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PENGEMBANGAN UMKM MELALUI PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN MASYARAKAT TERHADAP PROSES DIGITAL MARKETING Yogaswara, Dendi; Asidqi, Ayu Aliyah; Faza, Zhilan Muhammad; Muhamad, Yusup; Amanah, Mala Hasanatul; Sulaeman, Ade Saep; Soleh, Soleh; Syauqi, Naufal Azhar; Khoirotunnisa, Siti Luthfiah; Rahman, Muhamad Ridwan; Aripin, Muhamad; Maulana, Rif’at; Bunga, Silvia; Kamila, Hazna Tiara; Alwi, Muhamad; Firmasyah, Denny; Khautsar, Ferdinand Al; Fauzi, M Ripki; Rohman, Fauza; Alawiyah, Siti Rahmah
Jurnal PkM MIFTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2024): Jurnal PkM MIFTEK
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/miftek/v.5-1.1479


Mayoritas pelaku UMKM di Desa Panembong sebagian besar berpendidikan SD dan SMP sehingga dapat dikategorikan berpendidikan rendah. Hal ini berdampak terhadap peningkatan kapasitas produksi dan pemasaran. Permasalahan yang utama dalam pengetahuan pemasaran dimulai dari pelaku UMKM terutama rajut dan rengginang yang hanya memasarkan produk tanpa dukungan iklan baik itu secara tradisional maupun digital. Program workshop pelatihan pemasaran digital mengenai peningkatan pemasaran UMKM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pelaku UMKM dalam memasarkan produk dan meningkatkan kualitas pengetahuan tentang pemasaran. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metodologi Integrasi Relawan TIK, dimana dalam metode pelaksanaannya menggunakan metode offline. Hasil yang dicapai yaitu dengan meningkatnya pengetahuan pelaku UMKM dalam pemasaran produk sehingga membantu peningkatan kapasitas pemasaran UMKM rajut dan rengginang.
Studi Efektivitas Penambahan Cangkang Kemiri dan Superlasticizer pada Sifat Mekanik Beton Dahlan, Ayi; Yogaswara, Dendi; Febrijanto, Rudy
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 21 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.21-2.1415


Candlenut shells are hard and light, so there is potential to obtain a lighter weight concrete structure but of greater quality by partially replacing it or adding coarse aggregate with candlenut shells. In this research, candlenut shells were used as a substitute for coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture. The aim of this research is to determine the mechanical properties (compressive strength, split tensile strength and deflection strength) of concrete with the addition of candlenut shells and superplasticizer. The method used in this research is a quantitative method. The amount of candlenut shell material used is a substitution for the volume of coarse aggregate of 15%, 30% and 45%. There were two types of samples made in this research, including cylindrical samples with a diameter of 15 cm, height 30 cm, and blocks with dimensions of 10 cm x 15 cm x 60 cm. These samples were made for testing the compressive strength of concrete, splitting tensile strength of concrete and deflection strength of concrete. Concrete with the substitute material for candlenut shells is expected to achieve the planned compressive strength target of 20 MPa. Based on the test results for compressive strength, split tensile strength and concrete deflection strength, the average value for each variation was obtained. Mixture 1 (0%) has an average compressive strength value of 25.68 MPa, an average split tensile strength of 2.11 MPa, deflection strength of 2.85 MPa. Mixture 2 (15%) has a compressive strength of 20.28 MPa, split tensile strength of 1.55 MPa, deflection strength of 1.49 MPa. Mixture 3 (30%) has a compressive strength value of 16.64 MPa, split tensile strength 1.41 MPa, deflection strength 1.24 MPa and for Mixture 4 (45%) the compressive strength value is 12.96 MPa, split tensile strength 1.25 MPa, deflection strength 1.00 MPa.
Analisa Stabilitas Lereng Dengan Dinding Penahan Tanah: Studi Kasus: Desa Ciherang Kecamatan Nagreg Yogaswara, Dendi; Komarudin, Agus Deni
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 22 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.22-1.1536


