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Publisher : UIR PRESS

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Pekanbaru known as the city of the business, many youth and also students who comes to Pekanbaru to looking for the experience and knowledge to reach their goal and ambition, on their  life every human definitely can’t escape from the norm and religious rules which that regulated by the community especially in Pekanbaru City, however in Pekanbaru City there is also a darkside for the college women who had wrong to use their social media and then they are fall into the delinquent crimes. The methods which that used from the researcher are qualitative methods with the essay research which is descriptive and analizing. And also researcher used the Differential Association Theory, Interview and collecting the data will analyze the interview documents which is commited by researcher. Due to the phenomena and factor which is occured on college women which that first is financial and the second is lack of parental attention and the third is promiscuity, however as we know the online media are evolved and then the crimes are happen again and increased so high, like the prostitution problem that occured especially on their environment, so that the problem makes the researcher interested to research and looking for the accurate data source based from trusted fact.
Bentuk Cyberbullying Terhadap Publik Figur Di Media Sosial Instagram (Studi Kasus Pada “Rahmawati Kekeyi”) Novarizal, Riky; Dhea Pasela, Anjeli
SISI LAIN REALITA Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Sisi Lain Realita Viktimisasi Kejahatan
Publisher : UIR PRESS

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Even though the Indonesian state has Law No.11 of 2009 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions in Article 27 paragraph (3) of the ITE Law which regulates criminal sanctions for perpetrators of bullying insults, this does not necessarily stop bullies from intensifying their actions in the media social.  An Indonesian public figure named Kekeyi is hotly discussed on Instagram.  Not everything done by Kekeyi received positive responses.  Kekeyi is one of the many public figures in Indonesia who experience cyberbullying on social media.  Research aims to determine the forms of cyberbullying that Kekeyi accepted on his Instagram account because cyberbullying has various forms.  This study uses a visual criminology method with content analysis. The theoretical basis used is critical victimology theory.  Based on the visuals and data analysis conducted, it is concluded that all forms of cyberbullying by Price & Dalgleish (2010) have been experienced by the public figure of Rahmawati Kekeyi on Instagram social media.  Which consists of called names (giving negative names), image of victim spread, threats to physical safety (threatened physical harm), and opinion slammed (derogatory opinion).  In the context of cyberbullying, it was found that cyberbully in the form of opinion slammed is a form of cyberbullying that is mostly experienced by Kekeyi. And most occur in the comments column.
Pelecehan Seksual Terhadap Anak Dibawah Umur (Studi Kasus Pada Korban “X” Di Kecamatan Bandar Petalangan, Kabupaten Pelalawan) Sartika Purnama Sari, Robi; Novarizal, Riky
SISI LAIN REALITA Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Sisi Lain Realita Perempuan dan Anak
Publisher : UIR PRESS

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In general this study aims to provide an overview of the impact of sexual harassment on minors in the Bandar Petalangan District. Pelalawan District. Sex is an experienced part of human life. God created humans with sex and created sex in maintaining the continuity of human existence. However, sometimes there are some people. Experience the wrong sexual orientation so that the outlet for their sexual needs tends to abouse and even torture children. This paper will find out the effects of sexiual abouse on minors. This research uses qualitative research method with descriptive type. Which explains the effects of sexual harassment on minors that will be raised by the author in this discussion is traumatic Sexualization, Betrayal, feeling helpless, stigmazation
SISI LAIN REALITA Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Sisi lain Realita Kejahatan Lingkungan
Publisher : UIR PRESS

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Forest was a green area in whic there is a lot of life both animal, plants, and human, presence of forest influence life around that forest be it ecologically, economic, and culturally.but what happened whem forest area having damaged and decreased quality owned then it will have an impact on the arrounding area. Destruction forest caused some factor natural and unnatural. This research studying damage factor happened in Tesso Nilo area district Pelalawan with qualitative and desriptive method, and routinity theory, whic shown that forrest damaged factor this area in the form of land fires, illegal logging, land clearing, elephant conflict.
Latent of The Victims: Perlakuan Terhadap Anak Paska Mengalami Kekerasan Seksual Fernando, Henky; Larasati, Yuniar Galuh; Indiyanto, Agus; Novarizal, Riky; Latif, Syahrul Akmal
Endogami: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Antropologi Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Antropologi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/endogami.6.2.170-182


