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Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH) CIASTECH 2020 "Peranan Strategis Teknologi Dalam Kehidupan di Era New Normal"
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang

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Stunting merupakan salah satu permasalahan status nutrisi pada usia balita akibat kegagalan pertumbuhan yang mengakibatkan gizi buruk dan masalah kesehatan selama periode prenatal dan postnatal. Kejadian balita stunting di Kabupaten Malang tersebar di 10 Kecamatan dan Kecamatan Dampit merupakan salah satu kecamatan dengan kejadian stunting di Kabupaten Malang. Secara tidak langsung selain tenaga kesehatan, keluarga juga dapat berpengaruh pada status nutrisi balita dengan stunting. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan peran keluarga dalam manajemen nutrisi balita dengan stunting adalah pemberian pendidikan kesehatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian pra experiment dengan pendekatan one group pretest postets design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah keluarga dengan balita stunting dan teknik sampling yang di gunakan adalah total sampling dengan jumlah 20 responden dengan kriteria inklusi keluarga yang memiliki balita stunting, dan keluarga bersedia mengikuti penelitian hingga akhir. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan uji statistic Paired Sampel T-Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan keluarga tentang manajemen nutrisi balita stunting sebelum dan setelah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan nutrisi selama 3 bulan dengan p value < 0,000. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh pemberian pendidikan kesehatan nutrisi terhadap tingkat pengetahuan keluarga tentang manajemen nutrisi balita stunting di Kecamatan Dampit Kabupaten Malang. 
Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH) CIASTECH 2021 "Kesiapan Indonesia Dalam Menghadapi Krisis Energi Global"
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang

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Pandemi Covid 19 menjadikan layanan kesehatan di komunitas tidak terlaksana. Upaya pencegahan Penyakit tidak menular dengan model pemberdayaan di komunitas melalui program Posbindu PTM. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakan ini adalah mengimplementasikan dan mensimulasikan awal Pobindu PTM di masa pandemi Covid 19. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Desa Wonorejo Kecamatan Bantur Kabupaten Malang dengan sasaran mitra kelompok kader kesehatan, Puskesmas Bantur, dan Tokoh Masyarakat dan Agama. Metode yang digunakan adalah secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan melakukan Pengkajian Model CAP, Musyawarah Masyarakat Desa dan mitra, revitalisasi kader kesehatan Posbindu PTM, pelaksanaan Posbindu PTM dengan potokol kesehatan, evaluasi kegiatan. Hasilnya adalah masalah tentang PTM sebagai komorbid Covid 19, pengetahuan kader kesehatan tentang Posbindu PTM meningkat setelah diadakan revitalisasi, terdeteksi PTM dan pengetahuan masyarakat meningkat tentang pencegahan PTM di masa pandemi Covid 19 setelah di lakukan simulasi awal Posbindu PTM di Desa Wonorejo Kecamatan Bantur kabupaten Malang. Rencana tindak lanjutnya adalah Posbindu PTM di seluruh Kecamatan Bantur dapat dilaksanakan kembali dengan menggunakan protokol kesehatan. 
Gambaran Mental Health Status pada Siswa dengan Usia 15-18 Tahun yang Melakukan Pembelajaran Blended Learning pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Veni Eka Septiyana Hidayanti; Kurniawan Erman Wicaksono; Ika Arum Dewi Satiti
Nursing Information Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Nursing Information Journal
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat STIKES Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.387 KB) | DOI: 10.54832/nij.v1i2.208


