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Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional, Level Pendidikan, dan Optimisme terhadap Kebahagiaan pada Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Husnul Khotimah Rustam Rustam Laoheng; Dr. Nurul Hidayah, S.Psi., M.Si., Psikolog; Drs. Mujidin, M.Si., Ph.D
Jurnal Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 12 No 1 (2021): JURNAL EVALUASI PENDIDIKAN

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Happiness is a positive feeling. The purpose on this study is to know effect emotional intelligence, level of education, and optimism to happiness on students. Design study is purposive-quota sampling and google form. In this article, researcher using self-taught scale for 3 variable. Anacova was technique for analysis. There were 117 respondents who met the criteria with a composition of 36 junior high school and 81 senior high school. The results of the study described that there was no effect of EI, EL and optimism on happiness. The strength of each predictor was weak, but indicated that emotional intelligence and optimism correlate and even become an inseparable part of happiness.. Happiness was dynamic, dis not persist and change moods due to other factors that were not observed. Each individual could feel and evaluate happiness so that the value of happiness could not be generalized. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Education Level, Optimism, & Students.
The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Social Support: Predicting The Students' Learning Achievement Improvement Mujidin Mujidin; Ajeng Rizky Ardhia Pramesti; Husnul Khotimah Rustam
PSIKOPEDAGOGIA Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 10, No 1: June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/psikopedagogia.v10i1.20488


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of emotional intelligence and social support with learning achievement in class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Bengkulu Selatan. This study is a non-experimental study with a correlational design to determine the effect of emotion regulation on students' learning achievement. This study proves two hypotheses, first, there is a significant emotional intelligence with an increase in student achievement. Second, there is a significant relationship between social support and an increase in student achievement. This study collected data from 89 students using a random technique from the population of SMA Negeri 1 Bengkulu Selatan. The data collection instruments used were emotional intelligence questionnaires, social support questionnaires and student achievement documents. The analysis used is more specific, namely simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement with an rxy value of 0.283 plus a p value of 0.013. Furthermore, second hypotheses, there is a significant relationship between social support and an increase in student achievement was rejected with a p value of 0.064 and clarified with an rxy value of 0.212, which means that there is no relationship between social support and increased learning achievement. The results of this study can be used as a reference to determine the right way to deal with students' academic and problems with guidance and counseling that is fun to maximize emotional intelligence, social support and student achievement.
Hubungan Bersyukur kepada Tuhan dan Perilaku Bersedekah dengan Kebahagiaan pada Mahasiswa Mujidin Mujidin; Nahdhoh Millati; Husnul Khotimah Rustam
Counsellia: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 11, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/counsellia.v11i2.8876


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel bersyukur kepada Tuhan, perilaku bersedekah dan kebahagiaan secara bersamaan pada mahasiswa. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 80 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Cluster Random Sampling yaitu menentukan sampel yang dilakukan dengan secara acak tanpa memperhatikan strata yang ada dalam. Teknik analisis yang digunakan ialah korelasi ganda dengan koefisien signifikansi Sig< 0,05 dinyatakan ada hubungan signifikan. Temuan penelitian ini pada salah satu hipotesisnya diterima yakni ada hubungan yang signifikan antar bersyukur dengan kebahagiaan dari korelasi senilai 0,000. Sedangkan secara simultan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara bersyukur kepada Tuhan dan perilaku bersedekah dengan kebahagiaan. Penelitian berikutnya diharapkan mampu menjangkau lebih banyak aspek dan bidang lainnya seperti memasukkan bimbingan dan konseling yang lebih terarah untuk hasil penelitian yang lebih maksimal.
Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Siswa dengan Menerapkan Kecerdasan Emosional dan Dukungan Sosial pada Siswa SMA Mujidin Mujidin; Ajeng Rizky Ardhia Pramesti; Husnul Khotimah Rustam
EDUKATIF : JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN Vol 3, No 4 (2021): August Pages 1101-2382
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (521.837 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/edukatif.v3i4.644