Landslides are a disaster that often occurs in Ciherang Village. The high intensity of rainfall causes unstable slopes resulting in landslides in the Bandung-Garut highway area, Ciherang Village, Nagreg District, Bandung Regency. This area is a mountainous area which has medium to high potential for ground movement to occur. The aim of this research is to determine the stability of slopes using retaining wall reinforcement. Building a retaining wall in the Ciherang village area. One of its functions is to stabilize the land area around the road shoulder so that landslides or land subsidence do not occur due to natural factors (rain or flood) or the pressure factors of the loads acting on it. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method. Descriptive approach with observational data collection techniques in the field for measuring, observing and taking soil samples. A retaining wall is a structure built to support the surface of a slope. Permanent walls are used to withstand lateral pressure from unstable soil due to soil erosion or topographic conditions to overcome soil erosion problems and reduce the risk of road damage. Calculation of soil stress using the Rankine method and stability against failure of soil bearing capacity based on the Terzaghi equation based on characteristic parameters (c and Ø). The results of the calculation of the cantilever type retaining wall using soil data from laboratory tests with a retaining wall height of 8 m, base width (L) of 4.80 m, obtained a safety factor against overturning force of 3.2 and a safety factor for shear force of 1.73 . Both safety factors meet the minimum requirement of 1.20.
Pengaruh Penambahan Limbah Beton K-175 sampai K-225 pada Tanah Pasir Terhadap CBR Zhafirah, Athaya; Hidayah, Auliya Nurul; Yogaswara, Dendi
Siklus : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/siklus.v10i1.12125


Limbah beton dihasilkan dari proses pembongkaran suatu konstruksi. Sejauh ini, limbah beton hanya dibuang begitu saja atau ditimbun yang dalam jangka panjang akan berdampak buruk pada lingkungan. Maka dari itu, diperlukan usaha daur ulang limbah beton salah satunya dijadikan bahan tambah pada tanah dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan daya dukung tanah. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi daya dukung tanah dari nilai CBR setelah distabilisasi menggunakan limbah beton. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu kuantitatif eksperimental laboratorium. Variasi campuran limbah beton yang digunakan 10%, 15%, dan 25%. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini untuk CBR tanah asli; tanah dengan 10% limbah beton; tanah dengan 15% limbah beton; dan tanah dengan 25% limbah beton berturut-turut 5,781%; 14,314%; 15,027% dan 31,169%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, semakin banyak penambahan limbah beton pada tanah maka semakin meningkatkan CBR. Hal tersebut dikarenakan limbah beton mengisi rongga tanah dan meningkatkan daya lekat tanah.
Analisa Stabilitas Lereng Dengan Dinding Penahan Tanah: Studi Kasus: Desa Ciherang Kecamatan Nagreg Yogaswara, Dendi; Komarudin, Agus Deni
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 22 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.22-1.1536


Landslides are a disaster that often occurs in Ciherang Village. The high intensity of rainfall causes unstable slopes resulting in landslides in the Bandung-Garut highway area, Ciherang Village, Nagreg District, Bandung Regency. This area is a mountainous area which has medium to high potential for ground movement to occur. The aim of this research is to determine the stability of slopes using retaining wall reinforcement. Building a retaining wall in the Ciherang village area. One of its functions is to stabilize the land area around the road shoulder so that landslides or land subsidence do not occur due to natural factors (rain or flood) or the pressure factors of the loads acting on it. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method. Descriptive approach with observational data collection techniques in the field for measuring, observing and taking soil samples. A retaining wall is a structure built to support the surface of a slope. Permanent walls are used to withstand lateral pressure from unstable soil due to soil erosion or topographic conditions to overcome soil erosion problems and reduce the risk of road damage. Calculation of soil stress using the Rankine method and stability against failure of soil bearing capacity based on the Terzaghi equation based on characteristic parameters (c and Ø). The results of the calculation of the cantilever type retaining wall using soil data from laboratory tests with a retaining wall height of 8 m, base width (L) of 4.80 m, obtained a safety factor against overturning force of 3.2 and a safety factor for shear force of 1.73 . Both safety factors meet the minimum requirement of 1.20.