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Media Farmasi Indonesia Vol 8 No 2 (2013): Media Farmasi Indonesia

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Protein is a nutrient needed by humans. Marine animals is a provider of high-protein, one of the much-loved marine animals is Shell Blood. In addition to have a high content of protein, shells also have disadvantages because heavy metals can accumulate in the body, such as Cu metal. Cooking such as boiling process is expected to eliminate the toxic effects of the Cu content in the Shell Blood. In this study, samples were taken from Anadara granosa  sold in markets Banjarsari Pekalongan. The method used is the Tampak spectrophotometry method, by reacting Cu with Sodium diethyltricarbonate to form complex compounds. The results of this study are: the stability of the complex 15-minute period, the maximum wavelength of 440 nm, with a regression equation: y = 0.0987 x + 0.0756 and the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.9956, and obtained blood levels of Cu in the clam fresh is 8.75 ppm, 5.95 ppm and 19.36 ppm, and after boiling for 15 min levels down to 5.39 ppm, 4.47 ppm and 15.64 ppm. Boiling is effective in lowering levels of Cu by 16-45%.
Perbedaan Kadar Trigliserida pada Sampel Plasma dan Serum Darah dengan Metode GPO PAP Minarsih-Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, Tri
IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science Vol 8, No 1 (2021): IJMS 2021
Publisher : IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science

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Abstract: Triglycerides are very important for the human body because in the human body triglycerides are useful as a source of energy for the body in addition to other nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals, but high triglyceride values are associated with the onset of heart attack, stroke and diabetes. To determine the level of triglycerides in the blood can use a sample, either serum or blood plasma. The use of serum samples can provide more appropriate results because they are not contaminated with the presence of anticoagulants used in plasma samples. The aim of this study was to determine whether there were differences in triglyceride levels in samples using serum and blood plasma. This research is a laboratory observational study, using a sample of 30 samples aged 19-25 years and using the GPO PAP method to determine the Triglyceride levels in the sample, then the data is analyzed using the t test to see whether or not there are differences in Triglyceride levels in serum and plasma samples. The results of this study were obtained that the average Triglyceride level in the plasma sample was 162.94 mg / dl, while in the serum sample was 228.50 mg / dL. Based on the t-test statistic, there is a significant difference between triglyceride levels using plasma and serum samples.Keywords: Triglycerides, Plasma, serum  GPO PAP Methods  Abstrak: Trigliserida sangat penting bagi tubuh manusia karena di dalam tubuh manusia trigliserida bermanfaat sebagai salah satu sumber energi tubuh disamping zat gizi lain seperti karbohidrat, protein, vitamin dan mineral, akan tetapinilai trigliserida yang tinggi memiliki kaitan dengan timbulnya penyakit serangan jantung, stroke dan diabetes.Untuk menetapkan kadar Trigliserida dalam darah bisa menggunakan sampel, baik serum ataupun plasma darah. Penggunaan sampel serum dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih sesuai karena tidak tercemar adanya antikoagulan yang digunakan pada sampel plasmaTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan kadar trigliserida pada sampel yang menggunakan plasma dan serum darah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasi laboratorium, mengggunakan sampel sebanyak 30 sampel dengan usia 19-25 tahun dan menggunakan metode GPO PAP untuk menetapkan kadar Trigliserida dalam sampel, selanjutnya data dianalisis menggunakan Uji t test untuk melihat ada atau tidaknya perbedaan kadar Trigliserida dalam sampel plasma.dan serum. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah didapatkan Kadar  Trigiserida rata-rata dalam sampel plasma sebesar 162,94 mg/dl sedangkan didalam sampel serum sebesar 228,5 mg/dl. Berdasarkan uji statistic t-test terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kadar trigliserida menggunakan sampel serum dan plasma.Kata Kunci: Trigliserida, Plasma,Serum, Metode GPO PAP
Analisis Natrium Diklofenak Dalam Sampel Jamu Pegal Linu Yang Dijual Di Kabupaten Semarang Secara Klt-Spektrofotometri Uv-Vis Padanun, Moudi Ayuty Viony; Tri Minarsih
Journal of Holistics and Health Science Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Journal of Holistics and Health Science, September
Publisher : Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35473/jhhs.v3i2.95


