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Historis : Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Juni

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/historis.v6i1.5324


Abstrak: Peneliti mendeskripsikan bagaimana respon mahasiswa terhadap materi pembelajaran Sejarah Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam (SPEI) di kelas apakah mudah, sedang atau sulit dalam memahami. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa STEI Hamfara Yogyakarta angkatan 2019 yang mengikuti matakuliah SPEI. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon pembelajaran dan meningkatkan profesionalitas pembelajaran di kelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menganalisis data primer dan sekunder. Data primer menggunakan pertanyaan terbuka dengan teknik pengambilan sample judgment purposive sampling, sementara data sekunder dengan kajian literatur. Hasilnya rata-rata mahasiswa yang mudah memahami materi di kelas 71.405%, sedang 16.65% dan sulit 11.93% dengan sebagian besar respon memiliki kendala jaringan internet. Informasi terdahulu merupakan faktor utama dalam memahami pembelajaran, dan fasilitas sudah baik. Rekomendasinya yaitu dengan melakukan pengujian terhadap materi pra kelas untuk mengukur informasi terdahulu mahasiswa. Penelitian ini berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan keterampilan profesionalitas dan kualitas pembelajaran.Abstract:  The researcher describes how the student response to the History of Islamic Economic Thought (SPEI) learning material in the classroom is whether it is easy, medium or difficult to understand. The study was conducted on 2019th batch of STEI Hamfara Yogyakarta students who took the SPEI course. The aim is to find out how the learning responses and improve the professionalism of learning in the classroom. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method by analyzing primary and secondary data. The primary data used open-ended questions with a judgmental purposive sampling technique, while the secondary data used a literature review. The result is that the average student who easily understands the material in class is 71.405%, moderate 16.65% and difficult 11.93% with most of the responses having internet network problems. Prior information is a major factor in understanding learning, and the facilities are good. The recommendation is to test the pre-class material to measure the students' previous information. This research contributes to improving professional skills and learning quality.
Imanensi: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi Islam Vol 6 No 2 (2021): IMANENSI: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi Islam
Publisher : Forum Dosen Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (FORDEBI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34202/imanensi.6.2.2021.65-76


Abstrak Abstrak: Mengungkap Motivasi Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX Membangun Selokan Mataram. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui motivasi Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX membangun Selokan Mataram. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat kualitatif dengan sumber data dari beberapa artikel dan literatur. Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan sejarah menggunakan metode interpretasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga motivasi Sultan HB IX, yaitu kebijakan filosofis, ekonomis, dan nasionalisme. Motivasi filosofisnya adalah berasal dari ajaran Sunan Kalijaga bahwa kasultanan Yogyakarta bisa makmur jika dua sungai yang mengapit Yogyakarta dipertemukan dalam satu aliran. Motivasi ekonominya berhubungan dengan cara pandang penguasa dalam menyejahterakan petani untuk irigasi sawah. Pembangunan Selokan Mataram merupakan cermin nasionalisme Sultan dalam membela rakyat dari tuntutan Rhomusa Jepang. Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine the motivation of Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX to build the Mataram Sewer. The research method used is qualitative with data sources from several articles and literature. Data were analyzed by historical approach using interpretation method. The results showed that the three motivations of Sultan HB IX, namely philosophical policy, economics, and nationalism. The philosophical motivation is derived from the teachings of Sunan Kalijaga that the Sultanate of Yogyakarta can prosper if the two rivers flanking Yogyakarta are brought together in one stream. The economic motivation is related to the perspective of the authorities in the welfare of farmers for irrigating rice fields. The construction of the Mataram Sewer is a reflection of the Sultan's nationalism in defending the people from the demands of the Japanese Rhomusa.
Historis : Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 6, No 1 (2021): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/historis.v6i1.6851


