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Pembelajaran Peta Pikir (Mind Mapping) di Taman Baca OKL Street Library Desa Railor Kecamatan Malaka Tengah Kabupaten Malaka Blegur, Willem Amu; Tey Seran, Krisantus Jumarto; Lestari, Anastasia Kadek Dety; Nahak, Agustinus Yasvin
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i1.559


Literacy is believed to contribute plenty of benefits to both students and community helping them understand problems more clearly. One way to develop literacy is through building up reading habit. The border community, residing the border of Indonesia and Timor Leste, badly needs the literacy development both conceptually and feasibly through some practical techniques. One of the methods offered here is Mind Mapping. Mind mapping method gave benefits for users effectively and efficiently when they had implemented it simultaneously. People could write and took main issues from materials studied and kept long term. This activity was targeted at the OKL Street Library community or users that comprised students and volunteers who actively interacted at the OKL Street Library reading Venue. The aim to be achieved, was the enhancement of students and volunteers’ knowledge and skills towards a concept or a learning material in a more creatively, innovatively and participatorily by utilizing the mind mapping method. Students were also given a couple of books to increase their literacy culture. Such activity was carried out with the coordination of OKL Street Library, in terms of problems identification, determining the problem focus and for the mind mapping practiced and also books sharing which was collectively implemented by the team-work. Every students, volunteers and OKL SL founder felt happy and got benetif of these activities included understanding mind mapping and created point of view about how to maintain home and class freshly. The students modified it to state daily habits to be successed in their hobbies in future. We were looking forward to having more such activities or other development activities specially for lower primary students at OKL SL to help them enhance literacy competence that could benefit the whole community.
Saintek Lahan Kering Vol 4 No 2 (2021): JSLK DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32938/slk.v4i2.1534


Pandemic Covid-19 have changed so many aspects in our lives including educational activities. Universitas Timor located in land arid area then influenced by it, in Biology, Information Technology and Maths students in versa. The aims of these research were to study about effecitivity in online learning implementation according to the students and lecturers and to study more what is the barriers and / or supports for the apply in three study program. Data collected using quetionnaires by filling google forms and interview to our respondents. They were students from Biology: 24, Information Technology: 83, Maths: 31 and lecturers: 9. The results performed that our respondents agreed to this implementation while avoiding Covid-19 spread among students and lecturers (Biology: 23, IT: 81, Maths: 30 and lecturers 9 people). Our students spent their own money from their parents to buy intenet debt majority around Rp50.000 - Rp100.000 in a moth (Biology: 12, IT: 47, Maths: 15). The students chosen googleclassroom, googlemeeting, zoommeeing, WAG and combine among them, respectively. Our lecturers and students still could do practices using less resources of laboratory and tools (Biology: 23, IT: 75, Maths: 21). And then the process still gave more progress to the students for their marks and knowledge accoding to them (Biology: 14, IT: 45, Maths: 20). To honest that the students more like to study face to face in class especially Biology and Maths students but neither for IT students.
Pengembangan Media Promosi Potensi Desa Oepuah Dengan Menggunakan Metode Waterfall Krisantus Jumarto Tey Seran; Victoria Nova Naiheli
Journal of Information and Technology Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Journal Of Information And Technology Unimor (JITU)
Publisher : Department of Information Technology, Universitas Timor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (659.811 KB) | DOI: 10.32938/jitu.v1i1.1373


Abstract - Oepuah Village is one of the villages that has a lot of local potential to be promoted such as agricultural products, livestock, fisheries, and local wisdom of the local community. The problems faced today is the information about the local potential in the village Oepuah date cannot be accessed by the public for the delivery of information can only be obtained when come to the local village office. Seeing this problem, it is necessary to build a promotional website that can be used to help introduce the local potential of this area to the outside world online. In building this website, use the waterfall method is a method that provides a workflow approach to software life systematically. Results from this study may help provide convenience in providing complete information about the surrounding countryside as well as to promote the potential of a very menononjolkan featured local agricultural potential, the potential for animal husbandry, fisheries and cultural potential that can be known by the public.
Saintek Lahan Kering Vol 5 No 1 (2022): JSLK JUNI 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32938/slk.v5i1.1794