Herbal medicine for rheumatic pain is one of the traditional medicinal products that are massively demanded by the public because it has many benefits. Medicinal Chemicals (MC) are often added to herbal medicine for rheumatic pain to strengthen their properties, one of which is Diclofenac Sodium. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 246 of 2010, traditional medicines are prohibited from containing Medicinal Chemicals (MC). This study aims to analyze the content of Diclofenac Sodium Medicinal Chemicals (MC) in the herbal medicine for rheumatic pain which is sold in Semarang Regency. This type of research was conducted using a laboratory experimental method which descriptively describes the results of the study based on the data obtained. The research method consisted of organoleptic test, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of the samples of herbal medicine for aches and pains. Organoleptic test was carried out by tasting the taste, smelling the smell, seeing the color and feeling the dosage form of the Jamu Pegal Linu sample. Qualitative analysis was performed by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and quantitative analysis was performed by UV-Vis Spectrophotometry with 3 samples considered positive. Samples B, D, and E which is sold in Semarang Regency were positive for Diclofenac Sodium based on the Rf values ​​obtained from the samples, namely 0.28, 0.3, and 0.3, which were almost the same as the standard Rf for Sodium Diclofenac, which was 0.26. The stationary phase used a Silica Gel 254 and the mobile phase used Ethyl Acetate and N-Hexane in a ratio of 25: 25. In quantitative analysis, a wavelength of 275 nm was obtained with a linear equation y = 0.0245x + 0.0989 and a value of r = 0.9994 with a concentration of obtained in samples B, D, E were 39.27%, 2.67% and 4.9%, respectively. ABSTRAK Jamu Pegal Linu merupakan salah satu produk obat tradisional yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat karena memiliki banyak manfaat. Bahan Kimia Obat (BKO) sering ditambahkan pada Jamu Pegal Linu untuk menambah khasiatnya, salah satunya adalah Natrium Diklofenak. Berdasarkan Permenkes RI No. 246 tahun 2010, obat tradisional dilarang mengandung BKO. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan Natrium Diklofenak pada sediaan Jamu Pegal Linu yang dijual di Kabupaten Semarang. Jenis penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode eksperimental laboratorium. Metode penelitian terdiri dari uji organoleptis, analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Uji organoleptis dilakukan dengan dengan cara mengamati warna, bau, rasa dan bentuk sampel. Analisis kualitatif dilakukan dengan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) dan analisis kuantitatif dilakukan dengan Spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Sampel B, D, dan E yang dijual di Kabupaten Semarang positif mengandung Natrium Diklofenak berdasarkan nilai Rf yang didapatkan dari sampel berturut-turut yaitu 0.28, 0.3, dan 0.3 mendekati nilai Rf baku Natrium Diklfenak yaitu 0.26. Fase diam menggunakan Silica Gel 254 dan fase gerak menggunakan Etil Asetat dan N-Heksan dengan perbandingan 25 : 25. Pada analisis kuantitatif diperoleh panjang gelombang 275 nm dengan persamaan garis linier y = 0,0245x + 0,0989 dan nilai r = 0.9994 dengan kadar pada sampel B, D, E berturut-turut adalah 39.27%, 2.67% dan 4.9%.
Analisa Pengaruh Adanya Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah terhadap Kadar Chrom pada Limbah Batik Pabrik di Kabupaten Pekalongan Tri Minarsih
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 6 No 3 (2009): Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Setia Budi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2737.926 KB) | DOI: 10.31001/jfi.v6i3.13


Waste water originating from batik production is one potential source of water pollution. This is because of batik production of waste water containing organic compounds are quite high, contain chemical compounds that contain dangerous and pathogenic microorganisms that can cause disease. Waste is a heavy metal chromium Cr (VI), which is one type of hazardous waste, can be derived from batik industry, metal plating (electroplating), and tannery (leather tanning). The concentration of chromium was done in the waste analysis before and after experiencing batik processing and industrial wastewater in a river after passing around pabrik. Penetapan chromium content visible spectrophotometer method using Difenilkarbazida. At the preliminary examination that pH of treated wastewater does not meet the requirements of waste water quality standard is five, and also chromium levels that still exceed the Central Java Provincial Regulation No. 10 Year 2004 water quality standards and batik textile industrial waste that is 10.1181 mg / L and after passing through two kilometers of the river flow is still too high at 7.6277 mg / L.
Penentuan Energi Aktivasi Amlodipin Besilat pada pH 1, 6 dan 10 dengan Metode Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi Tri Minarsih
PHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) Jurnal Pharmacy, Vol. 08 No. 02 Agustus 2011
Publisher : Pharmacy Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

