma­the­ra­py. Dys­meno­r­rhea was measured by Nu­me­ri­cal Pain Rating Sca­le. The data were analyzed by t test.Results: After receiving lave­nder and jasmine aro­mat­he­ra­py, intensity of dysmenorrhea in lavender aromatherapy (Mean=19,50 ; SD­=­0,­48 ) was lower than jasmine aro­ma­the­rapy (Me­an­=­21.­50 ; SD=0.51 ), but it was sta­tis­ticall­y non-sig­ni­fi­cant (p= 0.­5­24).Conclusion: Lavender and jasmine aroma­therapy have similarly effect in in­­ten­­­­sity of dysmenorrhea.Keywords: lavender aromatherapy, jasmine aro­­­matherapy, dysmenorrhea.Correspondence: Maria Antonia Nurak. Masters Program in Public Health Sciences, Universitas Nusa Cen­­dana, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Jl. Adi Sucipto Penfui La­si­ana, Klp. Lima, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Tim 85­001. Email: Mo­bile: 08­13­53242041Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2020), 05(03): 429-435