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Analisis Klaim Al-Ghazali tentang Tindakan Allah dalam 'Al-Iqtisad fi al-I'tiqad': Kajian terhadap Bantahan atas Pemikiran Mu'tazilah Haya, Haya; Hosaini, Hosaini; Afrita , Juwika; Bustomi, Muhamad Yazid
Progresif : Media Publikasi Ilmiah Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): PROGRESIF : MEDIA PUBLIKASI ILMIAH
Publisher : Universitas Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61595/progresif.v11i2.928


Imam Al-Ghazali, whose full name is Abu Hamid bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-Ghazali, is a prominent figure in Islamic philosophy and theology who was born in 450 AH near Thus, Khurasan, Islamic Republic of Iraq. His important work, "Al-Iqtisad fi al-I'tiqad" (Balance in Belief), provides an in-depth view of Allah's actions, while also being a critical response to Mu'tazilite rationalist thought. This research aims to analyze al-Ghazali's claims regarding Allah's actions and discuss his refutation of Mu'tazilah arguments which emphasize rationality and justice in Divine actions. Al-Ghazali argued that Allah has absolute freedom and his actions are not bound by human understandings of justice and rationality. In contrast, the Mu'tazilites argued that every action of Allah must be in accordance with the principles of justice that can be understood by human reason. This research uses text and context analysis to explore al-Ghazali's argumentative methods and their impact on the theological debates of his time, as well as to understand their relevance in Islamic theological discourse. The results of the research show that according to al-Ghazali, God can burden humans with something they are unable to do, which is different from the Mu'tazilah view which rejects this concept. The Mu'tazilites emphasized that God should not burden humans with something beyond their abilities, because this is considered unfair and destructive. This research provides in-depth insight into al-Ghazali's theological position in defending the doctrine of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah from the Mu'tazilite rationalist challenge
The Influence of Reward and Punishment-based Conflict Resolution on The Performance and Loyalty of Elementary School Teachers Haya, Haya; Wapa, Andi
PrimaryEdu : Journal of Primary Education Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Volume 8, Number 1, Februari 2024
Publisher : Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/pej.v8i1.4584


This research was conducted because of the problems of teacher loyalty and performance in elementary schools. This research aims to describe the effect of implementing reward punishment-based Conflict Resolution on the performance and loyalty of elementary school teachers. The research design uses a posttest only control group design. The research population of elementary school teachers was 401 participants. The sample consisted of 120 students who were divided into two experimental classes and two control classes using group random sampling techniques. Data analysis was carried out using ANOVA. The research results show the results of teacher performance and loyalty between those who follow reward and punishment-based conflict resolution policies and those who follow conventional policies with an F_cal value of 22.284 > Ftab (3.93). It can be concluded that there are differences in results between the group of teachers who took part in reward and punishment-based conflict resolution treatment and the teachers who took part in the conventional-based conflict resolution group.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Pelatihan Budidaya Maggot untuk Pengelolaan Sampah Organik menjadi Alternatif Pakan Ternak dan Pupuk di Kelurahan Olak Kemang Puja, Muhammad; Rahmad , Rayhan Fadhillah; Prihandani, Ghina; Fatimah, Rika; Fitrilla, Adinda; Lestari , Ayu; Haya, Haya; Rahma, Zulpatur; Humairoh, Sayra; Syafitri, Restu; Widia, Widia; Fatona, Arsa; Sembiring, Dian Arisandy Eka Putra
Jurnal JUPEMA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): November 2024 (on progress)
Publisher : Laboratorium Pembelajaran FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jupema.v3i2.37099


Olak Kemang Village faces significant challenges in managing organic waste, impacting both the environment and health. Unmanaged organic waste produces methane, exacerbating global warming. To address this, IMABIO Universitas Jambi initiated a maggot cultivation training program, transforming waste into animal feed and fertilizer, while creating new economic opportunities. This study aims to empower the community through technical and business training for economic sustainability. The method includes surveys, training, and the establishment of a local organization. As a result, community awareness has increased, and income has grown through the sale of dried maggots. This program offers practical solutions and empowers the community, with the potential to serve as a model for other areas. Abstrak. Kelurahan Olak Kemang menghadapi tantangan besar dalam pengelolaan sampah organik, yang berdampak pada lingkungan dan kesehatan. Sampah organik yang tidak dikelola menghasilkan metana, memperburuk pemanasan global. Untuk mengatasi ini, IMABIO Universitas Jambi memulai program pelatihan budidaya maggot, mengubah sampah menjadi pakan ternak dan pupuk, serta membuka peluang ekonomi baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberdayakan masyarakat dengan pelatihan teknis dan bisnis untuk keberlanjutan ekonomi. Metode meliputi survei, pelatihan, dan pembentukan organisasi lokal. Hasilnya, kesadaran masyarakat meningkat dan pendapatan bertambah melalui penjualan maggot kering. Program ini menawarkan solusi praktis dan memberdayakan masyarakat, berpotensi menjadi model bagi daerah lain.