Abstrak: Peneliti mendeskripsikan bagaimana respon mahasiswa terhadap materi pembelajaran Sejarah Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam (SPEI) di kelas apakah mudah, sedang atau sulit dalam memahami. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa STEI Hamfara Yogyakarta angkatan 2019 yang mengikuti matakuliah SPEI. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon pembelajaran dan meningkatkan profesionalitas pembelajaran di kelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menganalisis data primer dan sekunder. Data primer menggunakan pertanyaan terbuka dengan teknik pengambilan sample judgment purposive sampling, sementara data sekunder dengan kajian literatur. Hasilnya rata-rata mahasiswa yang mudah memahami materi di kelas 71.405%, sedang 16.65% dan sulit 11.93% dengan sebagian besar respon memiliki kendala jaringan internet. Informasi terdahulu merupakan faktor utama dalam memahami pembelajaran, dan fasilitas sudah baik. Rekomendasinya yaitu dengan melakukan pengujian terhadap materi pra kelas untuk mengukur informasi terdahulu mahasiswa. Penelitian ini berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan keterampilan profesionalitas dan kualitas pembelajaran.Abstract:  The researcher describes how the student response to the History of Islamic Economic Thought (SPEI) learning material in the classroom is whether it is easy, medium or difficult to understand. The study was conducted on 2019th batch of STEI Hamfara Yogyakarta students who took the SPEI course. The aim is to find out how the learning responses and improve the professionalism of learning in the classroom. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method by analyzing primary and secondary data. The primary data used open-ended questions with a judgmental purposive sampling technique, while the secondary data used a literature review. The result is that the average student who easily understands the material in class is 71.405%, moderate 16.65% and difficult 11.93% with most of the responses having internet network problems. Prior information is a major factor in understanding learning, and the facilities are good. The recommendation is to test the pre-class material to measure the students' previous information. This research contributes to improving professional skills and learning quality.
Kisah Sukses Pengelolaan Keuangan Publik Islam: Perspektif Historis Yuana Tri Utomo
At-Tauzi : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 17 No 2 (2017): Vol 17 / Desember 2017
Publisher : Pusat Studi Ekonomi Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam Hamfara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.808 KB)


This paper explains the history of Islamic public finance. Data is taken from journals, books and articles in the library. The reading of the data source by istiqrai with critically analyzed with historical phenomenologically approach is referring to the Prophet's era. The periode of management of Islamic public finance is threefold: prophet era, khulafaur rasyidun and umayyah abasiyyah, ottoman. In the prophetic periode, management of public finance was guided by al-Qur’an and Prophet SAW. The Prophet’s activity in managing public finance was due to his position as the founding of this system, for example is in the administration of baitulmal. During the khulafaur rasyidun: Abu Bakar, Umar, Utsman, Ali, management of public finance referred to al-Qur’an, sunnah and their ijtihad. At the Umar era, it was very prominent with the tafaadhul principle. The economic growth sped along with the expansion. In the umayyah, abasiyyah, utsmaniyyah periode each had features. The prominent Kholifah in Umayyah era was Umar Abdul Aziz managing public finance so well. There was difficult to find the poor recipients of zakat. The prominent kholifah in abassiyah was al-Ma’mun printing the dinnar. Kholifah in the Ottoman era was Sulaiman utilizing state’s property for the walfare of society.
Peran Umar Bin Khattab dalam Manajemen Konflik Yuana Tri Utomo
At-Tauzi : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 16 No 1 (2017): Vol 16 / Juni 2017
Publisher : Pusat Studi Ekonomi Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam Hamfara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.024 KB)


Omar ibn Khattab's era revealed good management from all sides of life. In performing his duties, Omar faced conflict because conflict always happens in life. Along with the development of Islamic Daulah, the problems faced by Muslims increasingly complex. Omar as a leader must be able to manage the various problems in order to take care of the needs of the Muslims. This study aims to determine the role of Omar ibn Khattab in managing the conflicts that occurred during his leadership. This research is included in qualitative-descriptive research with historical method so that data is obtained through books that discuss the life history of Omar ibn Khattab. The data analysis techniques using interactive models and triangulation of sources to obtain valid and reliable data. The results of this study indicate that the conflict in Omar's era occurred at the beginning and end of leadership. In conflict management, Omar ibn Khattab uses different methods of settlement depending on the problems at hand. Omar tends to use settlement methods with integrative problem solving and domination. Omar ibn Khattab's leadership directed the conflict to be resolved completely by applying the rules as appropriate
Analisis Manajemen Pengendalian Mutu Produksi pada Bakpiapia Djogja Tahun 2016 Berdasar Perencanaan Standar Produksi Mardiyah Rusydah; Yuana Tri Utomo
At-Tauzi : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 19 No 1 (2019): Vol 19 No 1 / Juni 2019
Publisher : Pusat Studi Ekonomi Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam Hamfara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1215.283 KB)