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Dalam ICH Tripartite Guideline Q1A (R2), uji stabilitas merupakan bagian yang penting pada proses pengembangan produk obat. Masih jarang dilakukan penelitian terhadap uji stabilitas golongan kalsium chanel bloker terutama amlodipin besilat. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penentuan energi aktivasi pada pH 1, 6 dan 10. Energi aktivasi bisa menggambarkan ketergantungan stabilitas obat terhadap suhu dan pH. Amlodipine besilat dibuat pH 1, 6 dan 10, disimpan pada suhu 40, 60 dan 80 oC selama 3, 8 dan 24 jam. Metode penetapan yang digunakan adalah Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) fase terbalik. Fase diam yang digunakan kolom VP-ODS C-18, ukuran 150 x 4,6 mm, dengan diameter dalam 5 µm, fase gerak acetonitril : Kalium dihidrogen fosfat 50 mM 50:50, pH 3. Laju alir yang digunakan 1,0 mL/min, detector Uv-vis pada panjang gelombang 239 nm.Reaksi degradasi amlodipin termasuk reaksi orde satu semu. Nilai energi aktivasi amlodipin besilat pada pH 1 sebesar 9433 kal/mol, pada pH 6 sebesar 7359 kal/mol dan pada pH 10 sebesar 5266 kal/mol. Nilai energi aktivasi dipengaruhi oleh pH dan suhu; bahwa pada suasana yang semakin asam, diperoleh energi aktivasi yang semakin besar, dan dengan meningkatkan suhu menyebabkan nilai tetapan laju degradasi amlodipin besilat meningkat.
Jurnal Surya Muda Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Surya Muda
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kendal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.267 KB) | DOI: 10.38102/jsm.v1i1.34


Pekalongan is known as a sea food producing city, including shellfish which is one of the additional food ingredients originating from the sea which is favored by Pekalongan people. Shellfish are filter feeder animals that filter food using gills, allowing for the accumulation of metal in the body. The main properties of heavy metals are difficult to degrade, so their existence is naturally difficult to decompose, for example Pb, Cu, Cd and Hg. In this study analyzed the content of Cd and Pb in Green mussels obtained from the waters of Pekalongan City with the Spectrophotometry Visible Method. The results showed that Cd and Pb levels in Green mussels were 0.4644 ppm (SD = 0.0695) and 1.7915 ppm (SD = 0.2894) The Cd content in the shells is still in accordance with the SNI standard 2009, because the Cd content is <1 ppm, while the Pb content in the shells exceeds that of the SNI 2009 standard, because the Pb content is> 1.5 ppm.
Penyuluhan: Mengenal BTP dan Efeknya serta menghitung nilai gizi pada Posbindu Desa Lerep Triminarsih Tri; Neli Diah; Riva Mustika
Jurnal Dimas Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyrakat
Publisher : Jurnal DiMas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53359/dimas.v4i1.35


Penambahan zat-zat tertentu ke dalam makanan sudah dikenal sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu oleh manusia. Tujuan penambahan BTP secara umum adalah untuk meningkatkan nilai gizi makanan, memperbaiki nilai estetika dan sensori makanan dan memperpanjang umur simpan (shelf life) makanan.. Pengetahuan tentang BTP dan efeknya didalam tubuh perlu diberikan kepada Ibu-ibu agar dapat menyajikan makanan yang sehat kepada keluarganya. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, pengabdi tertarik untuk melakukan acara pengabdian dengan tema Peningkatan Kemampuan Ibu dalam menyajikan Makanan Sehat: Mengenal BTP dan efeknya serta menghitung zat gizi pada Posbindu Desa Lerep Sasaran program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah masyarakat Desa Lerep, Kecamatan Ungaran Barat.. Program pemberdayaan kader pos pembinaan terpadu (POSBINDU) dalam kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pengkaderan. Kegiatan pengabdian diberikan dengan kombinasi antara metode penyuluhan tentang mengenal BTP da efeknya bagi tubuh serta metode pelatihan menghitung nilai gizi pada posbindu Desa Lerep. Dari acara pengabdian ini didapatkan tingkat pengetahuan peserta posbindu yang meningkat, sebelum mengikuti acara pengabdian dibandingkan setelah mengikuti acara, serta publikasi pada jurnal pengadian tentang acara pengabdian yang telah dilakukan terkait dengan tingkat pengetahuan peserta posbindu untuk menyajikan Makanan sehat bagi keluarga.
Perbedaan Kadar Trigliserida pada Sampel Plasma dan Serum Darah dengan Metode GPO PAP Tri Minarsih-Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
Indonesian Journal on Medical Science Vol 8 No 1 (2021): IJMS 2021
Publisher : Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik Kesehatan Bhakti Mulial

