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Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Produksi Dalam Sistem Logistik (Pendekatan Berbasis Praktikum Laboratorium) Ruswandi, Nanda; Herlina, Rohma; Suri, Faras Karningtia; Dianisa, Pramesti Adwinda; Sandi, Evelyn; Sukarno, Iwan; Liperda, Rahmad Inca; Lusiani, Mirna
UNISTEK Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021 - Januari 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33592/unistek.v8i2.1151


The concept of Production Planning and Control is closely related to logistics activities, including in determining the production of a product. Production planning and control aims to get a complete picture of how to plan and control production in the industry of each company, so that all costs can be reduced. Production planning, Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP), Material Requirement Planning (MRP), Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP), and Line Balancing are some of the steps that need to be done in providing an overview of the production planning and control system at the "Tamiya" Company. Production planning results in the amount of "Tamiya" production in a certain period by considering SEE and the most appropriate production strategy that results in total costs. MPS validation considerations are the output of the RCCP calculation, a comparison of the ratio of the required capacity to the capacity of the company. The MRP stage reduces production due to material unavailability, the result is the best material scheduling based on the lot sizing method which provides the lowest cost. CRP generates Planned Input and Planned Output per work station to see the balance between load and capacity. Line Balancing functions to balance assignments through the Ranking Position Weight (RPW) and Presedence Diagram methods, getting results in the form of updating the layout of the assignment so that the efficiency of the production line can be improved
Model Simulasi Sistem Diskrit untuk Meminimasi Rata-rata Waktu Tunggu Truk (Studi Kasus PT. XYZ) Rachmawati, Nur Layli; Dianisa, Pramesti Adwinda
JURMATIS (Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Teknik Industri) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/jurmatis.v4i2.2371


Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum), as a raw material sugar-making process, is the essential component for the sugar industry, including PT XYZ. Sugarcane is a perishable good with 48 hours shelf life after being cut from the garden; if it exceeds the shelf life, the sugarcane yield will decrease. The random pattern of truck arrivals causes a queue of trucks within the factory. This study aims to reduce the average waiting time of entities in the system using discrete simulations. Discrete-event simulation is used to capture changes in variables and has been widely used to solve queuing problems. We developed four scenarios to seek the better solution. Scenario 1 is to shift the location of the sugarcane unloading tables 1 and 2. Scenario 2 is to add one location for unloading the sugarcane table. Scenario 3 adds the function of unloading small ankle trucks and large ankles on sugar cane loading tables 4 and 5. Scenario 4 is developed by combining scenarios 1 and 3. The results show that the reduction in average waiting time of scenario 1: long truck 15.9 minutes and small ankle truck 124.6 minutes; scenario 2: small ankle truck 5.5 minutes; scenario 3: small ankle truck 95.5 minutes; scenario 4: small ankle truck 163.3 minutes and long truck 13.1 minutes.  Based on those scenarios, scenario 4 obtained the best solution with a total decrease the average truck time in the system of 176.4 minutes or 8% better than existing system. Tebu (Saccharum Officinarum) sebagai bahan baku pembuatan gula menjadi komponen paling penting bagi industri pengolahan gula, termasuk PT XYZ. Tebu bersifat perishable dengan masa simpan maksimal selama 48 jam setelah ditebang dari kebun, dan jika melebihi waktu simpan maka kadar rendemen tebu akan menurun. Pola kedatangan truk yang acak menyebabkan timbulnya antrean truk dalam pabrik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengurangi antrean truk dengan indikator pengurangan rata-rata waktu tunggu entitas dalam sistem menggunakan simulasi diskrit. Simulasi diskrit digunakan karena dapat menangkap perubahan variabel dan telah banyak digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan antrian, Simulasi menggunakan 4 skenario usulan. Skenario 1 adalah dengan menggeser lokasi meja tebu bongkar 1 dan 2. Skenario 2 adalah dengan menambah satu lokasi meja tebu bongkar. Skenario 3 adalah dengan menambahkan fungsi bongkar truk engkel kecil dan engkel besar pada meja tebu bongkar 4 dan 5. Sedangkan skenario 4 dikembangkan dengan cara menggabungkan skenario 1 dan 3. Berdasarkan skenario, pengurangan waktu tunggu rata-rata skenario 1: truk gandengan 15.9 menit dan truk engkel kecil 124.6 menit; skenario 2: truk engkel kecil 5.5 menit; skenario 3: truk engkel kecil 95.5 menit; scenario 4: truk engkel kecil 163.3 menit dan 13.1 menit untuk truk gandengan. Skenario terbaik adalah skenario 4 dengan penurunan total sebanyak 176.4 menit atau 8% dari sistem eksisting.