Dukungan sosial dan kecerdasan emosional menjadi penggerak siswa dalam belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dukungan sosial dan kecerdasan emosional terhadap prestasi belajar pada siswa kelas XI. Sampel yang digunakan adalah siswa-siswi kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Bengkulu Selatan. Jumlah responden sebanyak 78 orang. Kami mengumpulkannya dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Diuji dengan analisis regresi berganda dua prediktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh signifikan dukungan sosial dan kecerdasan emosional terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Kecerdasan emosional dengan nilai signifikan 0,013 yang berarti semakin tinggi kecerdasan emosional maka semakin tinggi pula prestasi belajar. Siswa memiliki manajemen emosi dan motivasi yang kuat sehingga mampu beradaptasi dengan baik walaupun dengan situasi yang membosankan, mengantuk, sulit, dan tidak mudah diprediksi. Kecerdasan emosional memberi dampak positif sekaligus mendukung siswa untuk memperhatikan nilai sekolah maupun perangkat lainnya yang berkaitan dengan sekolah. Penelitian ini sudah membuktikan adanya pengaruh kecerdasan emosional, meskipun dukungan sosial tidak signifikan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan sebagai evaluasi terhadap kualitas belajar siswa dan tentunya dukungan sosial dapat tercapai. 
Peninjauan Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Tindakan Pencegahan Terhadap Penyakit Rabies di Soppeng Murtini; Kassaming; Husnul Khotimah Rustam; Sudirman
Jurnal Infokes Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Rekam Medis dan Informatika Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

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Rabies is a deadly disease that is transmitted from animals to humans and attacks the central nervous system. Dogs are the main source of transmission of rabies to humans through saliva containing the rabies virus. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes and preventive actions against rabies in the UPTD Work Area of ​​Tanjonge Health Center, Soppeng Regency. This study used an analytic observational method with a cross sectional approach. Many samples used, namely 32 samples, data obtained by interviewing respondents using questionnaires that have been structured in a structured manner. The results showed that the proportion of the relationship between knowledge and rabies showed that a good knowledge of rabies with symptoms of anxiety was 59%. Meanwhile, rabies with wound pain is 15%. The results of the Chi-Square bivariate analysis on the knowledge variable are p-value = 0.028, attitude variable p-value = 0.13 and the precautionary variable p-value = 0.38. Judging from the p-value that knowledge has a significant relationship with rabies, while attitudes and precautions do not have a significant relationship with rabies. It is hoped that other research can be conducted with variables not examined in this study. For the UPTD of the Tanjonge Health Center, conducting promotive and preventive efforts to the community by increasing public knowledge through counseling about rabies.
The Hedonistic Lifestyle among Students: Influence by Gratitude and Self-Control Mujidin M Mujidin; Hindriyati Muhamat; Husnul Khotimah Rustam
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 11 No 4 December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jehcp.v11i4.24632


Hedonism refers to a lifestyle that emphasizes pleasure and luxury. Current trend among students is living in luxury and extravagance. To measure the indication, this study aimed to determine the correlation between gratitude and self-control and hedonistic life style among students. The population was students of faculty of psychology of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, while the sample collected was class of 2019 students of 131 individuals. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. The students were asked to fill in three main scales, namely gratitude scale, self-control scale and hedonism scale. The data was analyzed using SPSS v16. This study was designed to describe statistical data that had been accumulated into several tables. The analysis results showed that there is a significant relationship between gratitude and self-control and hedonistic lifestyle among students. When students uphold crucial values, role models or principles, they are more likely to have better self-control and be able to suppress hedonistic urge. The findings of this study provide new insights on student lifestyle which is not as hedonistic, extravagant and lavish as initially supposed. Students that are smart in managing emotion, finance, academy, community, and communication with family are the implication of this study. Students are able to be grateful and find happiness not only in materialistic possession, but also in non-materialistic matters such as friendship and mutual sharing.
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Penerapan Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses Pada Pokok Bahasan Fungsi Organ Pernafasan Manusia di Kelas V Nur Rahmatan Mursalin; Husnul Khotimah Rustam
Tunas Nusantara Vol 4, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/jtn.v4i2.3806