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Abstract: Triglycerides are very important for the human body because in the human body triglycerides are useful as a source of energy for the body in addition to other nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals, but high triglyceride values are associated with the onset of heart attack, stroke and diabetes. To determine the level of triglycerides in the blood can use a sample, either serum or blood plasma. The use of serum samples can provide more appropriate results because they are not contaminated with the presence of anticoagulants used in plasma samples. The aim of this study was to determine whether there were differences in triglyceride levels in samples using serum and blood plasma. This research is a laboratory observational study, using a sample of 30 samples aged 19-25 years and using the GPO PAP method to determine the Triglyceride levels in the sample, then the data is analyzed using the t test to see whether or not there are differences in Triglyceride levels in serum and plasma samples. The results of this study were obtained that the average Triglyceride level in the plasma sample was 162.94 mg / dl, while in the serum sample was 228.50 mg / dL. Based on the t-test statistic, there is a significant difference between triglyceride levels using plasma and serum samples.Keywords: Triglycerides, Plasma, serum  GPO PAP Methods  Abstrak: Trigliserida sangat penting bagi tubuh manusia karena di dalam tubuh manusia trigliserida bermanfaat sebagai salah satu sumber energi tubuh disamping zat gizi lain seperti karbohidrat, protein, vitamin dan mineral, akan tetapinilai trigliserida yang tinggi memiliki kaitan dengan timbulnya penyakit serangan jantung, stroke dan diabetes.Untuk menetapkan kadar Trigliserida dalam darah bisa menggunakan sampel, baik serum ataupun plasma darah. Penggunaan sampel serum dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih sesuai karena tidak tercemar adanya antikoagulan yang digunakan pada sampel plasmaTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan kadar trigliserida pada sampel yang menggunakan plasma dan serum darah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasi laboratorium, mengggunakan sampel sebanyak 30 sampel dengan usia 19-25 tahun dan menggunakan metode GPO PAP untuk menetapkan kadar Trigliserida dalam sampel, selanjutnya data dianalisis menggunakan Uji t test untuk melihat ada atau tidaknya perbedaan kadar Trigliserida dalam sampel plasma.dan serum. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah didapatkan Kadar  Trigiserida rata-rata dalam sampel plasma sebesar 162,94 mg/dl sedangkan didalam sampel serum sebesar 228,5 mg/dl. Berdasarkan uji statistic t-test terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kadar trigliserida menggunakan sampel serum dan plasma.Kata Kunci: Trigliserida, Plasma,Serum, Metode GPO PAP
Media Farmasi Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2013): Media Farmasi Indonesia

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Protein is a nutrient needed by humans. Marine animals is a provider of high-protein, one of the much-loved marine animals is Shell Blood. In addition to have a high content of protein, shells also have disadvantages because heavy metals can accumulate in the body, such as Cu metal. Cooking such as boiling process is expected to eliminate the toxic effects of the Cu content in the Shell Blood. In this study, samples were taken from Anadara granosa sold in markets Banjarsari Pekalongan. The method used is the Tampak spectrophotometry method, by reacting Cu with Sodium diethyltricarbonate to form complex compounds. The results of this study are: the stability of the complex 15-minute period, the maximum wavelength of 440 nm, with a regression equation: y = 0.0987 x + 0.0756 and the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.9956, and obtained blood levels of Cu in the clam fresh is 8.75 ppm, 5.95 ppm and 19.36 ppm, and after boiling for 15 min levels down to 5.39 ppm, 4.47 ppm and 15.64 ppm. Boiling is effective in lowering levels of Cu by 16-45%.
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Praktis Vol 7 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31603/pharmacy.v7i2.3960


Lead (Pb) is a type of metal that has an acute effect on blood pressure and causes hypertension if it accumulates in the blood for a long time. Many types of work are at risk to cause accumulation of Pb in the blood. One of the work sectors that is estimated to be potentially contaminated by Pb is the tire repairman that exists along the highway, which comes from paint, dust (residual fuel) engines and others. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Pb levels and blood pressure in tire repairman on Pantura Highway, Pekalongan City. This type of research is Analytic Observational. The sample used in this study was the tire repairman on Pantura Highway, Pekalongan City, who were willing to be a respondent of 13 people. The research data were taken from blood samples of tire repairman to measure their Pb levels, measure blood pressure and questionnaires. The results of this study are the Pb levels in the blood of tire repairman on Pekalongan City's Pantura Highway, all exceeding normal with the lowest value of 19,76 (µg / dL) and the highest of 32,55 (µg / dL). The average systolic blood pressure obtained at the tire repairman was 149.61mm Hg, while the diastolic blood pressure was an average of 92,46 mm Hg In conclusion, the value of R obtained was 0,09995 for the correlation of Pb content with systole and 0,1551 for the correlation of Pb levels with diastole. This shows a correlation that is not so strong 9,99% (the contribution of Pb levels to the system) and 15,51% (the contribution of Pb levels to diastole).