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Mencari Ilmu (Teori) Hukum Yang Bercirikan Indonesia Berdasarkan Aliran Sociological Jurisprudence Yulianto Syahyu; Diana Fitriana
Jurnal Hukum Sasana Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Sasana
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31599/sasana.v7i1.587


Dilatarbelakangi dengan suatu keprihatinan tentang teori-teori, pendapat-pendapat, dan konsepsi pemikiran hukum di Indonesia yang lahir dari para pakar dan ahli hukum. Kendatipun Indonesia telah Merdeka 76 Tahun, masih saja terbelenggu dan mengagungkan teori dan konsep pemikiran yang bersumber dari para ilmuawan Barat. Padahal ilmu hukum berbeda dengan ilmu sosial lainnya, apalagi dengan ilmu eksakta. Hukum itu bukanlah ilmu yang bersifat universal, tapi dia punya batas yuridiksi dan teritorial, dan hukum itu harus digali dan diambil dari nilai-nilai yang hidup dari masyarakatnya sendiri. Di Indonesia adalah hukum adat yang lahir dan tumbuh dan ditaati oleh masyarakat itu sendiri. Dengan melakukan penelitian kepustakaan dan mengamati fenomena yang ada di dunia akademis maupun dikalangan praktisi hukum kiranya saatnya kita mencari teori hukum yang bercirikan Keindonesiaan berdasarkan aliran Sociological Jurisprudence, halmana hukum sebagai pencerminan dan kongkretisasi nilai-nilai yang hidup dalam massyarakat (living law), selanjutnya hukum positif hanya akan efketif apabila selaras dengan hukum ynag hidup dalam masyarakat yang merupan cerminan nilai-nilai yang hidup di dalamnya. Dalam penulisan ini penlis mengambil contoh yang diambil dari falsafah Adat Jawa, Bali dan Minangkabau.
Jurnal De Jure Muhammadiyah Cirebon Vol 4 No 1 (2020): De Jure Muhammadiyah Cirebon (DJMC)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32534/djmc.v4i1.3051


One of the functions of the DPRD is a regional people's representative institution, namely the legislative function. This function is even often referred to as the core of a representative institution, namely as a law-making body within the scope of the region, in other words having the authority to form regional regulations (PERDA). In implementing the policy of making local regulations. The role of DPRD is very large in local government because it is a regional legislative body that functions as one of the institutions that channel people's aspirations in the city of Cirebon. The problem in this study is related to the legislative function of the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) in forming Regional Regulations (Perda). This research method is library research (field research) which is descriptive-analytical. The results of this study are the function of the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) in line with the People's Representative Council (DPR) in the central government which has an important function in the implementation and administration of government in the regions. Furthermore, the revitalization of the role of the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) can be observed in Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, where the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) has the authority to make regional regulations (PERDA), budget preparation and supervision, as mandated in Article 41: “Regency/City DPRD has the functions: 1) legislation, 2) budget, and 3) supervision.” Paragraph (2) explains that the three functions as referred to in paragraph (1) are carried out within the framework of people's representation in districts/cities.
Legal Antropology Approach on The Application of Village Website in Digital Economic Era in Indonesia Sarip Sarip; Diana Fitriana
UNIFIKASI : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 5, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/unifikasi.v5i2.877