Pengenalan atau identifikasi merupakan hal yang penting untuk mempermudah kita dalam mengenali suatu jenis tumbuhan atau komunitas tumbuhan. Setiap jenis memiliki ciri yang telah beradaptasi dengan habitatnya. Tumbuhan yang ada di kawasan lahan kering termasuk di sekitar kampus Universitas Timor perlu diidentifikasi atau dilakukan pencandraan untuk mengenali baik nama, ciri dan manfaat serta statusnya di alam. Pencandraan sering dilakukan secara manual sehingga terkadang kurang efektif dan efisien serta kurang familiar bagi masyarakat awam. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengintegrasi metode pencandraan dengan mengoptimalkan media TIK seperti penggunaan aplikasi SIPETA (Sistem Pencandraan Tanaman) dengan QR Code. Metode yang digunakan merupakan gabungan antara metode observasi dan mengidentifikasi khusus growthform pohon dan di-input­-kan ke aplikasi SIPETA yang telah dirancang oleh peneliti. Data taksonomi mulai kingdom sampai spesies, habitus, manfaat dan status IUCN dari setiap pohon yang ada. Lalu dibuatkan QR Code yang dipasangkan di setiap pohon tersebut. Ada 18 jenis pohon yang teridentifikasi dan dibuatkan QR Code untuk identifikasi dalam aplikasi SIPETA. Data yang disimpan berbasis internet sehingga akan banyak data yang dapat disimpan, dapat diedit dengan mudah dan cukup dengan scan barcode untuk mengidentifikasi pohon tersebut. Semoga aplikasi ini dikenal dan digunakan oleh semua civitas akademik di Universitas Timor dan masyarakat luas. Selanjutnya aplikasi SIPETA dapat dikembangkan dengan berbasis smartphone sehingga semakin luwes dan mudah dalam penggunaannya.
Pembelajaran Daring untuk Pencegahan Penyebaran COVID 19 di SMAN 1 Weluli Atambua Willem Amu Blegur; Krisantus Jumarto Tey Seran
Bakti Cendana Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Bakti Cendana: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32938/bc.5.2.2022.38-46


Pandemi Covid-19 masih menjadi momok bagi banyak aspek kehidupan di masyarakat, termasuk di dunia pendidikan. Para guru, tenaga kependidikan, tenaga non kependidikan dan siswa terpaksa melaksanakan pembatasan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Hal ini untuk mencegah penyebaran Covid-19. Walaupun demikian, aktivitas pembelajaran harus tetap dilaksanakan sehingga tujuan pembelajaran untuk mencerdaskan semua siswa tetap tercapai seperti di SMA Negeri 1 Weluli Atambua. Jumlah siswa yang ada yaitu 666 siswa, 48 guru, 6 tenaga kependidikan, 2 tenaga non kependidikan. Pelaksanaan belajar mengajar menggunakan metode pembelajaran online atau dalam jaringan (daring) menjadi salah satu kunci untuk tetap terlaksananya pembelajaran. Media computer tersedia di SMA Negeri 1 dan memiliki 1 orang guru TI. Sebaiknya semua guru mata pelajaran memiliki keterampilan untuk menyelenggarakan pembelajaran secara daring. Pelatihan penggunaan media belajar online yaitu aplikasi google classroom diberikan kepada 25 tenaga pendidik. Selain itu, diberikan juga sosialisasi singkat tentang pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19. Para guru dan kepala sekolah menyampaikan bahwa kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat terbentuknya keterampilan pengelolaan kelas secara daring melalui aplikasi google classroom dan juga semakin memahami tentang perilaku hidup bersih terkait pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19 seperti mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun, memakai masker, menjaga jarak dan melakukan kebiasaan hidup sehat.
Penguatan Literasi Mangrove di OKL SL bagi Keberlanjutan Ekologis Mangrove di Desa Debunaruk Kabupaten Malaka Willem Amu Blegur; Krisantus Jumarto Tey Seran; Anastasia Kadek Dety Lestari
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 3 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i3.638


The mangrove ecosystem is categorized into the coastal ecosystem to be recognized and preserved so that it can be functional for the community and the environment. The community of OKL Street Library is a community group that exists in the area of the Beibleka mangrove ecosystem, Debunaruk Village – Malaka. Unfortunately, this community group is not yet familiar with both this type of mangrove species and the size of the ecosystem. The community service proposed is entitled a mangrove literacy strengthening at OKL Street Library for mangrove ecological sustainability in Debunaruk Village in the District of Malaka. This activity is targeted at the active users of OKL Street Library. The objective of this activity is to increase the knowledge in understanding various species types of mangroves ecosystem. Direct observation using information technology applications, namely Google Earth and the internet. The point is to enhance positive perception and real action in preserving the mangrove ecosystem that provides ecological and economic benefits to the community of Debunaruk-Tahak, the Dsitrict of Malaka. The area size calculation employs Google Earth and the introduction of mangrove species using the internet, through which learners are introduced to technology-based applications. This activity is conducted hand in hand between the OKL Street Library and the community service staff, both in setting the problem focus and activity alternatives. OKL SL got improvement knowledge and skills about the type and usages of mangroves and the implementation of Google Earth. We helped them by sharing some books too for the students.
Penguatan Literasi Digital Untuk Anak Pesisir Inklusif di Lapak Baca Komunitas OKL Street Library Krisantus Jumarto Tey Seran; Oktavianus Klau Lekik
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (999.519 KB)