Latar Belakang: Pandemi Covid-19 masih terus berlangsung hingga saat ini sehingga Kementrian pendidikan Indonesia menerapkan sistem pembelajaran baru yaitu sistem pembelajaran blended learning dimana siswa harus melakukan pembelajaran secara online dan juga harus datang ke sekolah, jadi pembelajaran blended learning merupakan pembelajaran bauran antara online dan luring. Sistem pembelajaran blended learning ini tentunya berdampak positif dalam penekanan penyebaran Covid-19, namun disisi lain ternyata juga berdampak negatif pada mental health siswa. Pembelajaran blended learning berdampak buruk pada status kesehatan mental siswa yaitu siswa kesulitan menyesuaikan dengan sistem pembelajarannya, mereka menjadi jarang interaksi dengan teman sebayanya, kesulitan saat berkonsentrasi dalam menyelesaikan tugas karena kurang faham dengan materi yang disampaikan dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran masalah mental health status pada siswa yang melakukan pembelajaran blended learning. Metode : Peneliti merupakan penelitia diskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner Srenght and Diffuculties Questionnaire (SDQ) yang diberikan pada 30 responden dari jumlah populasi sebanyak 42 siswa. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dimana penliti hanya mengambil responden sesuai dengan kriteria yang ditentukan oleh peneliti yaitu siswa yang melakukan pembelajaran blended learning, siswa yang terindikasi mengalami masalah mental health serta siswa yang berusia 15-18 tahun. Hasil : Hasil peneliti ini didapatkan data umum Sejumlah 15 orang adalah perempuan dan 15 orang adalah laki-laki. Rentang usia responden adalah 15-18 tahun dengan hasil usia 15 tahun (26,7%), usia 16 tahun (26,7%), usia 17 tahun (33,3%) dan usia 18 tahun (13,3%). Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan kuesioner Srenght and Diffuculties Questionnaire (SDQ) didapatkan hasil data sebanyak 83,4% siswa mengalami gejala emosional, sebanyak 16,7% siswa mengalami masalah dalam perilaku sehari-hari, sebanyak 36,7% siswa mengalami masalah relasi dengan teman sebayanya. Kesimpulan: Pembelajaran blended learning ternyata bukan hanya berdampak positif namun juga berdampak negatif pada siswa, sehingga siswa menjadi kesulitan dalam belajar sehingga mengganggu mental health status siswa.
Tingkat Stres Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Wilayah Pedesaan Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Dalam Melakukan Manajemen Perawatan Diri Ahmad Guntur Alfianto; Miftakhul Ulfa; Mizam Ari Kurniyanti; Kurniawan Erman Wicaksono
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 7 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol7.Iss3.975


The current condition of the COVID-19 pandemic affects health, especially for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural areas in performing self-care management. One of the impact conditions is mental health problems. The study aims were to describe the stress level of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural areas during the COVID-19 pandemic in performing self-care management. This was quantitative descriptive research with a survey approach. The sample of this study was the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural areas amounted to 149 respondents which were taken by the accidental sampling. The location of the research was carried out in three areas of Primary Health Care at Malang Regency. The measuring instrument used is the Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS). The research found the stress level of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were in the medium category (77.9%). The stress level based on indicators due to the emotional burden is a medium category (71.1%), due to health workers is a medium category (59.7%), due to treatment is a medium category (51%) and due to interpersonal relationships is a medium category (59.1%). Concluded that the stress level category for the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural areas during the pandemic in performing self-care management is in the medium category.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Dalam Kesehatan Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jpmk.v4i1.33932


Introduction: Risky sexual behavior in adolescents is a problem that is often experienced by most teenagers in Indonesia. The incidence of deviant behavior is currently increasing among adolescents. One example of cases of deviant behavior in adolescents is pregnancy outside of marriage. Therefore, it is necessary to have prevention activities by conducting socialization and health education related to risky sexual behavior in adolescents. Sexual education aims to help adolescents in making decisions and the risks of their sexual attitudes. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase adolescent knowledge regarding risky sexual behavior that often occurs in adolescents. Methods: The population of this activity is in the form of Health Education which is carried out on 320 students of class XI Vocational High School 10 Malang. The sample used in this activity is 10% of the total 32 students. The variable measured in this activity is adolescents' knowledge regarding risky sexual behavior. Health education activities began by conducting a pre-test using a questionnaire on risky sexual behavior in adolescents, then providing education with the lecture method and playing a video on the impact of sexual behavior on adolescents, and ending with a question-and-answer session accompanied by a post-test. Knowledge measurement is done by using univariate analysis by analyzing the results of pre and post-test. Results: The results of this activity can be seen from the post-test to pre-test results that have been carried out, namely an increase in student knowledge marked by a change in the score on five of the six achievement indicators. The first indicator is causes of free sex with an increase of 3.6%. The second indicator of the form of sex increased by 50%. Third, parties affected by premarital sex increased by 53.6%. Fourth, the purpose of premarital sex health education increased by 39.7%, and lastly, the prevention of premarital sex increased by 7.1%. With the results obtained an increase in the score indicates that the information conveyed by the researcher can be accepted by students well. Conclusion: The level of students' knowledge about premarital sex increased marked by a change in the score for the better on five indicators, namely knowledge related to causes, forms, affected parties, goals and prevention of premarital sex in adolescents. Health education needs to be carried out continuously, so that information related to good sexual education can be well absorbed by adolescents.
JI-KES (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan) Vol 2, No 2 (2019): JI-KES (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan)
Publisher : STIKes Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (118.816 KB) | DOI: 10.33006/ji-kes.v2i2.115


