Linda Widyarani
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Optimizing of Thristy Management on CKD Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis by Sipping Ice Tube Maria Putri Sari Utami; Linda Widyarani
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 6 No 2 (2021): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/jkp.v6i2.550


Hemodialysis is one of renal replacement therapy in patients with CKD. The fluid intake in patient’s CKD with hemodialysis, do causing some effects occurring most frequently, one is arising thirst. Thirst can cause patients fail to comply with the diet restrictions liquid intake so that the patient can experience the excess fluids or over hydration. If they do not limit liquid intake, so a fluid to accumulate in the body and may cause edema. These conditions will make increased blood pressure and give heavier heart works. One of the intervention that can be applied to deal with the thirst for a patient CKD namely by sucked on ice cubes. The purpose of this research is synthesize article about intervention sucked on an ice cube as the management of the thirst in patients who underwent CKD with hemodialysis. This research is literature review, which is assessing previous studies on an article that has been public. Article of the investigation was conducted on google scholar, DOAJ, and Pubmed. This literature review focuses on randomized control trial, cohort study and quantitative study, published in the Indonesian or English language from 2011 to 2021. The result of synthesis articles that has been found intervention will literally ice cubes can be used to reduce thirst. Ice cubes is put in the mouth to melting, any water content in ice cubes to give a sensation of cold in mouth and the melt water inside the mouth to reduce thirst that appears in patients undergo CKD with hemodialysis. Hemodialisa merupakan salah satu terapi pengganti ginjal pada pasien dengan GGK. Pembatasan intake cairan pada pasien dengan GGK yang melakukan hemodialisa, menimbulkan beberapa efek yang paling sering terjadi, salah satunya adalah timbul rasa haus. Rasa haus dapat mengakibatkan pasien tidak mematuhi diet pembatasan asupan cairan sehingga pasien dapat mengalami kelebihan cairan atau overhidrasi. Pasien GGK apabila tidak melakukan pembatasan asupan cairan, maka cairan akan menumpuk di dalam tubuh dan akan menimbulkan edema. Kondisi ini akan membuat tekanan darah meningkat dan memperberat kerja jantung. Salah satu intervensi yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah rasa haus pada pasien GGK yaitu dengan mengulum es batu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mensintesis artikel-artikel tentang intervensi mengulum es batu sebagai manajemen rasa haus pada pasien GGK yang menjalani hemodialisa. Desain penelitian ini adalah literature review, yaitu menelaah hasil-hasil penelitian sebelumnya pada artikel yang telah terpublikasi. Penelusuran artikel dilakukan melalui Google Scholar, DOAJ, Pubmed. Kriteria inklusi meliputi a) publikasi artikel dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir 2011-2021, b) artikel menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dan atau Bahasa Inggris dan memiliki fulltext, c) studi yang terdiri dari randomized control trial, cohort study dan quantitative study, sedangkan kriteria ekslusi meliputi artikel yang tidak memenuhi kriteria inklusi pada penelitian ini. Hasil dari sintesis artikel yang telah ditemukan intervensi mengulum es batu dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi rasa haus. Es batu yang dimasukkan ke dalam mulut sampai mencair, kandungan air didalam es batu dapat memberikan sensasi dingin dimulut dan air yang mencair di dalam mulut dapat mengurangi rasa haus yang muncul pada pasien GGK yang menjalani hemodialisa.
Jurnal Keperawatan Malang Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Keperawatan Malang (JKM)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat STIKes Panti Waluya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36916/jkm.v6i2.144


Background: Cardiac arrest is the sudden cessation of cardiac activity so that the victim becomes unresponsive, with no normal breathing and no signs of circulation. Early initiation of CPR is associated with improved outcomes for cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest in the prone position may be more challenging to treat because care providers trained in conventional CPR, may not be familiar with CPR in the prone position. Objective: The aim of this systematic review is to provide an overview of current evidence regarding the effect of CPR in the prone position, in hemodynamic status patient’s with Covid-19. Method: In this systematic review, we searched PubMed, EBSCO, Science Direct dan Google Scholar databases for articles that evaluated the effect of CPR in the prone position, in hemodynamic status patient’s with Covid-19. This literature review focuses on randomized control trial, cohort study dan qualitative study, published in the English language from 2018 to 2020. Result: All studies published up to Desember 2020 including cardiac arrest or CPR in the prone position were included. Of the 26 articles located, 9 articles were included: 5 review articles, 4 clinical guidelines in which prone CPR was mentioned. Conclusion: CPR in the prone position is a reasonable alternative to supine CPR when the latter cannot be immediately implemented, and the airway is already secured. Familiarizing clinicians with CPR and defibrillation in the prone position may improve CPR performance in the prone position. Keyword : CPR, prone position, Covid-19, hemodynamic status
Faktor yang Berperan Sebagai Prediktor Kematian pada Pasien Non-ST Elevation Infarction (NSTEMI) pada 48 Jam Pertama Perawatan Linda Widyarani; Muhammad Rasjad Indra; Tony Suharsono
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.333 KB)


Background: In-hospital mortality rate NSTEMI equally even higher than STEMI. In dr. Soedono Madiun general hospital, in-hospital mortality rate of NSTEMI was 17% in 2012 and had escalated reached 21% in 2013. Among patients NSTEMI with late arrival (>2 hours) and arrhythmias had a higher in-hospital mortality rate. Objective: To determine the factors that had a role as early predictor of in-hospital mortality in NSTEMI patient. Method: This research had been conducted in dr. Soedono Madiun general hospital. This research use quantitative research method, use approach of observational analytic with longitudinal prospective design. This research had been done in April until June, 2014 with the number of samples is 50 people. Analysis of data use multivariate analysis regression logistics. The collecting data obtained by observation and an interview. Result: The mean of delay time was 7,89±6,44 hours. Self-medication (0,000) and health-care seeking pattern (0,002) were factors influencing pre hospital delay among patients NSTEMI >2 hours. Analysis of bivariate showed that pre hospital delay statistically significant predictor of in-hospital mortality (0,001). Among patients NSTEMI with late arrival (>2 hours) had a higher in-hospital mortality rate. The number of patients who arrive at the hospital early was 13 people and at the hospital late only 2 people. After analysis of multivariate, regression logistic showed that systolic blood pressure ?90 mmHg (p=0,023, RR=7,596, ?=0,05) and arrhythmias (p=0,047, RR=6,866, ?=0,05) proven a role as early predictor of in-hospital mortality in NSTEMI patient. Frequently, total AV block proven a role as early predictor of in-hospital mortality of NSTEMI. Conclusion: The strongest factor had a role as early predictor of in-hospital mortality in NSTEMI patient is systolic blood pressure ?90 mmHg.
Blended Learning sebagai Metode Pembelajaran Inovatif pada Pelatihan Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Linda Widyarani
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.486 KB)


One of the emergency cases which is a major cause of death was cardiac arrest. Relief is given to patients with cardiac arrest is an act of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Nurses must have the competence to perform CPR to engage themselves in training BTCLS. Currently the training is done by conventional methods but the resulting output is less than optimal. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of blended learning as an innovative teaching methods in the implementation of CPR training. Through a data base search method EBSCHost, Science direct, Medscape, Proquest, and PubMed from 2010-2014, using related keywords. Selection of the RCT criteria and fulltext. Showed that the blended learning method is shown to have a higher success rate than conventional methods (face-to-face) or computer-based methods (e-learning). Learners are more active and longer retention of science proven, flexible and cost-efficient over time. It was concluded that the blended learning as an innovative teaching methods in the implementation of CPR training is more effective than conventional methods and computer-based methods (e-learning).