The treatments of children after experiencing sexual violence from their social structure does little to make children become victims again in the process of resilience. Studies that have discussed this context have only focused on handling the victim's condition, so they have not comprehensively explained the treatment received by the victim. This study focuses on the question "How is the treatment received by children after experiencing sexual violence by their social structure?" To answer this question, this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach in exploring cases of sexual violence against minors through online media coverage. The process of reading the news is focused on news titles that contain cases, victims, and the treatment received by children after experiencing sexual violence. Important findings in this study show that children after experiencing sexual violence often experience intimidation, discrimination, and decisions that are counterproductive to their social structure, such as the family, community, and school authorities. Based on these findings it is possible to formulate a concept of Latent of the victims as a contribution to this study. This study also recommends the importance of comparing cases, victims, and treatment received by children after experiencing sexual violence by interviewing groups of girls and boys who are macro and more empirical.
Mengukur Ketersediaan Instrumen Penyembuhan Psikologis pada Pengungsi Asal Afganistan Novarizal, Riky; Siregar, Rahmat Amin
Kaganga:Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah dan Riset Sosial Humaniora Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Kaganga: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah dan Riset Sosial Humaniora
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/kaganga.v7i1.8836


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur ketersediaan instrumen penyembuhan psikologis pada pengungsi asal Afganistan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa faktor penyebab depresi dan trauma pengungsi adalah lingkungan, finansial, merasa kehilangan identitas dan kebudayaannya dan keterbatasan layanan. Dari sembilan instrumen hanya terdapat dua instrumen penyembuhan psikologis pada partisipan penelitian ini. Beberapa instrumen dan proses lainnya, sebagaimana yang dibangun oleh ahli, tidak selalu harus terpenuhi namun dapat menutupi atau mengurangi dampak dari depresi dan trauma guna mencegah tindakan bunuh diri oleh pengungsi. Simpulan penelitian bahwa dalam mengukur kesembuhan psikologis dalam penanganan depresi, trauma, dan stres menggunakan pendekatan keyakinan, keagamaan, dan praktik spiritual. Kata kunci: Pengungsi, Bunuh Diri, Depresi dan Trauma, Healing
Crime of the Personal Closeness: Characteristics Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse Fernando, Henky; Larasati, Yuniar Galuh; Pabbajah, Mustaqim; Latif, Syahrul Akmal; Novarizal, Riky
Nurani Vol 23 No 1 (2023): Nurani: jurnal kajian syari'ah dan masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v23i1.16190


The characteristics of perpetrators of sexual abuse against children appear in complex patterns of relationships. Studies that had discussed this phenomenon have only focused on the existence of victims, so they have not comprehensively explained the characteristics of the perpetrators. This study focuses on the question "How are the characteristics of perpetrators of sexual abuse against children?" To answer this question, this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach in exploring cases of sexual abuse against children through online media coverage. The reading of the news is focused on news headlines that contain cases, victims, and perpetrators of sexual abuse against children. Important findings in this study show that the perpetrators of sexual abuse against children are not least carried out by those closest to the child biologically, socially, and structurally, such as parents, neighbors, and teachers at school. Based on these findings, it is possible to formulate a concept of the crime of personal closeness as a contribution to this study. This study also recommends the importance of comparing cases, victims, and perpetrators of sexual abuse by interviewing groups of girls and boys on a more macro and more empirical basis.
Criminal Careers and Drug Abuse Among Adolescents in Indonesia Latif, Syahrul Akmal; Som, Ahmad Puad Mat; Novarizal, Riky
Nurani Vol 24 No 1 (2024): Nurani: jurnal kajian syari'ah dan masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v24i1.22276


The engagement of adolescents in drug abuse cases is a complex process that requires explanation and reflection. This study aims to explain the criminal careers of adolescents engaged in drug abuse. Such inclinations are often overlooked in studies concerning adolescent involvement in drug abuse cases in Indonesia. In addition to addressing the inadequacies of prior research, this study aims to expound the criminal careers of adolescents involved in drug abuse cases in Indonesia. This is a descriptive qualitative study that utilizes primary and secondary data. The study's findings highlight three important situations of adolescents' criminal careers in drug abuse cases. Firstly, the initial phase of adolescent drug abuse is precipitated by experimentation, peer influence, and a curiosity about drugs. Secondly, active drug abuse among adolescents manifests in various forms such as users, abusers, and addicts. Lastly, active participation in drug abuse among adolescents leads to a progression in behavior from from users to dealers, users to sellers, and addicts to dealers. This study also emphasizes the need to explain the perceptions and motivations of adolescents who engage in drug abuse cases to acquire a better understanding of their conduct.