AbstrakHipertensi merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian nomor satu di dunia. Prevalensi hipertensi mengalami peningkatan setiap tahun seiring dengan bertambahnya umur, tingkat pendidikan, status tidak bekerja dan tingkat pengeluaran per kapita yang tinggi. Kabupaten Malang merupakan salah satu daerah di Indonesia dengan jumlah penderita hipertensi yang menduduki peringkat pertama. Penyelesaian masalah hipertensi di Kabupaten Malang sampai saat ini belum memenuhi target 100%. Capaian cakupan terendah di Kecamatan Bantur berada di Desa Bantur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh family centered empowerment model terhadap perubahan perilaku keluarga miskin dalam mencegah hipertensi pada keluarga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experimental research) dengan menggunakan rancangan non randomize control group pretest posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa p value pengetahuan 0,005, p value sikap sebesar 0,000, dan p value tindakan sebesar 0,001 (p value < 0,05). Intervensi family centered empowerment model dapat mempengaruhi perubahan perilaku keluarga sebagai bentuk modifikasi pendidikan kesehatan pada keluarga.  Kata kunci  : empowerment, keluarga, hipertensi  AbstractHypertension is one causes of death in the world. The prevalence of hypertension has increased every year along with increasing age, level of education, non-working status and high level of per capita expenditure. Malang District is one of the regions in Indonesia with the first number of hypertensive patients. Completion of hypertension problems in Malang District until now has not met the 100% target. The lowest coverage achievement in Bantur is in Bantur Village. This study aims to analyze the effect of a family centered empowerment model on changes in poor family behavior in preventing hypertension in families. This research is a quasi-experimental research (quasi experimental research) using non randomized design control group pretest posttest. The results showed that p value knowledge was 0.005, p value attitude was 0.000, and p value of action was 0.001 (p value <0.05). The intervention of family centered empowerment models can influence changes in family behavior as a form of modification of health education in families Keywords:           empowerment, family, hypertension
Media Husada Journal Of Nursing Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): November
Publisher : LPPMK STIKES Widyagama Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33475/mhjns.v1i1.1


Waste in the most common problem in the world, not only in developin countries but also in developed countries. Waste has always been a major problem. Good knowledge of waste management followed by the attitude of parent’s who support waste management as an educational game tool is one ay to solve the waste problem. Community empoerment activities in managing waste are very helpful in overcoming waste volume accumulation. Knowing the effect of community empowerment through self-help groups on the knowledge and attitudes of parents in waste management becomes an Educational Game Tool. The study used a pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and postest approaches given to 24 respondent. The level of knowledge and attitudes in managing waste into an educational game was obtained by e questionnaire. The statistical test used Wilcoxon. The results of the bivariate analysis obtained p=0.002 which showed that there is an effect of community empowerment through self-help groups on the knowledge and attitudes of parents in processing waste into educational games. This study shows that before the waste management extension intervention was carried, 3 respondents were categorized as sufficient in attitude. And after being given the intervention, 24 respondent got a god category in knowledge, and 21 respondent were in a good category in attitude. Counseling on waste management (recycling) should be carried out regularly to assist the community in reducing waste accumulation, knowledge and attitudes in managing waste
Intervensi Manajemen Perawatan Diri Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Wilayah Pedesaan pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ahmad Guntur Alfianto; Kurniawan Erman Wicaksono; Mizam Ari Kurniyanti; Miftakhul Ulfa
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 13, No 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf13233