Era Industri era 4.0 mewajibkan semua pekerjaan manusia diselesaikan menggunakan komputer tidak terkecuali dalam dunia pendidikan. Banyak aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk menunjang pembelajaran di sekolah berbasis TIK . Hal ini sangat membantu proses belajar siswa secara mandiri di luar sekolah. OKL Street Library merupakan salah satu tempat edukasi di luar sekolah (non formal) yang memberikan banyak kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan pelatihan pengembangan kemampuan anak-anak yang berada di daerah inklusif perbatasan RI-Timor Leste. Kegiatan PkM kali ini memperkenalkan sebuah aplikasi teknologi pembelajaran berbasis media interaktif bernama MinLearn. Aplikasi ini berjalan di smartphone android dan membahas materi pengenalan komputer kepada siswa sekolah dasar di kelas 5 dan 6. Dalam kegiatan ini ada beberapa tahapan metode yang dilakukan tim pengabdi seperti pemberian materi kepada peserta, diskusi dan pendampingan oleh mahasiswa Prodi TI Universitas Timor, dan latihan terbimbing menggunakan aplikasi MinLearn. Hasil dari pelatihan ini membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman anak-anak di Lapak Baca OKL Street tentang pengertian dari TIK, kelebihan dan kekurangan TIK, dan pengertian aplikasi.
Implementasi Metode RAD dalam Pengembangan SIPERASUK di Bidang Perekonomian SETDA Kabupaten Malaka Mirja Hoar; Yoseph Pius Kurniawan Kelen; Krisantus Jumarto Tey Seran
Saintek Lahan Kering Vol 5 No 2 (2022): JSLK DESEMBER 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32938/slk.v5i2.1984


A letter is a sort of communication between two people or more. Letters can come in two types, namely personal or public. Letters undeniably contain important information. There are various kinds of letters, such as invitations, personal and official letters and so on. In an institution, letters must be treated as important documents which play an important role in the institution, given letters are actually official written communication to be kept well. The Secretariat Department of Economy Malaka District has a huge number of letters. The letters in this department are conventionally typed in papers that makes letter filing complicated. Letters are piled in huge stacks that covers a lot of spaces in the office. On top of that, letters might easily get lost, misplaced those results in uneasiness to find and destroyed. In this research we introduced a computerized filing system to file the incoming and outgoing letters. In developing the system, we employed desktop usage using Rapid Application Development (RAD). The system is designed to manage the flow of in and out letters of the office. We hope that such a newly introduced computerized filing system can help ease the management of the filing of the flow of letters in the Secretariat Department of Economy, in Malaka District.
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pengolahahan Data Guru dan Pegawai pada SMA Negeri 1 Tasifeto Barat Berbasis Website Stefanus Lau Manek; Yoseph Pius Kurniawan Kelen; Krisantus Jumarto Tey Seran; Patricia Gertrudis Manek
Saintek Lahan Kering Vol 5 No 2 (2022): JSLK DESEMBER 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32938/slk.v5i2.1999


Being a formal education institution, a school must have information to be shared to public. Such information could be new school year students enrollment, general situation of the school, school activities, students, teachers and administration staff's personal data. Up to this moment, school information is still conventionally publicly announced, both from mouth to mouth and by writing it on an announcement board. Such condition will positively impact in the delay of the information being shared. This situation still exists at West Tasifeto State Senior High School One which is considered one of the best schools located on the border of Indonesia – Timor Leste. Apart from the information sharing mentioned above, teachers and administration staff data processing is still manually handled by means of typing it on paper which mostly have bad effects on finding whenever needed. In this research, we developed an information system to share information and the data processing of teachers and administration staff in the form of website, to ease school data management. We believe that the existence of such media is able to process teachers and administration staff data, teachers attendance list management, school scheduling, and other school information. A Prototype Model is utilized in developing this website. The website-based information system at West Tasifeto State Senior High School One is believed to assist with the school information spreading to public, especially to the remote community, residing the border of Indonesia and Timor Leste. Anybody seeking the school information just easily logging on to the school Website and they can straightly find it without having to come to school.
Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Android Pada Pelajaran Biologi Kelas 1 SMA Fedelia Da Da Conceicao; Darsono Nababan; Krisantus J. Tey Seran
Generic Vol 15 No 1 (2023): Vol 15, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penggunaan smartphone dalam masa pandemi covid-19 ini dapat membantu siswa dan guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah. Namun kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa dan guru dalam masa pandemi covid-19 ini kurang efesien. Menanggapi masalah di atas maka dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif berbasis android pada pelajaran Biologi untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Metode Research and Development dengan model ADDIE digunakan dalam mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif berbasis android pada pelajaran biologi kelas 1 SMA. Hasil pengujian kelayakan media pembelajaran oleh ahli materi menunjukkan 88%, untuk ahli media menunjukkan 83%, dan penilaian siswa terhadap media pembelajaran adalah 87%. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian ini maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif berbasis android pada Pelajaran Biologi layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.