This study aims to analyze the quality control of production in bakpiapia based on production standard planning. This research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection methods using interviews, documentation and observation. Data analysis techniques using the interactive model of Milles and Huberman. The results showed that production quality control in bakpiapia based on standard production planning has been categorized as effective and efficient because bakpiapia already has measurements related to quality standards of quality and halal raw materials, trained labor, adequate equipment, regular production processes and excellence in product innovation. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended to the bakpiapia Yogyakarta to always improve the quality of production, which is to prioritize halal raw materials and more hygienic production processes.
Keagungan Islam; Komparasi Politik, Ekonomi, Keagamaan Antara Akbar Agung dan Sultan Agung Yuana Tri Utomo
At-Tauzi : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 20 No 1 (2020): Vol 20 No 1 / Juni 2020
Publisher : Pusat Studi Ekonomi Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam Hamfara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37820/attauzi.v20i1.115


Writing the greatness of Islamic civilization history has been presented by many intellectuals. However, many pearls of civilization are still buried inviting the next researchers to dig it back. Study of Islamic civilization history requires precision because of different perspectives due to various interpretations of historical facts. This paper describes two muslims figure in their respective periods and territories, Akbar Agung (1542-1605 M) in Hindia and Sultan Agung (1593-1645 M) in Nusantara. This paper uses a phenomenological descriptive by comparing three variables: political, economic, and religious. Intake of data through literature studies from libraries, collection books, and interviews with cultural figures. The data is analyzed by triangulations. The results reveal that phenomenon of Akbar and Sultan Agung in field of politics, economic and religious still felt today. The prominent political field of Akbar is an Indian territory that stretches with interfaith unity, while Sultan Agung becomes national hero of Indonesia for his services against the colonization. The prominent economic field for Akbar is prohibition of taxes for non-Muslims, while Sultan Agung is the VOC's debt to oppose the VOC. The prominent religious field for Akbar is teachings of divine and for Sultan Agung is unifying of Javanese calendar and Islam.
Strategi Memasuki Pasar Global Studi Kasus Yanto Pottery Kasongan Bantul azzarqa azzarqa; Yuana Tri Utomo; Zulhamdi Shaleh
Az-Zarqa': Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Islam Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Az-Zarqa'
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty of Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/azzarqa.v9i1.1432


Globalisasi berdampak signifikan terhadap perekonomian dalam negeri Indonesia. Di antara dampaknya adalah banyaknya pelaku ekonomi dari luar negeri yang datang ke Indonesia untuk membeli produk dalam negeri Indonesia. Salah satu produk yang diminati mereka adalah kerajinan gerabah di Kasongan. Yanto Pottery adalah perusahaan kerajinan gerabah yang berlokasi di Kasongan, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Kerajinan gerabah merupakan produk Kasongan yang banyak diminati oleh wisatawan asing dan memiliki peluang besar untuk memasuki pasar global. Yanto Pottery membutuhkan strategi untuk memasuki pasar global. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif dengan studi kasus di Yanto Pottery. Untuk mendapatkan data, peneliti melakukan pengamatan secara terus menerus dan wawancara langsung dengan pihak Yanto Pottery. Data dianalisis dengan teknik Miles dan Hubermen melalui proses tringgulasi. Proses tringgulasi dengan pengamatan yang berulang-ulang kemudian direduksi (data reduction), disajikan (data display), kemudian disimpulkan (conclusion drawing). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Yanto Pottery menggunakan strategi ekspor dalam memasuki pasar global dengan aktifitas ekspor tidak tetap. Ekspor yang dilakukan telah menjangkau Belanda, Autralia, Italy, dan Chile. Adapun kendala-kendala yang dialami oleh Yanto Pottey tidak terlalu memberikan gangguan yang berarti bagi perusahaan. 
Analisis Faktor Minat Beli Terhadap Buku Bacaan pada Mahasiswa UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Yuana Tri Utomo Utomo; Ismail Yusanto; Rizki Topan Ariawan
Jurnal Ekonomi KIAT Vol. 32 No. 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/kiat.2021.vol32(2).6983