There is anxiety and fear of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural areas during the Covid-19 pandemic in conducting self-care interventions. This study aims to describe the intervention carried out by type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in self-care management in rural areas during the Covid-19 pandemic. This type of research is descriptive with a survey approach. The sample of this study was 149 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural areas selected by accidental sampling technique. The measuring instrument used is the Summary Diabetes Self care (SDSC) questionnaire. The research was carried out in three areas of public health centers in Malang Regency. The results showed that the level of self-care intervention for type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in rural areas during the Covid-19 pandemic was less (55%). While the level of self-care management intervention at the level of dietary patterns in the good category (53.7%), physical activity and exercise patterns in the less category (53.7%), blood sugar examination in the less category (50.3%), medication in the less category (83.2%) and self-care in the less category (51%). Furthermore, it was concluded that the description of self-care management interventions for type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in rural areas during the Covid-19 pandemic was in the less category.Keywords: type 2 diabetes mellitus; self care; pandemic ABSTRAK Ada kecemasan dan ketakutan pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di wilayah pedesaan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dalam melakukan intrevensi perawatan diri. Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran intervensi yang dilakukan oleh pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dalam melakukan manajemen perawatan diri di wilayah pedesaan pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian ini adaah deskriptif dengan pendekatan survei. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 149 pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di wilayah pedesaan yang dipilih dengan teknik accidental sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner Summary Diabetes Self care (SDSC). Penelitian dilaksanakan di tiga wilayah puskesmas di Kabupaten Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat intervensi perawatan diri pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di wilayah pedesaan pada masa pandemi Covid-9 adalah kurang (55%). Sedangkan tingkat intervensi manajemen perawatan diri pada tingkatan pola diet dalam kategori baik (53,7%), pola aktivitas fisik dan olahraga dalam kategori kurang (53,7%), pemeriksaan gula darah dalam kategori kurang (50,3%), pengobatan dalam kategori kurang (83,2%) serta perawatan diri dalam kategori kurang (51%). Selanjutnya disimpulkan bahwa gambaran intervensi manajemen perawatan diri pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di wilayah pedesaan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dalam kategori kurang.Kata kunci: diabetes mellitus tipe 2; perawatan diri; pandemi 
MIDWINERSLION : Jurnal Kesehatan STIKes Buleleng Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): MIDWINERLION Jurnal Kesehatan STIKes Buleleng
Publisher : STIKes Buleleng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52073/midwinerslion.v7i1.255


The purpose of the study was to test the validity of the content of the GHSQ-V in the regional language version of the Kodi tribe. This research was conducted by starting literature on The GHSQ-V. The study was conducted in January 2022 using the GHSQ-V instrument. The questionnaire was obtained in the English version and then switched to language using Indonesian language in accordance with who guidelines on translation. Then the questionnaire was translated into Kodi tribal language to 3 experts, namely the Chief of The Kodi Tribe, students of the original Kodi Tribe Indonesian Study Program and nurses who were the holders of mental health programs of The West Sumba District Kodi Health Center. all three experts on the kodi language version of the sample sample found the mean I-CVI, item-level content validity index rat-average = 0.87, then the average proportion rated relevant from the first expert = 0.90, the second expert = 1.00, and the third expert = 0.80.GHSQ-V into the Indonesian version becomes a general search-seeking behavior questionnaire in general and in the kodi tribal language. The questionnaire is declared valid through content validation calculations
Behavioral Differences In Seeking Help For Mental Health Among Generation Z From The Kodi People Group And The Madurese Ethnic Group Yohanis Dodok; Ahmad Guntur; Indriyawati; Kurniawan Erman Wicaksono
Journal of Applied Nursing and Health Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Applied Nursing and Health
Publisher : Chakra Brahmanda Lentera Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55018/janh.v4i1.57


Background: mental health problems in generation Z of the Kodi People Group and Madurese ethnic group in their behavior in seeking mental health assistance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the differences in the behavior of mental help seeking from Generation Z in the Kodi people group and Madurese ethnic group. Methods: This research used quantitative research method, namely, the survey method. The subjects of this study were Generation Z from the Kodi people group and the Madurese who have experienced mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, suicidal thought, drug use, and physical illness. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a total of 200 respondents from Generation Z. This study used the instrument of General Help-Seeking Questionnaire Vignette Version (GHSQ-V). The hypothesis test in this study was a paired t-test. Results: 33% of respondents from the Kodi people group had behavior in seeking mental health assistance that was categorized as "high". Meanwhile, respondents from the Madurese ethnic group also had behavior that was categorized as "high", which was 33.5%. The Results of T-Test Analysis of Behavior in seeking mental health assistance among Generation Z from the Kodi people group and the Madurese ethnic group was 0.905 Conclusion: it can be said that there is no significant difference in the behavior of seeking mental health help between Generation Z of the Kodi people group and the Madurese ethnic group. The recommendation of this research is as a preliminary study in culturally sensitive based mental health nursing. so that future research can use culturally sensitive-based mental health nursing interventions