Legal anthropology approach is a scientific discipline which explicitly focuses on normative complexity in society and on the relationship between human behavior and its complexity and changes in both human behavior and normative complexity. The application of modern technology in villages has shown the central governments support, especially in the acceleration of village economy. On the other hand, there are not many people in the village who understand the application of the technology itself. Villages, that are vulnerable to changes, require special attention especially with regard to technology. The aim of legal anthropology in accelerating the digital economy is expected to provide a balance in the acceleration of village economy. Thus, the issue raised in this research is how the novelty and renewal of law on digital economy acceleration through the village website viewed from legal anthropology. This research used a normative legal research method which was done by describing views related to the subject matter. In terms of anthropological tendency, there is a tendency adjusted to the dynamics of the societys culture including the acceleration of digital economy for the village. Anthropology sees only law as an aspect of culture, namely an aspect used by public authority in regulating behavior and society, so that there are no deviations and irregularities of the determined social norms. Legal anthropology looks at possible differences or even conflicts in order to assess the modernization culture with the level of understanding in the village. The legal novelty and renewal in the village with regard to digital economic acceleration is considered as a channel, means, and a type of membrane that can be penetrated without disturbing or damaging the membrane.Pendekatan Antropologi hukum merupakan disiplin ilmiah yang paling eksplisit memusatkan perhatian pada ke-kompleksitasan normatif dalam masyarakat dan pada hubungan antara prilaku manusia dengan ke-kompleksitasan, perubahan-perubahan baik dalam prilaku manusia maupun dalam kekompleksitasan normatif. Penerapan teknologi modern di desa- desa telah menunjukan dukungan pemerintah pusat terutama dalam percepatan ekonomi desa. Di sisi lain masyarakat desa masih belum banyak yang mengerti akan penerapan teknologi itu sendiri. Desa yang rentan akan perubahan memerlukan perhatian yang khusus apalagi berkenaan dengan teknologi. Tujuan antropologi hukum dalam percepatan ekonomi digital diharapkan memberikan keseimbangan dalam percepatan ekonomi desa. Maka yang menjadi pertanyaan yakni bagaimana kebaruan dan pembaharuan hukum percepatan ekonomi digital melalui website desa dilihat dari sisi antropologi hukum. Penelitian sendiri menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normative dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan pemikiran yang berkenaan dengan pokok bahasan. Kecenderungan antropologis, terdapat kecenderungan yang disesuaikan dengan dinamika budaya masyarakat termasuk didalamnya percepatan ekonomi digital bagi desa. Antropologi melihat hukum sebagai aspek dari kebudayaan, yaitu suatu aspek yang digunakan oleh kekuasaan masyarakat yang teratur dalam mengatur perilaku dan masyarakat, agar tidak terjadi penyimpangan dan penyimpangan yang terjadi dari norma-norma sosial yang ditentukan dapat diperbaiki.Antropologi hukum dengan melihat kemungkinan perbedaan atau bahkan pertentangan masyarakat desa dalam rangka menilai budaya modernisasi dengan tingkat pemahaman di desa.Kebaruan dan pembaharuan hukum di desa berkenaan dengan percepatan ekonomi digital dianggap sebagai saluran, sarana, sejenis selaput yang bisa ditembus tanpa mengganggu atau merusak selaput.
Jurnal De Jure Muhammadiyah Cirebon Vol 7 No 1 (2023): De Jure Muhammadiyah Cirebon (DJMC)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32534/djmc.v7i1.4237


Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection of the Republic of Indonesia explains that consumer rights include the right to comfort, security and safety in consuming goods and services. protection for consumers must be a serious concern by the government, especially for food products circulating in the community, so that consumers and society in general do not become victims of irresponsible producers. Business actors are prohibited from producing and/or trading goods and/or services as stipulated in Article 8 Paragraph (1) letter i UUPK, namely not placing labels or making descriptions of goods containing the name of the goods, size, net or net weight/content, composition, rules for use, date of manufacture, side effects, name and address of business actor and other information for use according to applicable laws and regulations. This study aims to find out how the consumer protection law is applied to expired food products and how to monitor and prevent expired food / food and beverage products circulating in the community. To support this research, data collection techniques were used in the form of interviews and literature studies. The results of the study show that the application of consumer protection laws has not been carried out optimally where entrepreneurs as providers of goods and services pay less attention to their obligations and consumer rights as well as the community does not pay much attention to their rights as consumers. The role of BBPOM towards consumers and guidance to business actors is a form of legal protection for the community through the process of outreach, guidance, inspection and supervision of the distribution of food products circulating at consumer shopping centers or facilities. Keywords: Food Safety, Label, Legal Certainty