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat beli mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta dalam membeli buku bacaan. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tekhnik studi pustaka dan penyebaran kuisioner kepada 115 responden. Data yang terkumpul diolah menggunakan metode analisis faktor dengan software Microsoft Excel untuk inputnya dan SPSS sebagai outputnya. Dari 20 variabel yang diteliti setelah dianalisis menghasilkan 5 faktor. Faktor-faktor yang hasil analisis kemudian diinterprestasi menjadi faktor sosial, faktor psikologis, faktor peran dan status, faktor kelompok, dan faktor persepsi. Secara garis besar faktor-faktor yang terbentuk tersebut dapat dikelompokkan sebagai lingkup lingkungan dan lingkup pribadi. Faktor yang terbentuk dalam penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa responden, yaitu mahasiswa UIN Suka, dalam membeli buku dipengaruhi oleh lingkungannya dan karena kesadaran pribadinya sendiri. Mencermati hal ini, maka: toko buku, penerbitan, lembaga akademik, dan yang semisalnya untuk kepentingan dakwah perlu mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor di atas sesuai dengan kapasitasnya masing-masing, sehingga buku yang diterbitkan laku di pasar dan memberikan manfaat positif bagi banyak orang. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the buying interest of students at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta in buying reading books. The process of collecting data was carried out by using library research techniques and distributing questionnaires to 115 respondents. The collected data is processed using factor analysis method with Microsoft Excel software for input and SPSS as output. From the 20 variables studied, after being analyzed, there were 5 factors. The factors that were analyzed were then interpreted into social factors, psychological factors, role and status factors, group factors, and perception factors. Broadly speaking, these formed factors can be grouped into environmental and personal spheres. The factors formed in this study indicate that the respondents, namely UIN Suka students, in buying books are influenced by their environment and because of their own personal awareness. Observing this, then: bookstores, publishing houses, academic institutions, and the like for the sake of da'wah need to consider the above factors according to their respective capacities so that the published books sell well in the market and provide positive benefits for many people.
Komparasi Kebijakan Politik, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Antara Akbar Agung dan Sultan Agung Yuana Tri Utomo
Mukaddimah: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah III Yogyakarta

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Writing about the greatness of the history of Islamic civilization has been presented by many intellectuals from various backgrounds. However, many pearls of civilization are still buried inviting the next researchers to dig it back. The study of the history of Islamic civilization requires precision because of different perspectives due to various interpretations of historical facts. In general, the history of Islam starts from the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW (571 M) tothe present modern era. This paper describes the figure of two Muslim rulers in their respective periods and territories, namely Akbar Agung (1542-1605 M) in Hindia and Sultan Agung (1593-1645 M) in Nusantara.This paper uses a phenomenological descriptive approach by comparing the three variables: the political side, the economic sideand the religious attitudes. Intake of data through literature studies from various libraries exist in several libraries of Yogyakarta, from collection books and from interviews of cultural figures. Then the data is analyzed with three step triangulation: reduction, display and conclution drawing.The results reveal that the phenomenon of Akbar Agung in India and Sultan Agung in the archipelago in the field of politics, economic and religious still felt today. In the very prominent political field of Akbar Agung is an Indian territory that stretches with interfaith unity, while Sultan Agung becomes the National Hero of Indonesia for his services against the Dutch colonization. In the most prominent economic field for Akbar Agung is the prohibition of taxes for nonMuslims and for Sultan Agung is the VOC>s debt to oppose the VOC. In the most prominent religious field for the Great Akbar is the teachings of the Divine and for Sultan Agung is the unifying of the Javanese calendar and Islam. Keywords: Islamic Civilization, Political, Economic and Religion Comparative.