Sometimes students do not understand the lessons at school because they do not understand and the learning process is monotonous. Students to know the lesson including the function of human respiratory organs in grade V students. However, this research is more interesting and fun by professional teachers. For this reason, research is closely related to student interaction. The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes through the application of a process skills approach to the subject of the function of the human respiratory organ. This research is assisted by qualitative methods. In particular, this research was designed with the type of Classroom Action Research (CAR). The number of research samples was 14 students of class V. The results of this study showed that the results obtained in cycle 1 showed satisfactory results in accordance with the predetermined success criteria, namely 70% with the lowest score of 70. The results of the study changed the cycle 2 with the addition of a deeper understanding of the material so that student learning outcomes are more than 70. Students understand the material of the respiratory organs well, so that students are expected to be actively involved in other subjects so that the improvement also increases.
Examining Student Resilience by Observing the Effect of Social Support and Optimism Erlina Estiyanti Widuri; Mujidin Mujidin; Husnul Khotimah Rustam; Miftakhur Rohmah
Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um001v8i22023p127-136


Abstract: There are many negative situations that make students depressed and very stressed with their academics. Students who lack endurance need conducive conditions through social support and strong optimism. This study aimed to test the effect of social support and optimism on the resilience of students working on their thesis. The subjects involved were 79 active students of the faculty of psychology. This study was conducted with quantitative methods using three scales: resilience, social support, and optimism. Sampling was performed using the purposive sampling technique, while the analysis employed the multiple linear regression technique. The results of the major hypothesis analysis show a very significant relationship between social support and student optimism and the resilience of students working on their thesis. The findings of this study can be a significant discussion topic for researchers or other education practitioners to prioritize establishing student resilience in writing final projects and encourage further research related to predominant factors that influence the attitudes of final-year students. Abstrak: Terdapat banyak faktor dari situasi negatif yang membuat mahasiswa tertekan dan sangat stress dengan kondisi akademiknya. Siswa yang daya tahannya kurang membutuhkan kondisi yang kondusif melalui dukungan sosial dan optimisme yang kuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh dukungan sosial dan optimisme terhadap resiliensi mahasiswa yang mengerjakan skripsi. Subyek yang terlibat sebanyak 79 mahasiswa aktif fakultas psikologi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan tiga skala yaitu resiliensi, dukungan sosial, dan optimisme. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, sedangkan analisis menggunakan teknik regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis hipotesis mayor menunjukkan ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara dukungan sosial dengan optimisme mahasiswa dan resiliensi mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan skripsi. Temuan penelitian ini dapat menjadi topik diskusi yang signifikan bagi peneliti atau praktisi pendidikan lainnya guna memprioritaskan pembentukan resiliensi mahasiswa dalam menulis tugas akhir dan mendorong penelitian lebih lanjut terkait faktor dominan yang memengaruhi sikap mahasiswa tingkat akhir.
Self Efficacy dan Positive Affect: Apakah ada pengaruhnya terhadap Self Regulated Learning Mujidin Mujidin; Husnul Khotimah Rustam; Nurbowo Budi Utomo
Publisher : Mata Pena Madani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51849/j-p3k.v4i2.205


Kegiatan siswa tidak lepas dari tuntutan akademiknya. Namun, mereka sering memiliki masalah dengan pembelajaran mandiri – masalah mendasar yang perlu dipecahkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji apakah efikasi diri dan afek positif berpengaruh terhadap self regulated learning. Self-efficacy meningkatkan moral siswa. Pernyataan ini didukung oleh temuan kami dari 167 siswa, yang menyoroti bahwa self-efficacy dan pengaruh positif secara positif mempengaruhi self-regulated learning. Tiga alat ukur yang digunakan: skala pengaturan diri (37 item), skala efikasi diri (36 item), dan skala pengaruh positif (38 item). Temuan kami mengungkapkan bahwa siswa dengan self-efficacy tinggi akan lebih percaya diri dalam menyelesaikan tugas dibandingkan dengan self-efficacy rendah. Dengan demikian, guru dan orang tua dapat meningkatkan efikasi diri siswa dengan membatasi faktor-faktor negatif yang mengganggu peningkatan efikasi diri, seperti kecemasan. Selain itu, dapat mendorong tumbuhnya faktor-faktor positif seperti memfasilitasi perkembangan kondisi fisik siswa yang prima. Selain itu, pengaruh positif meningkatkan pikiran positif, yang dapat membantu siswa menyelesaikan tugas mereka, memperoleh prestasi, dan meningkatkan keterlibatan aktif dan kemandirian mereka. Implikasi dan saran untuk penelitian masa depan akan dibahas lebih lanjut.